Nancy Grace 9-30-08

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Tony has posted on another forum that claims to have verified that it is him. He says that Clint made a mistake and says that KC did NOT stay over on the 15th. He goes on to say that LE confirmed this with cellphone records...which our own sleuthers seem to be doing as well! :)

If it was really Tony that posted that....his story is changing? ......hmmm.....tends to make me wonder. I am just not sure about Tony and his roommates. Now, I am not defending Casey, but my gut feeling is that there is more to Tony and his roommates then everyone knows. I don't know what it is but I saw an interview they had with Greata waaay back and even at that time I had an uneasy feeling about them. Now I don't have a gut feeling that they were involved in Caylee's disappearance but my gut just tells me there is something......JMO.
George is beginning to sound like the only rational member of the family. He at least sounds as if he's answering questions truthfully without going off on obscure tangents.
Back to the video of Caylee with great grandpa --- did you all notice what he was singing? "Your Are My Sunshine" ----- "please don't take my sunshine away" --- how sad is that???
Quick question- didn't the Anthonys confirm that KC didn't pack anything of Caylee's on the 16th and all of her stuff was still in her room?
If it was really Tony that posted that....his story is changing? ......hmmm.....tends to make me wonder. I am just not sure about Tony and his roommates. Now, I am not defending Casey, but my gut feeling is that there is more to Tony and his roommates then everyone knows. I don't know what it is but I saw an interview they had with Greata waaay back and even at that time I had an uneasy feeling about them. Now I don't have a gut feeling that they were involved in Caylee's disappearance but my gut just tells me there is something......JMO.

Tony never said Casey was at his place on the night of the 15th. Only Clint did.
Ok. we know he lied in the interview re seeing inside the boot himself, I'm just wondering if that is a criminal offense? Is it only criminal if he lies to LE Or can he be charged with giving a false statement to the public?

No one would ever run for office...ever.
If it was really Tony that posted that....his story is changing? ......hmmm.....tends to make me wonder. I am just not sure about Tony and his roommates. Now, I am not defending Casey, but my gut feeling is that there is more to Tony and his roommates then everyone knows. I don't know what it is but I saw an interview they had with Greata waaay back and even at that time I had an uneasy feeling about them. Now I don't have a gut feeling that they were involved in Caylee's disappearance but my gut just tells me there is something......JMO.

Why do you say Tony is changing his story? Where have you seen a statement from him that KC stayed over on June 15th?
:eek: Who's website is this ysun?

It's M. Bart blogging...
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Zodiac Year: Sheep
Industry: Non-Profit
Occupation: Event Production & Non-Profit Management
Location: Los Angeles : CA : United States
Quick question- didn't the Anthonys confirm that KC didn't pack anything of Caylee's on the 16th and all of her stuff was still in her room?

Yes. CA confirms this in her interview with LE. She goes on to say that KC left lots of Caylee's clothes at the Nanny's and that she also told her that she bought her new stuff.
I think LP said this happened on the 15th and George did NOT see Casey & Caylee on the 16th b/c they left the home on the night of the 15th. He said Casey spent the nite of the 15th talking to anyone who would talk to her on her cell phone. He said George was not home on 15th, he was at work.

Listening to the entire interview with George, he says he was working the 3:00pm to 11:00pm shift on June 15th - Father's Day. So, he wasn't there when the fight between Cindy and Casey took place. He maintains that he saw Casey and Caylee leave at about 12:50pm on the 16th.

If George is accurate and he did see them, as he says, on the 16th, the only thing that would work is that Casey and Caylee left the house on the evening of June 15th, and didn't come home until the early morning hours.
Boston something else..Caylee was seen at the nursing home in white shorts and a blue top..would GA dare say she left wearing this if of couse the 15th is indeed the last day they were seen. All the more reason to pull the blue shorts, pink top and sunglasses out of his pocket, he's already familiar with that outfit.... JMO of course.

There's no way he would say "white shorts and a blue top" because he knows everyone has seen the video.

I'm wondering if Cindy or Casey changed Caylee into PJ's after the nursing home & before this big fight.

Again, I wish we knew what time the argument happened.

Can you imagine this big fight going on with Cindy almost choking Casey unconscious with Caylee in the house?

If she were sleeping I'm sure the fight woke her up.
Her name is Michelle Bart and she is a friend/PA for the A's. I guess the is going to post all the comments tomorrow. SHe is linked to that hope foundation in cali.
Obviously already working the defence's agenda..."villified by the media"..."can't get a fair trial"..."the constitution"...Here we go! (Does anyone here remember Marlene?)
Father's Day is Sunday, the 15th...fight took place that night while George is at work..let's assume George works 8 hours, from 11 to 7...time to get home...has breakfast at 7:45, watches his favorite show from noon to 1..When the heck does this guy sleep?

George works from 3 to 11, as per his interview statement to LE.
Listening to the entire interview with George, he says he was working the 3:00pm to 11:00pm shift on June 15th - Father's Day. So, he wasn't there when the fight between Cindy and Casey took place. He maintains that he saw Casey and Caylee leave at about 12:50pm on the 16th.

If George is accurate and he did see them, as he says, on the 16th, the only thing that would work is that Casey and Caylee left the house on the evening of June 15th, and didn't come home until the early morning hours.

Or KC left, hung out in her car (on the phone) and came back to pick up Caylee in the morning without her parent's seeing her.
I've "thought" it before as well but not like I'm "feeling" it now with all the stuff that just hit me like a ton of bricks LOL.

I agree. If there was a screaming fight the night of the 15th, Caylee had to be very upset when KC left with her. Caylee was tired from a long day and then was subjected to the fight. When my kids got overly tired it was hard for them to unwind. How did KC calm Caylee down, Chloroform?

This also explains why CA has lied to such extremes to protect KC. If CA admits the truth, she has to feel that she (CA) is to blame for Caylee's death due to her actions against KC on the 15th. If CA had not fought with KC on the 15th would Caylee still be alive?
Ok going back through my notes on KC's phone records:

Sunday 6/16
last call 15:46 or 3:46PM
no more calls until
17:05 or 5:05PM
then another break until
19:06 or 7:06

so you have 2 breaks - one 3"46 to 5:05 just a little over an hour
5:05 to 7:06 a break of 2 hours (this is when I think the fight happened)

George was not a home - he works 3 to 11 so only people there were CA, KC and Caylee

Now the calls continue from 7:06 PM up until 7/16 Monday at 3:22AM
then all calls stop again until

7:45 AM which is almost a four hour break.

Now another poster said that 7:45AM call was incoming to KC's phone and came from the house - so obviously KC was not at home.

I think during that 4 hour break was either when the deed was done or it was already done and she was trying to figure out what to do and finally just put her in the trunk.

As for how - well KC had been physically assualted and per LP was "freaked out" - and poor lil Caylee was probably tired and whiney and crying alot so she either could have strangled her (like CA tried to do to her) or Caylee was crying and screaming while KC was on the phone and she freaked and just started hitting Caylee in the head with the phone - IMO I believe that was more likely the case and why nobody wants the body found - can't fix a fractured skull. That would also explain why the hair was in the trunk - head wound hair loss.

I started researching the ping locations but that takes quite a bit of time. I also started gathering who matches which numbers. Haven't gotten back to it lately - been busy with my life - lol.
Hope this helps.
I think we are narrowing down the timeline.

1. Big argument on 6/15 between KC and her mom after the Mt. Dora visit. KC says Cindy choked her- is she telling the truth?
2. 6/15 was the last known sighting of Caylee alive. Did KC leave the house and did she take Caylee with her?
3. Tony claims KC spent that night with him without Caylee- is he telling the truth?
4. George claims she saw KC and Caylee the next afternoon- is he telling the truth? If not, is it an obvious lie or is he just confusing 6/16 with some other day?
5. Is it possible KC killed Caylee after the fight on June 15?

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