GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #1

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Oh they have the bat that was used as the weapon, this is confirmed. I agree they were looking for any other bats to rule as to whether there was any credence in TM story. A search was necessary to prove no other such items was found. But not only did they not find a bat, they also did not find any bag. But a bat cover still existed. Any fingerprint evidence I suspect we will have to wait until the actual trial.
Oh they have the bat that was used as the weapon, this is confirmed. I agree they were looking for any other bats to rule as to whether there was any credence in TM story. A search was necessary to prove no other such items was found. But not only did they not find a bat, they also did not find any bag. But a bat cover still existed. Any fingerprint evidence I suspect we will have to wait until the actual trial.
the fingerpint evidence to which I was referring was that of the bat cover, which I noticed from mm photos, had not been taken in evidence, and I wondered why. It would have shown prints, most likely and those of whoever went to get the bat should have been on it. also, it suggests the bat was removed from the batholder/case/sleeve , prior to the attack.
A tad strange to have a warrant executed 4 months later in the hope everything would have remained static from the night of the murder. That house had not been preserved as a crime scene.
Well done spotting the list of items searched, and those obtained on the warrants.
Hi all first time poster here too.

I'm in Ireland but nowhere near Limerick and i have to say there really hasnt been much attention given to it within my peer group; have never heard anyone talking about it. Im sure that will change when the trial starts.

I would love to know more details about Molly's demenour when she picked up the children from friend's house at 11pm. Was that prearranged, did she call over unannounced? Im trying to think what led to her getting them so late. Was that normal for her. Was there an argument with Jason before hand and was she trying to drag the children into it.

I also would live to know was the guest bed slept in/unmade (that MM's parents apparently stayed in).

Reading through page after page no one really has touched on the fact that JC was still so close to his former in-laws (mags' family). I think this is exceptional (and admirable!) the fact that JC was still so close to them. He flew out Mags' mother (parents?) to the US to see where they were living and her sister had been out to visit. I can't imagine MM (or her family) being too happy about this, living in the shadow of what appeared to be his first love and his continued close relationship with her family. Im guessing part of the reason JC wouldnt allow MM to adopt the children would be the disrespect to Mags' family and mother. Also JC had lived through a healthy loving relationship he knew the set up with MM wasnt normal.

Again would be very interested to know the feelings of the continued close relationship with the former in laws and Im guessing it caused jelousy and arguments.

JC apparently returned home with the kids every year - did MM usually accompany JC to Ireland?

Possibly on the night in question it all came to ahead that MM got her parents to try and back her up over the adoption issue and it spiraled out of control. But obviously, if that was the situation, JC retreated to their bedroom, undressed and was unarmed and then something happened. I think its striking the fact he was unclothed, it suggests a vulnerability (imo).

There are so many questions, the brick, the bat, lack of wounds and bruising to MM, how TM ended up in their bedroom (as per their story), the lack of 911 call by SM during the incident (as per their story).

Something big kicked off that MM rang her parents to come over (she wanted to leave JC??) and possibly bring the kids as well and it escalated from there.
I'm also wondering about the 911 . Do we actually believe they did Cpr. I'm not of the opinion that they did. Molly is definitely trained as she pointed this out on the call and I would assume Tom would be also . They don't sound like the actually did administer here is a link about CPR
Wow! Kate, you have made a big difference since joining this forum. Thanks for all the helpful interventions and for tidying up all the information.

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Thanks very much to both you and Kate hoping we can find something missed . Especially brilliant to have 2 more experienced sluethers
MM seems to have kept the cover of a bat. Why would she even put a picture of this up on the internet? She posted that picture up on 18th December.

To me the placing of the bat cover atop the child's clothing was a deliberate gesture by MM and aimed specifically at Jason's family. There is just something so sinister about it, particularly as the bat is one of the murder weapons. It is like she is sending a veiled message to the family along the lines of, 'I can still reach you no matter how far away I am'. This is just my opinion only, but I honestly find something threatening about that photo, which to me gives an insight into MM's personality.

I'm still pretty new to Websleuths so if I am way off course apologies in advance.
Wow. Just examining the search warrant doc... On page 91 it states that early in the investigation both Thomas and molly martens admitted striking Jason with the bat and the paving stone.... I thought he was trying to take the rap for everything... And that she was washing her hands of blame.. As An earlier post pointed out, Jason's broken nose was probably inflicted with a fist.. If so, is it not likely the bat was picked up by the perpetrator subsequent to that first blow. What I'm trying to say is, there was time to pause before the fatal blows were inflicted...
To me the placing of the bat cover atop the child's clothing was a deliberate gesture by MM and aimed specifically at Jason's family. There is just something so sinister about it, particularly as the bat is one of the murder weapons. It is like she is sending a veiled message to the family along the lines of, 'I can still reach you no matter how far away I am'. This is just my opinion only, but I honestly find something threatening about that photo, which to me gives an insight into MM's personality.

I'm still pretty new to Websleuths so if I am way off course apologies in advance.

No Marshleon I totally agree with what you said . I mentioned before earlier. I'm not certain but I thought maybe Jack would be asked identify his belongings . I don't know if he knows how his father was killed but if he did can you imagine how he would feel looking at this picture. It's very calculating and like everything else easily disregarded. It's not apparent unless you are of the point of view that Molly is guilty. This is why I have always found the quote Molly uses "wherever you are my love will find you" could also be perceived as threatening it really depends on how you are looking at the situation
To me the placing of the bat cover atop the child's clothing was a deliberate gesture by MM and aimed specifically at Jason's family. There is just something so sinister about it, particularly as the bat is one of the murder weapons. It is like she is sending a veiled message to the family along the lines of, 'I can still reach you no matter how far away I am'. This is just my opinion only, but I honestly find something threatening about that photo, which to me gives an insight into MM's personality.

I'm still pretty new to Websleuths so if I am way off course apologies in advance.

I totally agree - at best it is incredibly insensitive, at worst its sinister, wicked and sickening.
To me the placing of the bat cover atop the child's clothing was a deliberate gesture by MM and aimed specifically at Jason's family. There is just something so sinister about it, particularly as the bat is one of the murder weapons. It is like she is sending a veiled message to the family along the lines of, 'I can still reach you no matter how far away I am'. This is just my opinion only, but I honestly find something threatening about that photo, which to me gives an insight into MM's personality.

I'm still pretty new to Websleuths so if I am way off course apologies in advance.

That had crossed my mind, cold as it would be, but I also considered whether this was a message to LE. She could be putting up a defence that the bat had been taken to the brothers house for example after the death when she had the children and the bat got lost in transit. Only thing remained was the cover. A bat had been used as a weapon, her father claims he brought one with him, was this her attempting to create the impression of a second bat to back up the fathers story?

Placing that across the cloths is very sinister I agree, it wasn't even just thrown alongside the cloths, it was purposely placed on top with his name being visible. At the time of posting the picture, the property had already been searched and I presume that the copy of the Warrant she got detailed what they were looking for.

Or could this have been her way of suggesting that JC original bat had been lost prior to the event & all that remained was the cover & that the father had bought a new bat to give to him as a present to replace it.

Edit:- Not having any experience of an aluminium baseball bat, I don't really know much about the wear & tear but would assume that forensics could tell if the bat that they retrieved as the weapon was a new bat.
To me the placing of the bat cover atop the child's clothing was a deliberate gesture by MM and aimed specifically at Jason's family. There is just something so sinister about it, particularly as the bat is one of the murder weapons. It is like she is sending a veiled message to the family along the lines of, 'I can still reach you no matter how far away I am'. This is just my opinion only, but I honestly find something threatening about that photo, which to me gives an insight into MM's personality.

I'm still pretty new to Websleuths so if I am way off course apologies in advance.
Theres an awful lot of creepy stuff that keeps emerging in this case.. sinister.. tends to send one into psychic realms searching to identify the energetic key of their energy..
I got the feeling they were not expecting to be prosecuted and mm was very annoyed about it. She used the word corruption on her facebook page in relation to the indictment. she subsequently removed the post but not before many media sources picked up on it.

The police are said to have only interviewed each of them once, this seems strange because of the delay in obtaining the December warrant,

When I saw the bat on the clothes, I wondered whether she as signalling her contempt for the police force?
Exactly Stephanddoody, it was actually your earlier post I was trying to find as I knew in the back of my mind someone else had mentioned the photo (my lap-top touch pad is a bit 'stuck' so taking forever to go back through posts). In my opinion MM is very calculating but every now and then 'slips-up' and the posting of that photo is to me one such 'slip-up'. There really was no need to place that 'bat cover' on top of the clothing, that alone makes me wonder what the reasoning was behind it...
I'm also wondering about the 911 . Do we actually believe they did Cpr. I'm not of the opinion that they did. Molly is definitely trained as she pointed this out on the call and I would assume Tom would be also . They don't sound like the actually did administer here is a link about CPR
Well, its ineffective if he is already dead. His head injuries were so severe and the amount of bleeding into the spaces would have made life unsustainable in any case, I believe.
Tom, too admitted to having CPR training on the EMT tape.

Again, the 3 basic rules are A=airway- it still contained blood on autopsy, so it had not been cleared effectively by the perps or by the EMT.. the other 2 are B=breathing- chest will rise and fall, Tom Martens was unable or unwilling to tell whether Jason was breathing or not. C= circulation, active bleeding needs to be stopped. The autopsy did not say whether arteries had been severed. The crime scene was described as having a lot of blood, fragments on wall and on floor. This suggests it was more than capillary bleeding. I think the blows to his head killed him. I wonder whether further blows were inflicted post mortem? The autopsy did not say which was the fatal blow, but they may do in a court room.
Thanks for making me think about this again Steven.. I believe the condition he was in following the assault would not have benefited from CPR. I do not believe it was attempted either because neither of the perps were breathless and it is a physically exhaustive exercise. I even now wonder at the operator instructing them on the procedure when she did not ask about quantity of blood loss and whether there was anything they could do to stop the bleeding?
In my imaginary scenario, the parents arrive...all three badger him all day. Jason let's the kids go to the neighbors to get them out of the situation. Finally, Jason tells them the matter is settled (he was an exceutive used to handling controversy) and he goes to bed.

I think the parents, who may have been tired after a long unexpected drive to NC, go to bed as well. But Molly stays up and her rage builds. Her first act of defiance and asserting control is to bring the kids home. How dare he decide where the kids spend the night.
Here's another theory that I don't think can be discounted - after JC has gone to bed, Molly is still up with her parents. At this point she makes the DV claim to her parents for the first time. On hearing this TM is obviously enraged, and he decides to go upstairs to confront JC, with MM in tow. It all then kicks off in the bedroom. You'd imagine the atmosphere in the house would have been awkward and intense all day between JC and the Martens. I agree that this is probably why the kids were removed to stay at a friends house. So a frustrating, intense day for all concerned would have taken a sinister twist had MM played the DV card for the first time. If we take the angle that TM did take part in the attack (the severity of some of JC's injuries tend to point to being delivered by a man), it might explain the over kill/loss of control. A dad who has just been told by his daughter that she is being abused....

It might also offer an explanation as to why the kids were collected at 11pm from the friends house and brought back. MM tells her parents that JC has been abusing her, her parents react by saying 'let's get the kids, let's confront Jason about the abuse and let's get out of here'. Obviously timelines are key here. We're all working off the 911 call and that JC was murdered in the early hours of the morning but we do not know that for sure. He could have been killed at any point between the kids being brought back to the home and that 3 am 911 call.

Lets talk about TM's story.

He goes up to the bedroom and sees JC choking his daughter and strikes him with a baseball bat.

First question, why does he arm himself with a bat?

Another question to pose here is why the need for a baseball bat? Surely a law enforcement agent would be armed at all times, especially one involved in counter terrorism? Does anyone know if this is the case?

If so and if TM was asleep in the guest bedroom downstairs like he says he was, he'd surely have had his weapon at close hand? Would he travel all the way to NC for the weekend and leave his weapon at home? Would he leave his weapon in the car?

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