Found Deceased NC - Mariah Woods, 3, Onslow County, 27 Nov 2017 #5 *Arrest*

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Also in response to posts about DV that re-victimize the victim.
Support system is key! But where is it for some? I still think of some of the people I worked with whether victim or defendant before retiring. The woman who had been abused by Dad and brothers her entire life, she paid a high price the times CPS was called and did nothing. She married a man like her father, friends with her brother. Had babies, was in the ER numerous time with broken bones, always covering up the truth. You grow up knowing there is no help and learn to accept what is as normal. Until one day years later her 12 year old son told her he was going to kill the father, it was after she woke up from a coma, a beating that left her brain damaged, affected her speech, motor skills, and thought processes. I met her when I was conducting the pre-sentence investigation on her husband for the court. Taking the beatings was the only way she knew to protect her children. another case; a father and 2 others tied a man to the basement pole. They beat and tortured him but not before bring the father's 4 year old son to the basement to make a "man" out of him by watching and being told to urinate on him. No wonder years 16 years later the now grown son was arrested for DV & assault. Later going to prison. I even think of my daughter, saved in the nick of time, we adopted her at the age of 12. Sexually abused by grandfather and father. It happened to all the girls in the family. The grandfather even impregnated his own daughter.Luckily for her she ended up in foster care and it was not to late for a good support system to help. It may be only us that have had a good support system who can help some of these children in foster care, or report things we see and not be daunted by when nothing happens the first time through CPS. I have seen what can take an innocent child and turn them in tomorrows victims or abusers. I have 3 bio kids (one passed away), 2 adopted. I think somehow I was born to be a mother. But seeing the reality and the tragedy, results of a child's cycle of life solidified it. When I was the age most were planning their retirement I chose to adopt a 2 year old child with cerebral palsy from overseas. I felt I had enough time left to give another child a "support system", the semblance of family and a chance. I write all of this because I agree completely with the need for a good support system. But where does it come from when it's not the family? WE sometimes see through rose colored glasses and judge through our life experiences. It's just not that black and white.


Thank you both for your post addressing the most important factor in Domestic Violence as well as the love you have shared with children in need. That makes you a hero in my book.
Oh. What a winner. I think I will rush out to invite him into my home. Let him babysit my kids.

I know. I was thinking, "Shoot. It's websleuths." Sadly most of us know. It's part of the triad that indicate the potential to be a serial killer: Arson, animal abuse and bed wetting.

We are the ones who bear responsibility for this. It's like deciding to send your kid to a private school where the teachers have 100 kids per class and no teaching credential and then blaming them for not doing their job properly.

If we want people who are highly intelligent and motivated then we need to offer pay that attracts the best and the brightest. If we want them to be able to do their jobs properly, we will hire more and allocate much more money to the system.

When an underpaid, overstressed worker with a caseload of 50-60 has the choice to open a case and add one more child into the overburdened system or gloss over it, there are going to be cases like Sherin's or like this one.

The responsibility is ours. We are aware of the problem. We know the facts. But we continue to put our kids in a private school with 100 kids per class and teachers that lack teaching credentials. And then we become righteously indignant and turn on the teachers. But we knew. We knew in advance.

This is a societal problem. And I'm not saying all social workers are terrible or uneducated. But with the system we have accepted we are going to have more issues than there should be.

Bottom line, most of the kids in the system come from poor, minority and/or drug-abusing families and the nation really just doesn't give a damn about that demographic until one of them dies a horrific death. Then suddenly we shriek about how stupid and negligent and criminal are the overburdened, underpaid, inexpert people who we intentionally entrusted these vulnerable little lives to.

It's our choice, our responsibility and we have failed.
Somehow replied to the wrong post.

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Oh. What a winner. I think I will rush out to invite him into my home. Let him babysit my kids.

I know. I was thinking, "Shoot. It's websleuths." Sadly most of us know. It's part of the triad that indicate the potential to be a serial killer: Arson, animal abuse and bed wetting.

We are the ones who bear responsibility for this. It's like deciding to send your kid to a private school where the teachers have 100 kids per class and no teaching credential and then blaming them for not doing their job properly.

If we want people who are highly intelligent and motivated then we need to offer pay that attracts the best and the brightest. If we want them to be able to do their jobs properly, we will hire more and allocate much more money to the system.

When an underpaid, overstressed worker with a caseload of 50-60 has the choice to open a case and add one more child into the overburdened system or gloss over it, there are going to be cases like Sherin's or like this one.

The responsibility is ours. We are aware of the problem. We know the facts. But we continue to put our kids in a private school with 100 kids per class and teachers that lack teaching credentials. And then we become righteously indignant and turn on the teachers. But we knew. We knew in advance.

This is a societal problem. And I'm not saying all social workers are terrible or uneducated. But with the system we have accepted we are going to have more issues than there should be.

Bottom line, most of the kids in the system come from poor, minority and/or drug-abusing families and the nation really just doesn't give a damn about that demographic until one of them dies a horrific death. Then suddenly we shriek about how stupid and negligent and criminal are the overburdened, underpaid, inexpert people who we intentionally entrusted these vulnerable little lives to.

It's our choice, our responsibility and we have failed.
Attempting to reply to correct post this time.

If "we" all bear responsibility for this, surely they do as well. I get what you are saying, but there is no valid excuse for what happened to Sherin when they had that much evidence and prior visits.

I can agree to disagree with you here, but CPS in Texas has taken responsibility for "failing" Sherin Mathews.

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I' sure she thought she could change conquers all and all that jazz...jmo
I don't know which is worse, that or her loving him just the way he is.

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Did they find any *advertiser censored* in the abandoned house?

That was my first thought when they said "reading material" could be seen inside. Pure speculation on my part, of course, but that's what popped into my head the moment I read that.
[FONT="]Quite the record. [/FONT][/COLOR][IMG][/IMG][COLOR=#14171A][FONT="] [/FONT]#mariahwoods. .

Thanks so much for posting this! I had seen it the other day, but couldn't find it again.
Did you follow the Sherin Mathews case at all?
Sherin's mother claimed she slept through the whole incident and that she had no idea what her husband was up to that night.
Then some time later (can't remember how many days later), she was charged with OOJ and through interviews with her, it was determined she knew what happened to Sherin and had involvement in her death.

So IMO, just because Mariah's mom hasn't been charged with anything yet, doesn't mean she won't be charged some time down the road.

This is not correct, unless charges were placed that I'm not aware of. The charges I saw were endangering a child because she left Sherin home alone that Friday evening.
Thanks so much for posting this! I had seen it the other day, but couldn't find it again.

Just curious and I know nothing about tats but what is a "skeleton egg"?
What is the name of the other little girl down the road from Mariah that was also killed? TIA. I keep wondering if they are related.
Ok, thank you.

Hi there! Just a kindly suggestion. Some of the forum rules (link at the top of the page) may be confusing or general but they also have a link at the end that will take you to a more specific explanations. This helped me tremendously but if I was still in doubt I asked an administrator. Hope this helps a little :lookingitup:
exactly. when I was filling out paperwork for a restrainer order after the criminal protection order expired, I could hear my ex in my head, telling me I wasn't justified to file for a protection order and I didn't deserve one. I did it anyway, and won, but it was a struggle and I felt unjustified (even tho he had been arrested) and guilty and worried about retaliation. They change how you think, and you don't think your own thoughts anymore. they use brainwash techniques.

I'm so glad you found the strength to make your way out. I just wanted to say, that this last statement is so true. It's not something easy for the abused to heal from, either.
I got the impression from the interview with the pastor that the boys are with Kristys mom -that was days ago so don't know if that is still the case or not.
Interesting - that last item on the list from 2011...he was a missing person?


That's what it seems to indicate. The thing that stood out to me was that he is listed as reporting that Mariah was missing. So the two of them reported it together.
I think she was expressing regret at having let go of Mariah already - like the last time she held her, whether she knew it was or not.

What do you make of this?
(not let her go again)

Is it possible he was con-temporizing his alibi to fit the recent news of children dying in such accidents?
That's what it seems to indicate. The thing that stood out to me was that he is listed as reporting that Mariah was missing. So the two of them reported it together.

Yes. According to this document, it shows Kimrey as a reporting party.
FYI injury to personal property often occurs in DV. usually they will add a DV enhancer if so, and it is considered malicious mischief. possibly they did not arrest for that.

Thanks so much for posting this! I had seen it the other day, but couldn't find it again.
in 2011 he was a missing person. he is the "victim". but he may have gone missing on his own.

That's what it seems to indicate. The thing that stood out to me was that he is listed as reporting that Mariah was missing. So the two of them reported it together.
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