NC NC - Cherokee County, Taller Male, pre-50, found in woods with glasses, UP98181, digital camera with photos, Feb'22

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
@RickshawFan, you raise some great points about this possibly being an AT through hiker. But given the amount of stuff, including a laptop, camera, cell phone, plus 2 backpacks, it clearly wasn't any ultra-light backpacking enthusiast. If one started hiking in Georgia on the AT, that might be about the point on the trail where you would take a break and go looking for a post office to mail everything you don't need back home. It's also quite close to US64.

This local article suggested there were about 100 photos recovered and LE had already been contacted by one of the individuals in the photos from N Georgia. There were multiple photos of artwork. But their lead on an artist from the Southwest seems to have fizzled.

I'm sticking to my theory.

Not every long-distance hiker likes to go light weight. And there are very experienced old-timer backpackers who have only ever taken a lot of stuff and like it that way.

It is not rare for long-distance hikers to have 2 backpacks! The second can be a light daypack that is used for slacking.

It also would not be unusual for a long-distance hiker to have more than you'd expect: everyone is different. And if this guy is an artist, he might very well want his computer along. I always had at least half a novel in my backpack on the AT. I generally had 3 gas canisters (for hot drinks). People thought I was nuts. To each their own. My winter gear with all of that was in a 35 liter pack; when snickerers saw that, they shut up. Everyone is different.

Now, if LE listed a snake bite kit or a dozen eggs or a cast iron frying pan, we'd need a bit more sleuthing, but even those are indicators: the newbie, the totally clueless, and the totally totally clueless. However, I did meet 2 thru hiking sisters who were, in fact, planning to carry a cast iron frying pan and a dozen eggs. Go figure. IIRC they came up with a slightly lighter plan after about 100 miles, but it was still "eye-rolly" and they hadn't figured out yet that carrying a dozen eggs isn't compatible with long-distance hiking, between lack of refrigeration and the odds of a gooey mess, not to mention the sheer bulk of an egg container.

This brings up another issue. When people are starting out on the trail, they often carry stuff that they will decide is totally unnecessary about 300 miles along. FWIW LMAO I saw a guy with two packs, one on the front, one on the back. He decided that was too heavy, so he hiked with one pack at a time. Yep, he'd hike with one, and then go and fetch the other. I mean....

As far as the AT, Murphy is quite near the beginning, but also, the UID might just have been heading to the trail or otherwise at the very beginning of his hike.

The UID might stick to his plan for the laptop, but the fork and knife are completely unnecessary. A DSLR camera would not be at all unusual, even though they're heavy: some hikers are photographers and artists. As I say, to each his own. And not everyone goes lightweight. The rest of his possessions did seem quite sparse.

Buuuut... there also needs to be a scenario about how the UID got to those woods. You see, Franklin and Hiawassee (nearby) pretty much have all the services you need, especially as far as re-supply, and they're nearer the trail (actually, they're tried and true re-supply spots). I have been in Hiawassee's Walmart. And I know Franklin has a hospital, because I've been in it! After a SAR on the AT near Hiawassee!

So, I'm not sure why you'd end up near Murphy. However, a ride might have taken him there, a trail angel, a church....

I also don't think we need to jump to the conclusion, if he's a hiker, that this UID is a thru-hiker. That would be someone going all the way from Georgia to Maine or vice versa.
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More thoughts on items found:

1. Place no emphasis on the "silverware".

I think most of us were confused with the terminology LE used.
'Silverware' implies knives forks and spoons of a certain finery or expense.

Perhaps if LE had just used the term 'metal cutlery' that would've been more accurate.

I think most of us were confused with the terminology LE used.
'Silverware' implies knives forks and spoons of a certain finery or expense.

Perhaps if LE had just used the term 'metal cutlery' that would've been more accurate.

Yep, regional language differences. In England, I'd use the word "cutlery" where Americans use the word "silverware" to mean the implements you use to eat stuff at the dinner table. Utensils! So, I find in the US, "silverware" generally doesn't turn out to be silver at all.

After looking at the photos, IMO they belong in the category of $0.10 at Goodwill. They are not what you polish up for guests at Christmas dinner.
The fact namus lists Sammie Davis as his possible name gave me the impression that they were in the process of identifying him but now I realize maybe they got the possible name from the items found with the remains and it would be better to contact the authorities as you suggested
Sammy Davis is a famous singer. A fan might very easily have something with his name on it.

It's possible someone has that as a trail name....
Could this be him and they're waiting for formal identification ?

Lowell Police turn to public for help finding missing man
Great find. I think you’re probably right. Since he was ‘adopted’ by the Davis family, they would need to track down his biological family for DNA.

I‘ve noticed that some UID’s are listed in NamUs shortly before an official identification is made. I’m guessing it has something to do with paperwork needed to complete the process.
The name is gone. I assume it was not Sammie then. Also, Sammie looked like he was edentolous or had several missing teeth, i assume from years of substance use - no mention that the UID had them. But it is possible no skull was recovered.
Is there a link somewhere to ALL the photos (I’m not on FB so can’t access them via the NC Sheriff site)?

Wonder why there’s been no word re: the artist from New Mexico? Seems LE knew who this was some time ago. I guess the difficulty or expense of ID’ing him via DNA or finding the relative?

And surely there would be something in the laptop that would lead to identification.

Also wondering how somebody living in N GA recognized something in one or more of the photos and connected it to somebody they knew was from (at least at one time knew had lived in) New Mexico, especially given that LE apparently thinks there may be only one living relative. What a coincidence that somebody in N GA would know (or know of) an artist from from NM who might’ve been in the woods near Murphy, NC.

What did they recognize: person, scene, art, car, barn, belonging? Very curious

All jmo
I would like to see more photos of the artwork that haven’t yet been publicised. Maybe there is someone out there who didn’t recognise that one painting but would recognise the connection to the others.

Also if there were over 100 photos, did any others contain people or easily identifiable places that might provide a clue? You would hope LE would release those but then the dinner photo didn’t initially seem to be released with the others.

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