NC - Kathy Taft, 62, Raleigh, 6 March 2010 - #3

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If we assume that D had no involvment and her only wrong doing is trying to cover up the fact that she left and didn't get back until around 9:30, then who left the plastic bag corners in the house? Also, wouldn't LE be able to tell from her cell phone records, where she was during the entire evening? Were the cell phones discarded before 911 was called on the mistaken belief that their pings could not be detected without the actual phone? (I saw none seized on the SW)

I would rather risk a divorce than be considered as someone possibliy involved in my sisters murder. And what about the person she could have been with? Don't you think they would be nervous and anxious to clear their name? I would have said Yikes, that lady who was with me all night, sister was murdered! I must report what I know to clear myself. That's what I would think. Keeping a fling secret is one thing, but that's taking it too far IMO.

And who says I guess she's breathing okay with what she's got going on. What? I can barely process that statement.

I'm with you, Prancy....I don't personally believe that lies are worth it, either, but we are not talking about someone who is like you and me. we need to step outside the box and into the mind of someone who may be a "splintered" person. Only if she will tell the truth is she going to be useful.
I'm with you, Prancy....I don't personally believe that lies are worth it, either, but we are not talking about someone who is like you and me. we need to step outside the box and into the mind of someone who is clearly a
"splintered" person. Only if she will tell the truth is she going to be useful, and I am not sure that is going to happen.

My head is beginning to feel "splintered" thinking about this case!
She heard footsteps. How much time passes before she got out of bed and listened at the door and believed that Kathy was snoring?

Logically, could Kathy have been out of bed and then back in bed snoring during that time? That thought does not occur to her then (possibly due to the alleged drugs and alcohol).

When Dina gets up (or gets home) and checks on Kathy by actually going into the bedroom, and sees the condition Kathy is in, she realizes that the footsteps she heard were not Kathy after all and Kathy was probably not snoring when/if she listened in.

In the 911 calls she says the snoring was like it was when she finally went up to bed at 3.

It doesn't seem to indicate that she heard something (footsteps) after having gone to bed at 3, went downstairs and listened in on Kathy.

Maybe I'm expecting someone who allegedly spent the night doing drugs and drinking to have a normal thought process, and that is impossible.
I want to think about some of the things that everyone is forgetting or dismissing. There may be more "clues" in some of that - I don't know. For instance, if you lock your keys in the car - eventually you will have to deal with that. You don't just abandon your car. What was her excuse for not calling a locksmith? And I can't think of too many 55 year old women willing to walk around in the dark, some place that they are unfamiliar with. Also, what about the other seized items like a sleeve of crackers. Why take those? Do we think K might have ingested them? I wonder how hard it would be with neck surgery to eat. I can't think of some of the other things that LE felt were necessary to seize, but I would like to know what they were thinking. It's also funny that they took plastic baggy corners, but didn't mention drugs (not even the RX drugs.) And one more thought - let's not forget that they took 2 hairs - you can get DNA from that easily. That doesn't mean that a rape kit provided the DNA and it doesn't mean that these hairs were from anyone that had been in the house that night. A man owns the house and he may have had people over in the past and someone lost a hair or two. I'm just randomly thinking about stuff.
This is what I heard. (from


My laptop doesn't show what the time is of the call, so I can't tell you exactly where it is ... close to the end.

DINA: Yeah, but maybe not – I mean, it was like it was last night when I went up – when I finally went upstairs about 3.

its clearer for sure with earbuds in. i gotta take a's just so sad, listening to that tape.
we've seen other 911 tapes in past cases where too much background info is given prior to getting to the root of why they are calling (like this one, IMO) and the caller turns out to be guilty of something...
one case in Texas where a woman killed her husband and then threw guns in front yard and called to say robbbery, guns stolen, gun case broken, i slept in my kids room cuz they were sick, didn't here a thing, got up to get breakfast, looked around and oh yeah...husband lying dead in bed with shotgun lie, this is how she called it in...
course she was later seen on video using a fishing pole to retrieve gun from pond when LE put out word that they planned to search the pond to try to trick her...but the 911 really impressed upon the jury, alibi before emergency is "hinky" on a 911 call...
ps- was darlene gentry in the case above with the long-winded 911 call, if anyone cares :)
I want to think about some of the things that everyone is forgetting or dismissing. There may be more "clues" in some of that - I don't know. For instance, if you lock your keys in the car - eventually you will have to deal with that. You don't just abandon your car. What was her excuse for not calling a locksmith? And I can't think of too many 55 year old women willing to walk around in the dark, some place that they are unfamiliar with. Also, what about the other seized items like a sleeve of crackers. Why take those? Do we think K might have ingested them? I wonder how hard it would be with neck surgery to eat. I can't think of some of the other things that LE felt were necessary to seize, but I would like to know what they were thinking. It's also funny that they took plastic baggy corners, but didn't mention drugs (not even the RX drugs.) And one more thought - let's not forget that they took 2 hairs - you can get DNA from that easily. That doesn't mean that a rape kit provided the DNA and it doesn't mean that these hairs were from anyone that had been in the house that night. A man owns the house and he may have had people over in the past and someone lost a hair or two. I'm just randomly thinking about stuff.

And what about the lamp electrical part. Weird.
The 911 call is not natural at all IMO.

Look how much of the case DH controlled. Because she is a female, Sister, and not 18 (and maybe from a prominent family), she was trusted by the Police, the authorities, and the hospital.

DH controlled how things went and due to her withholding information until she did - that she thinks she saw someone and she thought she was raped - the day of Saturday was pretty must wasted, from the standpoint of recovering evidence.

Due to her withholding and timing, the search warrants aren't sought and signed until later (late afternoon) and some things are left unknown. Would the Police have found a hot engine on that lexus if she would have said that someone was in that house?

Thanks Laces for that 911 transcription, the 911 call doesn't sound right. Too much information is right, I believe.
yes, i wonder why no prescription drugs were noted? she would have been given something for sure...for pain and maybe some antibiotics...unless things were still insde purses for some reasons and contents were not listed that usual? do they just write down "one ladie's purse" for example, no matter what it contains? what if they later say it contained a gun, i.e.?
I'm sure it's just me but listening to that call, some of the time I felt like the calling of Kathy's name was lame. Like she was doing something else while she was (allegedly) talking to Kathy.

I'm sure it's just me but listening to that call, some of the time I felt like the calling of Kathy's name was lame. Like she was doing something else while she was (allegedly) talking to Kathy.


LIke what? Cleaning the carpet? No, seriously, I'll listen again.
I know i have written about this before but from what we have been allowed to know and guess about D, i just think of my little sister...she was an alcoholic from about 18-37 when she died horribly of liver failure:( she always thought no one knew, everyone did of course. she was at her best in AM when she started drinking and obviously at her worst as day wore into evening. If she had been with me, in this situation which she would have wanted to do, and ran out of booze...she would have gone off to get some, certain i was asleep and fine, would likely have locked keys in car...would likely have accepted a ride from a man...the whole works...and would likely have passed out, only to awake at 3am, which in her case was her normal "waking up" i can see all of that happening if D has a serious drinking problem...can even see the confusion on the 911 call as things come back to her...
But still, she knew the address of the house quickly enough, which i find odd...
I think there may be alot she is not sure of...on the other hand, in this case, there may be alot the police just aren't saying and letting her think they believe her every word...
Just listening once again to the audio of D's 911 call...thanks laces for the transcript. I am still hearing a line I did not see in the transcript. It is toward the end when the 911 dispatcher is having her hold K's head back and D has remarked about K foaming at the mouth. It sounds to me like D says "ah...she's a mess." It comes right after D says:

"Yes. Kathy. Kathy honey. Come on darling open your mouth."

Then I hear D say "Ah...she's a mess". right as the 911 dispatcher says "Is she breathing normally?"

Anyone else hear this and does anyone else think this is a strange tone of voice and strange thing to say under the circumstances?

post 337 has the transcript
If we go by first impressions, I initially thought she was walking up or down steps in the beginning or first half of the call.

I remember thinking she was in front of the house at the beginning of the call - or thereabouts.

If we go by first impressions, I initially thought she was walking up or down steps in the beginning or first half of the call.

I remember thinking she was in front of the house at the beginning of the call - or thereabouts.


Maybe she went outside to read the address off of the house sign. How else would she likely know the address, unless she found a piece of mail lying around to read it from?
somehow i wonder if this 911 will ever be a part of a court case...unless defense atty for another charged person would bring it in...don't think it would help prosecution much...
I wonder if anyone has ever been called for jury duty in a case that they were discussing in a forum on here. You would have to tell the court that you'd begun to form an opinion in the case. Seems like it (jury duty) would be something any of us would want to do to know more of the evidence.
Just listening once again to the audio of D's 911 call...thanks laces for the transcript. I am still hearing a line I did not see in the transcript. It is toward the end when the 911 dispatcher is having her hold K's head back and D has remarked about K foaming at the mouth. It sounds to me like D says "ah...she's a mess." It comes right after D says:

"Yes. Kathy. Kathy honey. Come on darling open your mouth."

Then I hear D say "Ah...she's a mess". right as the 911 dispatcher says "Is she breathing normally?"

Anyone else hear this and does anyone else think this is a strange tone of voice and strange thing to say under the circumstances?

post 337 has the transcript

I just listened to the call again...I definately heard her say that, and I listened to it 3 times. It was right before she said that weird thing about "she's doing the best she can with what she's got goin' on" in regards to the question about KT's breathing. The tone was very strange indeed. But, what else is new in this whole thing?:banghead:
If we go by first impressions, I initially thought she was walking up or down steps in the beginning or first half of the call.

I remember thinking she was in front of the house at the beginning of the call - or thereabouts.


How come?
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