Nancy Grace - Monday, November 17, 2008

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I just posted on the lake underhill thread. Again on NG tonight you hear KC tell LE several times about this lake. It seems to me she was setting it up so when the body would be found there, she would say Zanny took her there to play that day and caylee must have died there.
I have always believed xanax + trunk=zanny!

I dont understand how the A's have gotten away w/ so much? CA admitted several times zanny is whoever was watching Caylee and now she is telling everyone a ZG stole her, its apsurd!

Also tonight on NG I heard CA say, "the same dogs that cleared our house hit on the trunk" in the context of those dogs are wrong there was no dead body in the trunk. So is she really saying the dogs were wrong for clearing her house??? Maybe Caylee is buried there somewhere, hence the hits????
Listen to him stutter and try not to answer!!

He didn't really say much at all did he Janis?

I think alot of this "hiring of experts" is just to attach a known name to the muddy the waters. Seems that is what the defense and the A's are working towards anyway. The A's pay a retainer....the "experts" get TV time...don't do much at the trial but repeat any doubts they can come up with...

Kind of like the advice an attorney once gave my sister in wanna really get hubbys goat? Go interview ALL the potential attornies in town...then when HE goes, they listen, then politely tell him they cannot take the case. :)
OOps, a PS to my post...

Once they retain Henry Lee and Koby, there are now 2 experts that cannot be hired by the prosecutors...kind of like the attorney scenario in my last post...
So, did Casey put frozen Ham and cheese in the trunk to disguise the smell of decomp from Caylee's body? I bet she researched that too, food decomp versus body decomp.
I just posted on the lake underhill thread. Again on NG tonight you hear KC tell LE several times about this lake. Also tonight on NG I heard CA say, "the same dogs that cleared our house hit on the trunk" in the context of those dogs are wrong there was no dead body in the trunk. So is she really saying the dogs were wrong for clearing her house??? Maybe Caylee is buried there somewhere, hence the hits????

At one time, the theory was that Caylee was buried temporarily in the backyard, i.e. Casey borrowing the shovel, fresh dirt found in the trunk, etc.
I am not an attorney, nor do I play one on TV, but my brother is........and he said Baez counter suing in that case was the MOST STUPID thing he has ever seen a defense attorney do in all his years of practice.

Your bro is right but then again maybe Baez had no idea his client, Casey would be put under oath for a deposition. Really, maybe he is that dumb or inexperienced.
BTW, Turbo, I'm sure you're a very nice person but that red-eyed dog is scaring the heck out of me.
I'm totally not understanding this at all. Wasn't it stated that the car HAD been cleaned out? CA washed the clothes and the car had been cleaned up? No one ever said a word about frozen food boxes in the trunk. The Anthony's took the pizza bag/box out, correct? Why would they leave frozen food boxes behind? Someone, please straighten me out on this if you can. As far as decomp, GA recognized the smell and CA stated that it smelled like someone died in the damn trunk. No way Lee could get on the stand and lie about the decomp.

I CANNOT believe that they are saying all of this NEW stuff is in the trunk as Baez was recently saying that they had even stripped the whole car of the carpet and there was nothing left of the car for his people to test?
does anyone else remember him saying this?

THE trunk was cleaned out and the only trash bag was the one that they pulled out at the tow yard I am going to watch NG myself as I cannot even believe that they are saying this stuff? geeesh... it is like they are invisible and dont think that we all read and watch..?
When asked whether, in his opinion, the car smelled like decomp; DLee said he is a scientist and is not going to speculate on the source of the decomp smell. He reiterated that there was (WAS being the operative word) a lot of garbage in the trunk, meat (ham in particular), cheese, frozen food boxes, (plural), insects, and maggots and he could not say whether or not these items caused the smell, or something else more sinister. (sinister - my word, not his)

He said that he found new evidence and turned it over to OSCO.

So far, he has said nothing at all. Lots of words, but nothing we have not heard already. He gave no opinion on anything whatsoever. Ahhhh, the art of the expert; to speak at length and say nothing at all.

The ONLY thing we learned is that the car really does still stink and perhaps some fungus is growing in there now.

The way he came across, I agree, one would think that he opened a garbage-filled trunk full of maggots, insects and frozen food boxes with food residue. It didn't happen that way. Whatever was in the trunk when it was impounded by LE was taken out and cataloged. DLee is either assuming the contents of the bag based upon information he received from Baez, or he was allowed to examine the contents of the bag. I think it is the latter.

Three items of evidence: fungus from 3 different spots. (MHOO)
The entire Anthony family (with the exception of the ..... herself) is on LE recording and 911 (CA) so there is really no question as to the smell per their OWN words! I dont believe LE is worried for one moment as to what they have as any proof!

The one thing that bothers myself w/ respect to Dr. Lee is I think is is very intelligent, yet he ALWAYS seems to sell his "soul" to defense teams, guess they pay better :(
ok.. in listening again to dr lee.. I think he first said.. frozen food boxes. and then residue in them..
.. I personally think its just that the residue.. when NG tried to pin him down He said he couldnt comment..

Why would KC take some frozen food with her ( bags of food she had when TL picked her up) and leave other perishable food in the car? Bong, Bong, BONG!!! (hinkey meter going off)
Did anyone hear when KC says " she liked to run around" not she likes to run around. Like she was using past tense! I have heard these interviews b/f, but sometimes when you hear something by the 100th time something new comes to light.
PS I always thought it was weird that KC had frozen chicken and popsicles when TL picked her up, now there were a bunch of items in there?? Was she trying to keep the body on ice?
I wonder if she was using bags and boxes of frozen food to keep little Caylees body cold ( I know I hated typing that) until she could get rid of her.

I doubt it. Frozen items start thawing within minutes of being put in a hot trunk.
I wonder if she was using bags and boxes of frozen food to keep little Caylees body cold ( I know I hated typing that) until she could get rid of her.

I just had a thought (and it may have been mentioned before:confused:)

Could it be that KC had a cooler in her trunk where she kept food that she had taken from the house? (remember her taking the things to TL's apt. and maybe she had taken other items since she and Caylee had "left home") Then when she disposed of Caylees body, she removed the items from the cooler and used the cooler to transport/dispose of poor Caylee? Maybe that would explain these empty "food boxes" that Dr. Lee said where found in the trunk. Plus it would also make carrying the body a little easier, especially if the cooler was one of the ones that are on wheels.

MOO...and just thinking out loud:waitasec:
I was thinking the same thing....but Ham? did he mean sandwich meat type ham...or a large ham.....that was a little bit weird.....
2 thoughts from NG tonight.

1. When they re-play that Casey tape where shes interviewed by LE she says Caylee "liked" Blanchard park, Caylee "liked" the playground. If Caylees alive why is she saying liked, and not LIKES? That right there proves Casey is admitting Caylees dead by using past tense!

2.Also it irks me to no end that she now has Dr Lee on her defense team! How in the world can someone with NO money get the famous Dr Lee to get around the evidence?
Just unbelievable the way Casey keeps getting aid with her lies. No wonder shes like this, people have been enabling her for years and continue to do so!
Doesnt ANYONE care about Caylee??????

Bolded by me....
I pointed that out to my husband tonite, kinda telling isnt it?
Beware of Dr Lee, he will always lean toward the side that is paying him. He has
a reputation of being the best and that best also includes confusing and twisting the evidence.

ITA...saw that with the OJ case. He is a master at twisting and confusing. Look at tonight....did we ever learn anything? no...he plants seeds to confuse. :confused:

BTW...who is paying him? :waitasec:

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