NC - MacDonald family murders at Fort Bragg, 1970 - Jeffrey MacDonald innocent?

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I truly believe that inmate Jeff is guilty and that Ted Gunderson is a deluded nut. I think Ted promised Helena fame and money if she confessed.

Someone once told me that no one would say "Acid is Groovy, Kill the pigs" in 1970 FWIW.
Plus what drug addicts would would leave behind the drugs?

I'm sure everyone here at WS knows about Ted Gunderson but if you don't please google him and find out just exactly what type of person he is.
I find it disturbing that that Dr Jeff still has groopies who are funding his defense and running errands for him. I think the whole case has been beatren to death. If you are aware of the foresnsic evidence against him yet you still don't believe he is guilty because you "don't trust the government", there is nothing that can be said on this or any other site that is going to change your mind.

This is why Ted gunderson and the whole "conspiricy theory" industry thrive.
I will be surprised if McDonald ever gets another trial. He claims that there is DNA that wasn't tested or something and that it proves he is innocent from what I can remember when he was on 2020 or some show. His wife was also on there and she spends all of her time trying to get him out. I wonder if she realizes that she is wasting her life. She is a very attractive woman that met him years ago when he was a free man. Probably one of the woman he dated when he was cheating on his wife.

I don't have a doubt that he is guilty as sin. I'm glad that his father-in-law never gave up...he was determined to get justice for his beautiful daughter and granddaughters...bless his heart. I wonder how old Jeffrey McDonald is now?
I truly believe that inmate Jeff is guilty and that Ted Gunderson is a deluded nut. I think Ted promised Helena fame and money if she confessed.

Someone once told me that no one would say "Acid is Groovy, Kill the pigs" in 1970 FWIW.
Plus what drug addicts would would leave behind the drugs?

I'm sure everyone here at WS knows about Ted Gunderson but if you don't please google him and find out just exactly what type of person he is.

Hey, don't bust on Ted---He led me to the truth about the alien lizards living under my house in New York who kidnap children for use as slaves. I had no idea what was going on under my basement until Ted came along. I thought I just had rodents.
I truly believe that inmate Jeff is guilty and that Ted Gunderson is a deluded nut. I think Ted promised Helena fame and money if she confessed.

Someone once told me that no one would say "Acid is Groovy, Kill the pigs" in 1970 FWIW.
Plus what drug addicts would would leave behind the drugs?

I'm sure everyone here at WS knows about Ted Gunderson but if you don't please google him and find out just exactly what type of person he is.

Sorry to bump my own thread but I just have to know? Would a hippie in 1970 still use the words "pig" and "groovy"? Does this sound like plausible slangfrom that time period?

I've always loved the 70's and am interested in the slang.

BTW, so this post isn't totally off topic I still think inmate Mac Donald is murdering scum.
A good question, Nyla. I was around back then, but I was in my early teens and I wasn't a hippie. I tend to think groovy had fallen out of favor, but pigs was still popular. Slang language doesn't follow any strict timeline, as I'm sure you know. Sammy Davis Jr. sang 'groovy lemon pie' in his hit "Candy Man" in 1972. I think Sammy was possibly the last person to use it and have it still sound cool.
It's funny you should bring that up Nyla-part of the discussion during the second trial centered around those two words. Although "pig" is universal for cop (which Jeff was NOT) groovy was OUT. Those who were "square" might have still been using that phrase if they were trying to describe what they thought a hippie might say ;).

IIRC, MacDonald's defense was that Helena and Co were in his house because he had drugs he would dispense from it...I always found that to be pretty fascinating because in this day and age, it would certainly raise some eyebrows that a physician would have a closet full of meds outside of an office, hospital or pharmacy. One of the medications was diet pills-he claimed it was for Colette who was worried about her weight pre pregnancy. But given Jeff's behavior in the time preceding the murders, I think it is far more likely he was taking would have been an out in a sense if he had used that defense for beating his wife which triggered the slaughter. I believe he killed Krissy to cover up injuring his wife and Kimmy. He ultimately killed both Colette and Kimmy to "close the loop."

Pathetic human being...imo.
Hey, don't bust on Ted---He led me to the truth about the alien lizards living under my house in New York who kidnap children for use as slaves. I had no idea what was going on under my basement until Ted came along. I thought I just had rodents.

Shadow, thank you for giving me the biggest laugh of my day. :laughbounce:
If memory serves me I believe the new wife is about the same age as Kimmy would be if she had not been murdered by her father.
I will be surprised if McDonald ever gets another trial. He claims that there is DNA that wasn't tested or something and that it proves he is innocent from what I can remember when he was on 2020 or some show. His wife was also on there and she spends all of her time trying to get him out. I wonder if she realizes that she is wasting her life. She is a very attractive woman that met him years ago when he was a free man. Probably one of the woman he dated when he was cheating on his wife.

I don't have a doubt that he is guilty as sin. I'm glad that his father-in-law never gave up...he was determined to get justice for his beautiful daughter and granddaughters...bless his heart. I wonder how old Jeffrey McDonald is now?

I believe that MacDonald was 26 when he killed his family, so that would make him 66 today. If you look at his picture on his website, he looks more like 86. And I don't believe he looks bad because of his conscience (I don't think he has one).
There is another good book on the MacDonald case called, Scales of Justice by Christinea Masewicz. It has a forward by Collette's brother, Robert C. Stevenson and covers a lot of good information.
Thanks Satch, you have re-peaked my interest in this case which I had followed for many years. I just might have to buy the Fatal Vision (again) and Fatal Justice and the newer book which I had never heard of Scales of Justice and refresh my memory... I have always sat on the fence of this case, however, you just made me think? I have never really heard of the "Fire Island Four" so any input you can give is greatly appreciated! Thanks and hopefully I can find them cheaper than what they want on Barnes/Noble, Amazon or even EBay... Shocking the prices... :waitasec: :blushing: Take Care, Ann
When I was little, I thought he was innocent because I didn't realize a parent could do such a thing to their children. I now believe he is guilty due to the blood evidence and all of the lies he has told. I have also noticed how cold and arrogant he acts in the interviews but I thought it was just me so I never mentioned that to anyone until now. Everyone questions why he keeps saying he is innocent and I think it is because he killed his two daughters in order to get out of serving for the crime. If he admitted to the murders, then he believes that it would be harder to accept the fact that he killed them.
No one mentioned that when the FBI interviewed the drug lady, she mentioned riding a rocking horse in the bedroom with a broken spring. The FBI agent said he thought she was there because the only people who knew the rocking horse had a broken spring was the family. I still believe he is guilty but no one mentioned the point that the FBI agent brought up during the 1980s interview with her.
I also agree with the base access thing. Even though it was pre 911, Ft. Bragg just doesn't let anyone in even if they are high and ready to kill.
I agree whole-heartedly. I have a copy of Joe McGinniss' book if anyone wants me to send it-you can sift through the innuendo, but it was the blood evidence that told the whole story. In the end, it was complete overkill of the family, and one perfectly aimed puncture wound deflating his lung that did McDonald in. For me the other compelling evidence was the fact that his PJ top had no tearing holes in it...just stationary holes from when he laid it over Colette and stabbed her with the multiple weapons, yet he had claimed he had used it to defend himself from his attackers.

Colette was a HERO-it must have amazed him when he actually sat down and reflected on what actually happened that night.

I have always been fascinated by this case and am so glad to see this thread!

Believe's post reminded me of the fact that JD had laid his pajama top over Colette and then stabbed's never been clear to me as to why he did this....what was the purpose of laying the top over her first?
When I was little, I thought he was innocent because I didn't realize a parent could do such a thing to their children. I now believe he is guilty due to the blood evidence and all of the lies he has told. I have also noticed how cold and arrogant he acts in the interviews but I thought it was just me so I never mentioned that to anyone until now. Everyone questions why he keeps saying he is innocent and I think it is because he killed his two daughters in order to get out of serving for the crime. If he admitted to the murders, then he believes that it would be harder to accept the fact that he killed them.
No one mentioned that when the FBI interviewed the drug lady, she mentioned riding a rocking horse in the bedroom with a broken spring. The FBI agent said he thought she was there because the only people who knew the rocking horse had a broken spring was the family. I still believe he is guilty but no one mentioned the point that the FBI agent brought up during the 1980s interview with her.
I also agree with the base access thing. Even though it was pre 911, Ft. Bragg just doesn't let anyone in even if they are high and ready to kill.

I totally believe that JM is guilty as sin, but that one fact has always bothered me as well. How did HS know about the broken spring on the rocking horse?
I was 5/6 years old in 1970. I also grew up on Air Force bases. I would imagine Marine bases would be the same. It is a very sheltered life. There were those striped bars and manned guard shacks at every entrance. We had a sticker on our car to get in, and if we had people visiting from off-base, we had to go through channels, the guards would have the names, and they would have to be on the list to be allowed entrance. You got an id card when you turned 10, and you had to show it to the guard if you were on foot. Every base I ever lived on was completely fenced. I'm sure if you were just completely determined to sneak on, you could have, but if you are just out to randomly kill someone, it seems easier to me to do it off base.

Let me say first off that I think JMcD is absolutely guilty as sin. And also I'll preface my comment with the fact that I totally do not know anything about the actual duplex or layout of this particular base... but I just wanted to throw out there that my husband was in the military service and we lived in "base housing" that happened to be off-base. We've lived in a neighborhood of homes near, but not on, base. All the homes were built alike, looked alike, and did include fencing - but no gates and no security guards. Again, I have no idea where the McDonald's residence was on that particular base, but wanted to throw that out there because there are some bases with off-base housing.
I believe MacDonald laid the PJ top over Colette to justify her blood on certain portions of the PJ top and to lend credence to his claim that he used it to defend himself from the ice pick.

Instead, of course, it condemned him because there was no tearing, he had no wounds to his hands and arms, and there was older blood which was Colette's on the pocket-IIRC it meant that there was her blood on the PJ top prior to the soaking it received later. :(
10 years after this and a mile from the base Tim Hennis also murdered children in the same brutal fashsion.

The murders he commited happened on Summer hill rd. in 1985.
Wow, am glad to see this thread, had just finished re~reading Fatal Vision last week, and for what's it's worth IMO I think he's guilty and is where he needs to be. All the ice pick holes in the PJ top, matched the holes in Colette's body. He inflicted those wounds after laying the top ON her. What really blew my mind, he's re~married and this woman believes in him. When you 'Google' his name there's a short video clip of her and tells spending all she had on trying to get him freed, even the autopsy pictures come up, he's a piece of work and makes me ill. (IMO)

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