NBC Dateline: Missing Mickey 29 Jan 2013

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I watched the show in my bed, with the covers pulled up around me...it was a story of triumph and tragedy. There are no words, though I keep searching for them.

To the Websleuths family and our leader, Bessie, thank you. Over those months you kept us all focused on brining Mickey home. To the beloved Charlie, yours is a spirit that leaves me speechless. May there be healing for you and your beautiful family.

To our reluctant heroine, Mickey, much love, Light and peace to your amazing being.
I just watched Dateline. The rush of emotions I felt brought me right back to when this all started. I think of Mickey and the Shunicks often. What an amazing, brave family. And Charlie...wow...such a strong woman.
I agree that the show was way too short (& wasted time that should have gone to Lisa Pate's story on Rocky McGee) and rushed/left out some of the details.

However, there were some things I really liked:
- seeing the pic of the bike
- seeing the pics of the burned truck (wow! so completely burned!)
- seeing the spot near the cemetery where he placed Mickey; it didn't seem that far from the other graves & the graves had newer flowers, etc around some of them, so it obviously does get visitors. Despite the awful thing that happened there (him placing then burying her there), it looked like a beautiful, peaceful place. Maybe this is just because I love cemeteries (like going on tours of old cemeteries, etc, not like I hang out in them regularly), but this one seemed extra peaceful. I spent much of the episode reliving the fear & rage from the past summer, but a sense of peace came over me when they showed the cemetery & the small memorial for Mickey that had been set up there.
- As some of you all have already said, there was something almost magical about seeing the video of Mickey riding her bike vs. stills of Mickey on her bike. I lost my breath when I saw it. Something about seeing her in motion makes me feel like she's still in motion although not physically with us - I guess she's biking around & riding her horses in the afterlife.
- Charlie is amazing (as are her parents). I loved what she said about Mickey not wanting her to be sad even for a few minutes, that Mickey would want her to go on & live her life. I lost a dear friend as a teenager to a drunk driver. I've come recently to think of trying to live my life to the fullest, do what makes me happy, and embrace the "joie de vivre" because I owe it to my deceased to friend to live my life the best way I can. I owe it to her to do that because she cannot do this herself. I sensed that Charlie was trying to say this same thing. (I hope that makes sense; it's hard to properly word those feelings). It took me years to come to this realization & I am so happy Charlie is having it already (granted, Charlie was older/more mature than I was when my friend passed away).
- BSL is a disgusting human being. I have never watched the confession tapes; just can't bring myself to (yet...maybe one day). He disgusts me so much I don't even want to hear him speak. Hearing him tell the cops "nah brah, I didn't ****-ing have anything to do with it, nah brah..." made me so sick. Many men in South Louisiana say "brah" (meaning bro, man, dude) etc., it's kind of a regional thing. A t-shirt company called Dirty Coast in New Orleans that makes NOLA-themed shirts even sells a shirt that says "you had me at say, brah" (http://www.dirtycoast.com/store/detail/863/You-Had-Me-at-Say-Brah). All I can say is BSL is scum & not worthy of saying "Brah." He isn't fit to use this colloqialism that my guy friends, husband, etc use. I don't care if he grew up around it or saying it, he's lost all "brah"-ing priveleges to me. Don't even pretend to be a normal, nice Louisiana guy. I had a really visceral reaction to the fact that he talks like every other local guy in his age group. I'm sure many women were easily fooled. He presented himself as a nice, average guy to many. Sorry, rant over.
- The narrator said that BSL "had an addiciton to prostitutes" & had several women (girlfriends or hook-ups I suppose) all over that his fiance' didn't know about (I feel so badly for her). We know he was calling prostitues the night he took Mickey. But "addiction" is stronger than say, "frequented the services of prostitutes." Maybe this was just the narrator's wording, but it gave me chills. How many dead/missing women or prostitutes has he killed? Especially the prostitutes....I wonder if some were ever even reported missing or taken seriously. And if he traveled all over/had girlfriends all over....I wonder about prostitues any place he's traveled to.

ETA: I really do think Mickey did indeed solve her own case by inflicting those wounds (d@mn! she tore him up! If his gun would have jammed or something, I think she would have killed him.) I hope one day when he's finally in general population the other prisoners will remember to give him heck about a girl who he outweighed by 170 lbs or so almost did him in. And again, THANK YOU MICKEY for finally getting this guy out of the public!!! Women in Lafayette and all over are safer because of what you did!
I watched the show in my bed, with the covers pulled up around me...it was a story of triumph and tragedy. There are no words, though I keep searching for them.

To the Websleuths family and our leader, Bessie, thank you. Over those months you kept us all focused on brining Mickey home. To the beloved Charlie, yours is a spirit that leaves me speechless. May there be healing for you and your beautiful family.

To our reluctant heroine, Mickey, much love, Light and peace to your amazing being.

Wow...powerful post, :grouphug:

I watched IT again today!
I like all I know about Ms. Mickey Shunick. All of it. Somethings I love. Like...
I LOVE knowing, by his own account, when push came to shove...do or die...in her final moments...She looked him in the eye! Made him mad. Mad, mad, mad. Go Mickey!
A look between the beauty and the beast...the angel and the devil. Go Mighty Mickey! She won. I know she did. So he had to grab the gun. Big puss.

I find this to be an empowering moment in her life and legacy. I feel more courageous, more brave...each time I think about it. Ms. Mickey's gift to me!

She was here, and we know of her, for a reason. A big reason!

Getting wishy-washy now...So, peace, love, kumbaya, and all that!
I watched it and, aside from being briefly filled with vengeful rage once again, I think the photos/videos (and other evidence released which) which most stood out to me were:

-the pics used in matching the DWT (ice chest + other items in bed of pickup);
-burned out truck
-his list of <S>*advertiser censored*</S>escorts...still a bit incredulous that Lafayette has that many
-the girlfriend interrogation scene: poor girl...poor, poor girl
-Rocky McGee: hasn't much been mentioned, but what this kid went through was wrong, and those jerks who falsely accused him should at least be sentenced to hundreds of hours of community service.
-the po-po: those guys -- all of them, every agency involved -- did a terrific job on this case. Clearly there was some brilliant police work being done -- thanks, in no small part, to their unwitting accomplice in one Brandon Scott Lavergne, who clearly is a bit of a dim bulb...
-The Shunick family: what else needs to be said about them that hasn't already been said? Bless them all.
Watched the Dateline 'Missing Mickey' special again. Very touching.. I am confident that there will be updated versions in the future. Dateline NBC's Josh Mankiewicz stated, "10 seconds earlier or 10 seconds later, and we wouldn't be doing this story tonight".. So true...


Lafayette cyclist never makes it home, community search party seeks answers

POSTED: Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 3:51pm

When Shunick&#8217;s family had not heard from her all day on Saturday, they began to worry. They started off by calling around to hospitals. When that failed to provide results, they went to the police.

&#8220;We went to the police department to file a report,&#8221; Says recalled. &#8220;At first we were told that there was nothing we could do until Monday. My friends and I said that this isn&#8217;t something that can wait until Monday, so we started sharing pictures of her on Facebook.

&#8220;Mickey&#8217;s description is so unique,&#8221; Says added. &#8220;She has the blondest hair you&#8217;ve ever seen and she wears really exuberant clothing. She&#8217;s hard to miss.

&#8220;I hope we find her soon,&#8221; Says continued. &#8220;She&#8217;s the best friend anyone could ever have. This is just not something you think would ever happen.&#8221;

"10 seconds earlier or 10 seconds later, Brandon Scott Lavergne would have been stalking another innocent and unsuspecting victim & Lisa Pate would not have received justice"...

'Let us set an example for all of you. The missing are never alone. Fight for them, stand up for them, support them, send love to them. Remember that bad things can happen to ANYONE and regardless of the circumstances everyone deserves to be returned to a place where they are loved'.
Watched the Dateline special last night. In addition to what's been said already I was also surprised that the footage of the DWT was stills vs video (like that of Mickey riding, which obviously came from a different camera). We debated about why we weren't shown a better pic, now we know why!

Also, there was no mention of the footage obtained from DA so I'm still wondering what was on that!? Obviously not the abduction or a struggle!?

And finally, after all the talk about why the police didn't check traffic cams (they did!) and numerous people on here indicating that traffic cams don't record....well now we know that's not true. Fascinating!

Sounds like Brandon was in custody already when our WS PI offered help (can't remember his name!?). And that was the first time I've heard Brandon speak...now I see why they called him "man talk".!

God bless the Shunicks. What wonderful people they are!
Soar high, Mighty Mickey! The program captured the essence of Mickey's famy beautifully. They will be able to assist others facing this rough journey. The program made me so proud of our Cajun heritage...persistence to the max. So good to see all the locals posting with names that reflect our heritage.
On a side note, I was talking to my supervisor about a 'real' case and used the term, hinky meter' and I explained a little of WS and the individual sitting beside me was a member too!
I, too, would have liked to see a second part dedicated to Lisa Pate. I must say though, that Mickey Shunick, helped to clear my brother's name (KA) in relation to Lisa Pate's murder. Once BSL was caught, he admitted that her tried to frame him (KA).

IMO, there is a lot more to the Lisa Pate story that needs to be resolved. I hope and pray that the cops dig further to get to the TRUTH!

May both those beautiful girls RIP.
I, too, would have liked to see a second part dedicated to Lisa Pate. I must say though, that Mickey Shunick, helped to clear my brother's name (KA) in relation to Lisa Pate's murder. Once BSL was caught, he admitted that her tried to frame him (KA).

IMO, there is a lot more to the Lisa Pate story that needs to be resolved. I hope and pray that the cops dig further to get to the TRUTH!

May both those beautiful girls RIP.
I'm so glad to hear from you, and to know that you've found some peace of mind. :hug:

This particular episode was entitled "Missing Mickey", and IMO, the producers made good choices in selecting points to cover. I would like to see them take it a step further and do a show focused on BSL's other crimes, including the murder of Lisa Pate, and the events that followed.

The hour devoted to Mickey was very powerful. I was particularly moved by the images of the truck approaching the intersection. From our perspective, that was the crucial moment where Mickey's fate was decided. I felt an overwhelming urge to scream out, "STOP!!".
I'm so glad to hear from you, and to know that you've found some peace of mind. :hug:

This particular episode was entitled "Missing Mickey", and IMO, the producers made good choices in selecting points to cover. I would like to see them take it a step further and do a show focused on BSL's other crimes, including the murder of Lisa Pate, and the events that followed.

The hour devoted to Mickey was very powerful. I was particularly moved by the images of the truck approaching the intersection. From our perspective, that was the crucial moment where Mickey's fate was decided. I felt an overwhelming urge to scream out, "STOP!!".


Bessie, yes, this episode was primarily focused on Mickey Shunick, her amazing family, and how investigators in conjunction with the Lafayette community came together to identify and bring down a very dangerous sexual predator/serial killer..which had been active for at least a decade and a half, and, imo, has many more unknown victims..

Mickey Shunick, had a life's purpose, imo.. She courageously sacrificed her life to save others, and to shine the light on BSL, and his other unknown victims.

The investigation into BSL's other victims has now been silenced by investigators. To squander the most valuable investigative tool in missing/murdered persons cases; the American public, is to prevent this purpose from being achieved, imo... Hopefully the awareness created by the Missing Mickey Dateline episode will bring forward more tips and new information..
"One of the guys caught a fish. Upon reeling it in, the line snagged the bike. Bike was submerged.

They kept the bike because their dad or uncle is in the scrap metal business.

When they got home, a female in the family immediately recognized the bike from the fliers and the media.

They called the police at that point.

And it gets even more interesting; the fishermen have a long history with BSL."

God, why does everyone and their mom know BSL but yet no one knew all these things he was doing, like basically traveling across the U.S. and getting escorts?! He really is just as he sounds. A country guy that knows everyone.
One note I didn't particularly like about the segment, I know that we and basically everyone else that follows this case slowly sees what a slime BSL is.

However, to people that never heard this story, I don't think they really even touched enough on how dangerous of a man he is.

Every picture of him shown was of him smiling and/or at a football game or hunting, like basically every other guy in Louisiana.

There were no mugshots of his emotionless face, Lisa Pate's name wasn't even brought up, it was almost as if someone watching may have assumed based on what was said, that his other victim was an escort. There was no talk about his rape, about his domestic abuse charges, about all of the womens things found, or any of that.

I totally agree with dedicating the show to be more focused on Mickey.
However, i think he was portrayed 1/10th of the sick person that we have looked into him being.

Not a very accurate portrayal of him especially with the recent gag order he is requested. I almost feel as if people that don't keep up actively with this case may just buy into whatever he says, and feel he was wrongly accused.
If he is ever released from prison, he will be greeted with a vigilante welcoming committee. Bank on it.
If he is ever released from prison, he will be greeted with a vigilante welcoming committee. Bank on it.

You betcha.
Cajun justice. Don't mess with the women and children.
Consider it a good thing or bad thing.
But...pretty much a guaranteed thing.

I should state once again, that I neither condone nor censure 'IT'.
Just the way I would envision it going down.

Viewers respond to Dateline's piece on Shunick
NBC's Dateline aired a special report Tuesday night on the murder of University of Louisiana at Lafayette student Mickey Shunick, whose May 19 disappearance shook Acadiana to its core. Here's a look at what people across the country and in Acadiana had to say about the story on Twitter.

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