Nancy Grace - Thursday, 12/4/08

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If I knew where the "rule" was, I wouldn't be confused on it. I just know that I am tired of LP being bashed continually here. It doesn't seem to matter if it is in direct relation with something he says or not. I am going to start keeping track from now on so when LP's words come back and he is right about certain things...people can eat them with their crow.

This forum is so busy, but I have never seen any crude posts bashing Leonard, only opinions on his motives, or maybe inconsistencies of his so called inside knowledge he says he has etc. I know how you feel though. So many threads I have exed out of after reading only a few posts knowing the direction it's going. ;)
I was cooking while NG was on, so got to hear it, but didn't see much. I thought I caught a brief glimpse in the blue bar about "Breaking News" Anthony's say they have new information, big lead coming soon' or something along those lines.
Did anyone else see this?
If I knew where the "rule" was, I wouldn't be confused on it. I just know that I am tired of LP being bashed continually here. It doesn't seem to matter if it is in direct relation with something he says or not. I am going to start keeping track from now on so when LP's words come back and he is right about certain things...people can eat them with their crow.

Really? I did not know this. Oh...I wonder....there was a "support no negative posts" thread made for Leonard and Tony sometime around the time they bailed Casey out, could that be what you're thinking about SS? Curious now.:)

So many posts are filled with remarks and crude things about LP. Haven't we have been asked not to talk negatively about him here or am I missing something? I thought this was a rule and not a mere suggestion. As you can see, I am confused on the matter.

Its a sticky at the very top of the forum. Alert on posts that violate.
I'm confused too.

If LP makes a statement we are not allowed to comment on it unless we have something Positive to say about his statement?

Does this "Rule" apply even if LP makes a statement that makes no sense?

Such as...."If KC tells me where the body is I will bail her out"

Should we just burry our head in the sand & ignore it & pretend he didn't say it?

Does this rule apply to LP only or does it also apply to Tim Miller, Cindy Anthony & members of the OCSD as well?

Maybe I'm missing something or maybe I missed something but could somebody please provide a link to the Rule?
Hopefully you have read TRicia's sticky at the top of the forum by now. I don't think there is opposition to discussing LP's ideas, good or bad. But when it just turns into a bash LP situation it gets old quick. There has been plenty of name calling and bashing across the board on all the players in this case and many of the posters have grown very weary of it and expressed frustration. The goal here is to raise ourselves up to a higher, more productive level of discussion.
Calling people morons, skanks, hos, idiots, losers,*advertiser censored*,whackjobs just doesn't advance the discussion.
We can discuss this case without calling names and bashing people, we really can. But we do have the rant thread for those days when ya just gotta let it out LOL.
I just now deleted a post and all it said was:

XXXXX is a moron.

That was the entire post.
KC talking as if she were at her childs memorial service...

How can her family NOT see it?

Hey, end it... fess up....

Dycare in my area was 10K per year...

Anyone see Zanny on her tax returns?

did CA and GA claim KC and Caylee?


You mean the tax returns from the FAKE-FRIGGIN-JOB???


Casey said that Zanny had a drum set also and that Ricardo and Zanny's apt are very similar and set up the same way

But the picture was of Richardos apt

Must be hard for Zanny to move around with a drumset - she's lived with her Mom, in two different apts, she's rented a room - she's jus a nomad with a drumset and 3 kids with lots of money!

:woohoo: You've got Nanny's number! :woohoo: OMG! And she's running from LE and FBI, too. Let's not forget, those kiddies are little ones. Poor Zanny.

And she drives a brand new 2008 Ford Focus and is a "seasonal empoyee" of Universal and babysits for someone who does not pay her?
More BS that does not compute.

And that while KC's alter ego told doorknob in an IM chat that she paid the nanny WAY more than what would normally be paid to a nanny because "it's the nanny's only source of income".

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO confused.... :rolleyes:
Calling people morons, skanks, hos, idiots, losers,*advertiser censored*,whackjobs just doesn't advance the discussion.
We can discuss this case without calling names and bashing people, we really can. But we do have the rant thread for those days when ya just gotta let it out LOL.

does this include KC??? JK

:truce: please dont spank :blushing:
No J/K , I am so pleased to see Casey is miserable behind bars . Can you imagine if she gets sentenced to life how bad it will be for her ? She may even come up with some real tears. My opinion only.
And that while KC's alter ego told doorknob in an IM chat that she paid the nanny WAY more than what would normally be paid to a nanny because "it's the nanny's only source of income".

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO confused.... :rolleyes:

Yeah, in that same conversation she said she knew the nanny for 6 years, and kept going on and on with details that he never asked her for. It sounded to me like the story Father Grund told LE when he was describing how KC told him about the new nanny.
Huh?? I was thinking the same thing. Wonder how that will work??? How do you bail someone out who is not eligible for bond????:waitasec:

LP knows he can't actually bond her out for murder, but maybe he is hoping that KC and Jose are just dumb enough to fall for it. Seems to me that neither one of them is huge in the "brains department"! I think KC and Jose have shown us that :rolleyes:.
Yeah, in that same conversation she said she knew the nanny for 6 years, and kept going on and on with details that he never asked her for. It sounded to me like the story Father Grund told LE when he was describing how KC told him about the new nanny.

I've heard 6 years, 4 years and watching Caylee for 1 1/2 to 2 years. WHAT IS IT KC????????????????????????????????

Are you guys all as confused as I am???
Forgive me for asking a question without reading all threads and posts first, but did I misunderstand something in one of the video clips played on NG? CA was questioning KC about others people ZFG babysat for and something was said about an "Annabell"??? Who's Annabell or did I misunderstand.
There is no bail for murder -- NO BAIL!!!! :woohoo:

Actually, there could be. If the murder one charge is dropped to a manslaughter charge, the judge very well could give her bail. That is my understanding, anyway.They have until the trial starts to decide whether to charge her with premeditated murder, or to offer her a plea bargain in exchange for information. If she were to confess, and/or tell them where the body is... that could happen.
Why does NG keep saying the A's thought they were private, it is soooooo obvious that they knew it was being recorded b/c KC stops and says "stop LA said we should write down stuff and not just talk"

That's not the only thing NG makes an issue out of, that has very little to do with the case, IMO. Talking about what Casey does in jail every day... "lounging, reading, napping,..." What else can she do? And then there's the list of things she orders from the commisary... it's my guess that being locked in a cell and having to subsist on jailhouse food would make one bored and hungry... so she buys snacks she can nibble on, which breaks the monotony. Doesn't prove anything, and in fact... it has no bearing on this case! Just Nancy's little subtle nitpicking in order to taint a jury pool!
And actually.... I did see some tears in some of these videos... not sure what she was crying about, but she did cry and she did mention Caylee a few times.
As for LP offering to put up her bail.... might that just be a subtle message to Casey? "Tell the truth and help us find Caylee's body, and I'll get you out of jail again."
How's he playing her?

I doubt very much KC would really think she would get bailed out for telling where the body is.

Wouldn't that be proof that she murdered Caylee & basically guarantee herself a life sentence?

If anyone was played it was LP

KC used him & his 50k for a "Get out of Jail free" card & LP took the bait hook, line & sinker.

Oh, she might think that... Baez could be feeding her the line that if she comes clean, the DP is off the table and the charge could be dropped to Manslaughter. In which case, the judge could set bail. It's not an impossibiltiy.
LP is not stupid... he could be "baiting" Casey indirectly... sending the message that it's her get-out-of-jail card if she fesses up and tells them where the body is.
But....they still have to prove that she did it.
Some people have been charged with murder and still got out on bond until the trial... it happens. The formal charge is not set in stone at this point.
:woohoo: You've got Nanny's number! :woohoo: OMG! And she's running from LE and FBI, too. Let's not forget, those kiddies are little ones. Poor Zanny.

and lots of $$$$$$$$$$$:unksam::put em up::thumb:
LP himself apologizes when he is wrong. I don't need to do it for him.

That is true... he's admitted to being wrong before. These little tidbits that he throws out are his observations from being around her during the time he and his staff were there. No one else except her family and her attorney had that privilege of observing her and hearing her statements day in and day out... so I think a lot of his statements hold more truth than anybody on this or any other forum can offer regarding her or her family... considering he was there and knows firsthand.
Take him or leave him.... sometimes he's right on.

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