NC - Father Charged in Murder of Lila Pickering, 9 Sept 2016

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Papers interviewed Lila's mom before she was hospitalized:

Lila, born in Orlando, was less than a month shy of turning 7.

The outgoing girl wanted to become a veterinarian, her mother remembered through tears.

“She would go up and talk to anybody. We used to call her Rescue Ranger, because if somebody falls or something like that on the playground, she would want to go over and help them right away,” Pickering said.

Pickering said she suffers from a disorder of the connective tissues, one that makes carrying a child to full term in pregnancy unlikely and dangerous, but Lila defied odds.

“I had her and she was perfect. She was happy and healthy. She had no medical problems. She was absolutely beautiful,” she said. “She is absolutely beautiful.”
How can a parent harm their own child? Biologically I don't even understand how they can do goes against every internal instinct you have once you become a parent. It almost scares me when I think about what I would do to make sure my child was safe. And I think that is how it is for almost every parent. Once you have a child a protective switch is suppose to go off, one that would make you protect your own child at all cost. What prevents some people from having this?

It really scares me they had to shut down the parkway, how large is the crime scene? What did this monster do? I just hope little Lila didn't feel fear or pain...and I love that name, was on my name shortlist for my daughter. Sweet, precious baby. And where did the ball get dropped in her protective custody that allowed him to get to her?

There certainly are.

A lot of good placing Lila in "protective" cps custody !!!
And how the hell did he get his daughter's address ? Smdh.

Rest in peace, babygirl ! :(

The timeline of when he got Lila (and how) is unclear right now. I wonder if he could have picked her up from school?
It makes no sense to me why he killed her. I hope she did not suffer long. It's impossible to comprehend this crime. :(
How can a parent harm their own child? Biologically I don't even understand how they can do goes against every internal instinct you have once you become a parent. It almost scared me when I think about what I would do to make sure my child was safe. And I think that is how it is for almost every parent. Once you have a child a protective switch is suppose to go off, one that would make you protect your own child at all cost. What prevents some people from having this?

It really scares me they had to shut down the parkway, how large is the crime scene? What did this monster do? I just hope little Lila didn't feel fear or pain...and I love that name, was on my name shortlist for my daughter. Sweet, precious baby. And where did the ball get dropped in her protective custody that allowed him to get to her?

It said a 2 mile stretch of the parkway was closed while the scene was processed but I hope that is only because there are limited exits/entrances on the parkway. Maybe there was evidence on the road and they didn't want anyone contaminating it by driving by. It's a busy tourist area in the summer and autumn months.
It said a 2 mile stretch of the parkway was closed while the scene was processed but I hope that is only because there are limited exits/entrances on the parkway. Maybe there was evidence on the road and they didn't want anyone contaminating it by driving by. It's a busy tourist area in the summer and autumn months.

I hope you are right and it's not something more awful than it already is...and it is a beautiful area, haven't been up that way since I lived in north Georgia. I hope soon MSM can vet these social media rumors. My biggest question at the moment is how did he get her?
The timeline of when he got Lila (and how) is unclear right now. I wonder if he could have picked her up from school?
It makes no sense to me why he killed her. I hope she did not suffer long. It's impossible to comprehend this crime. :(
I read that she adored him. was supposed to be her hero. When my daughter was 6 she went to her first Daddy/Daughter dance.[emoji20]

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It appears park rangers actually witnessed him stab her.

The custodian told officers that Seth Pickering was supposed to have only supervised visitation with Lila, but during a visit Pickering left with the child without permission. The custodian told him not to, saying "They will put you in jail."

Pickering shook his head and drove off, the complaint said.
Officers acted, gathering info and altering local law enforcement agencies.

That same day at about 6 p.m., park rangers Brian Ruh and Cody Marsh saw a Dodge Avenger parked along the Blue Ridge Parkway shoulder.
A registration check showed the car was Pickering's. The rangers had no information about a missing juvenile, and observed Pickering and Lila walk down a steep embankment.
According to the complaint, the rangers parked and began watching, observing Pickering cut brush and start a small fire.

At approximately, 6:50 p.m. the two rangers approached, investigating an illegal campsite and campfire.

Marsh announced his presence from about 20-25 feet from Pickering, saying "Police!" and initiating a conversation.

The complaint said that without warning, Pickering then turned from the officer and stabbed Lila in the heart with a knife.

The child fell to the ground.

Much more at link:

After killing her her is quoted as saying, "Now they will never be able to take her from me" and "she's happier now."

:sick: :mad: :(
Those poor park rangers, can you imagine having that unfold in front of you? And though they absolutely 1000% shouldn't I imagine there is some guilt associated with it...I can't imagine how horrific that would be to see. So many times we hear killers in this situation say the whole "if I can't have you, no one will" or "they are in a better place"and I just want to ask every single one of them who made them God and who gave them the power to make that choice? You dont have that right to make that call for anyone. I don't care if you are their parent!
I was really hoping this little sweetheart had been shot in the back of the head or something. To know that her last thought was probably utter confusion at the betrayal of her own father is heartbreaking :(.
"Protective custody" should really mean no supervised visits and the non-custodial parent(s) shouldn't know where the child is located... but maybe laws are different in each state ?
Part of me wishes they'd just shot him, no questioned asked. At least Lilah would be alive.

But that's fantasy. Park rangers aren't armed and would've had no jurisdiction in this case. ( To grab/apprehend him or to intervene )

Agreed with dogface -- he had no right to play god.
"Protective custody" should really mean no supervised visits and the non-custodial parent(s) shouldn't know where the child is located... but maybe laws are different in each state ?
Part of me wishes they'd just shot him, no questioned asked. At least Lilah would be alive.

But that's fantasy. Park rangers aren't armed and would've had no jurisdiction in this case. ( To grab/apprehend him or to intervene )

Agreed with dogface -- he had no right to play god.

Actually, Blue Ridge Parkway Rangers ARE armed. The next line in that article above says they drew their weapons.

The rangers then drew their weapons, secured Pickering, and tried to administer aid to Lila. Emergency medical service arrived and also tried to save the child, but Lila Pickering died at the scene.

They had no way of knowing he was with a kidnapped child or dangerous, however. An Amber Alert had not yet been issued when they pulled up behind his car. They were just approaching to ask someone starting an illegal fire/illegal campsite to move on. Had he not acted so violently, and had he just spoken with them he could have been let go with only a ticket for where he parked his car and for starting the fire. Many people hike all over the area of the Parkway but they are required to park in designated overlook/parking areas, not on the shoulder. During the busy tourist season there will be tons of cars illegally parked and Rangers issue tickets and/or try to locate the owners of the car in the area to tell them to move the vehicle. Many people camp on the parkway too, but they have to go to one of the designated campground areas to set up a tent or start a fire.

I agree that it is beyond tragic it had to end like this. I can't understand it. :(
A memorial service was held Saturday for a little girl who was stabbed by her father in front of a park ranger in Buncombe County.

Six-year-old Lila Pickering was stabbed on the Blue Ridge Parkway by her 36-year-old dad, Seth Willis Pickering on Sept. 9.

The service was held at the Biltmore Church West Asheville campus, according to Lila Pickering’s pastor, Jeremy Woods.

The Celebration of Life service was held from 11 a.m. to noon.

Woods said the church had a close relationship with Lila and the school she attended, Johnston Elementary School.

Seth Willis Pickering is charged with first-degree murder and could face the death penalty in the case. Lila was killed inside the park, which requires the FBI to investigate her death.
It's so hard to believe this father did this to his little girl 😢 what a sick !

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