GUILTY NC - Mariah Woods, 3, Onslow County, 27 Nov 2017 #10 *Arrest*

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Man accused of moving the body of 3-year-old Mariah Woods held on $1 million bail
Dec 4, 2017

Earl Kimrey, the man charged with withholding information from North Carolina investigators who were searching for 3-year-old Mariah Woods, appeared before a North Carolina judge on Monday. Mariah was found dead over the weekend in a creek after an extensive search that included FBI officials.

Kimrey, the 32-year-old live-in boyfriend of Mariah's mother, Kristy Woods, answered all of the judge's questions and was held in the Onslow County Detention Center on $1 million bail. His next court appearance is Dec. 18.

Documents: Missing toddler sexually abused

The document lists several acts of abuse, including accusing Adolphus Earl Kimrey of hitting the boys with a belt and one of them in the face, causing a nosebleed, and sexual abuse against 3-year-old Mariah.

One of the brothers said Kristy Woods, the children’s mother, knew of the sexual abuse and that she allegedly “failed to protect the juveniles from exposure to sexual abuse,” according to the document.

YouTube Video

As per Tricia the mother is no longer considered a victim and we are allowing discussion of the YouTube video. "The tooth paste is out of the tube" so to speak.

That being said, NO name calling or descriptive posts wishing her the torture chamber or along those lines. Websleuths does not roll like that. PERIOD.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation on this.
Dear Websleuths Members,

HLN's Ashleigh Banfield somehow received an actual CPS report about Mariah's family.

According to the official report, Mariah's brother said the boyfriend did sexually abuse her, and saw it happen.

The boys also told CPS that the boyfriend, Earl Kimery, beat them.

According to the report, the boys say their mom knew.

While Mariah's mother Kristy Woods, has not been charged she is no longer considered an innocent victim in this case.


As emotional as this case is we need to keep the case discussion going. When you post your description of what you want to happen to a perp, or you start calling people names, you bring the case discussion to a halt.

While I agree with everyone's sentiment it has no place in this discussion.

Otherwise, you can discuss Kristy Wood. You can sleuth her background. You can use what is in the report as reported by Ashleigh Banfield but please be sure you stick to the parts of the report that are actually from the CPS report. Banfield tends to add her opinion and make it sound like fact.

Please do not make more work for our already overworked mods. Remember the rules

Thank you,

These poor little children. I will never understand anyone not protecting a child from abuse. Never. I don't want to hear about the psychology of abuse, there is a natural instinct that was just missing in this woman. It wasn't beat out of her, it was never there. JMHO
Bringing my post over from the other thread. People were discussing why there has been no charge of murder yet. I think this is why:

I honestly think that the hold up is the Toxicology report. They take up to 6 weeks or more for results. I wont' be surprised if it turns out she was given something that caused her death.
I wanted to check out the YouTube video that Tricia is allowing us to discuss, but it’s no longer at the link. When I click on that link an error appears. Can anyone help
me out?

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Bringing my post over from the other thread. People were discussing why there has been no charge of murder yet. I think this is why:

I honestly think that the hold up is the Toxicology report. They take up to 6 weeks or more for results. I wont' be surprised if it turns out she was given something that caused her death.

We always thinks this here at WS - the child was drugged or got into the parents' drugs and died from an accidental overdose or just by accident, but I haven't seen one such case pan out that way yet. Chances are, she was beaten and strangled, like all the little babies that get murdered by their parent or the parent's live-in monster. JMHO
Still nothing new??!!! I have been thinking about Mariah's brothers this holiday break. I hope they are doing ok.

In regards to all the CPS talk in the last few threads; there will be no new changes in our society unless everyone steps to the plate to educate and help navigate families to a healthier path. Doctors, schools, community out reach programs etc etc etc. Since internet safety is now a huge topic in schools nation wide, a new curriculum needs to be introduced regarding abuse and the new family unit that exist to bring an awareness for change because one agency can not solve the epidemic alone. Flood your local state rep with emails, calls and letters campaigning for more funds and spotlight this trend that has turned into a disaster for our country's children.
We always thinks this here at WS - the child was drugged or got into the parents' drugs and died from an accidental overdose or just by accident, but I haven't seen one such case pan out that way yet. Chances are, she was beaten and strangled, like all the little babies that get murdered by their parent or the parent's live-in monster. JMHO

Unfortunately, I have to agree with you. I don't think I've followed a case yet, and I've followed way too many over the years, where a child accidentally overdosed.
If the case is put before a Grand Jury will it be done in total secrecy or will the press know about it beforehand?
Thank you Grouchymom.

Happy New Year All.

Let's hope it brings justice for baby Mariah, and healing and love to her brothers.
In the previous thread Alethea wrote, "Parents need to stop abusing and neglecting their children. Family and community members need to step in and try to intervene in abusive situations. When you really think about it, it’s ridiculous that we put the responsibility for policing our own families on a state agency. There’s a lot said and written about the fallout from our failing families and lack of community support system, but our children are bearing highest biggest costs.

I’m not sure which is a bigger pipe dream: praying for people to protect their children and respect their families or waiting for government bureaucrats to step in and change our communities for us."

I couldn't agree more. Every time I think of this little innocent girl that experienced such nauseating horrors in her short life, and read and hear the responses of many folks who place the blame entirely on her mother or CPS and just rant and rave, I am doubly saddened knowing that many of those "blamers" will walk away from this case unchanged. Without realizing that they actually have a new responsibility going forward. That we as a society need to stop trying to find someone to blame and instead figure out what we can do to change society and then ACTUALLY FOLLOW THROUGH.

When you see something, say something. If you suspect abuse or mistreatment of a child, the elderly, or those incapacitated, it is indeed your moral obligation to report it to the appropriate authority. They need YOUR voice to protect them. They are defenseless and powerless against anyone mistreating, harming, or abusing them. You can be their power. You can be their defense.

But, it requires fortitude and courage to stand up for what is right. Especially when it is personal, someone you know. Or when it's a stranger. Or when you think you shouldn't interfere. Or when you think someone else will do it or it's someone else's responsibility. Or when you think you might be wrong. Or when you think you might offend or anger the offender. Or when you're just too busy. Or when it's too inconvenient- to make the call, figure out who to call.

I have been that little girl abused and mistreated with no one to protect or love me. I was abused my entire childhood by my parents and family members, and most of my adulthood by my husband and a grandfather and a boyfriend. I have experienced every form of abuse- physical, emotional, sexual, mental, spiritual. I didn't actually know what love was or felt like until I was 33 years old and I lived with and took care of my aging grandmother. She was the epitome of love.

I now as an adult have learned of at least 5 people from my childhood that thought they should report our family to CPS on multiple occasions on strong suspicions of abuse. For whatever reason, some I listed above, they never did. As you can imagine, my heart aches with this knowledge, and can from my hearts distance imagine myself as a little girl being released from the terrors of abuse.

I now so strongly advocate for victims of abuse- children, domestic, elderly, disabled. The helpless and the powerless. Those who need a voice. Those who need someone to be strong FOR them. They are in a place of such darkness and terror, one cannot fathom unless you've experienced the depths of it. They need OUR help. We cannot simply brush them off completely onto government agencies or hold those who are abusing them solely accountable. These victims are all around us. They are our neighbors, our friends, our grandparents, our nieces, our colleagues, our childs' classmate. We find them on the playground, in the supermarket, in playgroups, in nursing homes, and in the cubicle next to ours. We have a responsibility to care for one another.

Enduring a lifetime of abuse has given me an uncommon strength. And with it, a heart for advocacy and care for the voiceless victims. As an adult, I have already had to make the painful, but necessary, decision to report a family member for abuse he was inflicting, and I am again in a position where I will be reporting another family member. Not because I don't love these folks, but because I do. Because they need to be held accountable. And ultimately because the ones who are being abused are valued and precious beyond worth and no one should experience the horrors of abuse for a moment.

My question, as a victim/ survivor/ overcomer/ advocate is, are you willing to lay down your pride and stand up for the powerless and defenseless and do whatever is necessary and appropriate when you see someone being abused? How can you live differently to be more aware of the lives around you? Are you willing to sacrifice for someone who is in desperate need of an advocate? Please stop complaining about who didn't do what and who did what wrong and who you think should rot in h***. You've made your point. Until you actually do something with all of your ranting and raving and complaining, I can promise you, from past and present very personal experience, that you are actually part of the problem. Please help, change the world around you, get involved in advocacy groups, abuse shelters, etc, that's what the helpless little girl I used to be is asking you. Mariah would ask too, if she could.
And i do understand that CPS and social services, etc is a flawed system. And fails many many children that do get reported. That is why I beg for society to change. People to change how they think about one another- we have a responsibility to care for one another. To advocate for one another. To defend and protect the powerless within our social circles, families, neighborhoods, communities. Get involved. Start a nonprofit. Join a nonprofit. Support a shelter. Support an advocacy group. Do something. Change something about the way you do life, so your love for your "fellow man" is evident.
I understand society needs to change first in abusing chidren, in allowing abusers to get away with it, in looking the other way. This needs to be a upmost priority. CPS needs to be held accountable if a death occurs in their cases. If we hold the abusers, the ones who look the other way and the tax payer paid job(CPS) accountable only then will there be progress.
Does anyone believe the mother may also be arrested?

Yes. That house is too small for her not to have known what was going on. Her live in boyfriend slept beside her most every night, right? Her boys were old enough to talk. Neither adults had jobs? I don't see an excuse for the "mother". There could be. I just don't see one. This isn't guilt by association. She played a part. Accessory at the very least.
Yes. That house is too small for her not to have known what was going on. Her live in boyfriend slept beside her most every night, right? Her boys were old enough to talk. Neither adults had jobs? I don't see an excuse for the "mother". There could be. I just don't see one. This isn't guilt by association. She played a part. Accessory at the very least.

I don't think that the mother had an active role in that little girl's death, other than bringing an abusive man into her life, but I believe that she was complicent in covering up that child's death to protect her lifestyle I would bet that her boyfriend was her supplier or burgled to pay for her supply.
Marking my place

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