NC - Kathy Taft, 62, Raleigh, 6 March 2010 - #3

DNA Solves
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from wral's website, a quote from DH: "
"I heard footsteps, but I've never stayed in that house before."

i haven't seen the house, but the pictures don't make it appear so big that one couldn't quickly and easily track down "footsteps."
A forensic psychologist says Kathy A. Taft's killer might be a teenage boy.

When you look at who rapes a 60-year-old woman, it's usually not a 60-year-old man. Nor is it someone in their 20s, 30s or 40s. It's almost always a teenager," Teague said Tuesday.

eague said that, judging from the information revealed by search warrants, he would not characterize Taft's slaying as overkill.

"It was more than a soft kill, but there doesn't appear to be a lot of turmoil evident with things in the home turned over. I'm assuming he wasn't in there very long."

He wonders if Taft's killer was intending to burglarize the home, saw her inside and had a change of plan. "He doesn't appear to be a skilled rapist," Teague said. "It could be his first rape."

Frank Perry, a retired special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, agreed with Teague

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The "footsteps" and the time=line is what I don't understand.
Sounds like she was saying she heard this right before she went in and called 911?
Yet, she told the family she heard this during the night and checked on KT and found her to be "snoring". Going back to the official word from the cops, they think she was attacked late Friday or early Saturday.(11Pm to 2am?)
I'm still thinking D slipped out to GG and KT was maybe attacked then. She went up after 2 am and "hearing footsteps", she came back and down. It was "not her house"....did she really hear footsteps or did she just hear 'voices' her own head?

I don't get this part either. If we accept that an intruder was in the house and that D heard footsteps, then why would she ignore it. Either she brushed it off and went went back to sleep or she went in to KT's room and found her injured and called 911. (She was so shocked that she forgot to tell them about the footsteps she heard previously.) Either way sounds unbeliveable to me. If you think that the footsteps might be KT, then KT needs to be checked on. If you call out to her and she doesn't answer, then you need to physically confirm she's not in pain, having fever, etc. I don't see any secenio in which ignoring or forgetting to report footsteps would be likely.

If we accept there was an intruder and that eventually someone is charged with the crime, the State is going to have to explain away all of these hinky stories from D, because they cause so much confusion, you wouldn't want the Defense attorney to cast doubt on the case because of the bizarre and questionable behavior of the only potential witness.
I have listened many times, too. It seems to me she started to say she went outside. Also, I think I hear her say We went upstairs about 3 (apparently I am the only one who hears this).

Does she smoke?

Diphi, I thought I heard her say "WE" also, but i was not sure about it!
I thought I heard "we" too ... but was told she said "I" and I will need to listen again when I come back later this morning.

I'll transcribe the 911 call -- I know bits and pieces are out there ... if anyone else wants to do, that would be great; otherwise, I'll be back around 11:30 my time.
I think she heard a noise, thought it was footsteps or movement but not sure if it might have been noise that the house makes. (because she wasn't familiar with the home... some homes make a lot of creeking noises, ect).
I have listened many times, too. It seems to me she started to say she went outside. Also, I think I hear her say We went upstairs about 3 (apparently I am the only one who hears this).

Does she smoke?

I thought she said we too, but if she said we went up at 3:00 a.m., then wouldn't police have announced that KT was killed sometime after 3:00 a.m. instead of 11:00 - 2:00?
Oh my soul!!! According to a few, we're suppose to trust the media and their sources???? On the link below, this is the EXACT words they have as the caption for KT murder case....."Police solve break-in near Taft murder scene"
It's solved????? So.....who did it?
Maybe she was injured badly and lived longer after the assult.
rrrrrrr..........D says....I didn't know that house. I'd never stayed in that house.
But some have suggested she walked the path from the HT to the house!!!!! How would she know the path but not know the house. DUH
Please forgive my frustration.....but are ya'll(not everyone) actually listening to all the MANY NUTTY things this woman is saying. Give me ONE thing she has said that makes sense....I'll take just ONE thing! And please, I don't wanna hear it was the booze or drugs or she met some wacko man or mental illness.
"K was my soulmate"..BUT D puts her ear to the door & hears snoring???? She's suppose to be taking care of her. Soulmates would have OPENED the door and gone in. Soulmate would've been sitting in a chair in the room with K to make sure she was okay. ACTUALLY, the door would've been left open so D could hear if K called for her. WOW....someone please help me here!!! Ok, I feel much better now.
I get you Ruben. LOL I'm just trying to keep all doors open. As I said before, if a man is charged with this murder, there are going to be lots of questions to answer about D''s stories at some point, so we can try to figure them out now.

There are so many questions ,but I really would like to know what the source of the male DNA is. Is the stranger DNA in the form of semen, can tests tell that, as opposed to saliva or skin cells? I would like to know that. IF it's not semen, then I can see how that could be staged,( the prospect is grotesque) but not the semen. That's a little more puzzling.
rrrrrrr..........D says....I didn't know that house. I'd never stayed in that house.
But some have suggested she walked the path from the HT to the house!!!!! How would she know the path but not know the house. DUH
Please forgive my frustration.....but are ya'll(not everyone) actually listening to all the MANY NUTTY things this woman is saying. Give me ONE thing she has said that makes sense....I'll take just ONE thing! And please, I don't wanna hear it was the booze or drugs or she met some wacko man or mental illness.
"K was my soulmate"..BUT D puts her hear to the door & hears snoring???? She's suppose to be taking care of her. Soulmates would have OPENED the door and gone in. Soulmate would've been sitting in a chair in the room with K to make sure she was okay. ACTUALLY, the door would've been left open so D could hear if K called for her. WOW....someone please help me here!!! Ok, I feel much better now.

I am so with you on this ruben321!!! I find it extremely difficult to believe a "soulmate sister", even one possibly under the influence of alcohol or drugs would be so negligent. Unless she was angry at her sister for some reason. I contend, IMOO, that K caught her in the act of using, ticked D off... then a shoving match or physically violent struggle ensues and either K is struck by D or pushed and hits her head and D puts her back in the bed and straightens thing up.(hence, no signs of a struggle and possilby why a lamp socket was taken in the SW - maybe she broke a table lamp in the fall and D hid it or threw it away). She storms out, comes back later and realizes the severity of the situation and stages a sexual assault.
One more thing - in D's 911 call somewhere toward the end (don't have time to look it up now) I recall hearing D say something like "oh she's a mess" in a strange tone. Almost sounds like she is thinking "look what you've done to yourself" (IMOO) which could possibly mean on some psychological level that she doesn't feel responsible because either K brought it on or fell and hit her head - wasn't actually struck by D. Anyone else hear the "oh, she's a mess" statement?
Here’s my thinking out loud for today:

The family is offering a $25,000 reward for info leading to an arrest; however, there has been nothing released relative to helping solve this horrific crime. Things that would be helpful for the public to know - timeline starting on Friday when KT has surgery leading up to the time of the 1st 911 call. I realize investigators (RPD/CCBI) know a lot more than they are sharing and do not want to jeopardize the case but it has to be solved.

Where did KT have surgery – anyone see anything out of the ordinary there.

Where/what kind of meds did KT receive. Anyone see anything suspicious if she/DH stopped at a pharmacy to get pain prescriptions? Speaking of meds – I don’t recall those being mentioned in the SW. Perhaps the meds were the reason someone may have pinpointed KT. Yes, folks will kill for drugs.

Why hasn’t the grainy photo of the male with a messenger bag and backward cap been released as a person of interest. J Q Public may recognize something.

Why hasn’t the public been asked if anyone shopping in the area saw something suspicious – like an unoccupied black Durango parked for an extended time with the engine running.

Perhaps a mug shot of the back of DH (obviously we aren’t going to see her closeup) – anybody recognize her as acting suspicious during the timeframe.

My mind tells me that the RPD has their answers and are just slowly building the case with DA Collin Willoughby. They know given the family politics and lawyers involved they must be very meticulous in their approach.

Lastly for those with a sense of humor, where the heck is Nifong – he’d have this thing handled pronto!

Thanks for letting me express my thoughts.
911: 911 address and emergency

D: Yes, Send an ambulance over to 2710..... um ....2710 C-A-R-T-I-E-R drive in raleigh.
She had surgery t... yesterday and um...I've been here with her and I checked on her last night and I just got....I checked on her this morning ..and she had surgery on her neck ........and her um....her ...I can't think....anyway she had some tucks, you know they...

911: Alright tell me what is going on with her right now..

D: She is in the bed, I cannot get her up, there's....she is all wrapped up, you know with the gauze...she has blood everywhere, everywhere! on her face.

911: Alright give me the full address again.

D: Okay it is um....see i'm visiting here, so i'm's 2710 C-a-r-t-i-e-r Drive, behind the Harris Teeter.

911: I don't need directions to it. Is that a house or an apartment?

D: It's a house, a black durango is in front of it

911: Ok, I need you to listen to me...

911: Are you with her right now?

D: Yes.

911: I have some questions while the paramedics are driving.

D: Ok.

911: Is she awake?

D: No.

911: No?

D: Kathy, Kathy! She is foaming at the mouth, I cannot wake her up.

911: Ok hold on.

D: Oh its horrible!

911: Alright, hold on...

D: She is breathing though.

911: Ok. How old is she?

D: She is 62.

911: OK. Is her breathing completely normal?

D: Her eyes are black.... um....Well, she was snoring really hard last night when I tucked, you know, checked on her....before...

911: Right now I need you to look at her and tell me every time she takes a breath, starting now.

D: One, two, three, four...

911: Ok, that's fine, is she still making the snoring sound?

D: A little bit.

911: Okay. Is she still unconscious?

D: Seems to be, yes, and her eyes are blue, her eyelids.

911: Okay here's what we're gonna you have a defibrillator there?

D: No ma'am, she's real clammy, very clammy.

911: Ok, what we need to do...

D: She had surgery at Duke, and I' ve got all her information...I mean not at duke, at doctor um....the doctor, the plastic

911: Ok, I understand. Here's what i need you to do. Are you right by her now?
Get her flat on her back and remove any pillows.

D: Ok
D: Get her on her back?....

911: Flat on her back and remove any pillows

D: Kathy? Kathy? Kathy, darlin....Kathy.

911: What's going on right now?

D: nothing.

D: Oh, there's blood everywhere.

911: Okay. Tell me when you've got her flat on her back and remove the pillows.

D: She's on her back, her eyes are watering a little bit.

911: Okay, remove any pillows.

D: I did.

911: OK, I need you to kneel next to her, look in her mouth for food or vomit and tell me if there's anything in her mouth.

D: I can't get her mouth open,
Its the foam, she's got all kinds of foam around it and blood.

911: Ok, I know you said she had neck surgery, we're gonna do our best to open up her airway. Place your hand on her forehead, your other hand under her neck, and then gently tilt her head back, put your ear next to her mouth, can you feel or hear any breathing?

D: Yes. Kathy, Kathy honey, come on, darling, open your mouth. Oh...she's a mess.

911: Is she breathing, is she breathing normally?

D: um...I guess the best she can, with what she's got going on.
Can you hear her?

911: No, I can't hear her. Right now, is she breathing normally?

D: um...She swallowed..

Ok. Here's what we're gonna do...we're gonna do this again,
I need you to tell me every time she takes a breath starting now.

D: One, two, three, four...

911: Okay that's fine, I want you to stay right with her, keep her head tilted back and check her breathing often, ok and let me know if anything changes.

D: I need to go unlock the door there are a lot of steps... here...
I just wanted to let you know.

D: Come on with me, come on, Kat....come on.

911: Just stay right there with her and keep her head tilted a little so she can breathe, ok, let me know if her breathing changes.

D: Ok, I got her, Come on honey.
She's snoring.

911: Is it the same as what it was before?

D: Yes, but maybe not..I mean, it was like it was last night when I went up.......finally went upstairs about three.

911: Are you able to...I know you said she's got stuff coming out of her mouth,
Are you able to clean out her mouth?

D: I can, if I can leave her head. Let me get a washcloth.
Kathy, come on baby, wake up......(GOD)
Do you want me to just .... leave her head?

911: The Fire Department is there, is your door unlocked?

D: No, Let me run, do it. it's not far.

911: Go run and unlock it real quick and go right back to her.

D: Hello. Oh my God.

911: Stay calm you are doing fine.

D: oh my God oh my God

(Transcribed from audiotape on
Re Post #337 - and the 911 caller (DH) is very matter of fact, almost clinical. Nothing anxious or excited - until the very end when EMS enter. Doesn't really sound like she's discovered her "soulmate" has been beaten to death.
Okay. the reason she is so sure the door is locked, the only thing she is sure about, is because she just locked it, when she came in the house. Just before calling 911. What do you think?
I've never done this before, but i did my best to transcribe it. Post #337.
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