GUILTY NC - Laura Ackerson, 27, Kinston, 13 July 2011 #4

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Biohazard suit found ,I am assuming in the car but does not mention in article.

WHAT THE...?!?! :scared:

How did that not come up in HIS trial?
This case just gets stranger and stranger.
I wonder if they were worn when working with the acid they bought? (In addition to probably during dismemberment).

ohoh- Wishing you the best with your husbands appt., maybe they can find some way to help him with his issues.
I also can appreciate your wish to be Jewish, sometimes I literally hate Christmas, and that makes me sad because it really can be a such a warm, fuzzy Holiday when you eliminate all the madness preparing for it.
I actually enjoy the time after before New Years so much more, you can finally relax and enjoy your friends and family.

I think jury selection starts on Jan 20th for Amanda, IIRC.
Would I have to tell Wake co. I am a member here if I get a summons for jury duty?My husband went in Oct. I figured I would get a letter soon having never served.
Since it is getting close to the "big day", and I know it just gets busier from here on out, I just want to send wishes to all my WS forum buds before time gets away from us all....

~May it be safe, warm, and as joyful as it can be for you~


Oh my cuffem, you made my day, you too nymeria ! I may be way off base, but I think being a good upstanding WS member means we should be home watching the trial and jabbering with each other...rather than being a jury member.

Though.... I did watch one trial with chiquitaseattle that was in Seattle.....and the jury members got to ask questions after EACH witness. I thought that was wonderful......must have something to do with the coffee beans out there !!!
Thanks, very interesting.

I wonder what possibly could have been found in that truck that would aid in a defense for her THAT much?

Can't wait to find out!

Just heard it on the WRAL live newscast -- a haz-mat type jacket & gloves were found on the front seat of her car -- front seat. Gaskins (AH's atty) said they wanted to do DNA testing on it. ahem: The ADA (our Becky Holt) explained that it was "protocol" (her word) that those items were customarily worn if the vehicle was being searched or transferred to another location. doh. Asked by a reporter if more info would be forthcoming, and ADA said it would be handled at trial.


That's the sound of the air going out of the defense's balloon, IMO.

I'll post the article as soon as it's out there -- if someone else doesn't .beat me to it, which may well happen since dinnertime is near. It will prolly be repeated on the live 6:00pm-est WRAL news and also be online at
Hi everyone, I am so so so ready for the trial, watched every second of the Grant Hayes trial. Am ready for anything, but not Christmas, even I know that is nutz. Adorable primal husband has appt. with urologist again on the problems. Nothing is operable (is that a word ?) because he has been on Coumadin for 36 years, being 81 is not a help either.
So, life changing appt. on the 24th, holy crap, it helps that my primate is Jewish, have been floundering around for good news here, and that is it !
One last question....when in January do these 3 trials start.?
I wish I was Jewish, that is my Christmas wish, am stuffing that request in my spanx....that is hanging off the deck.



You may not be Jewish, ohoh, but you are nutz, and we love you for it!!

BTW, I can't wait, either.

Jury selection, and all that jazz should start on Jan 21, 2014. No tellin' when we'll be let in via streaming... So do like our seattlechiquita (wuv-u, my little coffee bean) and get comfy!
Just heard it on the WRAL live newscast -- a haz-mat type jacket & gloves were found on the front seat of her car -- front seat. Gaskins (AH's atty) said they wanted to do DNA testing on it. ahem: The ADA (our Becky Holt) explained that it was "protocol" (her word) that those items were customarily worn if the vehicle was being searched or transferred to another location. doh. Asked by a reporter if more info would be forthcoming, and ADA said it would be handled at trial.


That's the sound of the air going out of the defense's balloon, IMO.

I'll post the article as soon as it's out there -- if someone else doesn't .beat me to it, which may well happen since dinnertime is near. It will prolly be repeated on the live 6:00pm-est WRAL news and also be online at

OK, am I understanding this suit might belong to the techs who did the car clean up and evidence search? I *think* that is what Ms. Holt is saying...
Would I have to tell Wake co. I am a member here if I get a summons for jury duty?My husband went in Oct. I figured I would get a letter soon having never served.

Jury duty candidates are "drawn" at random from the voting population in Wake County, so your husband being selected should have absolutely nothing to do with your being called.

Some WSer's have been called for jury duty and sometimes they are asked if they are on any crime/trial blogs, forums, etc. On one trial, I forget which, maybe the Young retrial (someone pleeeeze correct me here if I goofed!), prospective jurors were asked specifically about "Websleuths." I've only been called once - you are told to call a specific phone number at the Wake County Courthouse the day before you are to go, to see if they want you to come in person. Most of the time, you are not needed -- that's what happened to me years ago. I've been registered to vote in this county for ~ 30 years & have been called once.

Maybe another WSer can tell you more -- one who had to go "downtown."
In a response filed late Thursday afternoon to the defense motion, the state said the suit and gloves belonged to investigators and that they were used "to avoid contamination of the vehicle and to make sure no potential evidence was lost."

The items, prosecutors said, were left in plain view on the front seat as part of normal protocol.

"Neither the biohazard suit taken from the Dodge Durango by the defense nor the gloves, which remain in the vehicle, were used in the commission of the murder or dismemberment of Laura Ackerson," the state's motion said.

Gaskins disagreed in an email to WRAL News.

"We have photos that the Raleigh Police Department took of the Durango before they searched it," he said. "The biohazard suit and gloves are inside the vehicle along with the items they later seized. The suit and gloves were there all along."

Also: "'We don’t know what the state intends to prove," Gaskins said. "If they don’t intend to prove that Grant Hayes was the person who killed Laura Ackerson, then we will do that.'"

Sounds like Mrs. Hayes is planning to take the stand to spin her version of events. And maybe that version of events includes a description of how (supposedly) GH killed Laura while wearing a hazmat suit. Why else would the suit be important? We already know he dismembered her. If they allege he wore a suit during that process, that doesn't exonerate AH, unless she provides an explanation as to why it shows he wore it during the murder.

But I don't believe the suit is from the H's. I believe it's as the prosecution stated in their response: worn by an examiner during the forensic search to prevent contamination.

I think Gaskins and AH are planning to pull a lot of "dirties." I'm one of those who thinks she was just as complicit as her husband. But I think she's far smarter and more cunning than GH. And she has more resources, including her adult daughter, who I believe would say anything to help her mother's case.
Thinking about the hassle of Christmas. I have a Catholic friend married to an Orthodox. They celebrate eaches respective Christmas. They celebrate twice.
Boodles, I agree with your post above 100% -- apparently it is standard protocol to leave the haz-mat suit & gloves with the vehicle on the front seat. The suit & gloves did not just fall from the sky last week -- did you notice in the video where Judge Stephens got a bit irked when Gaskins mentioned that they need more time to test the suit? What have they been doing for the past however many months?

The defense is just trying to make this red herring, IMO, a big deal for the defense of AH. And yes, we have not seen the last of these rabbits that are in the defense hat. JMHO. They're just getting warmed up, IMO.

And they can spin this thing until they are dizzy, but AH was there, she says she took the boys into another room when LA arrived at the apt. Well if that isn't being complicit and acting in concert, I don't know what is. And that occurred before a crime was even committed. AH knew what was going to happen, and she was there. If GH was found guilty of 1st Degree Murder, which he was -- easily, IMO -- then she should be right there with him. She made the plans with her family -- a place for disposal, and, and, and... Yes, I am preaching to the choir.

Her sister did not testify that AH was bound & gagged during their trip to Texas -- she could have bailed, or at least called 911 at any time but. she. did. not. Time to face the music and pay the piper. Grrrrr..

Excuse the rant... :silenced:
I've been sort of :floorlaugh: ing over this ever since the defense put this bogus theory forward!

Yeah, right! LE examines a vehicle and "misses" a hazmat suit on the front seat! :floorlaugh: Awfully clean for a murder-suit!

Aside from the dearth of trials lately, this trial needs to happen soonest just because Amanda needs to be where she belongs, FOREVER!

Lilly's name on Laura's Headstone?

I suppose that the person that buys the stone can put whatever they want on the stone, right. I am astounded at the second to last line, then again, maybe my head is all screwed on wrong today.
Grant, Gentle and Lily, holy cow.
I've been sort of :floorlaugh: ing over this ever since the defense put this bogus theory forward!

Yeah, right! LE examines a vehicle and "misses" a hazmat suit on the front seat! :floorlaugh: Awfully clean for a murder-suit!

Aside from the dearth of trials lately, this trial needs to happen soonest just because Amanda needs to be where she belongs, FOREVER!

I hope it's televised, this no live trials is starting to drive me BONKERS! Thanks a lot CTV.....gavel to gavel
MY EYE!:tantrum:
Clearly AH's attorney has nothing to work with & that's how he came up with this suit & gloves being "missed".

I will say I've never heard of an attorney driving a vehicle that's being held in evidence out to look for more evidence? Keeping it over the weekend? The Durango has been stored at a parking garage in downtown Raleigh? Weird. Even weirder, my first thought when I saw the clip of the attorney driving it out of the parking garage was, "That thing has expired tags." So, how exactly would that conversation go with an officer if you got pulled? "Yes sir, I know I'm driving a murderers automobile with expired tags. I'm looking for evidence." ...........Weird
Now they've found a knife in AH's vehicle...

partial from article in WRAL linked below:

"Defense attorneys preparing for the first-degree murder trial of a Raleigh woman accused of killing her husband's ex-girlfriend now want access to a knife that they say police found Friday in their client's SUV.

"In a motion filed Monday, attorney Johnny Gaskins says the weapon had been hidden in the center console of Amanda Hayes' 2009 Dodge Durango and that it could bolster their defense that it was Hayes' husband, Grant Hayes, who killed Laura Ackerson on July 13, 2011."

ETA: I wouldn't be all that proud of the knife, if I were her, since it was her car and since she was with him at the apartment where the murder occurred and since she was with him on the trip to her relative's location in Texas and since she was with him when the body disposal was done and, and, and.... but that's only my opinion...
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