GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #1

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I think the letter was originally posted by MM in September. If i recall correctly she said that the children wrote it while in the care of social services. I always found it strange that the children seemed to have corrected mistakes in the letter - I know my son only corrects mistakes if i point them out and ask him to change them!

Wow! What a great comment...Id missed that! But you are right...the letter was written under adult "supervision." Thank you!
Good points! But who is she really? Who is her father, really? Something utterly strange in that family, cannot fathom the dynamic or ethos in light of the violence depicted in the autopsy.
I'm getting stuck because unable to decipher these dynamics..
I feel quite uneasy.

Hi - I've been following this story since it first broke in early August, the first thing I did was put Molly's name into facebook, a lot of her photos were public, there were a few years worth of photos viewable of family holidays, first days of school, etc. Very soon after that, it went completely private until the day in August she lost the children and she started posting her email address and phone number, along with detailed memories and photos. I've seen every facebook post that she put up publicly since then, including previously mentioned videos. In addition to the one of her singing with the photo album, there was another one of her saying I love you over and over. I'd say she privatized everything before November, but I doubt she removed the posts. The first indication to me that something might be amiss with her psychologically was on the day she posted about camping and roasting marshmallows, while back in Ireland her husband was being buried on that same day. I also have done very deep, well as deep as I know how, searches on the net for any information about her, and it frustrates me to all ends that there is very little there. I'm usually pretty good at finding information, and in the States there is typically a lot of public information available about almost anyone, past addresses, universities attended, jobs held, etc. One one search, there was reference to her address in NC, and two addresses in TN, one in Knoxville and one in Oak Ridge (in a low income apartment complex). I also saw a linkedin profile ( that lists teacher at government for a Molly Martens, in Knoxville. I also believe she never completed much of her study at Clemson and probably never attended Emory, in the internet age we are in, there would be evidence of this online and frankly, just one yearbook reference does not cut it. I agree that she may have gone to Ireland running from something, such as a failed relationship. I'd even stretch to say that I think she may have preyed on Jason, seeking out a single father with very young children. The prosecution needs to paint a picture of who she is, which will include who she was before she met Jason. The only reason I can fathom as to why there isn't much available is that she didn't do much, she graduated HS, attempted college, came home, did some sort of childcare (as her Uncle claimed), moved to Ireland as au pair.
Maybe the reason nobody can find anything about Molly's "missing years" is because she was married and going by a different name...just a thought ...
Hi - I've been following this story since it first broke in early August, the first thing I did was put Molly's name into facebook, a lot of her photos were public, there were a few years worth of photos viewable of family holidays, first days of school, etc. Very soon after that, it went completely private until the day in August she lost the children and she started posting her email address and phone number, along with detailed memories and photos. I've seen every facebook post that she put up publicly since then, including previously mentioned videos. In addition to the one of her singing with the photo album, there was another one of her saying I love you over and over. I'd say she privatized everything before November, but I doubt she removed the posts. The first indication to me that something might be amiss with her psychologically was on the day she posted about camping and roasting marshmallows, while back in Ireland her husband was being buried on that same day. I also have done very deep, well as deep as I know how, searches on the net for any information about her, and it frustrates me to all ends that there is very little there. I'm usually pretty good at finding information, and in the States there is typically a lot of public information available about almost anyone, past addresses, universities attended, jobs held, etc. One one search, there was reference to her address in NC, and two addresses in TN, one in Knoxville and one in Oak Ridge (in a low income apartment complex). I also saw a linkedin profile ( that lists teacher at government for a Molly Martens, in Knoxville. I also believe she never completed much of her study at Clemson and probably never attended Emory, in the internet age we are in, there would be evidence of this online and frankly, just one yearbook reference does not cut it. I agree that she may have gone to Ireland running from something, such as a failed relationship. I'd even stretch to say that I think she may have preyed on Jason, seeking out a single father with very young children. The prosecution needs to paint a picture of who she is, which will include who she was before she met Jason. The only reason I can fathom as to why there isn't much available is that she didn't do much, she graduated HS, attempted college, came home, did some sort of childcare (as her Uncle claimed), moved to Ireland as au pair.

Thanks, great post . Like you , I have never encountered such difficulties in unearthing info on a US case. It suggests there has been a degree of electronic wiping.
The only other anomaly I discovered was a false DOB on the EMT report, which lists her age as 40.
I frequently wonder at how this might have occurred?? Longshot, but unusual for paramedics to get it wrong.
Does she have an alter ego w/different DOB? Was she 'in' that alter ego on the night of the murder?

So, possibly there is something to be gleaned by using the new DOB in searches.
Impossible to know how many aliases she used throughout though.
Molly does indeed appear to live in a parallel universe, its possible she believes her own propaganda.
More may be found on analysis of her parents and aunt and uncle.. not sure, and like you, having spent so many hours searching, have found little of use or value.
With regards the letter I actually wouldn't be surprised if she wrote it herself, both look like they could have been written by the same person the writing is similar but Im not a graphologist in case you ask electric sheep so I may be wrong. I saw the other video as well and it was just Sarah she was saying I love I love you which I thought was very telling. They are disturbing to say the least .
Wow thats interesting about the dob, I'm going to have a look at that now. As far as wiping the net, how is that possible? Although 6 years (roughly) is a long time to have no internet record of your existence. I'm not thinking she was married before as I doubt that would remain secret for long. I've been searching around to find any search engine that may dig deeper but not coming up with much.
The 'gaps' may be explained by the new European Data Protection Laws, I think people now have the 'right to be forgotten' but will stand corrected if wrong.
Wow thats interesting about the dob, I'm going to have a look at that now. As far as wiping the net, how is that possible? Although 6 years (roughly) is a long time to have no internet record of your existence. I'm not thinking she was married before as I doubt that would remain secret for long. I've been searching around to find any search engine that may dig deeper but not coming up with much.
Well, she referred to having a stepdaughter in her AOL post...and I found a picture of what I think is her in the 2006 Clemson yearbook (post #259 of this thread)...and when I saw her modeling page it says she is located in there are little bits of information all over...but there is probably a trail somewhere if we look on the right places...
Wow thats interesting about the dob, I'm going to have a look at that now. As far as wiping the net, how is that possible? Although 6 years (roughly) is a long time to have no internet record of your existence. I'm not thinking she was married before as I doubt that would remain secret for long. I've been searching around to find any search engine that may dig deeper but not coming up with much.
Depending upon the exact nature as opposed to the public statement regarding her mental health status. there could indeed be many possibilities. Her father, and her brother and at least 1 other person with same surname worked at Oakridge Laboratories, they would specialise in counter intelligence and top secret 'stuff'. I found many anomalies on search regarding that particular institution. I just googled it under scandals involving Oakridge in one search term.. might be something there but certainly electronic footprint wiping is possible and par for the course in espionage.

Other aliases she used were listed on the search warrants, Paige is her middle name, sometimes she used that. But, again the LinkedIn a/c was not on the search warrant, nor were the Twitter a/cs and who knows what else has been missed. Be great to find something useful for the Corbett family lawyers.

I am not sure whether a Tor or zenbrowser would be helpful?

But yeah, why give a fakeDOB to the EMT staff?
Her father's dOB was correct.. I wonder..?

I also wonder at why exactly the father was as angry as the blows described in the autopsy?
What was it that made him go as far as he did?

Real time of death will tell us more too, that info is still sealed, I presume. How much time had elapsed prior to the emt call?

I dont know whether you hve seen the 2 Yahoo posts she made under another pseudonym in 2006.. link here, back a few weeks.. " were questions, made in 2006 concerning a stepdaughter who managed to age 2 full years in 2006, one sought advice for a disney email addy that was in relation to education advice for third level university and the advantages of public school.. very pretentious and overbearing,' lady in the manor' type attitude in the writing style. All posts contained conflicting energy signatures and the style of writing confirmed this. She would have been 22 when she wrote these posts, one stated she had attended Emory. Her mother was actually an Emory grad, I think.. wonder if somehow she tries to emulate her mother and I wonder what that relationship was like? i wonder at her childhood, her formative years.. did something catastrophic happen to her mind and was it brought about by an external event. Searches threw no light on this theory either.
The 'gaps' may be explained by the new European Data Protection Laws, I think people now have the 'right to be forgotten' but will stand corrected if wrong.
should only affect searches conducted in Europe, maybe?
A Tor browser bypasses country, and further info should be available if searched from uSA, Middle East or other countries outside of EU? Possibly.
Depending upon the exact nature as opposed to the public statement regarding her mental health status. there could indeed be many possibilities. Her father, and her brother and at least 1 other person with same surname worked at Oakridge Laboratories, they would specialise in counter intelligence and top secret 'stuff'. I found many anomalies on search regarding that particular institution. I just googled it under scandals involving Oakridge in one search term.. might be something there but certainly electronic footprint wiping is possible and par for the course in espionage.

Other aliases she used were listed on the search warrants, Paige is her middle name, sometimes she used that. But, again the LinkedIn a/c was not on the search warrant, nor were the Twitter a/cs and who knows what else has been missed. Be great to find something useful for the Corbett family lawyers.

I am not sure whether a Tor or zenbrowser would be helpful?

But yeah, why give a fakeDOB to the EMT staff?
Her father's dOB was correct.. I wonder..?

I also wonder at why exactly the father was as angry as the blows described in the autopsy?
What was it that made him go as far as he did?

Real time of death will tell us more too, that info is still sealed, I presume. How much time had elapsed prior to the emt call?

I dont know whether you hve seen the 2 Yahoo posts she made under another pseudonym in 2006.. link here, back a few weeks.. " were questions, made in 2006 concerning a stepdaughter who managed to age 2 full years in 2006, one sought advice for a disney email addy that was in relation to education advice for third level university and the advantages of public school.. very pretentious and overbearing,' lady in the manor' type attitude in the writing style. All posts contained conflicting energy signatures and the style of writing confirmed this. She would have been 22 when she wrote these posts, one stated she had attended Emory. Her mother was actually an Emory grad, I think.. wonder if somehow she tries to emulate her mother and I wonder what that relationship was like? i wonder at her childhood, her formative years.. did something catastrophic happen to her mind and was it brought about by an external event. Searches threw no light on this theory either.
You cover so many things in one's interesting what you say about her mother though because she had that name "molshka" that I presume means something like "mol" for Molly ..."Sh" could be for her mothers name Sharon and then "ka" could be for something meaningful I just don't know what it could first thought was perhaps a married name...on those posts from molshka she did sound like she was from the manner born so I don't understand why you think she is lying about a college degree...some girls still look at college as a finishing school, moreso in the south ....

I just saw a piece on counter intelligence and it was described in terms of the current threat in the us from Isis ... Like trolling for patterns of behavior on the Internet or cell phones that can be used to determine ahead of time when an attack might take place and thwart it...if that helps shed light on what might go on at Oak Ridge Laboratories and TMs profession...

Molly needn't have had a traumatic episode in her childhood to have broken in this way...if she is bipolar her behavior isn't inconsistent with that...I do think she inflicted most if not all of the deadly blows and was probably done with the deed before she stopped hitting him or even realized he was hurt...he was most likely mortally wounded before her Dad intervened...I hope the coroner can make a determination from swelling about which wounds came first...
You cover so many things in one's interesting what you say about her mother though because she had that name "molshka" that I presume means something like "mol" for Molly ..."Sh" could be for her mothers name Sharon and then "ka" could be for something meaningful I just don't know what it could first thought was perhaps a married name...on those posts from molshka she did sound like she was from the manner born so I don't understand why you think she is lying about a college degree...some girls still look at college as a finishing school, moreso in the south ....

I just saw a piece on counter intelligence and it was described in terms of the current threat in the us from Isis ... Like trolling for patterns of behavior on the Internet or cell phones that can be used to determine ahead of time when an attack might take place and thwart it...if that helps shed light on what might go on at Oak Ridge Laboratories and TMs profession...

Molly needn't have had a traumatic episode in her childhood to have broken in this way...if she is bipolar her behavior isn't inconsistent with that...I do think she inflicted most if not all of the deadly blows and was probably done with the deed before she stopped hitting him or even realized he was hurt...he was most likely mortally wounded before her Dad intervened...I hope the coroner can make a determination from swelling about which wounds came first...
am doubting the bipolar diagnosis..
Molshka...could be her name merged with that of a boyfriend and that 8yr old child.

MOlly...SHawn...KAtie....MOSHKA...something like that. With her possessive nature, I can see her doing that.

I doubt she was at Clemson for more than one semester. That is common age for onset of bipolar disease. I think she got very sick and dropped out. No one with a Clemson degree spends the next few years babysitting. And Molly is no "model." Looks like anyone can sign up on that website. Molly was rudderless.

I also believe that most of the blows were done by Molly. Maybe TM struck JC with the bat and stunned him. Maybe he leaves the room to collect himself, and Molly runs outside, gets the brick and pounds the man all over his body.

I think at trial we will learn that there was a substantial period of time between the murderous attack and when 911 was called.

My opinion only.
am doubting the bipolar diagnosis..
Well I can't help but think her actions in attempting to hire a pilot and plane to fly birthday greetings over Ireland are manic...especially in light of losing custody of Jack and Sarah...I've seen bipolar disorder up close and personal before and she fits the bill...
Well I can't help but think her actions in attempting to hire a pilot and plane to fly birthday greetings over Ireland are manic...especially in light of losing custody of Jack and Sarah...I've seen bipolar disorder up close and personal before and she fits the bill...
Have you seen MPD? (Multiple personality disorder)
Have a look and see what you think..
Remember her post about getting the children and their things ready for school when they were taken from her? And how she has gone on and on about them missing their school friends?

What school were they going to? Was she planning on sending them to school in the Charlotte area? She didn't go back to the Murder House, did she? So, were they going to a new school? So, they wouldn't see those old friends!

The most disturbing part of this 'story' for me at the time was when someone else pointed out that school didn't start for another two weeks. Was this correct? Did school start 17th/18th August or was it in fact a few weeks later? I don't have a link for this nor do I recall where I saw it but I remember it clearly at the time. Never mind the fact that she was staying miles away from the kids actual school.

One of the first few posts is a note from the children, written to her just weeks after she murdered their Father, professing their love for her. It's like saying..."Remember you loved me!" But under what conditions did those orphaned traumatized children write such a note? This would probably be after they spoke to police. Why a written testimonial? Was she forcing them to write a rebuttal?

I don't know about any of you guys, but having looked at the 'notes' and 'letters' that the children apparently wrote to MM, I'm having a hard time taking any of them seriously. I think the mailed note is complete BS. Look at the handwriting on these letters. Not the handwriting of kids of that age IMO, and some of it just does not look natural. I have two small kids myself.... I'm of the opinion that MM wrote a lot, if not all of these notes herself.

In terms of MM's missing years, it's possible she just wasn't functioning. Bi-Polar disorder is a form of depression so it is possible that those missing years were spent doing little or nothing. She was a kept woman when with JC, it's perfectly plausible that she also lived off of that other possible boyfriend with the daughter. I doubt she has worked a regular job much in her life to be honest. I fully believe she is mental but there is also a conniving side to her - she is a very good looking woman and she was obviously able to wrap a lot of people around her finger through her good looks and self pitying.
Hi - I've been following this story since it first broke in early August, the first thing I did was put Molly's name into facebook, a lot of her photos were public, there were a few years worth of photos viewable of family holidays, first days of school, etc. Very soon after that, it went completely private until the day in August she lost the children and she started posting her email address and phone number, along with detailed memories and photos. I've seen every facebook post that she put up publicly since then, including previously mentioned videos. In addition to the one of her singing with the photo album, there was another one of her saying I love you over and over. I'd say she privatized everything before November, but I doubt she removed the posts. The first indication to me that something might be amiss with her psychologically was on the day she posted about camping and roasting marshmallows, while back in Ireland her husband was being buried on that same day. I also have done very deep, well as deep as I know how, searches on the net for any information about her, and it frustrates me to all ends that there is very little there. I'm usually pretty good at finding information, and in the States there is typically a lot of public information available about almost anyone, past addresses, universities attended, jobs held, etc. One one search, there was reference to her address in NC, and two addresses in TN, one in Knoxville and one in Oak Ridge (in a low income apartment complex). I also saw a linkedin profile ( that lists teacher at government for a Molly Martens, in Knoxville. I also believe she never completed much of her study at Clemson and probably never attended Emory, in the internet age we are in, there would be evidence of this online and frankly, just one yearbook reference does not cut it. I agree that she may have gone to Ireland running from something, such as a failed relationship. I'd even stretch to say that I think she may have preyed on Jason, seeking out a single father with very young children. The prosecution needs to paint a picture of who she is, which will include who she was before she met Jason. The only reason I can fathom as to why there isn't much available is that she didn't do much, she graduated HS, attempted college, came home, did some sort of childcare (as her Uncle claimed), moved to Ireland as au pair.

Welcome anniejay! :wagon:

Your comment above as to the possibility of MM searching the Internet, for a person such as Jason to sight her sights upon, is intriguing. I think this is a likely scenario, as the Internet is perfect for people to locate others to prey upon. Dating sites are ideal places for people with undesirable intentions to connect with a "victim." In this case, MM was looking for a ready made family, and finding a recent widower, with two young, attractive, children, was exactly what she was looking for. When she told her parents about finding Jason, they were probably ecstatic, as well. Now, their precious Molly would be out of their hair, and would have found her new family.

Well I can't help but think her actions in attempting to hire a pilot and plane to fly birthday greetings over Ireland are manic...especially in light of losing custody of Jack and Sarah...I've seen bipolar disorder up close and personal before and she fits the bill...

Ditto with the out of control spending, very common with bipolar.
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