NC - MacDonald family murders at Fort Bragg, 1970 - Jeffrey MacDonald innocent?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Again, there is 0 evidence that anyone other than JM committed the horrific crimes that night. He made the story up so he could get away with murder. It's sickening that he was a free man for 9 years after committing the crime, when he should have been arrested & put into prison from Day 1.

Also again, JM's claim that a group of "crazed hippies" broke in & murdered everyone except for him is ludicrous - as the evidence clearly shows. There is 0 evidence that there were any intruders in the house that night, other than what he put there.
Exactly this. Helena Stoekley has been cleared via DNA. Greg Mitchell, her boyfriend at the time of the murders was cleared by the FBI. The fact that MacDonald and his supporters continue to blame them for the murders is despicable. MacDonald's account of that night is full of distancing language and he only has pity for himself, IMO. He used surgical gloves from under the kitchen sink to write "pig" in Colette's blood on the headboard. All the weapons came from inside the house. The residence is small and it was a rainy night yet there was no indication of water or mud being tracked inside. The little girls were tucked in after death, which indicates that the killer was someone close to the victims. He was a surgeon and knew that the wounds he inflicted on himself were survivable.

I know some people are stumped at what appears to be a lack of a motive, however many domestic homicides don't have a clear or traditional motive. IMO, MacDonald was not suited to family life. He was unfaithful and he slapped Colette on at least one occasion in front of others. They married because she was pregnant with their first daughter. The prescription drug addiction theory is plausible (also note that the "hippies" did not take any drugs from the house even though there was a large amount). The theory by Freddy Kassab about SA is also possible, and the fact that MacDonald continues to claim that it was Kristen who wet the bed rather than Kimberley (which was proven) does seem to give weight to that theory. There are things that we will probably never know since it's unlikely that MacDonald will ever admit that he was responsible.
Christine Malevich has a website that is all Jeffrey MacDonald that give a lot of information crime scene photos, interviews with Colette's brother and many others. She also has his the psychological interviews.

Jeffrey MacDonald Case: Justthefacts > Biographies

I just looked at it, a guy named Philip is running it. "Too look at the facts". It looks like a page supporting JM. Which I don't agree with at all.

"For the past decade, case propaganda and hype have overshadowed the documented record. Therefore, I'm going to place an emphasis on undiluted fact. This website will present the evidence in text form. It is my hope that this will provide an impetus for some to look at the actual source documentation on this website.".

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