NC - Lauren Hugelmaier, 29, stabbed to death, Raleigh, 1 Sept 2017 *Arrest*

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Yeah, no. Corididan does not cause violent behavior. I am guessing the authorities will find a motive. I was just thinking how often Raleigh is mentioned in murders lately. There was the couple who killed the guy's ex-wife and brought her body to Texas, the Google guy who may have been innocent in the murder of his wife, and the guy whose best friend since junior high killed his wife. Weird, because Raleigh isn't a gigantic city.

There have been way more than that in Raleigh area. It's like an epidemic. Jason Young, murdered Michelle when she was pregnant. Brad Cooper murdered Nancy Cooper, Raven Abaroa murdered Janet, Grant Hayes killed mother of his kids Laura Akerson. And more.
yikes.. "poor man's PCP"?

Wow. Why is a guy studying to be a minister abusing prescription drugs to get a violent high? I often take the holier-than-thou crowd at their word that they're above those kinds of earthly sins.
Thank you! I lurk more than post but upon seeing this linked on FB I just had to add my little essay. A lot of it can be corrobated by previous links to the drug as well as Wikipedia. I've recreationally used DXM in the same exact medication he took for the last ten years, on and off. I'm not proud but it did begin a passion for medicine and my studies as an adult now.
I finally listened to the audio and read the articles. He sounds genuinely shocked and saddened, but I'm having an issue here with his claims that "I took too much because I heard it makes you feel good and helps you/me(?) sleep at night."
He's taken it before. He likely has a tendency towards addiction to seek some kind of emotional high in an OTC medication. He's likely been treated and/or medicated in the past for insomnia, depression, or addiction- hence his emphasis on religion. But knowledge of DXM is very underground and not common like alcohol or weed. You have to happen upon it somehow; I was unfortunately introduced to it at 15 in Freshman year of high school by a fat senior kid who used it to incapacitate me before asking me out (moron).
So he intentionally overdosed but I still wonder with exactly how much and what else was in his system if anything? It's not the strangest thing for an active Christian to use substances, but why DXM- and TO SLEEP? LOL. I don't want to base my post on personal experience as I know it's a bit biased but I can't sleep for days on end after intentionally overdosing. Maybe he can, obviously he did at some point. Blacking out is standard and dependent on how much he took. I've had the dream effect of walking home late at night and being unable to walk very well to thinking I was in my bed asleep up until I reached my front door. It's scary stuff when the brain somehow separates one's consciousness like that and there's a good chance that is what happened here.
But I'm also skeptical about the 911 call. Again depending on how much he took and his emotional responses, I'm confused as to how he just immediately comes to his conclusion and confesses before becoming emotional and distraught over his wife's death. It was still fairly early and he's obviously still high with enough of it in his system to make me suspect of the sudden tears. Here's why:
DXM being a dissociative literally turns off your emotions. Period. The dream can easily have been a hallucination while he killed her, but I doubt he'd be capable of such a devastated emotional response until the next day or maybe even after. I specifically was drawn to DXM for this very mechanism of numbing my emotional state as a way to "cope", which works nicely at first until you either peak and reach psychosis or you come down into debilitating depression for days.
Or, you know, you wake up to having stabbed someone you love. That, I luckily I have zero experience in.
The antihistamine Chorph-something Maleate that accompanies DXM hBR in this exact brand of cold medicine makes me sleep for a day sometimes once I "come down" but it took 12-36 hours depending on how much and how frequent my dosing was. The weepy emotions don't hit me until Day 2 or 3 of detox, because I finally reconnect with normal levels of serotonin and anxiety/depression comes rushing back to my now sober state. This is all personal anecdote I realize but it makes me suspicious of his story, his alleged altered state, and then the emotional response in the 911 call that I doubt he would be capable of. I'd be more convinced if he acted monotone, robotic in unlocking the door, etc, even after discovering his dead wife's body and believing his dream pointed to him. Why?
Because that's what drugs do. They complete de-regulate our normal responses to positive or negative stimuli and this so far doesn't exactly match the typical mechanism of what DXM does. You don't sleep and you certainly cannot cry. But that's only been MY experience of ten years, anyone else could certainly respond differently when it comes to emotional stuff and drugs. I definitely haven't killed anyone in my escapades so there's that difference right there.
Ultimately, I'm saddened by this case on a personal level. Especially if he is being truthful. But I sense previous drug abuse in his past for having ANY knowledge of DXM "making you feel good". The lack of medical information on the long-term effects of abusing Coricidin is actually something that has hindered me from being able to find a licensed professional who is even REMOTELY familiar with DXM abuse. It is not physically addicting, it is cheap in the U.S. and very accessible over the counter. Other countries have way more awareness on this than we do in the US because some require a prescription for any DXM product purchase and some track how much you buy like they do with allergy med ingredient pseudoephedrine, a stimulant found in most methamphetamine recipes. We're so occupied with fentanyl/heroin crisis and marijuana (-_-) being legalized that DXM just gets swept under the rug until mass amounts of preteens are ill at school and dying from fractions of amounts I've taken and survived somehow.
That's also why I don't get how he's like ... okay? Was he triaged by ambulance and/or admitted to ER for intentional overdose? His pulse would likely be 100-140 bpm or his BP would be high enough for an automatic admission. It's happened to me many times in the past where EMT took my vitals and I instantly wheeled off in the dangers of impending seizure/CVA/cardiac arrest/coma/death.
Does anyone know when he was arrested versus when this happened to determine how long he was admitted/treated medically as an OD would automatically call for? Also I don't know NC legal process on 5150 or uk2000 laws we have in CA and NV where if intentional overdose is verbally admitted (which he did) or suspected, its instant psych ward custody for minimum 72 hours if ER doctor agrees to send him off. Which he'd likely be in legal custody of Psych ward then arrested, or perhaps vice versa.
I see a history of mental/emotional issues here (insomnia, depression), drug abuse (just KNOWING of DXM implies some sort of experience with substances and street knowledge), and a possible insanity or "I was blacked out on something" defense which won't bode well if prosecution finds family/friends/church testimony of Psych issues even if not exactly abusive to wife. It could go either way if he's being honest. Or he could face researched the ish out of this drug that is NOT a common thing to experiment or abuse, and come up with an instant alibi while playing out his role on 911 call as shocked, high, sleepy, hallucinating, and then crying husband of randomly dead wife who "didn't deserve this".
And she didn't. She really didn't. Whatever the cause of such a heinous attack, I'M shocked and saddened by this case that involves something that has ruined my life and then some. I've only been "clean" after a recent implosion of a DXM spiral for 5 days from this crap. This story solidifies my hatred for it and this is just a shocking reminder that the brain and all its functions, is NOT a toy. Neither is drugs.
So perp is either a complete idiot whose tragic decision to play with a rare OTC drug resulted in the premature death of his wife, or he's an evil SOB with underlying motive to fake being blacked out and sob on 911 after stabbing her to death.
I see a defensive wound on his nose and right corner of mouth. I think she tried to fight back. I think there's hidden parts of his past she was unaware. Only married for under a year, no known criminal history or domestic violence.
What a mess. Thank you for reading my way too long posts and welcoming me to WS. I'm starting to shake and tear up over all of this so I need a break. And this is after the Toybox and Toolbox Killers rabbit holes yesterday where I was pissed off but never about to be in tears after skimming THOSE insane, chilling crimes. Wow. :(
Feel free to ask me any questions about my experiences on this btw. I have a lot unfortunately but he could be lying or responded differently. I just don't know.
Thanks for the link Morse, their psychiatric conclusion of mental illness exacerbated by various medications in combination with DXM resulting in psychosis is a perfect diagnosis for that case. His last quote made me shudder for some reason and his crimes despicable but they knew DXM wasn't the killer here- he'd already been freaking out over impending divorce, custody, stress, etc. So I agree with their findings and I hope an extensive psychiatric evaluation is done on Lauren's killer husband as well.
But he made it a point to stress to the 911 operator that the blood on him was already dried. Thus, he's made an excuse that his stabbing fit happened awhile ago before the call to 911.

It sounds very pre-meditated to me. What a big fat crock. I'm not even giving him the benefit of the doubt. I wonder if there's life insurance (I bet yes) and how many women on the side he had. He reminds me of Raven Abaroa for some reason I can't explain.

In the obituary for Lauren, her family didn't even mention his name. Those poor people!

I agree very much with your theory, Boodles. I wonder if the family is aware of previous drug issues with this guy. They obviously aren't buying it either and now their daughter is gone overnight. I can't say I blame them whatsoever.
But he made it a point to stress to the 911 operator that the blood on him was already dried. Thus, he's made an excuse that his stabbing fit happened awhile ago before the call to 911.

It sounds very pre-meditated to me. What a big fat crock. I'm not even giving him the benefit of the doubt. I wonder if there's life insurance (I bet yes) and how many women on the side he had. He reminds me of Raven Abaroa for some reason I can't explain.

In the obituary for Lauren, her family didn't even mention his name. Those poor people!

RIP Lauren. :rose:

I'm not buying it, either. he heard "it makes you feel good" so he took it to help him to sleep? That's a contradiction right there. Which was it: was he going for euphoria or sleep? He screwed up with that statement.

And he he didn't want to, and actually would not go near her when 911 repeatedly urged him to try to help her? That is counter to being concerned about the victim. That's behavior indicating guilt. He's worried about his story, allegedly of taking "too much" cold medicine and fabricating an excuse for murdering his wife. But he's not worried about trying to help his wife. Why? Because he was conscious and lucid when he did it and he knows he intentionally stabbed her and made sure she was dead. Then he waited, got his "story" and "act" together before calling 911. Dried blood. I do hope they drug tested him.

And when he's in court tomorrow, the Q is whether he'll get an attorney. I'm just wondering who the attorney will be. I will be shocked if he's entered a plea. He thinks he can outsmart LE.

Of course this is all my opinion and cynical speculation after following so many murder cases. I also follow Statement Analysis to some degree, and his 911 call does not sound like the truth to me. If he took coricidin, I don't believe he took much.

And I could be wrong about all of this, but it just doesn't ring true. It sounds like a guy who planned to kill his wife and thinks his highly creative excuse will work.

"Phelps is expected to appear in court on Tuesday, the jail spokesperson says. It is unclear if he has entered a plea or retained an attorney."

ETA: According to this article, it says Lauren was hospitalized and then died. So he refused to help her while she was apparently (if this article is correct) still alive. That's cold. SOB.
"Officers responded and found Matthew Phelps' wife, 29-year-old Lauren Phelps, with stab wounds. She was hospitalized and later died."
Hugs to you Nicolesque. Your experience is valuable, but if you are so newly clean from DXM I'm concerned that this thread and others you mentioned will trigger emotions that will undermine your hatred for this drug and lead to using again to numb your emotions. Please, please take the break you mentioned, don't even read here, and take care of yourself. I mean this kindly because I care. I wish you all the best. Hang in there. More hugs to you my dear.
Wow that 911 tape though. How much cough syrup did he take? The whole bottle??

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Hugs to you Nicolesque. Your experience is valuable, but if you are so newly clean from DXM I'm concerned that this thread and others you mentioned will trigger emotions that will undermine your hatred for this drug and lead to using again to numb your emotions. Please, please take the break you mentioned, don't even read here, and take care of yourself. I mean this kindly because I care. I wish you all the best. Hang in there. More hugs to you my dear.

Thank you. I will try. While I do not believe his using what is essentially my drug of choice as an alibi/defense for stabbing his wife, I'm still personally affected by this case simply for involving something that's ruined me on and off for a decade. You are correct on all counts that a relapse is likely if a focus on DXM becomes too prevalent or my emotional well-being is compromised by my passion for researching true crime and WS cases. It definitely is a trigger for me to recall that feeling of DXM kicking in, numbing everything, and only feeling warm. But Lauren's death being centered around it has luckily only resulted in further repulsion with DXM and myself for destroying my body and mind with it for so long the same way this destroyed his wife.

They will not find DXM in a drug test. It may come up as PCP. I think it's a poorly developed alibi at this point and an in-depth Psych evaluationl is required for the full story that isn't being told here.

Thank you for the virtual hugs Lilibet. I've shared this case along with my feelings with some friends. I'm having one stay the night so I don't obsess over this or other cases tonight and hopefully get some sleep. Detoxing from DXM takes forever, throws serotonin levels for a loop and then some. I'm okay though. We shall see what happens in court.

RIP to beautiful Lauren and prayers to her family, who must be in anguish from the sudden loss of their bright, happy daughter. :(
Thank you. I will try. While I do not believe his using what is essentially my drug of choice as an alibi/defense for stabbing his wife, I'm still personally affected by this case simply for involving something that's ruined me on and off for a decade. You are correct on all counts that a relapse is likely if a focus on DXM becomes too prevalent or my emotional well-being is compromised by my passion for researching true crime and WS cases. It definitely is a trigger for me to recall that feeling of DXM kicking in, numbing everything, and only feeling warm. But Lauren's death being centered around it has luckily only resulted in further repulsion with DXM and myself for destroying my body and mind with it for so long the same way this destroyed his wife.

They will not find DXM in a drug test. It may come up as PCP. I think it's a poorly developed alibi at this point and an in-depth Psych evaluationl is required for the full story that isn't being told here.

Thank you for the virtual hugs Lilibet. I've shared this case along with my feelings with some friends. I'm having one stay the night so I don't obsess over this or other cases tonight and hopefully get some sleep. Detoxing from DXM takes forever, throws serotonin levels for a loop and then some. I'm okay though. We shall see what happens in court.

RIP to beautiful Lauren and prayers to her family, who must be in anguish from the sudden loss of their bright, happy daughter. :(

BBM: Don't be so hard on yourself - you've done enough of that already. You've done a lot to turn your life around - its time to give yourself some credit for that. That takes effort every day and you're making that effort. I'm glad you'll have a friend with you. Take care of yourself. Glad you're here.
Do not believe this for a second.

Taking an extra dose of Coricidin and becoming a black out murderer? Doubt it.

I'll admit taking a HUGE dose of dextromethrophan might cause some crazy reactions but the average person isn't going to take a whole box of the stuff just because they really don't feel good.

Just seems like he's establishing his defense right from the start here.
Wow, until I was reading through all this, I didn't register that she was still alive while he was making the 911 call saying she was dead. He had dried blood on him yet she'd been lying there all that time... that removes a huge portion of my "reasonable doubt." That sounds to me like he sat around until he was sure she was dead, and by then he was too squeamish to get close to the body after what he'd done.
So he woke up from his drug induced mania, remarkably clearheaded, saw his wife lying in a pool of blood and concluded that he had stabbed her and that she was already dead. He didn't have the instinct to go to her, look at her, talk to her, ask her what happened but he did know to ring emergency services. I'm prepared to believe that drugs were a contributing factor but I don't think that is a mitigating circumstance.
His wife Lauren looks so sweet in the photos in msm articles. My heart breaks for her loved ones. This is a true tragedy. So incredibly sad.....
BBM: Don't be so hard on yourself - you've done enough of that already. You've done a lot to turn your life around - its time to give yourself some credit for that. That takes effort every day and you're making that effort. I'm glad you'll have a friend with you. Take care of yourself. Glad you're here.

I second this comment Nicolesque. You deserve to pat yourself on the back and be very kind to yourself right now. You've bravely contributed valuable information to this thread and you're very wise to have a friend stay the night with you. Hang in there. We're rooting for you! :heartbeat:
His wife Lauren looks so sweet in the photos in msm articles. My heart breaks for her loved ones. This is a true tragedy. So incredibly sad.....

Since I just finished with the Jason Corbett case in nc, here is another example of a man calling 911 & dispassionately reporting a murder. Tom Marten's claim was he was saving his daughter's life because Jason was choking Molly. Here we have Matthew Phelp's claiming cough syrup turned him into a homicidal maniac, which he was unaware of until he woke up & realized he had stabbed fatally, as it turned out, his lovely wife, Lauren. The fact that she died afterwards in the hospital, while he claimed on 911 she was already dead sickens me. He was afraid to go near her? He tells the dispatcher he has dried blood on him? Once again shades of the Marten's waiting to call 911, after they beat Jason to death. The saying, thou doth protest too much & loose lips sink ships, comes to mind hearing Phelp's on 911. His sobbing occurs towards the end of the call, after he has spent the better part of a seven minute phone call , telling his tale to the dispatcher. He says, "she doesn't deserve this." No, she sure didn't, did she? So what is the motive here? Financial, girlfriend boyfriend, some combination of those motives? Her dear family & friends, my wish is for justice for Lauren, a beautiful lady gone to soon at the hand of her husband.
If anyone needs me I'll just be over here giving the husband the benefit of the doubt... ;)
Since I just finished with the Jason Corbett case in nc, here is another example of a man calling 911 & dispassionately reporting a murder. Tom Marten's claim was he was saving his daughter's life because Jason was choking Molly. Here we have Matthew Phelp's claiming cough syrup turned him into a homicidal maniac, which he was unaware of until he woke up & realized he had stabbed fatally, as it turned out, his lovely wife, Lauren. The fact that she died afterwards in the hospital, while he claimed on 911 she was already dead sickens me. He was afraid to go near her? He tells the dispatcher he has dried blood on him? Once again shades of the Marten's waiting to call 911, after they beat Jason to death. The saying, thou doth protest too much & loose lips sink ships, comes to mind hearing Phelp's on 911. His sobbing occurs towards the end of the call, after he has spent the better part of a seven minute phone call , telling his tale to the dispatcher. He says, "she doesn't deserve this." No, she sure didn't, did she? So what is the motive here? Financial, girlfriend boyfriend, some combination of those motives? Her dear family & friends, my wish is for justice for Lauren, a beautiful lady gone to soon at the hand of her husband.

I will be surprised if money doesn't enter into this murder somehow. Looking at the pic of their house, it is a very nice home. I read where she was an auditor at Quintiles, while he worked for a landscaping company. Seems likely that it was her income that was paying the bills moreso than his. He had supposedly graduated from bible college several years ago, 2011 IIRC. Was he just working whatever jobs he could while waiting to get a pastorate? Was he even actively seeking a pastorate? Was he content to let his wife carry the financial load in the family? Was she content to be having to carry the financial load? Were there money problems, They had been married less than a year, and perhaps had taken on too much too early with the house? I think answers to some of these questions may begin to point toward a motive. And no, I don't buy the coricidin made me do it defense, and don't get the feeling that her family or LE do either. And btw, someone, don't remember who, said he reminds them of Raven Aberoa, and they don't know why. I know why, because he reminds me of him too. They look very similar, that blonde, preppy, good guy look that seems to be hiding some secrets. JMO
With the religious element in this case, I'm thinking he might have been under pressure to conform and live a certain way - get married to a nice girl, have the home, stay deeply involved in the church, and a year into the marriage, the charade became too much and he snapped. It could have been planned if he thought out a cause/effect thing so quickly. I'm not getting the impression that DV was a regular element of their marriage because looking at her FB page, she was very happily engaged in a lot of different activities with different friends, so it doesn't come across that he was inhibiting or intimidating her at all. My gut feeling is that the motive comes from within him, and she was in the way, representing whatever blocked him from living his true life.

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