Found Deceased NC - Mariah Woods, 3, Onslow County, 27 Nov 2017 #5 *Arrest*

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I’m bringing this article over from the last thread because no one said anything about the abandoned property and this just sounds awful....

“The front and back doors to the home were wide open Saturday morning and scene looking inside, seen from outside, appeared to be very disheveled with soiled garments strewn about the floor, broken furniture, loose papers and other reading material and tubs of unrecognizable matter covering every area of the home.”

What does unrecognizable matter covering every area of the Home mean????? Soiled garments?

Also just throwing a thought out there.... maybe they talked to grandma and she led them to Mariah? I don’t know... thinking outside the box a bit.

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I think "unrecognizable matter" is some crap they don't really know what it is.

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I’m bringing this article over from the last thread because no one said anything about the abandoned property and this just sounds awful....

“The front and back doors to the home were wide open Saturday morning and scene looking inside, seen from outside, appeared to be very disheveled with soiled garments strewn about the floor, broken furniture, loose papers and other reading material and tubs of unrecognizable matter covering every area of the home.”

What does unrecognizable matter covering every area of the Home mean????? Soiled garments?

Also just throwing a thought out there.... maybe they talked to grandma and she led them to Mariah? I don’t know... thinking outside the box a bit.

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I don't know, but if people are going to allow their properties to be in such deplorable condition, they should be fined by the township and maybe the EPA needs to be called as well to levy fines and make the homeowners bring the property back to livable, not hazardous, conditions.
We have to remember these people are not seasoned public speakers - her daughter is missing, she is a wreck, mic and cameras in your face. She was asked questions and she answered them. I would not get out there and talk about my child may be hurting, may be cold, may be scared because I would not want to think of those things in front of cameras I would lose all composure. I didn't find anything off about her interview at all.

Some people perked up at the fact that she wore a full face of makeup for the camera (no eyes red and makeup washed away by tears) and she didn't seem to cry. They got a Susan Smith vibe

I do realize, however, that people act in all different ways during such statements and it's hard to tell what's going on all the time. I've seen interviews that seemed odd but the person wasn't guilty of anything.

Here's what concerns me:

1. That's not a huge trailer. She was home the night her daughter went missing. She supposedly checked on her at 11. The boyfriend claimed he saw her at 12. How did the boyfriend do whatever he did to little Mariah and then remove her from the residence, and stay out for the time it took to dispose of her body and steal some dressers, oddly, without her hearing anything? Without noticing he did something to Mariah? And took her out of the place?

2. She was in a major custody dispute with her ex according to him. He states she was refusing to let him have the kids on weekends. Their daughter goes missing. She DOESNT immediately call the dad to see if he took her or where he was. She obviously didn't immediately point to the dad as a possibility either, when first speaking with police because they didn't contact dad right away. He learned about this from an amber alert on the news.

The only way that makes sense is if she knew what happened to Mariah and that she knew Mariah could thus not have been taken by dad.
How true. Might be considered a lifestyle thing. Probably most ladies on here can't rouse their hubbies from the Barcalounger/ La-Z-Boy in front of the TV on Sunday nights! They have to GO TO WORK in the morning, so they're not so active running around committing felonies and worse. We cannot wrap our minds around the way some people think and lead their lives in utter destructive chaos.

Oh, isn't that the truth. There's a whole other world out there that makes most families look like the Cleavers (even mine, and mine puts the "fun" in dysfunctional).
Does anyone know if there could be a problem at trial due to the fact that the arrest warrants use his alias rather than his actual name? His first name is Adolphus, but the warrant has it as Earl.

I know I've heard of cases being thrown out due to technicalities such as a wrong name. (Or is that only on TV?)
Of course. But your angel who you love to death isn't dead.

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Well, there was an angel in our lives who everyone loved to death who is dead, and we still would refer to her as such.

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With a name like that, criminality seems almost inevitable.
I've been thinking of the song "Goodbye Earl." This is the kind of guy those bumper stickers that say "Earl's in the trunk" were made for.

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This article has a picture of the outside of the abandoned property. IMO and experience in the narcotic field, I doubt EK went there to use. Younger kids, homeless, transients, or someone going there to purchase drugs might use an abandoned property, but not usually one this overgrown. If EK was a user, he wouldn't drive a couple miles down the road in the middle of the night, he would just partake at his home, especially if the kids were asleep. Hell, a lot of addicts I've seen use in front of their children and don't give it a second thought.

If he was there, it was for other purposes besides getting high IMO.
I’m bringing this article over from the last thread because no one said anything about the abandoned property and this just sounds awful....

“The front and back doors to the home were wide open Saturday morning and scene looking inside, seen from outside, appeared to be very disheveled with soiled garments strewn about the floor, broken furniture, loose papers and other reading material and tubs of unrecognizable matter covering every area of the home.”

What does unrecognizable matter covering every area of the Home mean????? Soiled garments?

Also just throwing a thought out there.... maybe they talked to grandma and she led them to Mariah? I don’t know... thinking outside the box a bit.

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Possibly also stuff mixed with animal feces, whether it be former pets or unwanted racoon guests. I am picturing some homes I've been in that people really ought not to have been living in, but were.

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Yes. I probably sound at this point like I am defending her. I'm not. I find her choices in life disturbing. However, I want to put a true picture together based on the facts we know. I was led astray in other threads before when a number of people began repeating things as if they were factual, only later to find out it was a theory based on nothing - absolutely nothing. I just want to be sure we are clearly separating fact from theory here.

I don't mean to sound like a skeptical pain in the arse. It's just that these things get really cloudy when threads move as quickly as this one has. People start scanning, pick up on stuff that's been repeated, take it as fact, and before long we are pretty far away from the truth.

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this is just my opinion, but i look at what a certain person says just like i would if i were on a jury. meaning that a lot of the time you just end up believing someone and finding them credible or not. there isn't always hard core black and white facts to consider.
I am wondering if this was a household where there was maybe a lot of activity at night - - parents coming in and out at all hours, "friends" coming over to drink and party, people coming to buy or sell drugs, loud talking, arguments, etc. So, any noise that Saturday night didn't really rouse the boys - - after all, perhaps they had been punished severely on previous occasions for showing their faces when the adults were having their adult party time.
I think mom knows a lot. It's not unbelievable that mom helped kill her-- either in a drugged-out haze or just couldn't stand the child bothering herself and Earl.
What were mom and Mariah doing while they were absent from Thanksgiving get togethers ?
Was Mariah alive still ?
When was the last positive time the brothers of Mariah saw her alive ???
Has it been proven that EK is into drugs? If so, I wonder if Mariah found his stash, and ingested some. He may have panicked, knowing that if she was taken to the hospital, the drugs would be discovered, and he'd be busted. Maybe he decided to wait and see if she recovered on her own, but she didn't. :( Or maybe he and his "adult temper" flipped out. Ugh. (ETA: This is assuming EK is the killer. It could have been someone else.)

The part about the dressers has me stumped. Even if a dresser was used to conceal or dispose of her body, why would he need TWO dressers? Even ONE dresser seems cumbersome to me. Wouldn't it have been easier to use a blanket or something similar? Maybe the dressers are completely unrelated. Or maybe he stole them to sell for drug money (if he was into drugs), but even if that was the case, surely it would be easier to steal smaller, less obvious items.

Also, given their proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, why dispose of her in a pond?

I just like for things to make sense, and this situation is strange, to say the least. I guess we'll know more in a few days.

Poor little Mariah. :anguish:
What strikes me is all that is completely irrelevant and is absolutely no help in finding a missing child. How tall was she? How much did she weigh? Is there anything distinctive about her that might help find or identify her? Is she afraid of the dark? Likely to hide in small spaces, or claustrophobic?

Sounds almost like she's trying to convince someone...[emoji848]

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This was her entire statement, and an Amber Alert was issued at the time too, with her stats, I felt like she was asking for them not to take her away from her, not to hurt her.

"This is my world, this is my angel," said Woods. "She was sent to me for a reason. This is my everything besides my boys, the love that I have for this girl. The bond that I have my life. please, just don't take that."
I don't know, but if people are going to allow their properties to be in such deplorable condition, they should be fined by the township and maybe the EPA needs to be called as well to levy fines and make the homeowners bring the property back to livable, not hazardous, conditions.

Abandoned houses like that are pretty common in rural parts of NC. It's common for families to have large pieces of property with a number of homes where a couple of generations live. The elders die and their homes are just left to deteriorate over time. Family members take out what they want and just leave what they don't.
Some people perked up at the fact that she wore a full face of makeup for the camera (no eyes red and makeup washed away by tears) and she didn't seem to cry. They got a Susan Smith vibe

I do realize, however, that people act in all different ways during such statements and it's hard to tell what's going on all the time. I've seen interviews that seemed odd but the person wasn't guilty of anything.

Here's what concerns me:

1. That's not a huge trailer. She was home the night her daughter went missing. She supposedly checked on her at 11. The boyfriend claimed he saw her at 12. How did the boyfriend do whatever he did to little Mariah and then remove her from the residence, and stay out for the time it took to dispose of her body and steal some dressers, oddly, without hearing anything? Without noticing he did something to Mariah? And took her out of the place?

2. She was in a major custody dispute with her ex according to him. He states she was refusing to let him have the kids on weekends. Their daughter goes missing. She DOESNT immediately call the dad to see if he took her or where he was. She obviously didn't immediately point to the dad as a possibility either, when first speaking with police because they didn't contact dad right away. He learned about this from an amber alert on the news.

The only way that makes sense is if she knew what happened to Mariah and that she knew Mariah could thus not have been taken by dad.

She may have known he was out of the house that night and she may have told police that right away. I don't know if it was common practice for him to leave the house at night so it didn't alarm her if she heard him up moving around. We don't know if Mariah cried, was killed in the trailer etc. if Mariah didnt make any noise then I can see the mom not thinking anything of noises she heard. We just don't know what information she gave the police from the start.

I don't think there was a major custody battle going on as far as contact goes etc. I don't think there has been any communication between the two for almost a year. There is also conflicting stories about how the police contacted him - he says he called police after seeing it on amber alert - another article states he saw on amber alert and a short time later police showed up at his work. So maybe she did give police his name and work place.

There is just so many cloudy areas for me and we just don't have enough information from LE to have a clear picture IMO.

This article has a picture of the outside of the abandoned property. IMO and experience in the narcotic field, I doubt EK went there to use. Younger kids, homeless, transients, or someone going there to purchase drugs might use an abandoned property, but not usually one this overgrown. If EK was a user, he wouldn't drive a couple miles down the road in the middle of the night, he would just partake at his home, especially if the kids were asleep. Hell, a lot of addicts I've seen use in front of their children and don't give it a second thought.

If he was there, it was for other purposes besides getting high IMO.
What about meeting a dealer there?

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I think mom knows a lot. It's not unbelievable that mom helped kill her-- either in a drugged-out haze or just couldn't stand the child bothering herself and Earl.
What were mom and Mariah doing while they were absent from Thanksgiving get togethers ?
Was Mariah alive still ?
When was the last positive time the brothers of Mariah saw her alive ???

We don't know if mom does drugs we also don't know that Mariah and her mom didn't go to the thanksgiving gathering.
BBM. Likely less chance of being spotted in a more remote area. The location is also what makes me think there may have been someone involved that thought they would get away with it, but really did love Mariah and wanted somewhere they could visit her and still feel like she was with them.

Has it been proven that EK is into drugs? If so, I wonder if Mariah found his stash, and ingested some. He may have panicked, knowing that if she was taken to the hospital, the drugs would be discovered, and he'd be busted. Maybe he decided to wait and see if she recovered on her own, but she didn't. :( Or maybe he and his "adult temper" flipped out. Ugh. (ETA: This is assuming EK is the killer. It could have been someone else.)

The part about the dressers has me stumped. Even if a dresser was used to conceal or dispose of her body, why would he need TWO dressers? Even ONE dresser seems cumbersome to me. Wouldn't it have been easier to use a blanket or something similar? Maybe the dressers are completely unrelated. Or maybe he stole them to sell for drug money (if he was into drugs), but even if that was the case, surely it would be easier to steal smaller, less obvious items.

Also, given their proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, why dispose of her in a pond?

I just like for things to make sense, and this situation is strange, to say the least. I guess we'll know more in a few days.

Poor little Mariah. :anguish:
this is just my opinion, but i look at what a certain person says just like i would if i were on a jury. meaning that a lot of the time you just end up believing someone and finding them credible or not. there isn't always hard core black and white facts to consider.
Yes, and if I was on a jury, I imagine we would be discussing, like we are here, whether or not others speak of their children in these ways.

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