NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #3

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In the recent Casey interview, I find it interesting that she says Carolyn is the key to Erica's disappearance. I think there may be a grain of truth to that. But it's in Casey's head and nothing Carolyn did. I try to refrain from armchair psychology so this is very tentative speculation.

I think when Erica and Carolyn met for the first time, Erica got tangible proof that the Parsons weren't her only family. If Erica had been abused by Casey for years, she might have seen this an opportunity to get away from the Parsons. Maybe Erica started talking about getting to know Carolyn and the Goodman family more. Erica was at that age when children want independence from their family and Carolyn and the Goodmans probably seemed like a good opportunity. I bet this would have worried Casey because word could spread about how she treated Erica. Being exposed would have terrified Casey. She probably worried about losing the welfare cheques. And Casey probably thought Erica was being selfish and ungrateful, because Casey would never herself as the problem.

I suspect Casey is the type who needs control over her family. Carolyn coming onto the scene could have threatened Casey's authority. I don't think Casey would have liked competing with Carolyn for Erica. I think this is why Casey sent FB messages impersonating Erica telling Carolyn to leave her alone. I found those messages really strange trying to paint the picture of a close bond between Casey and Erica. As tensions grew over 2011, I suspect Casey did something to make Erica disappear. Making Erica disappear would maintain the status quo and Casey's position of authority and control. Narcissist's thrive on narcissistic supply, and I think Carolyn and Erica were becoming a threat to this.

So I think Casey is trying to shift the blame onto Carolyn because in Casey's mind, it was Carolyn who started all this and it's her fault. A narcissist will always blame someone else to justify their actions.
I find it hard to believe that Facebook doesn't save information from deleted accounts. Account may be deleted to the public, but the information given to Facebook to open the account is their property. The account user gives this information to Facebook. Is it assumed that Casey doesn't remember Nan's profile name? If they have a name, I'm positive that Nans supposed deleted account can be fairly easily tracked.

facebook does not actually delete your account. trust me, ive TRIED. you can chose to "delete" but if you ever log back in, your account is active again. so somewhere on their servers is "nan's" account. that is if you believe there is a "nan" who communicated with casey via FB.

however, if casey doesn't remember the name (how convenient, then LE is SOL). grant it, I don't use my real name on FB so it would be hard for someone to just remember mine. but that is neither here nor there. also, what is convenient is that casey doesn't have the messages sent via FB still in her FB inbox. I believe that if a person deletes, er deactivates, their account, the messages along w/ the username will still be there.

with all of that said...........what forensics find on their taken computers/phones is only relevant to whether or not their present computers/phones are new or old and how long they have had them. I don't have the same computer/phone I had 1 year ago. and I took out the hardrive from my hold laptop and disposed of the laptop itself. I still have that hardrive.....but would the parsons if they got new computers in the last 2 years?
Good synopsis Brightbird...(not so much the Goodman's though imho, if I may.)
It appears to me that Carolyn was always there in the background, but up until Jan 2011, had never really had, or been given opportunity to interact with Erica. I do wonder if Carolyn might have heard some things through the family grapevine, that she found unsettling...and was trying to reach out in some fashion to Erica? And CP saw it as a threat.
facebook does not actually delete your account. trust me, ive TRIED. you can chose to "delete" but if you ever log back in, your account is active again. so somewhere on their servers is "nan's" account. that is if you believe there is a "nan" who communicated with casey via FB.

however, if casey doesn't remember the name (how convenient, then LE is SOL). grant it, I don't use my real name on FB so it would be hard for someone to just remember mine. but that is neither here nor there. also, what is convenient is that casey doesn't have the messages sent via FB still in her FB inbox. I believe that if a person deletes, er deactivates, their account, the messages along w/ the username will still be there.

with all of that said...........what forensics find on their taken computers/phones is only relevant to whether or not their present computers/phones are new or old and how long they have had them. I don't have the same computer/phone I had 1 year ago. and I took out the hardrive from my hold laptop and disposed of the laptop itself. I still have that hardrive.....but would the parsons if they got new computers in the last 2 years?

I was under the impression the Facebook account was under "Irene Goodman." But rather than go that route hunting for "Irene Goodman," LE would probably have better luck to just get all historical records on Facebook that belong to Casey Parsons, including the ones she had set up to sell her puppies. If Casey made her Facebook postings via Mobile, along with her PC or Laptop, there could even be a log record from her phone(s) in that direction.

On a side note, several years ago, for about 6 years, I was on AT&T DSL connection and my land line phone that was also through AT&T was connected through my modem. It wasn't a computer phone like the Magic Jack, it was a physical land line base phone. And the AT&T billing showed a page for the phone service, and another page for the Internet service. My e-mail addy at that time was also through AT&T and read as:

When Dr. Phil asked Casey if she talked on the phone with Erica after Erica was with "Nan," Casey responded, yes, but added, "It's a land line but it's through a modem of our computer." One of the e-mail address the parsons used for their Parsons Kennel, was "" so they were on AT&T also at one time. And I wouldn't be surprised if their "land line" was setup just like mine back then, through the modem.
Just passing through, but a few comments. If the house is still listed on Craigslist that doesn't mean much. Probably 80% of CL posters never remove their ads even when the item is sold/off the market. The eviction info smacks of rent-to-own or other agreement. Not purely renter vs. landlord. Property tax assumption is my key there. I still think placing the For Sale ad and sign were purely passive-aggressive tactics. Thumbing their/her nose (s) as it were.
FB isn't going to hand over cached/historic information without a subpoena. This has been a long-standing, contentious battle between ISPs/social media and LE. It just doesn't happen readily.
While I do think Casey is certainly a POI (times 10), I also find Carolyn a shady-as-sin character. Can't quite pin it down, without sounding judgmental, but yeah... Not factoring her statements into anything right now. FWIW.
LE sure has a great deal on its plate of clues in this case. There are computer and phone records, those of others being blamed by Casey as well. Then, there is the physical evidence to be tested. Finally, there have to be searches for the live/deceased Erica.

I don't expect this case to be solved soon. Meanwhile CP and SP are throwing in a lot of other stuff to confuse the issue.

In all those efforts, they are managing to keep themselves front and center in the LE investigation. Keep the clues coming!

Thanks to all who are parsing every new revelation as it comes along.

One thing I do know, removing permanent fixtures such as fences and a/c, regardless of who paid for them from a rental unit is a big no-no. I've moved enough to know that! I have a sentimental lamp that has moved with me since I rented my first apartment. I always saved the original fixture or replaced the fixture prior to moving/putting the house on the market. If there was a fridge in the house when "rented" and they bought a new one and threw the old one out, they don't own it. If they saved it, they could replace it. Same goes for the washer and dryer.

These two are working more from vengeance than common sense. Do either of them have a job? Do they have a place of their own in which to place the removed stuff? Are they renting a huge storage unit? If they are, where is the money coming from to do all this?

I'm confused about this rental stuff. I guess you all mean in single family homes? Almost every apartment I've ever rented has not provided a washer dryer, for example, although they will often "rent" you one. My current apartment doesn't bother renting them, there is just a hookup. That doesn't mean my apartment complex owns the $1500 washer dryer set I had to buy for myself when I moved in and if there is language in the lease stating they do, it is definitely not enforced. I get that every lease is different and we are talking about a stand-alone property. I also get that we're talking about a situation where the Parsonses are ripping out fundamental pieces of the house. But I've never heard that you automatically lose ownership of, for example, kitchen appliances.
I'm confused about this rental stuff. I guess you all mean in single family homes? Almost every apartment I've ever rented has not provided a washer dryer, for example, although they will often "rent" you one. My current apartment doesn't bother renting them, there is just a hookup. That doesn't mean my apartment complex owns the $1500 washer dryer set I had to buy for myself when I moved in and if there is language in the lease stating they do, it is definitely not enforced. I get that every lease is different and we are talking about a stand-alone property. I also get that we're talking about a situation where the Parsonses are ripping out fundamental pieces of the house. But I've never heard that you automatically lose ownership of, for example, kitchen appliances.

Appliances you buy are not attached permanently to the apt. It is understood those will go with you and you can have that stated in the lease. If you took the closet door or the kitchen sink you'd be in trouble. What one loses in a "rent to own" is the house/property and any permanent fixtures they have installed like the fence and the air conditioning unit. What the owner of the home needs to do is file a police report. In my opinion what they've done is a felony. Make a report, get a detective on it then turn it over to the DA. From that point on it's up to the DA. It's out of the elder Parsons hands if the DA chooses to prosecute, I know, I'm speaking from experience.
Appliances you buy are not attached permanently to the apt. It is understood those will go with you and you can have that stated in the lease. If you took the closet door or the kitchen sink you'd be in trouble. What one loses in a "rent to own" is the house/property and any permanent fixtures they have installed like the fence and the air conditioning unit. What the owner of the home needs to do is file a police report. In my opinion what they've done is a felony. Make a report, get a detective on it then turn it over to the DA. From that point on it's up to the DA. It's out of the elder Parsons hands if the DA chooses to prosecute, I know, I'm speaking from experience.

I can totally see, in this situation, why it's not okay for them to rip out the fence and the a/c unit. But people are stating you can't remove anything you add to a rental at all, washer/dryer was mentioned, fixtures, etc. That's where my confusion is coming in. (I also tend to upgrade certain fixtures in my rentals, such as replacing cheap thermostats with a programmable digital one--but I put the original ones back (with care) at the end of my lease.)

Edit: I may also just not be reading carefully enough. If so, bear with me, had an exhausting 24 hours. :)
I'm confused about this rental stuff. I guess you all mean in single family homes? Almost every apartment I've ever rented has not provided a washer dryer, for example, although they will often "rent" you one. My current apartment doesn't bother renting them, there is just a hookup. That doesn't mean my apartment complex owns the $1500 washer dryer set I had to buy for myself when I moved in and if there is language in the lease stating they do, it is definitely not enforced. I get that every lease is different and we are talking about a stand-alone property. I also get that we're talking about a situation where the Parsonses are ripping out fundamental pieces of the house. But I've never heard that you automatically lose ownership of, for example, kitchen appliances.

I am on your page.

I have known people who lived in apartments with no AC and put in window units. those window units left w/ them. I have also known others to actually install ceiling fans and either they took them with them (putting back the original fixture) or worked a deal w/ management to take the cost of the fan off of their rent. every rental situation is different, IMO.

I think the entire parsons family et al is an extreme case of dysfunctional and they all just hate each other. so parsons put in some improvements to a house they were on paper renting but allegedly planned to eventually own so they saw it as their home. family isn't supporting them so they flip family a finger and remove said improvements. really, who knows what agreements they had amongst each other. maybe daddy parsons was the one who actually paid for improvements.

at the end of the day....NOTHING these people do make logical sense and this is just one more piece to the broken puzzle.
Eviction notice? Are they back in the house after they took all the stuff out?

Back property taxes? In SC, we get our home property tax notice late in the year to be paid in January. Does NC work differently OR did the Parsons not pay taxes last year Or are they talking about escrow taxes?
I can totally see, in this situation, why it's not okay for them to rip out the fence and the a/c unit. But people are stating you can't remove anything you add to a rental at all, washer/dryer was mentioned, fixtures, etc. That's where my confusion is coming in. (I also tend to upgrade certain fixtures in my rentals, such as replacing cheap thermostats with a programmable digital one--but I put the original ones back (with care) at the end of my lease.)

Edit: I may also just not be reading carefully enough. If so, bear with me, had an exhausting 24 hours. :)

I think the posters meant removing something which was originally a part of the rental is a big no-no. If you have only the hook ups for the appliances when you rent a property, it is evident you take your own appliances with you when you move out. You are supposed to give the rental back in the state you were given.
If there were appliances provided by the owner, they should be there when you move out. Like your thermostat, even if you change them, when moving out you are expected to leave a thermostat in the property. If you have the old one and can leave that, then it's perfect. But you have to leave one behind, because it was part of the rental.
Interesting, in the video the reporter says they found out Sandy and Casey had been living in a motel and that last week Casey spoke with the reporter on the phone, and that she said they were expecting an eviction notice on the house.

Yes probably when Casey put the house up for sale, grandfather PARSONS phoned them & they had words ... & he may have said something then about ousting them.
I think the posters meant removing something which was originally a part of the rental is a big no-no. If you have only the hook ups for the appliances when you rent a property, it is evident you take your own appliances with you when you move out. You are supposed to give the rental back in the state you were given.
If there were appliances provided by the owner, they should be there when you move out. Like your thermostat, even if you change them, when moving out you are expected to leave a thermostat in the property. If you have the old one and can leave that, then it's perfect. But you have to leave one behind, because it was part of the rental.

Haven't caught up on this thread yet so bear with me :)

Not sure what NC laws are for tenant/landlord, but here in CA when a tenant moves out they have to leave behind any upgrades that they made to the property that are permanently affixed to property. I found out the hard way :( changed the hose reel from the cheap tin one to high grade metal decorative one. Also put in new black out drapes. Had to leave them behind when I moved :(
facebook does not actually delete your account. trust me, ive TRIED. you can chose to "delete" but if you ever log back in, your account is active again. so somewhere on their servers is "nan's" account. that is if you believe there is a "nan" who communicated with casey via FB.

however, if casey doesn't remember the name (how convenient, then LE is SOL). grant it, I don't use my real name on FB so it would be hard for someone to just remember mine. but that is neither here nor there. also, what is convenient is that casey doesn't have the messages sent via FB still in her FB inbox. I believe that if a person deletes, er deactivates, their account, the messages along w/ the username will still be there.

with all of that said...........what forensics find on their taken computers/phones is only relevant to whether or not their present computers/phones are new or old and how long they have had them. I don't have the same computer/phone I had 1 year ago. and I took out the hardrive from my hold laptop and disposed of the laptop itself. I still have that hardrive.....but would the parsons if they got new computers in the last 2 years?


I've been saying this all along :) And Casey specifically said contact was made through fb. It wouldn't matter if their laptop or PC was replaced. If what Casey is claiming is true (I doubt ANYTHING Casey has said is true!) then it will all be right there on her fb account. If she doesn't remember the problem, just scroll thru notifications for 2 yrs ago July and name of 'friend added' will appear. I am sure LE has already done this and that is how they concluded that CO & SP are not telling the truth.
Haven't caught up on this thread yet so bear with me :)

Not sure what NC laws are for tenant/landlord, but here in CA when a tenant moves out they have to leave behind any upgrades that they made to the property that are permanently affixed to property. I found out the hard way :( changed the hose reel from the cheap tin one to high grade metal decorative one. Also put in new black out drapes. Had to leave them behind when I moved :(

Sorry, am I understanding correctly that you had to leave your drapes? How did they even know?

My routine here is, take down ugly plastic blinds, put up drapes. When moving out, reverse process.
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