NC - Body of newborn found in Rocky Mount dumpster, 7 Feb 2007

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I just can't believe that people will do this.

Dead Baby Found in Dumpster


Posted: Today at 4:00 p.m.
Updated: 33 minutes ago

Rocky Mount — Police are investigating the discovery of an infant's body in a supermarket trash bin.

An employee of the Food Lion in the River's Edge Shopping Center on U.S. Highway 301 called police at about 1 p.m. Wednesday to report that the body of a dead newborn had been found.

Someone digging in the Dumpsters behind the Food Lion made the discovery, Rocky Mount Police Chief John Manley said. The baby was wrapped in something, Manley said, declining to elaborate.
This just kills me. I don't understand why the message about Safe Surrender or other versions of that law isn't getting out to the people who need to know.

Or is it that they just can't be bothered?
There needs to be the kind of PSA efforts for Safe Haven laws as there are for anti-smoking, anti-drugs, pro-HPV vaccines, you name it. Billboards, print ads, television spots, flyers in hospitals, health departments, shopping malls, schools....push the idea in people's faces to the point where it becomes a genuinely viable option. Remove the perceived stigma..."You carried your baby to this point. If you just can't do it anymore, that's okay. Leave the child at the fire'll be a hero". Something...anything...:(
I really think they need to make it easier. Hand your baby to ANYONE. Tag, you're it. No consequences. Hopefully someone not in crisis will be more able to take the next step. I'd rather have a program that works than sounds good.
really? well, geez if they make it that easy, be prepared for even more millions of unwanted babies to be just "handed off" to someone. who's gonna take care of all those? we can't even deal with the ones that are already alive and homeless. i say make it easier for women to get abortions, if they don't want to be pregnant and have a kid. and, of course, to have easy access to birth control info & products (for men AND women-- including free sterilizations for anyone & everyone!)

but no, that would make too much sense.
Seems to me that it is easy now to get an abortion. There are millions of them being done every day. Maybe some people are just to lazy to setup the appt. or they find out to late that they are pregnant especially if they are on drugs or alcohol.

I don't think the new law is out there enough. We all know about it because we talk about it here and we stay well informed but I don't think that the general public knows. I've never seen an advertisement on TV about it or anywhere else. I think all we need to have done is get the word out there so that these people are aware that they won't be in trouble if they can't take care of a baby or just don't want it if they drop it off at a hospital , etc.

There seem to be so many babies ending up in dumpsters. If the baby is born dead why throw it in a dumpster like a piece of garbage? Why not at least see that it is buried properly. Such a sad thing to do to a little thing like that.
Everyone can help with this one, it's not that hard. Have a "group" either girl scouts, youth group, students in Child development classes etc. Make up posters to be placed on dumpsters with phone numbers, addresses or directions to the nearest baby drop. We did it in our community several years ago. About 3-4 times a year, a new group makes new posters to replace the old weathered ones. Ask permission of the dumpster owner, one owner let us permanently paint info on the out side. Maybe dumpsters can be ordered with information already printed on them now days.
Everyone can help with this one, it's not that hard. Have a "group" either girl scouts, youth group, students in Child development classes etc. Make up posters to be placed on dumpsters with phone numbers, addresses or directions to the nearest baby drop. We did it in our community several years ago. About 3-4 times a year, a new group makes new posters to replace the old weathered ones. Ask permission of the dumpster owner, one owner let us permanently paint info on the out side. Maybe dumpsters can be ordered with information already printed on them now days.
This is a great idea. I still believe that many people most likely to benefit from this law are not familiar with it.
Bobbisangel said:
Seems to me that it is easy now to get an abortion. There are millions of them being done every day. Maybe some people are just to lazy to setup the appt. or they find out to late that they are pregnant especially if they are on drugs or alcohol.

I don't think the new law is out there enough. We all know about it because we talk about it here and we stay well informed but I don't think that the general public knows. I've never seen an advertisement on TV about it or anywhere else. I think all we need to have done is get the word out there so that these people are aware that they won't be in trouble if they can't take care of a baby or just don't want it if they drop it off at a hospital , etc.

There seem to be so many babies ending up in dumpsters. If the baby is born dead why throw it in a dumpster like a piece of garbage? Why not at least see that it is buried properly. Such a sad thing to do to a little thing like that.
I think sometimes abortion is out of the price range for people who would benefit. Additionally, in some of the cases, the mother doesn't realize she is pregnant until it is too late, so to speak.

I do agree that there needs to be more public information about this law - TV spots is a great idea. I still think lots of people do not know that they have this option to take there child somewhere safe and walk away.
Those are all some good, practical solutions.

Hopefully having the Morning After pill otc will help.
How sad.

I think most of the time these are teenagers who are looking for a fast solution to avoid being caught. They hid their pregnancies and had to dispose of the baby. My guess is these girls may not even have a way to get to a hospital, fire station or other safe drop off. Maybe they don't believe it will be anonymous.
That's a good point. Maybe they need a number you can call for someone to come pick the baby up.
angelmom said:
This just kills me. I don't understand why the message about Safe Surrender or other versions of that law isn't getting out to the people who need to know.
I agree with you angelmom, the "safe haven" needs to be promoted. Although the availability of pregnancy termination ways and means continues to grow so do the stories like this. I work in a nursing home, we have a fallout shelter and a bassinette in there and regularly advertize that we are a "safe haven".

I do not see any main stream coverage on the "safe haven" just continued mainstream coverage of stories just like this one. Poor baby, there are so many childless couples who deserve a chance to parent these throw away babies.
North Carolina allows new mothers to leave a newborn at a hospital, police or fire station without penalty as long as the baby is no more than 7 days old. Thirty-four other states have such Safe Surrender laws.

This is from the article about the baby found.

We all can help by checking our local hospitals, including nursing homes and ask if they are "safe havens" if they are not ask why. Any healthcare facility or fire station would work.

Any place would work to save these babies from the dumpster. I think the law should be expanded to include leaving the baby indoors anywhere it would be found within 4 hours.
Everyone can help with this one, it's not that hard. Have a "group" either girl scouts, youth group, students in Child development classes etc. Make up posters to be placed on dumpsters with phone numbers, addresses or directions to the nearest baby drop. We did it in our community several years ago. About 3-4 times a year, a new group makes new posters to replace the old weathered ones. Ask permission of the dumpster owner, one owner let us permanently paint info on the out side. Maybe dumpsters can be ordered with information already printed on them now days.

Fantastic idea! I would also like to see this taught in school beginning in middle school.
Everyone can help with this one, it's not that hard. Have a "group" either girl scouts, youth group, students in Child development classes etc. Make up posters to be placed on dumpsters with phone numbers, addresses or directions to the nearest baby drop. We did it in our community several years ago. About 3-4 times a year, a new group makes new posters to replace the old weathered ones. Ask permission of the dumpster owner, one owner let us permanently paint info on the out side. Maybe dumpsters can be ordered with information already printed on them now days.
That's actually not a bad idea. Another idea is to have the waste management companies add them to their dumpsters in coordination with advocates for Safe Haven. I would not mind paying a small extra monthly fee with my bill for funding.
southcitymom said:
I think sometimes abortion is out of the price range for people who would benefit. Additionally, in some of the cases, the mother doesn't realize she is pregnant until it is too late, so to speak.

I do agree that there needs to be more public information about this law - TV spots is a great idea. I still think lots of people do not know that they have this option to take there child somewhere safe and walk away.
I dont like abortion and dont agree with it for me but something needs to be done regarding all the children you see everyday getting abused neglected and killed. I know for a fact our county, which has a very poor urban area gives free birth control for men or women or both, abortion financial assistance if you dont have the money also financial assistance for the morning after pill. I know of plenty of moms on infertility boards that simply cannot afford to the $15,000 to $20,000 for adoption and its the only reason they dont adopt. If the government was truly in it for helping people they would lower the cost of adoption, help with counseling regarding it, and financial assistance for the biological mother. Instead you have a bunch of "parents" and I use that term loosely who dont give a rats butt about the precious gifts they have had given to them and treat them worse than they treat their animals.
I think that safe haven is not annoymus I remember a woman dropped off a newborn at a ?firestation and it was all over the news they were looking for the mother. That would intimadate me.
this is so heartbreaking....I'm trying to adopt too....I can't have a baby on my own and someone else can just dump one off :(
Autumn2004 said:
I know of plenty of moms on infertility boards that simply cannot afford to the $15,000 to $20,000 for adoption and its the only reason they dont adopt. If the government was truly in it for helping people they would lower the cost of adoption, help with counseling regarding it, and financial assistance for the biological mother.

Here's the deal with the Cost of Adoptions. An adoption used to cost around $10K-$12K so the gov't gave a $10K tax credit so people could afford to adopt. Once that was in effect, AGENCIES went up on their prices so they could make even more money!

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