GUILTY NC - Laura Ackerson, 27, Kinston, 13 July 2011 #7

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It wouldn't surprise me if Grant was already trolling for another woman prior to Laura's murder. He knew Amanda's money was almost gone. I think he wanted his mom and dad to take Amanda and the kids in, just like he did with Laura, so he could take off again to pursue his "music" and "art" and baby-makin' for his brood.
And the more I think about it, I really do think this was Amanda's idea or she encouraged him and strengthened him in his resolve to make Laura disappear. Amanda is no dummy. She saw what Grant did to Laura and she knew she would be up next now that the money had dried up. The only way she could hold on to him was to be able to move around with him and there was no way that was going to happen unless Laura was out of the picture for good.
Well, Peeps, I met our Becky Holt tonight -- how about that?!

Too cool Born! I am so happy you saw her and got a positive vibe from her about this trial.
If the same thing happened to me I would feel so guilty about talking negatively about her cross of AH that I would probably slink under a table.
Snipped by me

Yes, lol, I will say to myself, surely the jury got that part, and then memories of the Casey Anthony jury come back and my stomach gets a little queasy :please:

You don't know how right you are.

This case brings up a lot of weird feelings and memories for me.

Ex's first wife and I looked a lot alike - both young, very petite, blue eyes, dark hair - it actually freaked me out the first time I met her. It was obvious he had a "type."

Then after he left me he ended up with my childhood best friend who was really nothing like me. She wasn't at all his type. But, her husband was a LE officer who had been killed in the line of duty in the last days of our marriage. She was over all the time at the end because she was in shock, grieving, and it was hard to be in her house alone. So I unwittingly gave my ex access to this woman, vulnerable, and crazy with grief, who was about to get the proceeds of a VERY substantial life insurance policy (standard for officer killed on duty.) Lucky for her she had too many good people looking out for her for my ex to get his hands on her money, though he did try.

When he realized it wasn't going to work, he left her for "Paula." who was a lot like AH. Much older than us (late 40's), twice divorced, good job, owned a nice house, had some money. He got her to hate both me and the first wife with a vengeance that was hard to understand. She spent six years bankrolling his custody fights against each of us (and sometimes both of us at once.) Even when she saw how abusive he was I think she just didn't want to be alone again, so she rationalized and ignored it all. (Quite a bit of which was directed at my son...:furious:) She ended up bankrupt and in foreclosure at which point he started cheating on her with his wife now. And shocker, lol, she hates me too.

Then just odd little coincidences in this case get under my skin too. Like my ex's mom ran (and still runs) a day care. Weird.

Mighty glad you escaped 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What amazing parallels. No wonder it twists your head around it. What is it about men like that? I'm so sorry you had to endure it, but you seem to be well over it and a "regular" person again! Bravo!

She was proud at what she thought of as her son's ability to charm others but she went farther and didn't find it creepy that some teachers were jealous. So there is no problem in PH's mind between children and adults.

This struck me as a twistedness in character. I would think a parent would demand adults be adults around their children and to not enter into some sort of competition leading to jealousy.

I guarantee that no teachers were jealous of Grant Hayes. To me this bizarre comment speaks volumes about the kind of parent Patsy Hayes was/is. This is just the excuse of an enabling and indulgent parent for a child with a pattern of behavioral problems: "my child is charming and everyone loves him, the teacher is just picking on him". It's a distorted perception of reality, and may partially explain how Grant Hayes developed the aggrandizing self-perception that Dr. Calloway noted in her report.

Also, I NEED to comment on the name "Grantina". A sister and brother, Grant and Grantina, BOTH named after their dad.
How much credibility will be given to Baracat's testimony? The Judge said that in light of that testimony, the charge to the jury needed to be modified. She was convicted of extortion, which seems very different than murdering a young mother. I find her testimony credible, but I wonder what the jury will think.
I don't believe that the apartment they got was part of a murder plot. I don't really see the sense in that theory. I think they were getting evicted and at the same time the court was planning to rule against them - neither of which I think AH and GH ever thought was a possibility when they moved to NC. The game had changed.

Think about this....they got custody originally by saying that Laura didn't have a job or money or stable home (she was living on Grant's parents property.) Now, they were going to go to court again and Laura had a good job and a stable place to live - and now THEY were the ones with no jobs, money or a stable home, being forced to move in with Grant's parents!! They had to know Laura's attorney wasn't going to let that fact slip by the judge. They just weren't going to let Laura beat them. They blamed HER for their situation and all their poor decisions.

I've never thought that AH & GH planned to kill Laura that day. That being said, I believe GH wished LA dead and probably fantasized about killing her; the prosecutors have done a great job delineating (in both trials) that there was A LOT of malice toward LA. I believe their was an altercation in that apartment, and I believe it escalated quickly into homicidal violence toward Laura. I love how AH and GH try to pass it off as an accident; no way with that much malice. No. Way.

I enjoyed the reversals of fortune; GH and AH ended up in exactly the same position that Laura had been - ironically the very same position they cited as a reason she should not have her children.
I also had the opportunity to chat with Becky Holt during verdict watch on the second Jason Young trial. She's gracious and kind, and I thought her closing arguments were powerful on that re-do and I told her so.
Too cool Born! I am so happy you saw her and got a positive vibe from her about this trial.
If the same thing happened to me I would feel so guilty about talking negatively about her cross of AH that I would probably slink under a table.

Well, 'East you know me too well!!! When I got back home & was planning to tell the peeps here, I put it off for a little while -- I had to take a guilt trip first. You're right, my eastern NC pal.

But when I talked to her, she seemed genuinely appreciative that I stopped to speak to her and she did lift my spirits about the case. I felt good about that but very small about my disappointments in her cross of what's-her-name. Nevertheless, I do think she could have done a little better. But she's been there a while and should certainly know more about it than I do, and she's won cases before...AND she has Boz right there at her side.

So, I'm "going into the courtroom" Monday with a new 'tude. She did score some good points with Barakat IMO -- Barakat seemed to have no reason to lie; she wasn't all "lovey-dovey" with Holt or trying to please her or anyone else in the courtroom, either; and she seemed not to be convict-like, whatever that is. I believed what she said, and that testimony, IMO, really, really hurt LA. No way the jury could have missed that.

And our Boz really socked it to Mel Palmer, the PI, and he also got a few licks in about the wiles of Gaskins at the same time -- not checking the ownership of the property -- and anybody can to that from a computer; and using Wiki for the movie synopses with some words changed to make GH sound more like a bad guy (if that is possible).

I feel sure that Gaskins told Palmer exactly what to do (very little on his own) and how far to go with his investigation. Poor Palmer was just Gaskins' mouthpiece, saying things that Gaskins just couldn't stand in court & say himself. Grrrr.

I didn't mean for this to turn into a rant. I think GH does it to all of us.
I guarantee that no teachers were jealous of Grant Hayes. To me this bizarre comment speaks volumes about the kind of parent Patsy Hayes was/is. This is just the excuse of an enabling and indulgent parent for a child with a pattern of behavioral problems: "my child is charming and everyone loves him, the teacher is just picking on him". It's a distorted perception of reality, and may partially explain how Grant Hayes developed the aggrandizing self-perception that Dr. Calloway noted in her report.

Also, I NEED to comment on the name "Grantina". A sister and brother, Grant and Grantina, BOTH named after their dad.

Excellent post, micro! I totally agree & have been thinking those same thoughts since I first heard them.

Oh, and one more thang:

:seeya:WELCOME :seeya:



:drumroll:MICROFICHE !!!:drumroll:

Keep those good posts coming!

We're glad you're here!

I also had the opportunity to chat with Becky Holt during verdict watch on the second Jason Young trial. She's gracious and kind, and I thought her closing arguments were powerful on that re-do and I told her so.

Agreed, Madeleine -- I still remember her going at him with those stinging remarks. She did sock it to him, and he deserved it all. A slimeball of a high order. Yep, she brought it.

Maybe we'll see more of the same on Monday. And I can just hear Boz now. Ouch, ouch, ouch!
I guarantee that no teachers were jealous of Grant Hayes. To me this bizarre comment speaks volumes about the kind of parent Patsy Hayes was/is. This is just the excuse of an enabling and indulgent parent for a child with a pattern of behavioral problems: "my child is charming and everyone loves him, the teacher is just picking on him". It's a distorted perception of reality, and may partially explain how Grant Hayes developed the aggrandizing self-perception that Dr. Calloway noted in her report.

Also, I NEED to comment on the name "Grantina". A sister and brother, Grant and Grantina, BOTH named after their dad.

I keep thinking they must be George Foreman fans and following in his footsteps as far as naming kids, LOL.

Foreman, however, earned fame and fortune. You have to kind of wonder what kind of self aggrandizing parent does this to their child. I could buy it if they only had one child but both is over the top IMO.

Maybe the apple didn't fall far from the tree.
I think BH's cross exam may have been deceptively strong. She allowed Amanda Hayes to go on and on and on and tie herself into a narrative. The jury could write down as many things as they heard and see the inconsistencies between what AH said and what other witnesses said either before or after her. You'd expect a couple inconsistencies, but what we all saw was that Amanda sits on a throne of lies. Amanda showed she is strong, can give it right back, is not a shrinking violet, and lies with great ease.

To me the most powerful witness (besides AH herself) was her friend from jail who set the record straight in no uncertain terms. In her time on the stand she obliterated AH's claim that she didn't know Laura was dead, didn't know Laura's body was being taken to TX, didn't see a dead Laura in her apartment, didn't know about Laura being dismembered in her apartment. Further, that witness twice gave us this juicy quote from Amanda on Laura being killed. "It wasn't supposed to happen that way!" I hope the state bring that quote out on closing arguments.

Laura's death was definitely supposed to happen. But some "different way" than what Amanda claims did happen. And we know Laura was stabbed in the neck, had no other head injury, and her neck showed other trauma.

After seeing Barakat on the stand and the fact the defense was unable to impeach her testimony, I am even more confident Amanda Hayes will be convicted.
Any predictions on how this will end? I'm not sure that first degree has been completely proven, but the closing arguments could tie it all together.

Agree with you on first degree. I have this niggling suspicion that the jury will be kinder to her than we are.
How much credibility will be given to Baracat's testimony? The Judge said that in light of that testimony, the charge to the jury needed to be modified. She was convicted of extortion, which seems very different than murdering a young mother. I find her testimony credible, but I wonder what the jury will think.

Most folks disagree with me, but I place the testimony of jail-house snitches and the testimony of paid "experts" on the same level and generally disregard.
Most folks disagree with me, but I place the testimony of jail-house snitches and the testimony of paid "experts" on the same level and generally disregard.

I'm wondering about that. If a couple of people on the jury decide that prisoner testimony has no validity, it's possible that everything said by Baracat will be discarded.
Agree with you on first degree. I have this niggling suspicion that the jury will be kinder to her than we are.

I think they may walk her on the murder charge and convict her on the accessory charge.

At the time, I thought her direct could have convinced many of the jurors as to her innocence of even the accessory charge; however, by the time both the state and the defense had rested, I thought she looked deceitful and manipulative. There should be no question that she knew Laura had been killed that night.

If she is only convicted of the accessory charge, I read somewhere that she will serve only about two more years :(
In looking at the total picture, here we see Grant. He's shown himself to be quite inept at doing even basic things like buying a saw or blades. He's consulting everyone left and right. And then showing how indecisive and a little loco, but not aggressive in the police interrogation room. And even Amanda herself (and Sha) testified that Grant would start something and never finish it, that everything he tried was a dismal failure.

And then there's Amanda on the stand - very sure of herself, doesn't even show a lick of emotion, particularly sadness or even fear. To top it all off, we hear Ms. Patsy use that sarcastic tone when reading her "love letters" to Grant. If anyone knew the dynamics of their relationship, it was Grant's mother.

ETA: The question for me is who had the most to gain from Laura's death. In my mind, it was Amanda. No more child support. No more courts. No traveling. No having to deal with Laura. Grant could not care less. He's used to people taking care of him and schmoozing. He would have merely found another "host" for his parasitic azz and dumped their daughter with his mom and Amanda.

We have some pretty educated jurors and even one has her degree in psychology. So, it'll be interesting to see what they decide.
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