NC NC - Allen Croft, 46, Durham, 11 May 2005

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After continuous calls, letters, and e-mails requesting the details of his death, and a year later we was sent a report that incuded photos of the scene, and him. We requested the officers reports, 911 transcripts, and the video of the scene. They ARE public records, only LE does not like to (give them out.) These are articles under the FOIA, much less doing the right thing. by telling a mother how her son died......
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Thank you so much Jersey Girl, and Bobbiesangel, and to all of you for advise!
I plan to contact EVERY person ON that list, and just want to Thank You, and offer my prayers to you, and all of us out here suffering......
God Bless, and thanks for helping make my quest for the truth easier!!!
It has been a winding road, but I have faith in God that each step brings me closer.....Where two or more are gathered in my name....I will be there!!! What reassurance that promise brings......Peace....
I e-mailed EVERYONE on the list you provided me, and again to county officials! I also sent one to the sheriff's department, wanting them to know I am not going to accept the blatant disregard for his death, and the lies that they told us. I am sure they are monitoring ME, almost makes me want to laugh! They "blacklisted," me from the Durham County site, and my e-mails get returned.....I wonder why?!?!
But, it just gives me more peace to know they are aware, I don't care if I "offend," them! The truth will come to light, and I have ALL the faith in the world that the Lord will, and is, in the midst of this nightmare, and will move in his mysterious ways to see justice and honor returned to my beloved hero and best friend! For his sake, my mother's, and all of us who respected and adored him......
Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart!
Well I sure hope that something good comes of emailing all of those addresses. I did a google search for some way to get ahold of Dr. Michael Baden but didn't have any luck. He does a show on HBO called "autopsy" but I don't have HBO or I would see if there is a way to contact him on there. I know that people have gotten hold of him but I sure don't know how.

Anyone on here know if you are right handed which side of your head you would shoot yourself on? Would it be the same side or the opposite side? If you are shot in the head would the blood spatter or splatter or what? I've watched so many forensic shows but I'll be darned if I can remember. I didn't ask any questions about my daughter's head wound so that doesn't help. It would be helpful to have these questions answered I think.
They didn't do an autopsy! We requested one, and was TOLD one would be done, and wasn't! He was left handed, shot on the right temple, (with NO powder burns, or tattooing at ALL) and found with his head laying on the right. Too many "Rights," if you ask me! I have studied TONS of forensic sites showing "REAL," crime scenes, and NONE of them shows anything like him! Not to mention, since I mass e-mailed ALL the people on the link Jerseygirl gave me, but also Durham officials, including the sheriff, and now my laptop has become swamped with virus's, and even said something about spyware....How ironic somebody would be trying to hack my computer now, Hmmmmmm?!?!?! It was fine before this, now all of a sudden several days ago, (when I re-e-mailed officials there, and the police, and sheriff,) it is infected!
I smell a rat! LOTS of them!
Also, notice how many views my post keeps getting, without replies! I only posted this thread a couple of weeks ago, and would have thought I would have more responses and ideas, than just "Watchers!"
Justice Denied gives a list of offices that will do pro bono work. This is what they list for Durham, NC.....
224 South Dawson Street
PO Box 27611
North Carolina, 27611

Tel: 919 - 856 - 2121
Try contacting them. If they cannot help you they may be able to counsel you as to who you would need to contact.​
Justice4Jack said:
Also, notice how many views my post keeps getting, without replies! I only posted this thread a couple of weeks ago, and would have thought I would have more responses and ideas, than just "Watchers!"
There are so many people on WS and they read things that catch thier eye. If they have something to contribute they will post if not they will keep checking back. I assure you that if anyone here has advice to offer they will post, they are not shy about that here. :D
Thank you curious, I am calling now, but it is busy. I have some time now to call....And I did not mean to offend anybody on WS, I was referring to the fact I believe that I am being, "watched!" I am afraid for myself at this point, but still refuse to be intimidated, and swore to my brother.....He WAS George Bailey, and the world is a darker orb without his light :'(
I know you want justice for your dear brother, but don't let this run or ruin your life. You will not be able to honor his memory if you run yourself in the the ground literally and figuratively. Take care of yourself.
I understand how people die from a broken heart...I have learned through the loss of many I have loved, that even though they may be gone, the love never ends....All the more, if it is someone who has always been there for you, and blood...Time, through God's grace is the healer! I admit I am tired, and still in shock, but I have faith God will keep his promise, if I do mine....Faith, without works is dead. He has given me strength to endure, and is with me, and my family, each step.....
Thank you for caring! Prayers will work miracles, and the kindness of a stranger is a blessing! The support, and help I have received here has meant a lot, and I am forever grateful!
The Pro Bono Project does not provide referrals to private attorneys.

We primarily support local and statewide volunteer lawyers programs, local and statewide bar associations and non profit agencies efforts to develop resources to assist people needing pro bono legal assistance. If you are looking for pro bono legal assistance (free legal assistance), please go to

Law School Projects Law schools in North Carolina have active pro bono programs and participate in various pro bono projects across the state.

Here some more info:
The North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation 1-800-334-3000 SBI Operations Center.

Sorry for your lost.
Thank you for the leads! I finally got throught to the SBI office there. They are to return the call, and speak to my mother. I prefer being the liason, as she has been through so much, and I am worried about her!
It is just that she has more "clout," than me it seems....
I also have spoken to a director at a local college here that does forensic studies, we plan on taking everything we have to them, and see what they can come up with....And if the murderer is watching....Be afraid, because God will see you caught, and punished! Not just in hell, but this life too! His life may have been snuffed out, but his dignity and memory shall be restored!!! That means the most to all of us who loved and misses him!!! Justice is mine, sayith the Lord, and your day shall come, and I will be there to speak on his behalf.....As he was for me......and still is, in my heart and soul!
It appears there's more than one case in Durham not getting enough attention. (Janet Marie (Christiansen) Abaroa).
Perhaps their city needs to take a look at this & fix it from the ground up.
May you soon find peace, J4J.
The Durham County LE doesn't care! It is not about their loved ones being murdered, and they are lazy and corrupt in my opinion! I have contacted members of City Hall, and requested Internal Affairs to investigate both the Medical Examiner, and the LE involved....If there was no wrong doing, why are they so evasive and reluctant to give us the facts, and documents we requested many times over!
I am also hoping to find people he worked with at IBM who may be able to answer some questions also....His boss was "unable," to tell me anything, as he was more worried about his job.....Too many missing puzzle pieces, and lies to cover up!
After all is said and done, I pray that the guilty will be punished, my brother's dignity restored, and hopefully legislation passed so that family has "The Right To Know."
There is NO reason I should be begging for help, had the LE done their job! Now I see so many others in my same situation, and am deeply saddened from all the pain....It is disturbing to see such discern for human life!
But, all hope is not lost! The Lord is with us, and there are people that do care, and willing to hold your hand....Thank you all for the support, and prayers!
I don't see what his boss at IBM would have to contribute to the investigation. If he says something about your brother that you may not like then they could be concerned about being sued for Libel or Slander. They have to be very careful about what they say and who they say it to.

I agree that LE in Durham needs to be looked into, but when you start accusing IBM of covering something up then you really risk not being taken seriously anymore. There is a fine line and you need to be mindful of that. If you cross it no one will cooperate with you at all. I know it is frustrating, I lost a family member to murder over 20 years ago and there has been absolutely no resolution. If you think it's hard to get information now you have no idea what it was like 20 years ago. There was no e-mailing to request information you had to show up and request it in person. You learn not to antagonize and to work on building almost what I would call a type of friendship. You would get a lot further with, 'I know you have a lot of cases and my brothers is just one of hundreds, but he was so special to me and I just need some answers' than 'You messed up and we demand to know what happened'. IMHO
Also, I am from the general area originally, yes the LE there is not the best. I am one of their biggest critics, but what you have to realize is there is a lot of crime there for a city that is not as big as say Chicago or NY, but with I-85 running right through the town/county they have a lot of drug related violence to deal with it. They have been understaffed and underpaid for way too long and they have had to deal with one DA after another that just does not care about serving anyone but themselves.
First of all, let me say again how sorry I am for your loss too! 20 years without knowing what happened is a crime itself! I will continue to pray for you too, and am grateful for your concern!
Now, as far as his boss goes, the LE only asked him questions that would try and substantiate his suicide. I give his boss credit for NOT slandering my brother! I spoke to him personally, and he was very kind. I am NOT saying there was a IBM murder plot, just that the men he released his computer to was also computer experts, and had NO business touching it!
I started out being kind, as I am, but through the months and months of being ignored, and lied to, I am sick of begging for information we should be privy to!
I live in Cleveland, I know all about lazy cops, and crime. We have far more murders here, but our coroner examines each case, as protocol. Durham did not! Not to mention they have far more revenue than my city, there is no reason for incompetence! If they can't do their jobs, QUIT! Lives are at stake, and laziness is not acceptable! LE has a special duty to serve and protect! Now it is more like, do my 8 hours and go home! Especially now since we have such new technology, there really is no viable excuse for ineptness......
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