GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #1

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But I wonder whether ABC was put under any 'pressure' to run this old story with the tape.. It was a very badly edited piece.. We know the feds are not co-operating with the local police or they would have handed the work records over immediately without the necessity of the prosecution to obtain a court order, costing valuable time.

Again, the actual trial could be a long way off yet so media are reluctant to run stories so early in a process. There are many angles media could take in relation to the autopsy by inviting expert witnesses to comment, but unsure whether that can take place at this point in time?

By the book, they need the court order. The FBI doesn't care about these two...formerly unimportant...retired guys. Now, the Martens would like to scare the Corbetts into thinking they are big shots...but please notice...they had to write on the FB pages of politicians. They don't even know people who know those politicians. (Not that even that is a big deal). They don't move in those circles.

Their son was booked on child endangerment charges, wasn't he? No clout there to cover up. The niece got charged with passing bad checks. Same thing.

How humiliating but nothing like the daughter and Father's heinous beat down of her husband.

Perhaps they believed that they could scare the Corbetts into giving Molly their way....because being from another country and culture they could puff themselves up as IMPORTANT people.

I'm just praying that the Corbett side of the story gets known here. Maybe their attorneys know some reporters that they can interest in their side of the case.

I can't imagine any "pressure" that could be brought...unless the reporter and station are very sympathetic to the cause of domestic violence and many here now do...that a woman must always be believed when she makes an accusation.

Or so our Universities are preaching.

All just my opinion.

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Actually Electric Sheep I should have stated 'obscene' phonecall' as quoted by MM's sister-in-law (Ely Martens - who also stated it was not Jack or Sarah who made the call) in the following article...

Regardless of what wording I used, the fact remains that no-one could have called her if she did not have her phone number and email plastered all over her FB page, pleading with the children to get in touch. A simple phone log search will verify whether Jack made the call or not. Yet MM did not stop to think of the effect the publication of this 'call' would have on her 'beloved step-children' and that to me speaks volumes about her character.

you only quoted a segment of her message which removes the context. Why? It was a substantial post and an excellent post, yet you ignored its core message..

Because I always believe the bad actor is responsible for their own actions. Nobody forces someone else to rape, to murder, to send a poison pen letter, to send a "prank" call or or a bullying email or social media post - the person who does these things is responsible.
Hi Stmarysmead, I just read your recent post and you were saying that you are praying that the Corbetts side of the story gets known, (I am too),the following link shows how they celebrated Jason's recent 40th you can see, it was celebrated with dignity and respect, the same dignity they have shown throughout this horrific ordeal.

What a pity the Martens don't understand the meaning of the word 'dignity'.
Because I always believe the bad actor is responsible for their own actions. Nobody forces someone else to rape, to murder, to send a poison pen letter, to send a "prank" call or or a bullying email or social media post - the person who does these things is responsible.

As I'm sure MM and TM will soon discover...
By the book, they need the court order. The FBI doesn't care about these two...formerly unimportant...retired guys. Now, the Martens would like to scare the Corbetts into thinking they are big shots...but please notice...they had to write on the FB pages of politicians. They don't even know people who know those politicians. (Not that even that is a big deal). They don't move in those circles.

Their son was booked on child endangerment charges, wasn't he? No clout there to cover up. The niece got charged with passing bad checks. Same thing.

How humiliating but nothing like the daughter and Father's heinous beat down of her husband.

Perhaps they believed that they could scare the Corbetts into giving Molly their way....because being from another country and culture they could puff themselves up as IMPORTANT people.

I'm just praying that the Corbett side of the story gets known here. Maybe their attorneys know some reporters that they can interest in their side of the case.

I can't imagine any "pressure" that could be brought...unless the reporter and station are very sympathetic to the cause of domestic violence and many here now do...that a woman must always be believed when she makes an accusation.

Or so our Universities are preaching.

All just my opinion.

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I would never underestimate the powers inherent in the FBI. Its well documented and I think it would be very unwise to overlook it. There are many many 'exits available to Tom Martens via his FBI connections which is presumably what brought him his most recent position in Oakridge Laboratories.
Someone just has to start hollering 'national security' at the top of their voices or in whispers for there to be mayhem.

The other aspect that is abnormal imho is the extent of the outrageous violations being perpetrated upon the Corbett family. That abc news exerpt today is a case in point. Deeply disturbing and borderline crossing the Court order imposed upon the Martens to refrain from contacting the Corbett family. What a violation!
In synch with this release one of the chief supporters, who had , for a short time removed the childrens' photos from her timeline, immediately re-instated them with the caption 'molly is their mom'
The posts on the GOP candidates public walls were untruthful. This is a tad unusual from mid america.. Its energetic signature is reading violence and rage, to me. There is cause for concern, which suggests that although they are insipid, they may well have powerful political support, or financial.
What do you think?
I would never underestimate the powers inherent in the FBI. Its well documented and I think it would be very unwise to overlook it. There are many many 'exits available to Tom Martens via his FBI connections which is presumably what brought him his most recent position in Oakridge Laboratories.
Someone just has to start hollering 'national security' at the top of their voices or in whispers for there to be mayhem.

The other aspect that is abnormal imho is the extent of the outrageous violations being perpetrated upon the Corbett family. That abc news exerpt today is a case in point. Deeply disturbing and borderline crossing the Court order imposed upon the Martens to refrain from contacting the Corbett family. What a violation!
In synch with this release one of the chief supporters, who had , for a short time removed the childrens' photos from her timeline, immediately re-instated them with the caption 'molly is their mom'
The posts on the GOP candidates public walls were untruthful. This is a tad unusual from mid america.. Its energetic signature is reading violence and rage, to me. There is cause for concern, which suggests that although they are insipid, they may well have powerful political support, or financial.
What do you think?

I don't see the things that have happened so far to be out of the ordinary. Everything is slow in these court cases. The judge has yet to rule on Molly's removal of the household goods.

The fact that they had to write on GOP candidates walls should show you how little clout they have.

They lost the custody suit and they were indicted. So far the Corbetts have won all the big contests. That's two BIG wins. No "clout", political support, or financial support showed up to rescue them.

Their big chance is to run this sympathy campaign and engage the media. We saw a little of that today. But it took them almost 7 months to get a nibble.
I don't see the things that have happened so far to be out of the ordinary. Everything is slow in these court cases. The judge has yet to rule on Molly's removal of the household goods.

The fact that they had to write on GOP candidates walls should show you how little clout they have.

They lost the custody suit and they were indicted. So far the Corbetts have won all the big contests. That's two BIG wins. No "clout", political support, or financial support showed up to rescue them.

Their big chance is to run this sympathy campaign and engage the media. We saw a little of that today. But it took them almost 7 months to get a nibble.
Gosh, I am seeing it more in the light of a malice campaign.
They handed that tape to ABC and they briefed them on its origin. Tape was NOT of Jason's son. The accent was Dublin, adult and female. The tone of the one sided tape depicted a confidante, rather than a parent/stepson dynamic. It was more of a message from one friend to another and coming from a position of equality. It also managed to suggest the child is aware of the circumstances of his father's death and encourages the alleged perpetrator to stay strong. It was indeed loaded. Carefully executed and aimed to create maximum turmoil, ongoing threat warning for Corbett guardians.
ABC are required by law to verify sources at least 3 times. They clearly did no investigation but were led like lambs to the slaughter .. the list of victims increases daily.
I believe it was a carefully considered and polished attempt to seek further 'revenge' on the Corbetts.
The 2 lawyers should be disbarred for participating.
Disrespectful and personalized posts attacking each other have been removed. Those of you not familar with TOS, please take the time to find and review the rules.

Thank you.
Trying to untangle the significance of the "child's" recorded message. So Molly is approaching the media with her sob story that her father accidentally killed her husband while intervening in a DV incident. Now the distraught stepmother has lost custody of the children she raised, and they are now in the hands of the DV husband's family. Who knows what kind of upbringing they will have in that environment, and how unfair it is that a loving mother can lose both her children, just because she didn't happen to give birth to them. The journalist asks for some corroborating material - she produces a letter and a recording. Why would they be fake? He's seen the photos of this loving mother with her children. Of course these kids love and miss her. Then the autopsy results come out and the story swings in another direction...
Lazy journalists don't have a long term agenda, they will go with the strongest angle. Good journalists will ask questions and check everything from each perspective. Molly has faked evidence to strengthen her story, and now the real concrete evidence has exposed the truth. That won't do her any favours in the long run. A clever journalist might keep her talking just to gather material for a book after the trial - the best true crime books show both sides of the story.
Regarding the crank call and the posting of email and phone number on the Facebook page. I have an 11 year old son. He knows my phone number with at least 4 years the majority of children know their parents numbers for safety reasons especially if traveling.He also knows my email also as he uses it for different things. I do not believe the posting of the phone number and email were put up for the children. These posts were put up to pull on heart strings of other mothers . The stories added are for the same effect. If you put your contact information for the world to see you are asking for unwanted calls. It's not right but she can partly take the blame as I'm sure the children would already know her contact information if they wanted to contact her. They are not chained to a bed by now they would have had plenty opportunity to do so if they wanted to.
Regarding the crank call and the posting of email and phone number on the Facebook page. I have an 11 year old son. He knows my phone number with at least 4 years the majority of children know their parents numbers for safety reasons especially if traveling.He also knows my email also as he uses it for different things. I do not believe the posting of the phone number and email were put up for the children. These posts were put up to pull on heart strings of other mothers . The stories added are for the same effect. If you put your contact information for the world to see you are asking for unwanted calls. It's not right but she can partly take the blame as I'm sure the children would already know her contact information if they wanted to contact her. They are not chained to a bed by now they would have had plenty opportunity to do so if they wanted to.

This is so true! My 6 year old granddaughter knows her Mother's phone number and ours and we live in different states with different area codes. She can recite them with ease.

I am of the opinion that the Martens did not immediately call 911. Good Lord, they could see the result of their murderous rage right in front of them. I think that's when the FBI training kicked in. I believe they discussed what they needed to do to save themselves. They let Jason lay there, in my opinion, as they did this. Story set...they called for "help."

Keep in mind the denial of this heinous murder from the very beginning that was coming from these people. "I intervened." No, the autopsy shows us thus was not an "intervention." This was an overkill.

"Molly pushed him and he hit his head." Didn't the Mother try to promote that lie to the family.

They were doing everything to make this look like an "accident."

" Oops, we were just trying to stop and argument and, gee whiz, somehow Jason ended up with wounds, and fractures and bleeding fissures all over his body! We have no idea how he did that to himself!"

My opinion is that they immediately tried to get custody to keep the children under their control as they fabricated their story about "abused" Molly. When they lost custody, they needed to discredit what the children said to they began a FB campaign stressing "Molly the perfect Mommy" vs the evil family that were teaching the kids hate.

They are trying to discredit the children in my opinion.

That little detail of the murder of the children's Father is just swept from he never existed.

They have been clever. But the autopsy is a tremendous truth teller and killer of lies.

The Corbetts might need some friendly media contacts in the US going forward though. And help from friends with posting that autopsy report under every article that appears about this case.

Just my humble opinion, all of the above statements.
This is so true! My 6 year old granddaughter knows her Mother's phone number and ours and we live in different states with different area codes. She can recite them with ease.

I am of the opinion that the Martens did not immediately call 911. Good Lord, they could see the result of their murderous rage right in front of them. I think that's when the FBI training kicked in. I believe they discussed what they needed to do to save themselves. They let Jason lay there, in my opinion, as they did this. Story set...they called for "help."

Keep in mind the denial of this heinous murder from the very beginning that was coming from these people. "I intervened." No, the autopsy shows us thus was not an "intervention." This was an overkill.

"Molly pushed him and he hit his head." Didn't the Mother try to promote that lie to the family.

They were doing everything to make this look like an "accident."

" Oops, we were just trying to stop and argument and, gee whiz, somehow Jason ended up with wounds, and fractures and bleeding fissures all over his body! We have no idea how he did that to himself!"

My opinion is that they immediately tried to get custody to keep the children under their control as they fabricated their story about "abused" Molly. When they lost custody, they needed to discredit what the children said to they began a FB campaign stressing "Molly the perfect Mommy" vs the evil family that were teaching the kids hate.

They are trying to discredit the children in my opinion.

That little detail of the murder of the children's Father is just swept from he never existed.

They have been clever. But the autopsy is a tremendous truth teller and killer of lies.

The Corbetts might need some friendly media contacts in the US going forward though. And help from friends with posting that autopsy report under every article that appears about this case.

Just my humble opinion, all of the above statements.

Totally agree with this scenario, stmarysmead. The Martens family and sycophants act like the horrendous murder of the children's father was a non issue. As you can tell by reading the autopsy, it was an act of rage and overkill.

I just wanted to go back to the the autopsy. I was looking again. What I found interesting this time is the mention of congenital bicuspid aortic valve with associated left ventricle hypertrophy and coronary artery atherosclerosis mild. In other words heart problems. Then we have the drug that was found in Jason's system trazodone. If we look at the medical information provided about trazodone it is not recommended for people with cardiac problems. I am assuming that Jason knew about his heart problems and probably would have shared this info with his wife this would seem logical. Could this drug have been administered without his knowledge? What effect would it have ? My uncle has heart problems and is very careful with medication and always reads all new drug information even if the doctor prescribes to be safe.


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I just wanted to go back to the the autopsy. I was looking again. What I found interesting this time is the mention of congenital bicuspid aortic valve with associated left ventricle hypertrophy and coronary artery atherosclerosis mild. In other words heart problems. Then we have the drug that was found in Jason's system trazodone. If we look at the medical information provided about trazodone it is not recommended for people with cardiac problems. I am assuming that Jason knew about his heart problems and probably would have shared this info with his wife this would seem logical. Could this drug have been administered without his knowledge? What effect would it have ? My uncle has heart problems and is very careful with medication and always reads all new drug information even if the doctor prescribes to be safe.
very important.. put some links on it some weeks ago.. but I got bogged down in the analysis of its progression through the system in an effort to guage process of excretion- in other words, whether a much larger dose taken so many hours beforehand would result in a mere autopsy find qty after so many hours. I had the half life of the drug but I had difficulty in analysing its rate of anabolism as well as the format of the metabolism of that particular drug in company of other digestive findings, he had about 2 beers max, I figured, some greens.. but very little of substance in his stomach when he died. That was strange too as they had allegedly had guests visiting which I thought would have included some food.. I think it needs a person with a pharmacological degree , but it should be a simple enough analysis.
This post is in relation to Niall Boyland interview with Molly. It is the interview in which she pleads for anyone to approach the children and tell them that she loves them and misses them . It should be noted that Niall removed this interview which in its self is extraordinary he is a shock jock and he never backs down and usually when he makes his mind up that is that. Such was the disgust he removed this interview but I believe it can still be found via his Twitter page. He actually had them on at least twice maybe 3 but I'm certain of the two . She wanted sole custody as far as I am aware which was not going to happen . If she truly was a dv victim which I highly doubt she was it is grounds in North Carolina to obtain sole custody for step children regardless of adoptive rights. Molly and co I believe because they have stated it believe not allowing her to adopt the children is a form of abuse. Her lawyer friend stated this. My own belief is Jason loved his first wife Mags and never stopped giving over adoptive rights erases the biological parents. The living (if one is deceased) also is named on the new birth certificate as an adoptive parent. I don't know about ye but this is not something I would do especially with the knowledge the step parent was trying to gain sole custody
This post is in relation to Niall Boyland interview with Molly. It is the interview in which she pleads for anyone to approach the children and tell them that she loves them and misses them . It should be noted that Niall removed this interview which in its self is extraordinary he is a shock jock and he never backs down and usually when he makes his mind up that is that. Such was the disgust he removed this interview but I believe it can still be found via his Twitter page. He actually had them on at least twice maybe 3 but I'm certain of the two . She wanted sole custody as far as I am aware which was not going to happen . If she truly was a dv victim which I highly doubt she was it is grounds in North Carolina to obtain sole custody for step children regardless of adoptive rights. Molly and co I believe because they have stated it believe not allowing her to adopt the children is a form of abuse. Her lawyer friend stated this. My own belief is Jason loved his first wife Mags and never stopped giving over adoptive rights erases the biological parents. The living (if one is deceased) also is named on the new birth certificate as an adoptive parent. I don't know about ye but this is not something I would do especially with the knowledge the step parent was trying to gain sole custody

Is this the interview that you are referencing? Looks like it's still up and one with an uncle, still on his soundcloud.
very important.. put some links on it some weeks ago.. but I got bogged down in the analysis of its progression through the system in an effort to guage process of excretion- in other words, whether a much larger dose taken so many hours beforehand would result in a mere autopsy find qty after so many hours. I had the half life of the drug but I had difficulty in analysing its rate of anabolism as well as the format of the metabolism of that particular drug in company of other digestive findings, he had about 2 beers max, I figured, some greens.. but very little of substance in his stomach when he died. That was strange too as they had allegedly had guests visiting which I thought would have included some food.. I think it needs a person with a pharmacological degree , but it should be a simple enough analysis.

It says less than 100 mg can cause adverse effects. I am finding this very strange now . The conditions Jason had are [FONT=Roboto-Regular, HelveticaNeue, Arial, sans-serif]hereditary I think he definitely knew he had a heart problem
my opinion only
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