Found Deceased NC - Mariah Woods, 3, Onslow County, 27 Nov 2017 #4 *Arrest*

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I'm wondering if it might have been a lousy attempt at creating an alibi? Wasn't me, guv, I was out stealing dressers that night!

But I also agree with the poster who said that a dresser sounds pretty heavy and would often require two strong people to move?

I also go back to my own post of combining two things on one journey...why not stop off and steal something I can later sell for drug/drink money, or maybe to buy a present for my girl if she doesn't open her mouth to the cops? I don't think he would have had a lot of conceptualization of getting caught for this crime (assuming he's guilty).
I've never been strong, but I was able to lift a dresser by myself when I was in my 20s. Small female here.

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IMO the Dad is the victim here. He has every right to have 300 children if he chooses. And he DID fight for his kids. The system failed him.
I cannot begin to tell you the story of my three step children who were very young teenagers at the time. Their Mother moved them, hid them, clear across the country in homeless shelters, and living out of vans in State parks, getting their clothing out of dumpsters, the felon step Father registered them in school under HIS last name. We finally located these children when their Mother signed the oldest over to the State of California and authorities FINALLY notified us of their whereabouts, and living under their Step Father last name. We found out all three children had been sexually abused. Soon we had all three children living with us and had legal custody with only supervised visits by the Mother, she never once made an attempt to visit her children. It was a battle from hell dealing with the bio Mom and Step Father. To provide for these kids we had to add a bedroom on to my little house I had been in since I was 19 years old, we put a second mortgage on our house, had them all in counciling, only to have them move back with the Mother when they were of legal age, and dispite reaching out to them, we haven't seen them in years. Also, at the time I had worked for our local District Attorney and a Senator for many years and we left no stone unturned to help these children. Our hearts were broken as these kids had already been too infleunced by their Mothers lifestyle and as one of my coworkers put it, the tree was already bent. God bless Mariah, and hoping for some miracle that she is alive.
Trailer trash, thought so from the beginning, story didn't float. What 3 year old wakes up and is told to go back to bed? If a 3 year old wakes up they need assistance, either a potty break or something else like hugs and kisses not what sounds like a scolding. If not the murderer herself 'concerned loving mom' must have been an enabler.

Thank goodness they didn't have a big enough house or Ramsey style affluence to get away with murder.

i DON'T believe that even occurred. IMO, Mariah has been missing for a longer time than Sunday into Monday.
This is beyond painful.

I watched the Mom on the News (I believe WED) and it was heartbreaking watching her beg everyone to please help her find Mariah.

Prayers for that Little Sweet Angel. I cannot even imagine what her last hours were like. God Help Us All.

Rest In Peace Angel Mariah.
I'm wondering if it might have been a lousy attempt at creating an alibi? Wasn't me, guv, I was out stealing dressers that night!

But I also agree with the poster who said that a dresser sounds pretty heavy and would often require two strong people to move?

I also go back to my own post of combining two things on one journey...why not stop off and steal something I can later sell for drug/drink money, or maybe to buy a present for my girl if she doesn't open her mouth to the cops? I don't think he would have had a lot of conceptualization of getting caught for this crime (assuming he's guilty).

The two dressers were only worth $40, per the warrant.
If it's dressers like this one could take the drawers out and put the two together to serve as a makeshift coffin. Maybe he disposed of the drawers along the way. LE was so specific in their search with the divers they must have some idea of what he did that night. I'm still not convinced that everything happened within those few hours, jmo. This pic is from Walmart and they call it a dresser, to me it's a chest.

I call that a dresser. I might call a trunk a chest.

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I am a single mom.... and this is exactly why I do not date!! Too many crazies out there with drug addictions and tempers!

Don't give up on love...from your post I can tell that you wouldn't accept anyone with a criminal record or an addiction though. Find someone wonderful who has loads of good values and integrity!
We can't allow these bottom feeders to allow us to give up on hope! <3
LE does not have to inform the public of their game plan at all. They will not lay out what their intentions are. Individual murder cases vary from one another. I do not think they are done with arrests in this case. JMO

Didn't say they have to but in nearly all the case's I've followed to their conclusion if they are making an arrest of suspect's they usually include all suspects whether they have physically captured that suspect or not. I'm not saying it's going to lead to another arrest or not, just saying when getting arrest warrant's LE usually names all who have the warrant on them....
I'm trying to piece together the photo of him on Thanksgiving with the two boys, no Mariah or mum, and the sheriff asking for people who had seen the family on Sunday.

It's looking to me as if this happened before he went, he left with the boys and came back on Sunday. No sightings of them all together on Sunday either. Possibly.

I was thinking the same thing about this happening before it was reported she went missing and for the reason you stated that LE is asking people who saw the family on Sunday come forward with any info they have. More arrests could very well be coming. I'm also with people who think LE knew all along bc this would explain why there were no reports on sex offenders being looked into.
What if the dressers were used to block/hide a doorway or access door where Mariah is hidden?
Amonet --
-- from your post --
"The dressers thing is weird! I'm not 100% sure what the word describes in the US...can anyone translate this into British English? I'm thinking of a wardrobe, or the type of tallboy that has drawers in the base and a wardrobe in the upper section?"

A dresser is usually a set of drawers about a yard (~meter) high, leaving room to hang a mirror on the wall above the dresser. Sometimes what we call a "chest of drawers" can also be called a dresser.

Hope this helps!

My opinion he had help.

Stealing the dressers, of all things, seems so sinister to me. I don't know why he would steal two, but I am so afraid he put little Mariah's body in one of them. He may have already killed her, and then stole the dressers. Maybe he stole two to throw the investigation off by letting people in the area or LE believe a prowler was in the area breaking into homes.

I hope this little baby girl's body can be found.

I knew this would be the tragic ending but it never gets any easier and to know Mariah's little body is still out there not found with her being left all alone makes it even worse if possible. Please, please find her and bring her home.

I am praying for all of the searchers who are looking for this precious little innocent child. It has to be so hard on each one of them emotionally as they search.

I do wonder if he stole two dressers and put her in one of them and then piled the other one on top of it and may have burned her little body somewhere. :( I remember in the Cesar Lauren case it was normal for others to have bonfires going in the same county without anyone thinking anything about it.

May this little angel be found.

This is beyond painful.

I watched the Mom on the News (I believe WED) and it was heartbreaking watching her beg everyone to please help her find Mariah.

Prayers for that Little Sweet Angel. I cannot even imagine what her last hours were like. God Help Us All.

Rest In Peace Angel Mariah.

It's clear now why mommy and live in didn't want to put their faces in front of the camera!!
This is in response to a post by Rott Mom in the previous thread.

I like Marc Klaas but I disagree with him on polygraphs. There not reliable enough for me. I also feel that LE can sometimes use them against innocent people. That's why I don't believe that people should automatically take them.

It's best to get advice from a lawyer before taking one. JMO.
True. Gary Ridgeway The Green River Killer passed not one ,but two Polygraphs. So they are not really reliable.
darn, I kinda thought this was going to be the case in the back of my head, but I was soooo hoping she would be found unharmed...I've seen sooo many of these cases here on websleuths that end like this....I hope he talks so Mariah can come home.

It was never placed into the back of my mind. I know it's hope for the best but expect the worse, but this time I had it in reverse in my head.

It's become so common that it's a pattern of pure tragedy. It's the loss of innocence and pure evil merging together forcing us to know how it's going to turn out... so so sad for Mariah and those who loved her!
But why dressers of all things to steal in a house? Even if it was stolen from the abandoned house that was searched, I can't imagine the dressers, if left behind by previous owners, were of great condition or much value. Plus then he needs to actually sell them. Between 11pm and 6am. What drug dealer accepts dressers as payment? He would need to sell pronto.

One of the quoted MSM reports that the dressers were worth $40. So I doubt he was taking them to sell. In my lifetime, I can't even remember how many dressers I have found cheap, or free and given to people in need. From my experiences, those with a low income don't focus their money on getting furniture. Many will have their clothing in piles in a corner, in the laundry baskets, or storage totes. Of course I have no way of knowing why he stole 2 dressers, and why he stole them on the same night Mariah is killed. The two incidents could be unrelated.

He may have stole the dressers, came back home to unload them, and Mariah woke up. Isn't one of his charges being in possession of stolen goods? If so, the dressers are accounted for.
Do I have this right? He is charged with stealing two dressers from the vacant home? Do they know where the dressers are? Could they have been used for a bonfire?

Another thing I have been wondering. Could she have been left alone over Wednesday to Sunday and they came home Sunday to find her dead? Maybe she had been locked in room or closet and dehydrated? I can remember a couple cases of little kids dying after being locked in closet or bathroom. What was that was another child with special needs and I think she was foster or adopted. The couple went out of town and locked her in closet I think.

Sounds like he was in possession of the dressers. If so they were not used to dispose of her.

The residence in which Kimrey is accused of entering sits near the intersection of Dawson Cabin Road and High Hill Road, less than a 1,000 feet from the 2405 Dawson Cabin Road dwelling in which Kimrey resided along Mariah Woods, her mother and two brothers.

Kimrey was charged in this incident with felony larceny after breaking and entering, felony second degree burglary and possession of stolen goods and or property.
Sadly, inclined to agree. IMO, EK's escapades the night she supposedly vanished were all part of the attempt to cover a crime committed much earlier. He could have hidden her in a dresser or somewhere at the home thinking he had time to clean up and prepare a story about seeing her, telling her to go back to bed, pajamas may have been left to make it look like a local RSO was involved??? Trying to hold off judgement on anyone else's involvement, but seems like so much had to be out of place leading up to that Sunday, especially given his travels. Hopefully, the search can stay limited to this one area. IMO, the longer the window of no sightings, the harder it will be to find this sweet angel.

i DON'T believe that even occurred. IMO, Mariah has been missing for a longer time than Sunday into Monday.
Here is what gets me-- a story that has been repeated too many times: mom- looking for a boyfriend: doesn't care if he is a druggie or a criminal, or a domestic abuser- she "loves him'- brings him into
her home and exposes her young child to him with the unfortunate and sometimes inevitable result. This situation makes me so so sad for this poor innocent child whose mother should have protected her.

How many couples are meeting these types of guys who are self respecting women who would never be involved in the drug aspect of this relationship. Mom was using right along with her honey......imo
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