NANCY GRACE - Tuesday, 12/16/08

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The fact that these people chose not to tell the truth nothing but the truth right from "day 1" is repugnant. They have dishonored their innocent precious grandbaby in the most callous way supporting and coddling her murderer.

I can understand anything they did prior to ever knowing that Caylee had been murdered, but the minute they found their daughter all of the things they did that previous month, such as replacing any missing bedding (that they may not have known was currently wrapped around their granddaughters dead, decaying body) and not telling LE about that is revolting. How dare these people say 'we have made conflicting statements but will now tell the truth", excuse me..but telling the truth immediately was what they needed to be doing.

I'm sorry if I seem hot, but I am so angry with these parent's. I know first hand what it is like to have sociopath's in your life, in home, in your head and I can say without hesitation that I would never, ever cover up a crime for any of them. They have no legitimate excuse as far as I am concerned.

I would not fault them for supporting casey and continuing to love fact I thoroughly expect them to do it, because no one else will and they are her parent's. At the very least, they need to visit her, put money in her account (not strangers) and just generally make their peace with her.

It is time for these people to show genuine love for Caylee, in fact it wouldn't surprise me that little Caylee was tired of her grandparent's being on LKL and the today show talking about how innocent casey was, her spirit may have been mad enough that "hey grandma I am going to show you just what my mother did to me", please love me just as much.

maur33, I agree with you regarding CA & GA and the farse they have put on since July, 16th. Don't be sorry for being angry, I think everyone following this closely is very upset, myself included. I guess since they have been lying all along maybe LE does not need their "truthful" version of events at this point. I just want what everyone else wants, the WHOLE truth because after the rollercoaster this family has taken the country on, I want the world to know the truth. IMO

thanks for responding:) I respect your opinion
Well archeologists found brain matter in a 2000 year old skull - I guess anything is possible

I once saw a show on the Discovery Channel about archeologist who had found the remains of a 5,000 year old man buried in the ice in the Italy. The amount of information they discovered after examining the body was amazing. Not only were they were able to determine the cause of death but they also identified several previous injuries that had healed. They also figured out what the man ate for his last meal. It's Amazing what science can do today.

I think the name of the show was "The Iceman"
I completely agree re: the heinousness of the duct taping evidence and was also wondering if we'd hear other parts were taped.
The way they are discussing the remains makes me feel as if the skeleton isn't really in tact-- we know the skull was separated and the forensic science expert on the show tonight was talking about investigators possibly searching for the tiny hand and foot bones. Maybe they can't tell if other taping/restraining occurred?

It does not sound like there are complete skeletal remains in the bag, given they are digging and sifting soil then many of the bones must have washed out and/or been carried off by animal activity. I should imagine the ME is trying to inventory them to make a complete skeleton. Gruesome.

If this is Caylee then at least she can be laid to rest in memoriam and -- her remains will allow her to speak from the grave, so to speak. As LP said, the remains will speak volumes. No wonder KC is not taking this news well.
It sounds like Nancy may have a cold to me. Just MOO.

Yes, she has had a cold last few days and she is also upset that the charge is not set at murder one .Very upset that the duct tape was wrapped around the head but she needs to realize that may have preserved just enough soft tissue to provide some needed evidence . A method of sweet Caylee telling us more of what happened to her, so to speak.MOO
I recall hearing last night that the bags were taped together. Leonard's saying he thinks it was a pillowcase or sheet that Caylee was wrapped in.

It was definatly something pink in color, saw it near the top of the bag as they recovered it , in the picture on t.v..
If I get "time out" for this fine. I am really tired of the posts on here that go after LP. We've all read the released evidence, the interviews, the photos and jail visitation videos. And I am very preoccupied with this case and wanting to know if this is Caylee and if it is, what happened to her and is there any evidence that leads straight to KC. I have changed my theories as to what happened , a little this way or that way, according to evidence as it's released. I do not have all the evidence so my theories are all speculations.
I believe that LP is more preoccupied with this case and Caylee than I am - he has met KC, he has met the grandparents, been in their house -searched for Caylee - been called a liar - He went out on a limb when he got KC out on bond,believing that a young mother would not have killed her own child, that belief did not come from a dark place - that came from a place lit with the belief that there is more good in the world than evil. When he found out that he was wrong, he admitted to the media that he was wrong. So is LP speculating? IMO yes a little but so what. He has never said that he is "the keeper of the truth" - that honor goes to KC. So if it is considered "not ok" to go off on and be rude to posters on here that are speculating and those posts don't fit into our theories, seems to me that should apply to LP in reference to his speculations. I truly cannot understand. Oh yes I have gone off on here, mad as he!! at KC CA and GA - But I have also lurked enough to note that when the A's are not out there in the media, their faces on tv, making statements that someone else becomes the focus and is vilified and more times than not LP is the focus. Is the anger for KC so intense and bottled up that it just has to attach to someone? I truly don't understand.
and if I spelled anything wrong ...

I understand your thoughts, and I realize that most here have respect for LP. I don't think I've written anything negative about him except when first hearing that he was bailing out KC. But, it does bother me that he states as fact all of his theories, without qualifying himself that these are guesses or opinions. Also, it bothers me that he insists Caylee's death was accidental, and now he's saying that the duct tape was wrapped around her head two days after she was killed. How can he possibly know this? I'm confused why Nancy never questions his information, as she does every other guest on her show, even her poor producer.
in the song Caylee was singin....dont take my nan what LP is saying she is saying in that song....

It took a few times listening to her sing on NG to detect she is saying "please don't take my nan sunshine away " , I bet CA taught her that song and added that. Possible reason for the tape accross her mouth, knowing what a "spiteful b*tch " Casey is, imo.
The photo that haunts me the most is that of Caylee and her Great-Grandpa in the nursing home. The very young and the very old often know, and it is in their eyes.

I look at that photo, and I see fear, horror, and terror. I also see the sense of being trapped, and unable to act, to free themselves of that which is about to happen. This breaks my heart the most of all, for I think these two knew, somehow, that the dark was coming, and they could do nothing to stop it.

I respectfully disagree , I see Caylee being bashful , in a strange place where strangers are likely ewing and awing over a pretty little girl with her great grampa . It may be close to nap time and she is relaxing on his lap where she feels loved and safe, imo, it is precious . You gotta' love the way she stretches up to give him a kiss.
I once saw a show on the Discovery Channel about archeologist who had found the remains of a 5,000 year old man buried in the ice in the Italy. The amount of information they discovered after examining the body was amazing. Not only were they were able to determine the cause of death but they also identified several previous injuries that had healed. They also figured out what the man ate for his last meal. It's Amazing what science can do today.

I think the name of the show was "The Iceman"

I remember seeing that same show.
While reading the posts re LA I thought about something I was reading where Cindy says we or "I don't want to lose another one" and I wonder if she lied or gave misleading info not to protect KC but maybe she knew or knows that LA has something to do with it. I wonder when their stories started to change. Was it soon after they were asked to get DNA or take a lie detector test then agreed, then said no after LA told them not to? :waitasec:

I was thinking about this to . I also recall a searcher saying they had found a buried sports bra folded with a bottle from Visine inside and a small child's underwear. They were said to smell of decomp and i dont know if they were collected by LE but it seems it was found in or near a cemetary,iirc . To my surprise I learned Visine contains ingredients that can cause death when I researched online. This case is involved with so many things that are suspicious. LE has certainly had their work cut out for them.
I think LA is hiding something....he was all up front in the begining with all of this....and then a few weeks after the fact he vanishes....and then doesnt what to give finger prints or DNA.....big HINK-ER going on here....

I think LA is hiding something too. Remember, LA was all up front when HE was the investigator. Just sayin'. :)
Hmm...what's the truth then? The SWORN statements they gave to the police? Or the statements they've made since then? I think it's a ploy so they can CHANGE their original statements so as not to incriminate KC. can only hope that they finally realize she killed their grandbaby, and are actually going to tell the TRUTH.

I think what CA and GA are doing is getting their "story", whatever they think will save KC, be the same, between the two of them. Before, CA's story and GA's story did not match. Now they can confer together and come up with a new story that they both tell just the same. Does not, in any way, mean they would tell the truth. :rolleyes:
Sorry if this has already been posted but I'm still trying to catch up here and wanted to get this question out. LE had to subpoena LA to get his fingerprints - (had to in order to get his dna also) why would he not want to voluntarily provide his fingerprints? IMO, this goes far beyond any "reasonable" explaination - this guy is guilty as sin! I'm not saying that he killed Klee or was involved in the actual murder but he definately at some point got his hands in it!
As I said before the FBI doesn't like to be lied to. Just ask Martha Stewart! :behindbar MOO

i sure hope the FBI didn't question LP or else he is in biggggggg trouble. Most likely more than any of the A's. That dude changes his tune more than anyone in this entire case and he isn't under any stress and seems to not even be embarrassed about his many many changing " stories". I am really sick of hearing him talk.:mad:
in the song Caylee was singin....dont take my nan what LP is saying she is saying in that song....

I have always thought that Caylee sung "please don't take Nan's sunshine away.." (which, IMO, is probably was Cindy sung to her. I have always sung this to my son when he was little and for a long time he believed that actual words were "please don't take mommy's sunshine away.")
I respectfully disagree , I see Caylee being bashful , in a strange place where strangers are likely ewing and awing over a pretty little girl with her great grampa . It may be close to nap time and she is relaxing on his lap where she feels loved and safe, imo, it is precious . You gotta' love the way she stretches up to give him a kiss.

I agree with EasyGruuvin; Caylee is tired, resting on Great-grampa's chest, and she wouldn't have reached up to kiss him if she was afraid. To think that when they filmed this, the odds were that Caylee would live to grow up, grow old, and GGP would be dead long since, and it would have been a precious bit of film for Caylee to remember her GGP. But no, probably the next day Caylee would be dead, and far outlive the old man... it's wrong in so many levels.
Nancy's voice is either trembling or she is sick..can't figure that one out.

EDITED..nevermind she is now crying

She sure was upset last night. But hasn't she sounded snuffly lately, like she has a cold? SHe sounded more like that tonite, but she was upset also, you could tell.
She sure was upset last night. But hasn't she sounded snuffly lately, like she has a cold? SHe sounded more like that tonite, but she was upset also, you could tell.

I thought it sounded like she was on the verge of tears several times. I think she is becoming more outraged since she has her own babies, and thinks how she'd lay down her own life to protect them, and compares that to what Casey has done...and she's fighting tears. That's what I'm seeing, at any rate. I could be wrong.

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