GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #8

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The technicalities of criminal trial requires two factor one the doing of the crime and secondly the mental aspect of the accused. Motive does not form any part of the technicalities but it’s nice to have it for a jury to show that if fits into a pattern that could be the setting of the prior mind-set of the accused. Juries very often just read into only what is superficial looking for a motive.

The physical aspect of the crime is the dead victim in this case in an overkill.

The mental aspect is of intention (specific intent for murder) is simply did the accused intend to kill the victim or inflict really serious injuries. In Ireland there is only one type of murder and this does not require a pre-planned schedule but what was their mind-set at the actual time of the assault. NC law requires for 1[SUP]st[/SUP] degree murder that there needs to be a longer pre-planned schedule but for 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] degree it’s similar to Ireland in that respect did the accused intend to kill the victim at the time of the assault or did the intend to inflict really serious harm.

For the defense the question of DV has not being raised so it’s not an issue.

The only defense is that of “self-defense”. But as so often pointed out here that puts the accused on the elucidation of their actions and a close examination of the crime to be accepted as a valid defense.

Joint Criminal Enterprise of a common purpose. With joint enterprise all are equally guilty for criminal conducts whatever the purpose of their criminal enterprise. All are equally guilty irrespective who pulled the trigger if they engaged in a criminal enterprise. In Ireland for murder its mandatory life whereas there is discretion in NC law for 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] degree. Don’t know enough about NC to comment on its sentencing policy for murder but in Ireland what is a primary factor in sentencing outside of murder which is mandatory life is their past criminal history of the accused. Just I hit him once or I only held him while the other accomplices did the killing has no effect as a defense. As for MM there has being substantial evidence that MM had possession of the brick and forensics indicated blood and scalp tissue therefore it was used as a weapon. From what I understand at the crime scene she eventually stated this to the police after the end of her crying session that she participated in the assault which in turn led to her arrest. TM states he used the bat as a weapon and there were two weapons at the crime scene and both indicate they were used as weapons. If there was no evidence that MM did not use the brick which is not the case one could only conclude with two weapons, two assailant therefore both of the accused used weapons.
MM had previously expressed her dissatisfaction with the marriage to her father, we know this because TM while on the stand confirmed this and also stated that he advised her to see a solicitor. We also know, although the jury don't (I believe) that she spoke about getting custody of the children and that based on her not being the step parent, the only way that should had any chance of keeping them was to prove domestic violence. If MM confided in her father about the marriage, it is fair to think that she also advised him of what they told her.

TM, whilst under cross examination, admitted that he was not aware of any previous domestic violence, all he said was he once saw some bruises on her but never questioned it, so he is not going to back up any claim on DV. I do however think that the brothers will introduce something today in their attempt to link what the TM said he saw to DV. He planted the bruises in the jurors minds, the brothers will attempt to cement it.

There was mention of some of her friends taking the stand, no idea if this will happen but if they do, they too I suspect will steer this direction. I think that the prosecution is expecting this and as the defence opens this door, the prosecutions will have their own witnesses to rebut this, I would hope anyway, like the couple who witnessed MM shaming JC the night before.

TM did himself no favours while on the stand, he was arrogant and seemed to be suffering for selective amnesia, two matters that will not have been missed by the jury. Multiple phone calls made to the parents while they were in transit and he cannot remember even one of them. Does anyone know how many calls were made? He also firmly placed the brick directly in MM hands by saying that he did not use it. The defence I feel will try to allude that JC just fell on this stone & MM only gave him a little tip off it, sure she is only a tiny female what damage could she do, which would be incredible as it was covered on all faces with blood and matter. His story does not match the expert testimony given by the blood expert.

The Judge also disallowed testimony from JC sister saying that he was homesick and from his work colleague saying that JC was not happy in the marriage but the Judge only disallowed that "at that time" unlike what he did about the children's statements which Judge ruled "not allowed at any time". The defence will have to be very careful not to open too many doors but rebuttal will be key. Today I feel will be slate JC day.
Two of Jason Corbett's US brothers-in-law will offer defence testimony today as the North Carolina murder trial of their father and sister reaches its conclusion.

The brothers will testify as to the nature of the relationship and marriage between Mr Corbett and their sister. They will also testify as to their family dealings with Mr Corbett.

modnote: No sleuthing of the brothers is allowed beyond their statements in court.
I wonder if the decision to divorce had been made. Did TM drive down there to argue with JC about terms of support for MM after he had gone back to Ireland? The idea that MM would be back on their hands as they approached retirement might have been infuriating to TM.

I doubt we will ever know.

JC was going back to Ireland with his kids and it would seem was not concerned immediately with a divorce. Divorce usually comes into these situations where there is another marriage as an option or for financial settlement. This would be a MM prerogative especially the latter but any such action would be tempered by the loss of the C kids. Access to the C kids was at that time her only purpose in life.
Some excerpts from Maginn's book that may come in handy.

Didn't TM say he never met Maginn?

Page 27
Mary seemed to glow and her friends and FAMILY said they had never seen her so happy and healthy. Page 27

Molly's illness would make her feel verbally abused even when complimented.

Page 33

We sometimes had explosive arguments. Mary seemed to be able to turn everything I said into something somehow against her. I'd compliment her dress and she'd claim I was just saying that to be nice and probably thought she was ugly. "Why was I even with her?" she'd ask. As her therapists pointed out many times, she frequently pushed people away, testing them to see if they'd come back to her.

Who was supporting her?

Page 36

We needed my paycheck desperately. .

Concerning the move to Ireland.

Page 43

We had no money and I desperately needed my health insurance. Snip We couldn't even afford plane tickets.
MM had previously expressed her dissatisfaction with the marriage to her father, we know this because TM while on the stand confirmed this and also stated that he advised her to see a solicitor. We also know, although the jury don't (I believe) that she spoke about getting custody of the children and that based on her not being the step parent, the only way that should had any chance of keeping them was to prove domestic violence. If MM confided in her father about the marriage, it is fair to think that she also advised him of what they told her.

TM, whilst under cross examination, admitted that he was not aware of any previous domestic violence, all he said was he once saw some bruises on her but never questioned it, so he is not going to back up any claim on DV. I do however think that the brothers will introduce something today in their attempt to link what the TM said he saw to DV. He planted the bruises in the jurors minds, the brothers will attempt to cement it.

There was mention of some of her friends taking the stand, no idea if this will happen but if they do, they too I suspect will steer this direction. I think that the prosecution is expecting this and as the defence opens this door, the prosecutions will have their own witnesses to rebut this, I would hope anyway, like the couple who witnessed MM shaming JC the night before.

TM did himself no favours while on the stand, he was arrogant and seemed to be suffering for selective amnesia, two matters that will not have been missed by the jury. Multiple phone calls made to the parents while they were in transit and he cannot remember even one of them. Does anyone know how many calls were made? He also firmly placed the brick directly in MM hands by saying that he did not use it. The defence I feel will try to allude that JC just fell on this stone & MM only gave him a little tip off it, sure she is only a tiny female what damage could she do, which would be incredible as it was covered on all faces with blood and matter. His story does not match the expert testimony given by the blood expert.

The Judge also disallowed testimony from JC sister saying that he was homesick and from his work colleague saying that JC was not happy in the marriage but the Judge only disallowed that "at that time" unlike what he did about the children's statements which Judge ruled "not allowed at any time". The defence will have to be very careful not to open too many doors but rebuttal will be key. Today I feel will be slate JC day.

MM sought advise from a lawyer back at least two years prior. She was told DV was her only chance of getting the kids.<modsnip>So TM says he didn't know of DV. If he did and has denied it that makes him totally guilty in my eyes. A lot was leaked out by the defence of how they were going to respond in the trial and they havent covered it. I think they have decided on what the best strategy to use and that wasn't it.

i can't get over the number of potential jurors that were dismissed due to Their experience of DV either in their family, relatives or friends. Seem to be a very violent area there.

Hopefully the jury will understand all of the evidence presented to them and see the lies from TM presented to them thanks to the great work from the prosecution. I hope and pray that once the jury look at all the evidence and not hearsay they can only convict both. I am sure they will wonder why MM doesn't testify if she is innocent.

Will the the judge allow her friends to take the stand if they haven't witnessed any DV? There is a lot he hasn't allowed so far.

TM wouldn't go on a family holiday to Washington to spend time with his wife, daughter and the children because he didn't want to holiday with "that *******", yet he cancels dinner reservations at the last minute and drives 4 to 5 hours to visit "that *******, MM and the kids and was looking forward to playing golf with "that *******" (so sorry for calling JC that but just emphasising what TM's feelings were towards JC). And he played nice when JC was helping him with the bags after they arrived - he disliked JC but pretended- how long has this been going on?

TM didn't like MM's boyfriend from Tennessee (Daily Mail interview), he didn't like Keith McGinn but left Keith deal with bringing her to the mental facility to have her meds adjusted and he didn't like JC. Seems like he didn't think anybody was good enough for his precious daughter. MOO.
The paving slab is key for proving MMs guilt imo. Am I correct in saying she gave a statement saying she tried and failed to use it? This is a proven lie. It is almost certain she initiated the attack or joined in at a stage when he was unconscious on the floor. As for TM I would take his testimony with a large pinch of salt. There are probably a few bodges of the truth in there to suit his narrative. If you leave his questionable testimony aside. The physical evidence from independent experts is overwhelming. There is very little evidence that JC was the aggressor. The only thing the defence are clinging to is the strands of hair. Which could also easily be explained by self defence. TM brought the bat/weapon into the room. And then we know he used it on an incapacitated man multiple times. Self defence does not hold water here to any reasonable mind. I hope the jury do the right thing. Finally, I'm curious, Does any non-biased person here actually believe these people are innocent of 2nd degree murder ? I'm probably biased despite my best efforts.

I have been reading most of the threads but haven't posted until now.

I absolutely believe these two horrid individuals are guilty of 2nd Degree. I even think it may have been premeditated 1st Degree but I suppose the DA felt he could at least prove the 2nd Degree charge BARD.

The entire scenario is very sinister to me.... for starters JCs insurance policy being changed just two days prior to his brutal murder. Now how convenient is that? The excessive overkill is another plus the evidence showing JC was most likely in his own bed when the attack began. Then calls made between the defendant and his co-defendant daughter even before they arrived and that her mother never came up to see what was happening. It gives me a feeling that all of this was prearranged. The self defense will not hold water. Neither defendant had any defensive wounds and the only one who received horrific overkill injuries was JC, the victim. He was defenseless and never stood a chance when he had two ganging up on him...both using lethal bludgeoning weapons. Imo, this wasn't done in self defense.............these were purposeful acts intentionally done by both to make sure JC was dead.

Are both of them using the self defense claim? If so, every trial of self defense I have seen required the defendant/s to take the stand in their own behalf. If that happens the burden subliminally shifts to the defendant/s and the jury will expect each one to convince them it truly was self defense. Most defendants make lousy witnesses on the stand and I don't think this one will be any different. Being arrogant and cocky will not bode well for a testifying never does.

I think TM thought they could get away with murdering this innocent man and he felt LE would believe all of his lies due to him being a prior FBI agent. Thank goodness they didn't fall for any of it.

I pray for JCs family especially his children. Justice will be served imo.
If TM took a bat upstairs knowing it was an argument between MM and JC...and he had no knowledge of DV...wouldn't that go to malice too?
Some excerpts from Maginn's book that may come in handy.

Didn't TM say he never met Maginn?

Page 27
Mary seemed to glow and her friends and FAMILY said they had never seen her so happy and healthy. Page 27

Molly's illness would make her feel verbally abused even when complimented.

Page 33

We sometimes had explosive arguments. Mary seemed to be able to turn everything I said into something somehow against her. I'd compliment her dress and she'd claim I was just saying that to be nice and probably thought she was ugly. "Why was I even with her?" she'd ask. As her therapists pointed out many times, she frequently pushed people away, testing them to see if they'd come back to her.

Who was supporting her?

Page 36

We needed my paycheck desperately. .

Concerning the move to Ireland.

Page 43

We had no money and I desperately needed my health insurance. Snip We couldn't even afford plane tickets.

Turning This Thing Around
Keith Maginn
&#8220;Mary is still furious with me about check-in night at the &#8220;rehabilitation center,&#8221; as they delicately call it. She is enraged at me because I refused to give her muscle-relaxers despite strict orders to the contrary. Weaning her off the plethora of medications she was on was the whole idea of bringing her here: sixteen prescribed meds daily and another ten to be used &#8220;as needed.&#8221; Up to twenty-six different medications a day for one person (and she weighed less than 120 lbs.)!&#8221;

&#8220;Hadn&#8217;t I proven time after time I would always be there, that I truly loved her and would do anything I could for her? Hadn&#8217;t I talked her out of suicide multiple times, holding her on the bathroom floor or in bed as she cried uncontrollably night after night? Didn&#8217;t I lay with her in the hospital telling her things would be better someday? And now she&#8217;s saying I don't care and she doesn&#8217;t want me around?&#8221;

Really now without casting any aspersions on suffers of mental health issues but TM to state this of JC

"He did not measure up to what I thought my daughter's standard should be,", and to allow MM without any warning to come stay in the C home child minding for JC does show an extraordinary profound arrogance.

Right now, court is having a preliminary charge conference, jury won't be here until 10:30
A charge conference is when the lawyers and judge go over what instructions will be given to the jury for their deliberation


Right now, court is having a preliminary charge conference, jury won't be here until 10:30
A charge conference is when the lawyers and judge go over what instructions will be given to the jury for their deliberation


Is it not a bit early in the day for this, I would have thought conference would happen after defence /prosecution. Are finished? Maybe I am wrong

Everything I say is my opinion only
Does this mean the defence is finished their case ? Sorry not familiar with procedures
mod note:

This is understandably an extremely emotional case and this is the point where tensions build and friction occurs. However, inciting conflict, outright bullying and efforts meant to antagonize opposing views will not be tolerated. Time outs will be forthcoming with this type of behavior.

Websleuths is a public forum with over 120,000 members. It is unrealistic to think that all opinions and theories will be on the same page. If you cannot tolerate opposing views then you have no business being on a public forum and perhaps a one sided site like a “Justice for …” is a better fit at this point of the presentation in court.
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