GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #1

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LIGHTBULB MOMENT! Didn't Molly pick up the kids from a friend's at 11pm that night? Maybe she and her parents were trying to sneak the kids out of the house in the middle of the night and Jason woke up?? That would explain the panic and overkill by both father and daughter.
That has crossed my mind as a possible scenario too.
If this is their scenario, the prosecution already has some effective witnesses lined up. Testifying against the physical and emotional abuse, the friends from dinner on Friday night where Molly taunted Jason about his weight; testifying that it was Jason, not Molly, who was about to leave, the expert who can show that Jason changed his travel plans on Friday night/ Saturday because he was taking the kids back to Ireland. Jason's rage, needing two people to "subdue" him can be addressed by the physical evidence of the attack.
Also, if they came racing over that night because they feared for her safety and the kids' safety, why didn't they just leave?
LIGHTBULB MOMENT! Didn't Molly pick up the kids from a friend's at 11pm that night? Maybe she and her parents were trying to sneak the kids out of the house in the middle of the night and Jason woke up?? That would explain the panic and overkill by both father and daughter. And it would also explain why the whole family is so invested in getting the kids back and insisting these kids are "family" - it is the only way they can justify the overkill under those circumstances.

Interesting theory. Very interesting....

Now suppose Jason tells her he's leaving with the kids. Then he goes to bed. She calls her parents to come and get her and the kids.

Were the parents ever in that guest bedroom?

We're the kids awake?

I just wonder why the confrontation would be in the bedroom. Wouldn't they let him sleep and get out of there?

If he woke up, I still can't see the confrontation happening in the bedroom...unless Molly came up to get something and then Dad ran up with the bat when he heard Jason wake up.

I'll be interested in other scenarios that you all come up with to work through this theory.

Very good sleuthing!

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But if they 'feared' for the children's safety then why collect them from a friends house at 11pm and bring them BACK to the house? Surely that would be the last place to bring children if you feared for their safety, anyone else would collect the kids and keep moving, last place you would bring them would be back to a house of 'danger'.

Also, earlier in the thread, someone (sorry can't remember who) was asking where the reference to cremation was? Following newspaper article contains such a reference.

I also note the MM is back posting to FB, not a mention of 'where ever you are my love will find you' (or glittery pancakes) and no reference to the children, but I think we can all guess where these new posts are going..
This post is still up on Molly's page (dated December 8) and explains why so many people might choose to support her, when they don't consider how Jason died. For anyone reading this, you'd think the kids had been taken away by some arbitrary faceless bureaucracy after the father had died suddenly in a car accident. It's interesting that she would say the Will and guardian arrangements were made before she came into their lives - their marriage would automatically invalidate any previous wills, so if he had died under other circumstances and had never updated his will, she could have had a chance of fighting it. But from every other source, it sounds like Jason was very conscientious about updating these things and protecting his children's interests. And it sounds like Molly believes that custody battles are won by the people with the prettiest pictures, and decided by a popularity vote.

"It's not about the best interest of the child. It's about the law."

Our lives do not matter in the eyes of the law. A Will made when you were "infants," and before I came into your lives is what matters. It does not matter that clear decisions were made after this short document- moving across the ocean to another country, a marriage... It does not matter that I took you to every doctor or dentist appointment. It does not matter that I signed every parent form you ever had at school from age four up.

And it goes on, blah, blah blah...

"She is not even a real parent. She is not even blood related."
What matters, in the eyes of the law, is that I do not share your blood and I am not listed as your guardian on a document created before I met you.

I am heartbroken, and devastatingly sorry.
Our lives together may not have mattered in the eyes of the Law, but they are what matters most to me.
She had other posts that she since deleted (ranting against 'corruption' and lies etc.,) she's also losing 'friends' from her friends list. I honestly don't think LE will be fooled by her posts, also they are (from what was posted earlier on this thread) going through her past FB post (even deleted ones). She appears to live in a fantasy woven by her own imagination.
Interesting theory. Very interesting....

Now suppose Jason tells her he's leaving with the kids. Then he goes to bed. She calls her parents to come and get her and the kids.

Were the parents ever in that guest bedroom?

We're the kids awake?

I just wonder why the confrontation would be in the bedroom. Wouldn't they let him sleep and get out of there?

If he woke up, I still can't see the confrontation happening in the bedroom...unless Molly came up to get something and then Dad ran up with the bat when he heard Jason wake up.

I'll be interested in other scenarios that you all come up with to work through this theory.

Very good sleuthing!

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Glad you brought that up. Stumped there too.
Why would they even have been sharing a bedroom if divorce was imminent?
Did the attack start somewhere else in the house, like a bathroom, when he would possibly have been showering?
I think throw out everything we have been told already. None of it is credible anyhow.
I' m not on the track that her parents arrived late in the evening either, think they may have been there all day.
I think molly threw a right good wobbly, reckon she was prone to hysteria and tantrums and was in one when she dramatically went and got the children, assuming they had been planning a sleepover. Irrational, flicking personality like TV channels, the horror channels, manifesting demonic energy. Its possible they ignored her, being accustomed to her tantrums and instead of burning out, she kept getting fired up, for hours on end, may well have been fired with strong alcohol and/or drugs as well. Her rage increased past its normal span.well passed it, everybody kept ignoring her or trying to placate her and it made her worse. The taking of the kids should have been the big gesture of her violent rage, but she kept feeding it (possibly started cos she snagged her stockings, possibly something as tiny as that.. She possibly threatened to kill everybody in the house and they were all a bit afraid of her and went to bed to escape her violence.
She probably first went in her parents' room, if they were in a separate room and she probably gave them a tongue lashing too, they may have told her to get out or manhandled her to calm her, madder now she decided to vent entirely on Jason and she went for it. Parents probably heard her screaming, but she had been screaming all night.
Other possibility is that Jason intervened to save her from a blow from her father and at that point tm bashed his nose. Jason went to bed, she killed him, called her parents to the room and the call was made to EMT. In the rage she was in, she had superhuman strength. But I'm just playing out this scenario while still typing, trying to open it up.. On another level I am truly shocked to my very soul when I contemplate her dynamic, I dont experience this very often and I work mostly on Mid East so violence is not a new phenomenon... Something in this case is really deeply disturbing and I dont have a name for it, its emerging by degrees, too awful, perhaps for words. Sorry for not being able to express this in a more articulate fashion.. maybe 'pure evil' though its a cliche? And all the characters emit a similar aura. Wildbeest said it so well earlier today, the frustration, but theres also a deep paranoia and it infects every group that are discussing the case, and theres an undertone of snarling energy.. we need to be very careful, but I' willin' to go the distance, but with very strong spiritual protection, only
This post is still up on Molly's page (dated December 8) and explains why so many people might choose to support her, when they don't consider how Jason died. For anyone reading this, you'd think the kids had been taken away by some arbitrary faceless bureaucracy after the father had died suddenly in a car accident. It's interesting that she would say the Will and guardian arrangements were made before she came into their lives - their marriage would automatically invalidate any previous wills, so if he had died under other circumstances and had never updated his will, she could have had a chance of fighting it. But from every other source, it sounds like Jason was very conscientious about updating these things and protecting his children's interests. And it sounds like Molly believes that custody battles are won by the people with the prettiest pictures, and decided by a popularity vote.

"It's not about the best interest of the child. It's about the law."

Our lives do not matter in the eyes of the law. A Will made when you were "infants," and before I came into your lives is what matters. It does not matter that clear decisions were made after this short document- moving across the ocean to another country, a marriage... It does not matter that I took you to every doctor or dentist appointment. It does not matter that I signed every parent form you ever had at school from age four up.

And it goes on, blah, blah blah...

"She is not even a real parent. She is not even blood related."
What matters, in the eyes of the law, is that I do not share your blood and I am not listed as your guardian on a document created before I met you.

I am heartbroken, and devastatingly sorry.
Our lives together may not have mattered in the eyes of the Law, but they are what matters most to me.

Oh she really has played out a proper sob story on her facebook page, she has reeled them in one by one. Everything she has written was to portray herself as the wronged person, but she never, not even once, mentions Jason. She expresses no remorse, no regret, everything is about her and how she has been victimised. She never mentions that Jason refused to grant her custody, it is like this never even happened.

To keep people on her side, she has to turn everyone against Jason's family and she does this by accusing them, not once, but twice of breaking into her house, going through her knicker drawer, her bathroom, her bedside locker, etc, etc. She has never mentioned that it was actually the police who broke into her house on foot of a Search Warrant. They broke in because there was 'no-one present' when the warrant was carried out, the warrant is marked to state this. But putting this up on facebook would not suit her mission. Many of her supporter have been suckered, one by one these friends are leaving her. There eyes are being opened to the truth. Some cannot & will not accept the truth even if it slapped them in the face. She feeds her supporters and they in turn feed her. Even the worst murderers in the world have fans.
I hope these loyal friends all troop up to the courtroom to support her - so they can hear all this evidence for themselves. Back to the crime scene, I wonder if the fight became so irrational and violent, that the father decided to "put him down" so to speak rather than call an ambulance and have Jason recover and tell his story. A seriously injured Jason is not going to reconcile with his wife, let alone give her custody of his beloved children. The only option is to finish him off and blame him for his own death.
Have just read this article which goes into the statement of John Corbett following MM uncle giving an interview on a national radio station in Ireland. She is so off her trolley, she actually hid notes in the children's toys also asking them not to tell anyone.

The Martens family are using the narrative that Jason was applying for legal status in the US for the purpose to allow MM to officially adopt the children however it appear that his application for a Green Card was done via his job and not on the basis that he had a American wife. Now I am not up on all the Green Card stuff as to how you can apply and on what basis application can be made or accepted but everything the Martens are saying is totally being disputed by the Corbett family.

“They are out of the awful unhealthy environment they have been subjected to. Far away from the cold apathetic Martens family.Mr Corbett added revealed that notes, phone numbers and other details were hidden in the children’s toys and that Jack and Sarah were warned not to tell anyone.
This Mr Corbett said was “not a normal thing to do… Of course they immediately told Aunty Tracey”.
Glad you brought that up. Stumped there too.
Why would they even have been sharing a bedroom if divorce was imminent?
Did the attack start somewhere else in the house, like a bathroom, when he would possibly have been showering?
I think throw out everything we have been told already. None of it is credible anyhow.
I' m not on the track that her parents arrived late in the evening either, think they may have been there all day.
I think molly threw a right good wobbly, reckon she was prone to hysteria and tantrums and was in one when she dramatically went and got the children, assuming they had been planning a sleepover. Irrational, flicking personality like TV channels, the horror channels, manifesting demonic energy. Its possible they ignored her, being accustomed to her tantrums and instead of burning out, she kept getting fired up, for hours on end, may well have been fired with strong alcohol and/or drugs as well. Her rage increased past its normal span.well passed it, everybody kept ignoring her or trying to placate her and it made her worse. The taking of the kids should have been the big gesture of her violent rage, but she kept feeding it (possibly started cos she snagged her stockings, possibly something as tiny as that.. She possibly threatened to kill everybody in the house and they were all a bit afraid of her and went to bed to escape her violence.
She probably first went in her parents' room, if they were in a separate room and she probably gave them a tongue lashing too, they may have told her to get out or manhandled her to calm her, madder now she decided to vent entirely on Jason and she went for it. Parents probably heard her screaming, but she had been screaming all night.
Other possibility is that Jason intervened to save her from a blow from her father and at that point tm bashed his nose. Jason went to bed, she killed him, called her parents to the room and the call was made to EMT. In the rage she was in, she had superhuman strength. But I'm just playing out this scenario while still typing, trying to open it up.. On another level I am truly shocked to my very soul when I contemplate her dynamic, I dont experience this very often and I work mostly on Mid East so violence is not a new phenomenon... Something in this case is really deeply disturbing and I dont have a name for it, its emerging by degrees, too awful, perhaps for words. Sorry for not being able to express this in a more articulate fashion.. maybe 'pure evil' though its a cliche? And all the characters emit a similar aura. Wildbeest said it so well earlier today, the frustration, but theres also a deep paranoia and it infects every group that are discussing the case, and theres an undertone of snarling energy.. we need to be very careful, but I' willin' to go the distance, but with very strong spiritual protection, only
Here on Websleuths we generally try to stick with facts.
There is one thing I would love to know and that is whether the kids saw their dad alive once they came home after 11. If so it would narrow down the time
of the attack. I suspect she brought them home to have them under her nose in case Jason collected them from the neighbours in the morning and just left directly from there... Another thing that struck me is on any normal unrehearsed 911 call, if you were truly distressed and traumatised by your fathers violence. Surely in your hysteria you would be yelling reproaches at him eg"look what you ve done, what did you do" etc... There is absolutely zero on the call other than his guarded version. It's not normal.
I don't think he would have been dead as long as 4 hours when the paramedics saw him, otherwise they would have realized the attack had been some time ago. I agree though, that bringing them home from the neighbors is a sign of desperately wanting to maintain control of the situation - she needed the kids within hand's reach for when she was ready to make her next move, whatever it was. I also agree that the 911 call is to calm and dispassionate and even Molly's crying in the background seems inappropriate. I would speculate that she was genuinely crying, but it was more of a winding down from all the drama... as if she could relax now that it was "all over". She wouldn't be the first arrogant self-centered person to think that someone else's death solved her problems.
I don't think he would have been dead as long as 4 hours when the paramedics saw him, otherwise they would have realized the attack had been some time ago. I agree though, that bringing them home from the neighbors is a sign of desperately wanting to maintain control of the situation - she needed the kids within hand's reach for when she was ready to make her next move, whatever it was. I also agree that the 911 call is to calm and dispassionate and even Molly's crying in the background seems inappropriate. I would speculate that she was genuinely crying, but it was more of a winding down from all the drama... as if she could relax now that it was "all over". She wouldn't be the first arrogant self-centered person to think that someone else's death solved her problems.

i agree he wudnt have been dead for the 4 hours but maybe he had already been attacked and was dying... The poor man. Probably unlikely as the injuries were so traumatic it's unlikely he wud have been able to hang on that long. The kids have to have heard the commotion. If they heard nothing then it is more
likely he was attacked first when he was asleep.. I wondered too about the fact that he was naked. I don't want to sensationalise this tragedy in any way or be insensitive but it is possible she tried to seduce him to distract him before the first blow was delivered.
Here on Websleuths we generally try to stick with facts.

I've been around WS for years on different threads and I have to disagree. Part of sleuthing is taking the facts and trying to puzzle out a scenario that fits the crime. Through that process, the facts can often be viewed "differently" and assumptions cast aside.

What discussion could there be if we just contained our conversation to just the very few facts we know?

We DO know that there will be two sides to the story of this crime. One side therefore cannot be true. One side or another is working to make "the facts" fit an untrue narrative. It's useful to see how we can make those same facts disprove a false narrative.

Personally, I enjoy reading posts that expand that process!

My opinion only.

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It would appear Molly was addressing her comment re signing school notes to Sarah as the maths don't work out for jack. He was 4 circa 2009 and I doubt she as doing this at that stage back in Ireland.. A small point I know but it's another validation of the Corbett family story on Molly.
Anyone that thinks sexual intimacy isn't part of domestic violence needs to learn more about it...
Here on Websleuths we generally try to stick with facts.
In this instance we are conducting an exercise for our minds in an attempt to reimagine possible scenarios. The reason for the exercise suggestion is in an effort of release from the very many contradictions and untruths we have been subjected to. We are short on facts, those we have include the autopsy report and the exercise is an attempt to imagine other possible scenarios that can result in the same injuries on autopsy.
Its a particularly challenging exercise and its very good for training the mind when it becomes 'stuck' in dense propaganda and scatty threads that are often repetitious.
Look at the Teresa Sievers case.. see the work people put into making maps of all entrances, the diagrams, the possibilities.. its fabulous work, brilliant sleuthing, really exciting and great work. Guys that work that case shine, and the sky is the limit, all aspects of the psyche come into play, creativity, imagination dogged hard work.. Its brilliant.
So why dont you take the autopsy and run a possible scenario, think creatively.. what could have led to the injuries described on autopsy, and add the other 2 or 3 'facts' we think we know, bearing in mind that these facts were delivered by the only witnesses who are incidentally the indicted 2.
Theres your facts. Create a narrative or sit under the rock of complete info block.. play it out, analyse it and see if it makes sense.

We dont actually know the fight that night was about Jason's impending visit to ireland w/ his children for family celebration. The marriage had been in trouble. It did not just happen that one night for the first time..
Just wondering about rigor mortis and how long it takes to set in. The body was viewed by the Medical Examiner at 5.35am and noted that there was no rigor. So that is 2 & half hours after the 911 call.

There are very many variants and body changes that occur following death.
Following what we normally call rigor mortis, a 'stiffening' after about 60 minutes
However certain conditions can delay that onset.. temperature is one. Its worth a look through the forensics Frizby. when you are searching it, just do peer reviewed search and use the term violent death, blood loss an done or 2 most prominent symptoms from autopsy.. it could turn into a particularly interesting search.
Generally following the 'stiffening', a softening occurs..the choice of language used in the autopsy is quite strange indeed.. and far as I remember it didnt describe the particular stage the body was actually in, on examination..
Good find!

Also read up on libor..that can tell you how long a body lay in a particular position.. its about how blood 'levels' itself following death. Its often brought into court in cases. Particularly when a body has been moved, and whether and for how long it lay in a certain position prior to being moved. It can also tell how often it was moved..
As Molly's father was in the FBI, whatever his specific role, I assume he'd have a general enough understanding of rigor mortis to realize it was a mistake to wait too long after death to call an ambulance. It's true that different factors can speed up/ delay rigor mortis, but how can you anticipate that? It does worry me that they might have left him dying while they brainstormed their strategy.
However, at least if he was attacked while he was asleep, or half-asleep, it could have been fairly quiet - more quiet than lashing out during an argument, so the kids wouldn't necessarily have heard anything. It will be interesting to hear if the neighbors say they heard arguing.
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