GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #1

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Well, I don't know anyone who viewed their time as an au pair as a "job", they viewed it as a year experiencing life in another country in a secure family environment with some pocket money thrown in. That description of Molly's duties sounds about right, au pairs are not supposed to be full time day and night nannies, just child care and light housework for 30 hours a week with time off for attending classes in return for room, board and pocket money.

I know plenty of girls who au paired for a year before settling down to a real job. The work world will always be there, you won't be doing au pair when you are 50, so you take the chance when you can.

Agreed. Au pairing is generally for up to a year max. Jasons previous au pairs didn't stay long. He had three previous to molly arriving which meant they stayed no more than 6 months each if even that from the time frame from mags death to mollys arriving. Perhaps this is all she had in mind when she applied. She seemed to like to travel from the pics on her page of trips to morocco and references to cruises and trips taken. I think the decision to stay longer was due to the fact she and Jason formed a relationship. My sister in law went to Ireland from Spain to au pair for 6 months after graduation..she subsequently stayed when she met my brother.
I missed that entirely, had no idea there was a social occasion.. and yet jason's blood alcohol level was so very very low, maybe just a beer or 2 max hours beforehand..

I missed it entirely too! I doubt the neighbors were there till 3am, though.

Yeah, it was in the DM so cannot link the article. The following is the text, article is dated 8th January.

On the evening prior to his death, several neighbours joined Mr Corbett and his wife on the driveway of their home, where he is understood to have consumed a 'few beers'. According to the autopsy, toxicological testing showed that his blood alcohol level of 0.02% was well below the safe drink-driving limit in North Carolina, which is 0.08%
So it looks like there was a BBQ/casual gathering of neighbours on the Sunday evening. JC only consumed a few beers, a few drinks for the purpose of being sociable with neighbours. How much alcohol did Molly have though?

Based on what I've read recently:

Friday Night: An upset JC leaves gathering with friends early due to Molly embarrassing him in front of everyone regarding his weight.

Saturday: JC books 3 one-way tickets home to Ireland.

Saturday PM/Sunday AM: Social gathering on lawn of home with neighbours in the evening. I'm going to take a shot here and speculate that the gathering ended, and an argument ensued between MM and JC afterwards. Possibly alcohol driven, and based on the events of Friday night, possibly instigated by more goading of JC by MM. At this point JC reveals he's had enough and informs Molly of the trip to Ireland. I'm guessing that including the kids on this trip was not pre-planned or talked about before, seeing as they were due to start school in a couple of weeks. MM flips and calls her parents in Tennessee. It's already evening time, so the 4+ hr trip to Davidson County means the Martens probably did not arrive until quite late. The big question is, what happens between the time the Martens arrive and the time JC is killed? Or, was JC already dead by the time the Martens arrived at the house?

Regarding the drug in JC's system - whether he took this drug himself in order to sleep or whether he was spiked by someone else, I doubt it would have knocked him out instantly. He would've been in bed asleep about 30 mins to an hour at least before he'd have been properly sedated. I've always thought JC was attacked in his sleep, I'm even more convinced of it now. If he was sedated it would explain how easily MM found it to attack him, how he was unable to defend himself and how there were no marks on either MM or TM. It's possible that he woke up during the attack but was only coherent enough to stumble and fall.

Of course if that is all plausible the next question is, did he take the drug himself or was he spiked? If it's the latter, that's very much premeditated and pretty much changes everything. Was he sedated first and then bludgeoned? Is the reason he retired to bed because he was spiked and feeling tired? The bat and brick were then collected to finish the job? Were the Martens even present during all this, or were they still en route and essentially arrived at the house to find their daughter had killed her husband? Just my opinion of what may have transpired.
he only had 0.5 mg of the drug in his system on autopsy. Thats a very low dosage.
The therapeutic dose for depression is 160mgm, which is considerably more.It only stays in system for 7 hrs. ( there is a slow acting version but that was not on autopsy)
Drug could have been taken much earlier in the evening, up to 5 or 6 hrs earlier.
Or he could have been given the drug on a regular basis, if he did not knowingly take it. depends on his metabolism..Was it a high potency which is slowly breaking down and could quite easily have sedated him, but only small qty remains post mortem?

My feeling is that the Martens were there for most of the day, father said Jason had been drinking 'during the day' in Call to emergency svcs.
My feeling is that the Martens were there for most of the day, father said Jason had been drinking 'during the day' in Call to emergency svcs.
But didn't father ask Molly as an aside on the call whether Jason had been drinking? Sorry, I am tired, I have been working late and am too tired to look it up.
So it looks like there was a BBQ/casual gathering of neighbours on the Sunday evening. JC only consumed a few beers, a few drinks for the purpose of being sociable with neighbours. How much alcohol did Molly have though?

Based on what I've read recently:

Friday Night: An upset JC leaves gathering with friends early due to Molly embarrassing him in front of everyone regarding his weight.

Saturday: JC books 3 one-way tickets home to Ireland.

Saturday PM/Sunday AM: Social gathering on lawn of home with neighbours in the evening. I'm going to take a shot here and speculate that the gathering ended, and an argument ensued between MM and JC afterwards. Possibly alcohol driven, and based on the events of Friday night, possibly instigated by more goading of JC by MM. At this point JC reveals he's had enough and informs Molly of the trip to Ireland. I'm guessing that including the kids on this trip was not pre-planned or talked about before, seeing as they were due to start school in a couple of weeks. MM flips and calls her parents in Tennessee. It's already evening time, so the 4+ hr trip to Davidson County means the Martens probably did not arrive until quite late. The big question is, what happens between the time the Martens arrive and the time JC is killed? Or, was JC already dead by the time the Martens arrived at the house?

Regarding the drug in JC's system - whether he took this drug himself in order to sleep or whether he was spiked by someone else, I doubt it would have knocked him out instantly. He would've been in bed asleep about 30 mins to an hour at least before he'd have been properly sedated. I've always thought JC was attacked in his sleep, I'm even more convinced of it now. If he was sedated it would explain how easily MM found it to attack him, how he was unable to defend himself and how there were no marks on either MM or TM. It's possible that he woke up during the attack but was only coherent enough to stumble and fall.

Of course if that is all plausible the next question is, did he take the drug himself or was he spiked? If it's the latter, that's very much premeditated and pretty much changes everything. Was he sedated first and then bludgeoned? Is the reason he retired to bed because he was spiked and feeling tired? The bat and brick were then collected to finish the job? Were the Martens even present during all this, or were they still en route and essentially arrived at the house to find their daughter had killed her husband? Just my opinion of what may have transpired.

I think this scenario is quite plausible. I believe MM made a frantic call to her parents, telling them Jason wasn't cooperating with her, or worse yet, was planning to leave her. As they had done for years, they flew to her rescue. Really wonder about Seecu's role in all of this.

yeah, operator asked Father, who agreed, is my memory, he hesitated a second and qualified it by saying 'during the day, yes'.. (Cant listen to it again, but thats what I remember, but am often way off, too, LOL)
Trazadone is used by some men for erectyle disfunction...that is if they can stay awake long enough to enjoy it...
he only had 0.5 mg of the drug in his system on autopsy. Thats a very low dosage.
The therapeutic dose for depression is 160mgm, which is considerably more.It only stays in system for 7 hrs. ( there is a slow acting version but that was not on autopsy)
Drug could have been taken much earlier in the evening, up to 5 or 6 hrs earlier.
Or he could have been given the drug on a regular basis, if he did not knowingly take it. depends on his metabolism..Was it a high potency which is slowly breaking down and could quite easily have sedated him, but only small qty remains post mortem?

My feeling is that the Martens were there for most of the day, father said Jason had been drinking 'during the day' in Call to emergency svcs.

Are we sure that that the dose taken was the 160mgm rather than the 100mgm which is commonly prescribed as a sleep aid? As for the Martens being there for most of the day would this not raise questions as to why he had not given JC the alleged new bat he had purchased for him?

Just my opinion.
Regarding au pairs, i recall watching an RTE show some time before Christmas which covered the issue of au pairs in Ireland. This is an unregulated sector. They had investigators pose as both hosts and au pairs with agencies to see what background checks were done. There was nothing, no background checks, no references.

I find it extremely strange that anyone with a college degree would sign up for work that earns you probably less than 150 euro a week.
Regarding au pairs, i recall watching an RTE show some time before Christmas which covered the issue of au pairs in Ireland. This is an unregulated sector. They had investigators pose as both hosts and au pairs with agencies to see what background checks were done. There was nothing, no background checks, no references.

I find it extremely strange that anyone with a college degree would sign up for work that earns you probably less than 150 euro a week.

Yes it is very unregulated however unless Molly had dual citizenship with an EU country, she would have required a work visa to come here to begin with and there is a lot of paperwork and information required in obtaining a work visa and the fees are paid by the employer. they are not just given to anyone who wants to come here. Jason would have had to prove he could not find anyone else suitable who was irish or EU to fill the position. Either that or she was here illegally for the three years she was here in which case, she would not have made any return trips to the US for visits while she was employed by Jason as she would have been refused entry when she arrived back here after such a visit. Does anyone know if she visited the US during her time in Ireland??

I believe the reason she stayed so long as an au pair was because a relationship formed between her and Jason. if she hadnt, she would have more than likely left after 6-12months.
I think this scenario is quite plausible. I believe MM made a frantic call to her parents, telling them Jason wasn't cooperating with her, or worse yet, was planning to leave her. As they had done for years, they flew to her rescue. Really wonder about Seecu's role in all of this.


Yes the fact they had a social gathering that evening to me means that molly was not aware of jasons plans to go to Ireland or if she was perhaps she only thought it was a holiday. If she had discovered he was planning on leaving her for Ireland and taking the children away from her , its very unlikely the social gathering would have gone ahead that evening. if you found out your husband was leaving you and taking the children you regard as your own away, the last thing you have the same evening is a social gathering with friends and neighbours... quite odd if this was the case.
Do we know the approximate time of death...not the time he was pronounced dead...but the time that the coroner believes he died?

I'm liking Shhhh's theory of Jason already being dead when the parents arrive. I don't think we know their time of arrival, do we? The police have called emergency trip...or some verbiage like that. Now if they had arrived at a normal time, there would be no reason for the police to label their visit that way. But if they jumped in the car at 10PM to drive there...that fits.

It's an interesting theory.

I keep thinking about this renowned attorney for Molly saying the children were removed "in the middle of the night." I wonder. If she told him that and he took it on good faith. Odd that a man of his experience would have a misstatement in his very first interview about the case.

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My feeling is that the Martens were there for most of the day, father said Jason had been drinking 'during the day' in Call to emergency svcs.
Hmm, I don't think so. This does not tally with the reporting that the Martens made an unscheduled/unplanned trip to the Corbett house, something which was reported as being a very uncharacteristic thing for Tom Martens to do. That to me insinuates that the timing and circumstances of this trip was unusual (and aside from the actual trip, it's possible the Martens had other plans that Sat night which they suddenly cancelled to travel to NC). We all have the feeling that 911 was not called straight away, and that a story was concocted beforehand. It's more than plausible that TM, in looking for a storyline for his self defence claim, would have asked MM if Jason had been drinking at all that day/evening. He is after all concocting a story that his daughter was being attacked and in danger.

I'm just finding it hard to make sense of the Martens role in this murder. The Martens retiring to bed and MM staying up and ultimately attacking and killing JC is one theory. But I dunno, there's something not quite right about that one for me - it just doesn't tally with the level of injuries JC suffered. There are two other theories that are very possible here. One is that MM killed JC while the Martens were still en route. Another one is that MM killed JC in the evening, and then rang her parents in hysterics, who duly dropped everything and raced to NC. Remember that the autopsy points to injuries consistent with an uncontrolled rage killing, that TM's statements to the police do not make sense and don't stack up, and that 3 am is a very strange time for a domestic disturbance. I'm just wondering was JC dead before the Martens even got to the house, or was this a clean up/cover up job from the beginning?

It's going to be very interesting to see what time MM called her parents, what time they left Tennessee, what time they arrived in NC. Also were there calls between them while the Martens were en route? Was anyone else called i.e. Mike Earnest? I feel this timeline and the content of these calls is crucial to the case. Also crucial is the coroners estimation of what time JC actually died. Of course the flip side is the Martens may use all this as part of their self defence claim - Tom and Sharon rushed to save Molly and had to do what they did etc.

Yes the fact they had a social gathering that evening to me means that molly was not aware of jasons plans to go to Ireland or if she was perhaps she only thought it was a holiday. If she had discovered he was planning on leaving her for Ireland and taking the children away from her , its very unlikely the social gathering would have gone ahead that evening. if you found out your husband was leaving you and taking the children you regard as your own away, the last thing you have the same evening is a social gathering with friends and neighbours... quite odd if this was the case.
Yep have to agree here. You'd imagine there was tension from the night before, so once the neighbours had gone home and the facade could be dropped those tensions bubbled to the surface again.

It just occured to me... perhaps Jason mentioned to some of the friends that were at this gathering that he was taking a trip to Ireland, and if molly at that point was not aware of it, i imagine she would have been quite embarrassed in front of her neighbours about the fact that he told people and she was not aware of it. that certainly would set the mood for a blazing row after the guests left..... the row ensued as to why she wasnt made aware of it and in retort he said he was actually thinking of not coming back at all............that could certainly have got the ball rolling.....
Hmm, I don't think so. This does not tally with the reporting that the Martens made an unscheduled/unplanned trip to the Corbett house, something which was reported as being a very uncharacteristic thing for Tom Martens to do. That to me insinuates that the timing and circumstances of this trip was unusual (and aside from the actual trip, it's possible the Martens had other plans that Sat night which they suddenly cancelled to travel to NC). We all have the feeling that 911 was not called straight away, and that a story was concocted beforehand. It's more than plausible that TM, in looking for a storyline for his self defence claim, would have asked MM if Jason had been drinking at all that day/evening. He is after all concocting a story that his daughter was being attacked and in danger.

I'm just finding it hard to make sense of the Martens role in this murder. The Martens retiring to bed and MM staying up and ultimately attacking and killing JC is one theory. But I dunno, there's something not quite right about that one for me - it just doesn't tally with the level of injuries JC suffered. There are two other theories that are very possible here. One is that MM killed JC while the Martens were still en route. Another one is that MM killed JC in the evening, and then rang her parents in hysterics, who duly dropped everything and raced to NC. Remember that the autopsy points to injuries consistent with an uncontrolled rage killing, that TM's statements to the police do not make sense and don't stack up, and that 3 am is a very strange time for a domestic disturbance. I'm just wondering was JC dead before the Martens even got to the house, or was this a clean up/cover up job from the beginning?

It's going to be very interesting to see what time MM called her parents, what time they left Tennessee, what time they arrived in NC. Also were there calls between them while the Martens were en route? Was anyone else called i.e. Mike Earnest? I feel this timeline and the content of these calls is crucial to the case. Also crucial is the coroners estimation of what time JC actually died. Of course the flip side is the Martens may use all this as part of their self defence claim - Tom and Sharon rushed to save Molly and had to do what they did etc.

Yep have to agree here. You'd imagine there was tension from the night before, so once the neighbours had gone home and the facade could be dropped those tensions bubbled to the surface again.


Great post! I am leaning now toward Molly killing Jason and then calling her parents to come down there. In several articles, it mentioned communications between Molly and her Father being pertinent to the charges. I wonder if this could be a record of calls between the two as the parents were driving down. Sharon could have been driving while Mr. Marten dealt with calls from an hysterical Molly.

The time of death will be key.

If she was communicating with her parents as they drove down, that seems to me to belie any "heat of the moment" as the start of this. You don't say to a man who is assaulting you"Hey, stop for a minute...I have to call my parents again."
It just occured to me... perhaps Jason mentioned to some of the friends that were at this gathering that he was taking a trip to Ireland, and if molly at that point was not aware of it, i imagine she would have been quite embarrassed in front of her neighbours about the fact that he told people and she was not aware of it. that certainly would set the mood for a blazing row after the guests left..... the row ensued as to why she wasnt made aware of it and in retort he said he was actually thinking of not coming back at all............that could certainly have got the ball rolling.....
Quite possible. He only booked the tickets earlier that day after all and one would assume that after what happened the night before, MM and JC may not have been on speaking terms that day.

I just feel with the level of injuries JC received, that those injuries were as a result of uncontrollable rage. He was battered. So to me, the attack is most likely to have happened soon in the aftermath of a heated row. It's plausible to think that JC decided to go to bed after the row rather than stay up and argue some more. He was attacked while in bed some time in the following hour. This is why I don't believe the Martens were present when it all went down. MM probably called them in the meantime, which possibly contributed even more to her rage. The timelines are crucial here, they will paint the picture. If you go back and listen to the 911 call again, TM sounds like a man who has walked in to the house and come upon this whole mess. He refers several times to the mess JC was in, blood everywhere etc. He doesn't sound like a a man who took part in the actual slaying because if he did, the "mess" wouldn't be an issue IMO.
It just occured to me... perhaps Jason mentioned to some of the friends that were at this gathering that he was taking a trip to Ireland, and if molly at that point was not aware of it, i imagine she would have been quite embarrassed in front of her neighbours about the fact that he told people and she was not aware of it. that certainly would set the mood for a blazing row after the guests left..... the row ensued as to why she wasnt made aware of it and in retort he said he was actually thinking of not coming back at all............that could certainly have got the ball rolling.....

It was a summer night. It may not have been an actual party. Although Molly was described as somewhat would not surprise me that Jason just stood out on the driveway and had a beer or two with some of the neighbors.

Somehow I feel he was done with her. I don't see them playing "happy families" at a party. But I'm just guessing.

But he may have mentioned to the neighbors that he was planning on putting the house of for sale and moving back to Ireland.
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