Nancy Grace - Monday, 11/24/2008

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:eek:I'm never talking my myself again...don't want to be a Cindy:crazy:
I caught that too.

Was there a container that they got rid of????

I haven't seen anyone from the tow yard state there was a container in the trunk but who knows? The tow yard guy(name escapes me) just spoke about the trash bag.
RIGHT! How many times we the public see video's of people in LE / FBI depositions,questioning.................ALL THE TIME! So GA was a bad homecide detecive if he doesn't know this!!! And I think there were papers to sign and cameras in plain view. I had a business and I had to state 'camera in use'........everywhere! state or fed law???

Cindy obviously thought she was there to assist and "school" the FBI, letting them know the best way to investigate the case, giving them her investigative tips and tricks and in her mind, she was like a contemporary of theirs, and not a lowly suspect or witness to the crime!! :rolleyes: So how dare they videotape one of their "own"?? LMAO
plus they knew daughter stole all the time and always ran out of gas, they never thought of kc stealing the gas cans?

I was thinking maybe taking them with her was not her MO that could be the only reason behind him reporting it. The car smelling I'd of been on the phone A.S.A.P. knowing they were missing, KC & Caylee!:furious: I wouldn't of even opened the trunk this dosen't make sense at all, but when have any of the A's made sense.:rolleyes:
Thank God the guy at the towyard grabbed the bag and threw it in the dumpster there. Because if it had made it's way out of that towyard, LE would never have recovered it and had it to analyze! And it also amazes me that ONE little hair managed to stay in that trunk to be discovered and analyzed. I'm sure CA worked really hard at that trunk and was pretty sure it was as clean as possible. That's why she says with such conviction "there's no evidence!":mad:
NG has feathered bangs looks good not as sharp lined shows her NG eyes off better. Have they always been, just noticed for some reason. LOL oops off topic here. The A's admit at least GA does about decomp in trunk, if they do not think KC did it who else had keys to her car and who are they going to try and pin it on?
Well you know that tow company used her car for transporting dead bodies. Or at least that'll be the explanation. :rolleyes: MOO
KC lying for attention seeking...that's why sooo many people had all these health problems that she was always telling CA @.

GA calls the LE @ his $50 of gas stolen but not his missing daughter & grandaughter when he knew what the car smell was.... What the **** this does not add up at all!

Omg I never thought about that. Now I'm crying again.

Well I certainly hope if GA is ever interviewed again, that they make sure he knows. When he blew his nose, folded up the tissue and laid it on the table and set his water bottle on it, I thought I was going to be sick. Everybody make sure you take clorox wipes with you if you're even called in for an interview. Yuck!
Oh now a caller about the shovel and the "sighting" of Casey in the woods. LP is discrediting this totally that Casey wouldn't be in that kind of area! (I agree with him, she wouldn't get dirty!) MOO
Omg I never thought about that. Now I'm crying again.

That thought makes me sick...why did she take them?? Is that what she did to Caylee..gas=fire?:eek::mad::furious:
GA talking about KC stealing his coin collection..
Well I certainly hope if GA is ever interviewed again, that they make sure he knows. When he blew his nose, folded up the tissue and laid it on the table and set his water bottle on it, I thought I was going to be sick. Everybody make sure you take clorox wipes with you if you're even called in for an interview. Yuck!

I caught that too & got grossed out.:eek:
LP standing by the KC fished Caylee out of the pool with the neighbors shovel. He sticks with that pretty consistently.

Mr. G is coming up.
Omg I never thought about that. Now I'm crying again.

So true, so true! I am willing to feel sorry for their loss, but NOT sorry for their lack of perception to see their daughter for what she REALLY was!!! And to see the potential harm that she could expose her 2 year old daughter to!!!


I just think of my parent and no way in hell would they let half of this SH(T slip by and as for me telling my mom that she was an EFFING waste (paraphrasing here).....I wouldn't be able to talk for days afterwards.....please!
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