Nancy Grace - Wednesday, 1/7/09

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:blowkiss: Yes, that's the one! Thank youor finding it, as my upload to Youtube has failed 3 times now.

You're welcome :)

Cindy looked awful :(

Really Like someone had died. Please don't anyone pick at my words at those words Im just saying she looked like I felt when My mum died

George was uncomfortable when the interviewer said about the Grand Jury....

OH ! When George is saying if youve seen Caylee contact us contact the family contact kid finders contact dna investigations contact he sheriffs department contact the FBI Cindy mutters (I think) No we don't want that
George says I don't think you're going to get anywhere by doing that but contact the family he says again

Thats rough but its close what they said
When did JB get the first bunch of Tips from the SA's office??? Could this lead have come from them?? JB could have sent DC out there, based on the Tip RK made to the Tip Line in August.

Wow. I hadn't seen that interview with George and Michelle. Cindy is spent.

Cindy also appeared on GVS earlier in July looking and acting a little out of it claiming she'd had "no sleep," but still had enough in her to be extraordinarily rude, putting up roadblocks about Casey, evading direct questions and telling Greta not to ask any stupid questions!

But looking at her as she sits nodding off by George in this later interview - I just feel sorry for her.
Eeee-gads. Its agonising watching MB in that interview...

IMHO, that is the first and virtually the only time I have seen CA in a state that i would expect a grieving grandma to be in. If it was my kid I would have to be doped to the eyeballs just to make it through the day.

I do believe they learnt something around this time... something they didnt know for sure before.

ETA - i am pretty sure CA says "no thats not going to help" when GA is talking about contacting the FBI with tips.
Eeee-gads. Its agonising watching MB in that interview...

IMHO, that is the first and virtually the only time I have seen CA in a state that i would expect a grieving grandma to be in. If it was my kid I would have to be doped to the eyeballs just to make it through the day.

I do believe they learnt something around this time... something they didnt know for sure before.

ETA - i am pretty sure CA says "no thats not going to help" when GA is talking about contacting the FBI with tips.

I agree-that IS the most appropriate look CA has shown as looking like a grieving grandmother. But, GA is so chatty and animated-he makes me ill! If he knew and could act that way, then he is as awful as his daughter!:furious:
Nancy acting all shocked about the licensing fee, as she shows the pictures that were bought and paid for.

Pics and video that are now available on the world wide web. We show them here.

Yep, that's what I thought.......any pic's already on the 'net, were 'public', & could be used without permission.

btw......I have noticed new pic's (on the 'net) that are clearly marked "property of *advertiser censored*"........guess some folks are holding out for the highest bidder.
A poster stated that the remains were cremated on Mon> Can anyone who remembers link the post? Sometimers hits me and I can't remember the poster.

I think that post is in the 'rumors' thread.
Nancy just gave props to LP - Now he's going on about Krunk again.

He's saying that Lee passed the info on to Krunk

Totally believe it. IMO LA has probably moved Caylee's remains around more than once. Casey and Lee wanted her found so that they could proceed with the kidnapping scenario.
I think the protesters need to return to the A's house and demand that this child be buried!
Something which has always bothered me about her trip to Tonys - CA never LOOKED for Caylee there. Why would she not think Caylee was with her mother at the time?

Looking back and reading everything again, I have some serious questions even about that phone call. I now wonder if everyone KNEW Caylee was dead but CA.

My bold......IIRC.....Tony said, only Amy was visable at the door, then KC went outside for like 30 minutes (& found out CA was w/Amy)......KC prolly telling CA that Caylee is w/the nanny during this talk outside the apt......

Will be interesting to hear what all Amy has to say about that night.
Turbo - This has always really bothered me as well. I remember reading AH's transcript expecting to read her statement saying that CA burst in to look for Caylee and being so disapointed to read that nothing of the kind happened! CA never even entered Tony's appartment! How on earth could she have been so sure after a month, that Caylee wasn't in there? This has always set my hinky-meter off!


my bold....

Tony says CA entered & (said something like).... told KC to get her things & told Tony she hoped he has lots of money, 'cause KC would prolly steal it.

all this after the 30 min. chit-chat outside Tony's apt. between CA, KC, & Amy.
What excuse is this ghoulish clan going to come up with now for not having a proper burial? I am so glad I do not live near any of them!

The Anthonys have nothing to do with the delay in burying the remains. The prosecution had 2 weeks to send their reports and x-rays, etc. to the defense, and they have not done so because of the motion to prevent these pictures of the remains from becoming public. That two weeks was up Monday. The judge granted the defense the right to do their own autopsy, but they need the final reports from the ME in order to complete their own exam. What Henry Lee said is true... it would make no sense to have to go dig up the body to do their own examinations. From what he says, the prosecution is the cause of the delay... not the defense or the Anthonys.
These reports of the 1st autopsy are part of the discovery, and they are not doing their part of getting them to the defense, so they can complete their own examination.
Another thing... this motion by the prosecution to prevent the pictures of the remains being made public was just a warning. NOWHERE is their anything said by Baez or the Anthonys that they intend to sell these pictures. All it means is that they don't want them emailed across the internet to the other offices, in case some secretary runs across them and decides to make some money by selling them to the media. And despite the indignation by NG about it, her producers would be standing in line to get their hands on them... believe it or not. She is no different than any other media personality. Why do you think she has reporters standing outside the funeral home? So that people can visualize that cardboard box sitting in cold storage, all alone. It boosts her ratings.
Everyone needs to stop hanging on every word that is spoken on her show. She does not allow the truth to be spoken.. she sensationalizes the most trivial little things, and makes it sound a lot worse than it really is.
$1.7 b none of these people truly loved Caylee. No one who truly loved someone would sell the story of her murder.

Nonsense... it's done all the time, and has been for years. Casey cannot profit from it if she is convicted, but Sharon Rocha made money off Laci's death by writing a book, and donated most of it to various foundations. Beth and Dave Holloway both wrote books about Natalee's case. Maybe the money the Anthonys have made goes toward Casey's defense fund. I don't see any evidence that they are getting rich. No new home, new car, no jewelry or furs, or fancy boat. But these lawyers have to be paid somehow.
Was anyone surprised to see on NG that JB tried to "sell" an interview with KC for half a million? He really is a snake! Guess he is trying to get paid after all.

What I saw was the word "alledgedly." Certainly not proof.

Some of you need to listen to Greta's coverage of this more often. You will get the facts, and not sensationalism. Prime News on HLN usually has a segment on it every afternoon, that gets to the heart of the matter, and not rumors or speculation. Listen to Pam Bondi sometime... she makes a lot of sense. NG just skips over the facts.
Pam stated on HLN the other day that the reason the A's have not been charged with obstruction is because they are supposed to testify for the prosecution, and they cannot afford to alienate them if they want to get to the truth. If they were to charge them now, the A's would clam up and not testify at all. Makes sense to me.
I'm resorting back to the call that took place between KC and LA on July 26th.. Now that I'm going back and reading this again I have a better understanding with all the recent news dealing with these P.I's possibly ... taking into consideration when MR claims he first called in the tip in August... Shorty after didn't Lee sort of Dissappear? The blue is KC and LA the red are my thoughts.

LEE: Hey Casey are you there

Hey. Yeah I’m here

LEE: Sorry my cell phone reception is terrible

CASEY: It sucks at the house I know

LEE: I still want you to know that you can call me and I’ll try you know get as much out there as I can before anything, what ever dies. I know it s not a good situation , you know what can we do. You know ( What ever dies? Are they refering to Caylee, Maybe KC told LA she knew were Caylee was? )

CASEY: Yeah absolutely

LEE: Um, so do you understand what I was trying to say for that, that you know, you can reach out to them ( Them = P.I's Possible DC & JH?) and they, I know that you said that when we did visitation and I want you to know that you don’t have to necessarily have to put everything through your attorney if you feel like you wanted to speak to them about anything at all, you can still request that he be there, but he doesn’t have to and you don’t have to do that through him

CASEY: Oh I know. But that’s something we had talked about yesterday actually

LEE: Ok good. Do you plan on speaking with any of those guys at all? ( The P.I's?)

CASEY: We’re going to set up a meeting for Monday, Jose was going to think about stuff, how we were going to set things up over the weekend. He was going to be here with me when we bring then in, um, you know and as far as what I answer, how I answer, you know how all that goes down he was going to figure that out this weekend. He was actually going to come up either today or tomorrow and bring a couple of the videos I guess for me to watch from some of the news stuff that’s been going on, I guess some of the talk shows. Just to try to update me on some of the stuff. Plus he wanted me wanted me to get a good laugh. ( Maybe JB was careful as to what KC was allowed to tell the P.I.'s incase they came forward any time in the future?)

LEE: So, is there anything? I know we had spoken before and you understand how all this works, now. but do you have anything that you can, you know, tell me, that would help?
( Is he asking for the location of the body?)

CASEY: There’s nothing I can think of at the moment. I’m actually going to try and get something together, you know today so I can write a couple letters to the family. I’m even going to get with (intelligible) and stuff to see if he does get that directly. But still put out my own specific so if anything happens, if there’s any lapse you still will get what I’m trying to put across too.
( By Lapse does she mean she will fill in the missing info with a 2nd letter sent later?)

LEE: And just remember that if you give it to the attorney…. ( He may not forward the letter if too direct)

CASEY: They can read it and choose whether or not to even fix it which is why I’ll do a secondary letter to make sure it’s direct ]( secondary possibly to LA through mail without Attorney?)
LEE: Perfect I would encourage that 110 percent. So is there anything specifically, I know you’re going to meet with, you know the investigators and everything, you know. Is there anything specifically the details that you want to clarify to me now so that I’m following up on my own leads and my own information, putting the stuff together, you know then I can start working on it now? ]( LA has own leads serperate from everyone else? No kidding huh)

CASEY: Um, at the moment there’s nothing specific or nothing that you know should probably be said here. Um, again I’ll put something together before I see Jose or when I see Jose and you know make sure that I have something also to put out. ( Can’t talk about it now, too risky ) LEE: Right.

CASEY: So that way you can get whatever you like ( Move /take something? )

LEE: Ok. And just so remember when you get to talk to those guys um, you know, you mentioned that you’re going to have your prep and everything with Jose. But remember truth don’t hurt. ( Those guys being the PI’s?)

CASEY: I know but there are some things that I have told them that were misconstrued and not used to their benefit. I gave them the same resources that I gave you and you found out a hundred more things then they did. And they were given the same information. So it’s just about the approach I guess and using the resources to their full extent. Again I’m everybody’s biggest resource; you have said that, Jose has said that, mom and dad have said that.

LEE: Right but at the same time we still we just need to figure out how we can be clear on what ever we’re giving to them, so even if we have to you know speak very direct or we can’t really speak in generalities with them, with anybody is what I’m finding out . Or if we tell them I’m not completely sure on the spelling or I’m not completely sure on this or that. They take everything exactly up front to the ‘T’. Exactly how you provide it. So if it’s off at all they don’t even think to look in any other areas ….( LA explaining that he and KC need to be on the same page as to what she is going to tell them,etc. )

CASEY: That’s why I gave them things multiple times. Each officer I gave the same information at least two or three times, I’ve done the same thing with you, the same thing with mom, the same thing with Jose. Everyone has the same information, same spelling, same names. None of that has altered because that’s it

LEE: What do you think, where do you think. You think Caylee’s ok right now? ( Notice he first ask “what then where do you think.” He realizes he’s about to have his sister answer an incriminating question so he then says is she okay?)

KC: My gut feeling? As mom asked me yesterday and even Jose asked me last night, the psychologist asked me this morning that I got through the court, um in my gut she’s still ok. And it still feels like she’s close to home. ( She follows up with she’s okay - and then gives a LOCATION!)

LEE: Ok ( Now he know’s where to start looking )
The Anthonys have nothing to do with the delay in burying the remains. The prosecution had 2 weeks to send their reports and x-rays, etc. to the defense, and they have not done so because of the motion to prevent these pictures of the remains from becoming public. That two weeks was up Monday. The judge granted the defense the right to do their own autopsy, but they need the final reports from the ME in order to complete their own exam. What Henry Lee said is true... it would make no sense to have to go dig up the body to do their own examinations. From what he says, the prosecution is the cause of the delay... not the defense or the Anthonys.
These reports of the 1st autopsy are part of the discovery, and they are not doing their part of getting them to the defense, so they can complete their own examination.
Another thing... this motion by the prosecution to prevent the pictures of the remains being made public was just a warning. NOWHERE is their anything said by Baez or the Anthonys that they intend to sell these pictures. All it means is that they don't want them emailed across the internet to the other offices, in case some secretary runs across them and decides to make some money by selling them to the media. And despite the indignation by NG about it, her producers would be standing in line to get their hands on them... believe it or not. She is no different than any other media personality. Why do you think she has reporters standing outside the funeral home? So that people can visualize that cardboard box sitting in cold storage, all alone. It boosts her ratings.
Everyone needs to stop hanging on every word that is spoken on her show. She does not allow the truth to be spoken.. she sensationalizes the most trivial little things, and makes it sound a lot worse than it really is.
Thank you for saying this.
I'm resorting back to the call that took place between KC and LA on July 26th.. Now that I'm going back and reading this again I have a better understanding with all the recent news dealing with these P.I's possibly ... taking into consideration when MR claims he first called in the tip in August... Shorty after didn't Lee sort of Dissappear? The blue is KC and LA the red are my thoughts.

LEE: Hey Casey are you there

Hey. Yeah I’m here

LEE: Sorry my cell phone reception is terrible

CASEY: It sucks at the house I know

LEE: I still want you to know that you can call me and I’ll try you know get as much out there as I can before anything, what ever dies. I know it s not a good situation , you know what can we do. You know ( What ever dies? Are they refering to Caylee, Maybe KC told LA she knew were Caylee was? )

CASEY: Yeah absolutely

LEE: Um, so do you understand what I was trying to say for that, that you know, you can reach out to them ( Them = P.I's Possible DC & JH?) and they, I know that you said that when we did visitation and I want you to know that you don’t have to necessarily have to put everything through your attorney if you feel like you wanted to speak to them about anything at all, you can still request that he be there, but he doesn’t have to and you don’t have to do that through him

CASEY: Oh I know. But that’s something we had talked about yesterday actually

LEE: Ok good. Do you plan on speaking with any of those guys at all? ( The P.I's?)

CASEY: We’re going to set up a meeting for Monday, Jose was going to think about stuff, how we were going to set things up over the weekend. He was going to be here with me when we bring then in, um, you know and as far as what I answer, how I answer, you know how all that goes down he was going to figure that out this weekend. He was actually going to come up either today or tomorrow and bring a couple of the videos I guess for me to watch from some of the news stuff that’s been going on, I guess some of the talk shows. Just to try to update me on some of the stuff. Plus he wanted me wanted me to get a good laugh. ( Maybe JB was careful as to what KC was allowed to tell the P.I.'s incase they came forward any time in the future?)

LEE: So, is there anything? I know we had spoken before and you understand how all this works, now. but do you have anything that you can, you know, tell me, that would help?
( Is he asking for the location of the body?)

CASEY: There’s nothing I can think of at the moment. I’m actually going to try and get something together, you know today so I can write a couple letters to the family. I’m even going to get with (intelligible) and stuff to see if he does get that directly. But still put out my own specific so if anything happens, if there’s any lapse you still will get what I’m trying to put across too.
( By Lapse does she mean she will fill in the missing info with a 2nd letter sent later?)

LEE: And just remember that if you give it to the attorney…. ( He may not forward the letter if too direct)

CASEY: They can read it and choose whether or not to even fix it which is why I’ll do a secondary letter to make sure it’s direct ]( secondary possibly to LA through mail without Attorney?)
LEE: Perfect I would encourage that 110 percent. So is there anything specifically, I know you’re going to meet with, you know the investigators and everything, you know. Is there anything specifically the details that you want to clarify to me now so that I’m following up on my own leads and my own information, putting the stuff together, you know then I can start working on it now? ]( LA has own leads serperate from everyone else? No kidding huh)

CASEY: Um, at the moment there’s nothing specific or nothing that you know should probably be said here. Um, again I’ll put something together before I see Jose or when I see Jose and you know make sure that I have something also to put out. ( Can’t talk about it now, too risky ) LEE: Right.

CASEY: So that way you can get whatever you like ( Move /take something? )

LEE: Ok. And just so remember when you get to talk to those guys um, you know, you mentioned that you’re going to have your prep and everything with Jose. But remember truth don’t hurt. ( Those guys being the PI’s?)

CASEY: I know but there are some things that I have told them that were misconstrued and not used to their benefit. I gave them the same resources that I gave you and you found out a hundred more things then they did. And they were given the same information. So it’s just about the approach I guess and using the resources to their full extent. Again I’m everybody’s biggest resource; you have said that, Jose has said that, mom and dad have said that.

LEE: Right but at the same time we still we just need to figure out how we can be clear on what ever we’re giving to them, so even if we have to you know speak very direct or we can’t really speak in generalities with them, with anybody is what I’m finding out . Or if we tell them I’m not completely sure on the spelling or I’m not completely sure on this or that. They take everything exactly up front to the ‘T’. Exactly how you provide it. So if it’s off at all they don’t even think to look in any other areas ….( LA explaining that he and KC need to be on the same page as to what she is going to tell them,etc. )

CASEY: That’s why I gave them things multiple times. Each officer I gave the same information at least two or three times, I’ve done the same thing with you, the same thing with mom, the same thing with Jose. Everyone has the same information, same spelling, same names. None of that has altered because that’s it

LEE: What do you think, where do you think. You think Caylee’s ok right now? ( Notice he first ask “what then where do you think.” He realizes he’s about to have his sister answer an incriminating question so he then says is she okay?)

KC: My gut feeling? As mom asked me yesterday and even Jose asked me last night, the psychologist asked me this morning that I got through the court, um in my gut she’s still ok. And it still feels like she’s close to home. ( She follows up with she’s okay - and then gives a LOCATION!)

LEE: Ok ( Now he know’s where to start looking )

I think this makes sense now (scary thought). :bang:
I like the way you're thinking.........

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