Found Deceased NC - Mariah Woods, 3, Onslow County, 27 Nov 2017 #5 *Arrest*

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Being a newbie to this site , I am continually amazed by the knowledge among you sleuthers , as well as the respect and kindness to each other .
Too many tragedies .... so much evil , yes , stepping away is the only answer to maintain your sanity . Following Sherin Mathews as well , she was my first .... cried my heart out day after day on that one . She's hugging sweet little Mariah , can't you just see them all together ? No sadness, no fear , no pain or suffering .

Absolutely. Never to shed another tear :)
Imo EK confessed to a lot of thing during his interview with LE, maybe to try to establish an alibi, one of them is the stealing of the dressers. I don't think the dressers have anything to do with Mariah's dead. Also her braces where in her bedroom if I remember correctly that was reported since day one, is one of the reasons people didn't believed she didn't just walked away.

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I don't understand why he hasn't been charged with at least manslaughter. Instead he is charged with concealing her death. Did he accidentally kill her or did someone else? He is covering for someone? Even if it were an accident her death would still be manslaughter.

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Probably once the ME deteremines whether she died from accident or homicide , the new charges will come. That could take a day or two.
IIRC, KH was saying her last interaction with Mariah was that she fed her and put her to bed, told her she loved her and Mariah told her she loved her, too. Something just seems off to me. Not sure if it's the word "fed" rather than she had a snack? Wouldn't think she would've gone to bed right after supper, but maybe wanting a snack before bed. Just seems to concise, maybe rehearsed even (MOO), but then I'm a talker and probably would've included what my child wanted to eat, what time it was, etc.?

I suppose that the medical examiner will know from the state of the stomach contents what was approximately the last time Mariah ate, and what it was . .

"probable cause to believe that on or about the date of offense shown [11/26/2017 (Sun) through 11/27/2017 (Mon)] and in the county named above the defendant named above unlawfully and willfully did possess TWO DRESSERS.."

Quoted from the warrant. Doesn't mention continued possession after Monday, which may not be relevant if he had to leave the property, but may equally be relevant.

But how would they know he possessed the dressers if they were in the creek?
Maybe they were found minus drawers?
Maybe they were intended to be used but then not.

I can't go with providing an alibi, he'd have to prove someone saw him at that time and could just go somewhere else without committing a crime. I can go with the idea that they were put in the trailer to cover up some missing carpet or other evidence, but why two?
Do we know how old Kristy is?
I'm behind, this may have been answered. Early 30s. I want to say 32, but it's been a while since I saw it, so I'll leave it at early 30s.

ETA .... Nevermind, I see someone posted a link with her age as 29.

I'll just take my poor memory and go catch up now...

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I also had a great support system. From my parents to my sons other grandparents. Even when my sons father passed away when my boy was 5 I kept in contact with his grandparents. I was blessed to be able to count on family to help. If I needed a break to myself or to be with friends or date I had support. Jmo

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Also in response to posts about DV that re-victimize the victim.
Support system is key! But where is it for some? I still think of some of the people I worked with whether victim or defendant before retiring. The woman who had been abused by Dad and brothers her entire life, she paid a high price the times CPS was called and did nothing. She married a man like her father, friends with her brother. Had babies, was in the ER numerous time with broken bones, always covering up the truth. You grow up knowing there is no help and learn to accept what is as normal. Until one day years later her 12 year old son told her he was going to kill the father, it was after she woke up from a coma, a beating that left her brain damaged, affected her speech, motor skills, and thought processes. I met her when I was conducting the pre-sentence investigation on her husband for the court. Taking the beatings was the only way she knew to protect her children. another case; a father and 2 others tied a man to the basement pole. They beat and tortured him but not before bring the father's 4 year old son to the basement to make a "man" out of him by watching and being told to urinate on him. No wonder years 16 years later the now grown son was arrested for DV & assault. Later going to prison. I even think of my daughter, saved in the nick of time, we adopted her at the age of 12. Sexually abused by grandfather and father. It happened to all the girls in the family. The grandfather even impregnated his own daughter.Luckily for her she ended up in foster care and it was not to late for a good support system to help. It may be only us that have had a good support system who can help some of these children in foster care, or report things we see and not be daunted by when nothing happens the first time through CPS. I have seen what can take an innocent child and turn them in tomorrows victims or abusers. I have 3 bio kids (one passed away), 2 adopted. I think somehow I was born to be a mother. But seeing the reality and the tragedy, results of a child's cycle of life solidified it. When I was the age most were planning their retirement I chose to adopt a 2 year old child with cerebral palsy from overseas. I felt I had enough time left to give another child a "support system", the semblance of family and a chance. I write all of this because I agree completely with the need for a good support system. But where does it come from when it's not the family? WE sometimes see through rose colored glasses and judge through our life experiences. It's just not that black and white.
KH saying she fed Mariah strikes me as odd. Fed her what, a bottle? A 3 year old might still take a bottle but doesn't usually require feeding, especially the independent ones, unless not well.

The whole appeal was odd ‘Brown hair, blue eyes, goes by the name Mariah.’
along with remembering ‘feeding her & putting her to bed.’

Sounds like a missing horse, not a precious child.
This statement struck me as odd, also, when I first read it. However, once I thought about the context when spoken, it made sense. I can imagine saying, "I fed my son at 6:00." and he is 16 years old.

This is such a hard case for me... I lost my 3 year old daughter to unexpected, but natural causes several years ago. I can not imagine anyone taking that precious child's life. So incredibly heartbreaking...

My heartfelt sympathy to you on the loss of your little daughter, :rose:
These times make no sense at all. What I am reading is that the mother put Mariah to bed at 11 pm. The boyfriend said Mariah got out of bed at Midnight, and he told her to get back in bed. Yet. from 11pm - 3 am, the boyfriend was stealing dressers from some old abandoned house.

I live about 40 miles north of this area. Watching the local news this morning. They showed a clip of an FBI agent(last name Mainor or Manley I believe) saying by the time they received the 911 call it was too late (to find her alive). So the timeline may very well be different once we find out what actually happened. I checked the website but that article has not been posted yet. It’s WITN news if anyone wants to take a look later.

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There's a lot of pain and sorrow on this thread. God bless you all.
The whole appeal was odd ‘Brown hair, blue eyes, goes by the name Mariah.’
along with remembering ‘feeding her & putting her to bed.’

Sounds like a missing horse, not a precious child.

You know the brown hair thing, it's been debated. Mum dyes her hair blond. I question whether there could have been an element of jealousy.

Goes by Mariah? You'd think she was an adult not a baby! IMO.
Often it’s to get wafare, so momone is to work. I met a woman once who had given birth to 18 children. Very low income.

Have you ever been in a neighborhood where people of working age are home on their porches, or mulling around on foot in the streets during normal working hours? I have (for work) and I distinctly remember a man walking down the street turned around and pulled a gun out of his pants, just to show me
he had it. These are places where adults drink and get high all day, rig up their electricity, and have babies because it feels good at the moment. It’s infuriating. What can be done?

Ok, my poor memory and I are back...

Years ago, the company I worked for had a volunteer day where everyone was "voluntold" to participate in cleaning up a neighborhood in (well known crappy city). Company never did that little project again... everyone was so angry about the residents sitting on their porches watching us all pick up trash on their street.

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Dsdebow - I don’t want to quote your entire post but I completely agree.

Only as I age do I truly & fully start to appreciate the privilege and advantage I had and have just by growing up in a loving, stable supportive home.
An excerpt from this article states Mariah’s mother and father are divorced.

Mariah’s mother is divorced from the girl's father, Alex Woods, who said that while his daughter is with her mother his weeks are “like hell, like a nightmare.”

Who were the "Four people in the house, two adults and two babies and somebody just comes, snatches the baby up and walks out?” AW is speaking of? Wouldn't there have been 5, 2 adults and 3 children?
Who were the "Four people in the house, two adults and two babies and somebody just comes, snatches the baby up and walks out?” AW is speaking of? Wouldn't there have been 5, 2 adults and 3 children?
I assumed he meant 4 *other* people in the house , EK, bio-mum and the two boys.
I thought the dressers were an unrelated incident they could arrest him and keep him... I didn't realize they claim he was stealing the dressers that same night. And why would you steal cheap dressers? Maybe he did have some stupid idea to use them to conceal her body, and then realized it wouldn't work.
Also, this may be unpopular and I don't want to offend, but I don't think we should be canonizing the bio father. The only info we have on their marriage and break up is from him, and honestly, I've seen this enough to know that usually, both parties are at fault. I understand he is a victim of this too, and I will try to keep this fair. But he was married to her, and "birds of a feather..." and all that. What about legal aid? I don't think it's impossible to get a divorce if you're poor. I did it. In that same city, too. Get the divorce, get the custody in order, see your children.
Is there a statement in MSM that they never divorced? I've only seen them referred to as exes.

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The dresser has to be of some importance regarding this case. He obviously confessed to LE because once he was arrested just two hours later the dive team found her body. That's not a coincidence. He had to have told them exactly where she was located. Hopefully, LE didn't make a plea deal with him for confessing to the murder. And I thought I had read that the water where she was found was deep. I will try and look for the news article.

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He was arrested around 11:30pm on Friday. Mariah was recovered around 5:30pm on Saturday so about 18 hours later.
Also in response to posts about DV that re-victimize the victim.
Support system is key! But where is it for some? I still think of some of the people I worked with whether victim or defendant before retiring. The woman who had been abused by Dad and brothers her entire life, she paid a high price the times CPS was called and did nothing. She married a man like her father, friends with her brother. Had babies, was in the ER numerous time with broken bones, always covering up the truth. You grow up knowing there is no help and learn to accept what is as normal. Until one day years later her 12 year old son told her he was going to kill the father, it was after she woke up from a coma, a beating that left her brain damaged, affected her speech, motor skills, and thought processes. I met her when I was conducting the pre-sentence investigation on her husband for the court. Taking the beatings was the only way she knew to protect her children. another case; a father and 2 others tied a man to the basement pole. They beat and tortured him but not before bring the father's 4 year old son to the basement to make a "man" out of him by watching and being told to urinate on him. No wonder years 16 years later the now grown son was arrested for DV & assault. Later going to prison. I even think of my daughter, saved in the nick of time, we adopted her at the age of 12. Sexually abused by grandfather and father. It happened to all the girls in the family. The grandfather even impregnated his own daughter.Luckily for her she ended up in foster care and it was not to late for a good support system to help. It may be only us that have had a good support system who can help some of these children in foster care, or report things we see and not be daunted by when nothing happens the first time through CPS. I have seen what can take an innocent child and turn them in tomorrows victims or abusers. I have 3 bio kids (one passed away), 2 adopted. I think somehow I was born to be a mother. But seeing the reality and the tragedy, results of a child's cycle of life solidified it. When I was the age most were planning their retirement I chose to adopt a 2 year old child with cerebral palsy from overseas. I felt I had enough time left to give another child a "support system", the semblance of family and a chance. I write all of this because I agree completely with the need for a good support system. But where does it come from when it's not the family? WE sometimes see through rose colored glasses and judge through our life experiences. It's just not that black and white.

So sorry for the loss of one of your children too :rose:
And there is so much tragedy and heartache out there for many people and we never know when it can come to our own doorstep. And bless your heart for helping other needy children, and we certainly need more love in this world for sure.
The first stories said the mother put Mariah to bed around 9pm, then checked on her around 11pm. The bf was alleged to have seen Mariah around midnight in her panties and told her to go back to bed.

>>>>>>>>>>>> respectfully snipped by borndem (save space) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

The bf might have been threatening the mom that he'd kill her boys as well if she told on him (if he killed Mariah). I think the mom was upset in those interviews, others had the sense that the first especially she was pretty much eulogizing Mariah with her words, but she may also have been trying to keep control of her emotions to not show she was actually in total grief rather than fear for a missing child, and she may have been trying to keep her remaining children safe from anything she might have been perceived to say 'wrong' to the TV. Other people noted that she apparently sent the boys to school on the Monday and asked why? Maybe she was trying to protect them from a threat in the home rather than from outside it?

Just my thoughts...

Very fine synopsis -- it makes a lot of sense, and your ideas about her various actions and her sending the boys to school makes me think of why she did that, in a different way. Thanks!
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