Found Deceased NC - Mariah Woods, 3, Onslow County, 27 Nov 2017 #8 *Arrest*

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I have to disagree here. Meth producers know better than to cook the stuff in their own residence. If he was a meth producer he would have known better. Besides, you need a virtual lab in order to produce meth, something that would not have been able to be hidden in a trailer. I do know there is a method for making very small quantities for personal use (they use a 2-liter bottle) but he wouldn't have done anything to her if she disrupted that since making meth in that way only requires shaking the bottle. He could have easily told her to go away without losing his temper.

I've seen a few photos of EK and EW neither of them look like meth addicts to me. They have none of the physical signs and attributes of those addicted to meth. Same with the heroin angle. Neither of them were users I don't think. Again, they lack the physical attributes and if they were using they weren't shooting up. Shooters will hide the track marks, both EK and KW have many photos of themselves in t-shirts. A heroin addict who shoots wouldn't be running around in tees.

My suspicion is that at the most they were stoners, maybe pill poppers.

Hey there! Me again! (I feel like a resident drug expert and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. 😕).

You are correct about the "shake and bake" method of cooking meth. (I swear I only even know what its called becuse I was looking up recipes for coated potatoes using shake and bake and came across a YouTube video on how to make meth instead!!! ). However users are known to cook in their own homes. Even with small children in the home. But you're right that any of them that haven't drugged away the last of their brain cells know not to. Its so dangerous that officers who go on need to use hazmat suits, (which we saw in this case, but they were also going through garbage- fwiw that's the only way you could get me to do it 😂). And he was also known to have a volatile temper. He may have done something like that regardless of what he had been interrupted doing. (I hate anecdotes as evidence, but I have a very willful toddler and when she gets overtired and ornery, I could see how someone who didn't have patience or coping skills could lose their temper.). Lastly, method can be ingested any which way. Shooting. Snorting. Eating. Smoking. Things like meth mouth don't always appear immediately. If you look at that photo of them from last year- looks like probably Easter from clothing and the way he looks now. He's thinner. His face looks different. Etc. She also looks like she lost quite a bit of weight in a short amount of time.

Plus, again, I try not to look too far into the minutia of the details, but those blinds look like a meth head's. (They also look like cheap blinds in a house with pets or kids, so that's not a smoking gun for me. But sometimes if it looks like a duck and quacks as well...)
Sorry I hit reply with out finishing. Haleigh Cummings had Turner syndrome. It is noticeable in that their neck is wider and low set ears. I don’t see that in Mariah.

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I didn't either, but her grandmother said in her interview that Mariah had it.
I am also interested in Mariah’s diagnosis that caused her gait abnormality. In toddlers such issues often require many visits to specialists and therapy. All opportunity for medical professionals to observe potential signs of abuse. (And she may have had none.) It’s something that’s drawn me to her case as we also have a toddler with a gait abnormality. If she does share a diagnosis with a sibling her diagnosis may have been much quicker to achieve and thus not as many opportunities to observe potential signs of abuse. Just something I’ve pondered.
In the article it references Mebane and Alamance Country. Those areas would be considered to be part of the Triad.

"[FONT=&quot]According to Kimrey's Facebook page, he grew up in Mebane and attended Alamance Community College where he studied heating and air conditioning."[/FONT]

ABC states Kimrey was a high school drop out. I also thought I read they were both unemployed but I’m not positive about that. Looking at the overall picture of that household, I’m leaning toward thinking he did drop out. What he posted on FB re his education isn’t exactly reliable. Of course, he might have received his GED and/or taken an independent HVAC course. Just one more question mark in this horrific story.

“ABC11 has learned that Kimrey dropped out of Orange High School and has a criminal past that includes serving time for theft and assault.”

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AW has stated that he doesn't have the money for an attorney to fight in court. I would think an attorney would do pro bono for this case. Also, courts have help and guidance for those that file without an attorney. Where there is a will there is a way.

His representation has been paid for. JMO
Probably because the courts sealed the case, for integrity of the ongoing investigation. So as not to jeopardize justice for Mariah,and her brothers.

Any juvenile dependency hearing is confidential and this is why the social services docs should have not been breached. I couldn't discuss any of my cases with my husband
I have to disagree here. Meth producers know better than to cook the stuff in their own residence. If he was a meth producer he would have known better. Besides, you need a virtual lab in order to produce meth, something that would not have been able to be hidden in a trailer. I do know there is a method for making very small quantities for personal use (they use a 2-liter bottle) but he wouldn't have done anything to her if she disrupted that since making meth in that way only requires shaking the bottle. He could have easily told her to go away without losing his temper.

I've seen a few photos of EK and EW neither of them look like meth addicts to me. They have none of the physical signs and attributes of those addicted to meth. Same with the heroin angle. Neither of them were users I don't think. Again, they lack the physical attributes and if they were using they weren't shooting up. Shooters will hide the track marks, both EK and KW have many photos of themselves in t-shirts. A heroin addict who shoots wouldn't be running around in tees.

My suspicion is that at the most they were stoners, maybe pill poppers.

While I disagree with you on the first paragraph, (LE finds kids in meth producing homes here ever so often), I tend to agree with you on the second paragraph. I don't see them as hard drug users. I looked for track marks, scabs, etc... I don't see it there.

Edit: I don't see signs of "regular" hard drug abuse. As in long term. That's not to say they never used hard drugs.
I am cursed with a steel trap memory. I can vividly remember my grandfather giving me beer when I asked for water to drink when we would visit him. I hated it. It tasted bad and made me feel dizzy. I can remember the day my mother brought my little sister home from the hospital I was 4 and my brother and I pretended we were tigers and crawled to the door growling. We tried to keep mom from bringing in the new baby.
Sounds, smells and even music can trigger memories from childhood, good or bad. I am the one in my family who asks "Do you remember...?"

Funny how smells can bring you right back. There are four distinct smells that will trigger memories for me: lilac on a warm day, reminds me of my mom's garden; gasoline reminds me of warm summer nights when I was younger, one of my brothers was always fixing his car in the driveway at that time and he'd put gas directly into the manifold while the engine was running, the whole front of the house and the living room would smell of gas when he did that, it's a good memory of my childhood; garlic frying in olive oil, momma's Sunday sauce and finally, Chanel No. 5, I smell that and I think of mom, it was the only perfume she wore.
OT I love it when someone posts something that gives you a major aha moment in that it explains nearly every other post and the ways in which our individual minds work.

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While I disagree with you on the first paragraph, (LE finds kids in meth producing homes here ever so often), I tend to agree with you on the second paragraph. I don't see them as hard drug users. I looked for track marks, scabs, etc... I don't see it there.

Agree, I see them trying to survive each day with no personal support from one another and no motive to change. When ppl get accustomed to a certain way of living then they usually choose to remain that way. The family crisis in this country is a really sad epidemic.
AW has stated that he doesn't have the money for an attorney to fight in court. I would think an attorney would do pro bono for this case. Also, courts have help and guidance for those that file without an attorney. Where there is a will there is a way.

It's unusual for attorneys to represent people pro bono in family law or dependency court cases unless they are indigent. Even high profile cases.

In my state parents are appointed attorneys in dependency court cases though. I'm not sure if that's true in NC.
AW has stated that he doesn't have the money for an attorney to fight in court. I would think an attorney would do pro bono for this case. Also, courts have help and guidance for those that file without an attorney. Where there is a will there is a way.

Easier said than done. Even with attorneys you can litigate for years when the facts are solidly on your side and still get nowhere.

And self help centers can be of little help. But let me repeat. His remedy for when the mom violated the court's orders and didn't allow him to pick up his kids for visits were: 1. A complex motion for contempt. 2. A complex motion for sanctions. 3. A request for a change in custody which would take several days off work and could likely result in no change at all, even if she was violating the court's orders.

In my experience, success in family law cases results from a few things. Either- bothe parties are fairly reasonable, OR: 1. You have a tenacious, aggressive attorney. 2. You have a secure enough job that you can miss multiple days of work over the course of years. 3. You have unlimited resources to pay an attorney. 4. You have the mental strength to battle endlessly. 4. Luck. Luck that you will get a good judge who can see what's happening and doesn't have a heavy calendar or a bias against you or whatever.

I've been working this business for almost two decades. It can be a Kafkaesque nightmare. Those who say where there's a will there's a way likely
haven't had enough dealings with family court or they've been super lucky.

For a working class guy who lives paycheck to paycheck and isn't the most resourceful or educated person, this can be impossible.
It's unusual for attorneys to represent people pro bono in family law or dependency court cases unless they are indigent. Even high profile cases.

Someone paid for his representation, JMO
Thank you for clearing that up for me (and others ). I’ve searched several times to find out what he had been up to with the Triads. I’m from the UK so you’ll have to excuse my ignorance haha.

Good call! Didn't even think about that that could sound like some organized crime group, lol! We NC peeps knew exactly what that was!

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We all know that wasn't the case.

Since CFA was found not guilty in a court of law I don't think we really know anything about Caylee Anthony's death for sure. We suspect, we speculate, but 12 jurors who had access to all the evidence and testimony found her not guilty.

I don't buy that a normal (even semi-normal) parent can throw away their child after an honest accident.

People do some really stupid things when they panic, especially if they think they are going to jail.

The Caylee Anthony case never really sat well with me. There was no proof CFA ever abused little Caylee and everyone who testified about them together showed CFA as having a good relationship with her daughter. You don't go from no abuse to killing your child overnight. I really do think CFA was negligent but that she did not intentionally kill her child. And I think she was immature enough to think she could hide what happened out of her neglect .

Oh heck no. WE had access to all the evidence and the testimony. Websleuthers sat through every day of trial. We watched every moment. In fact, one of us found evidence that the state didn't even know it had which proved what Casey was searching for when she planned the murder of her daughter.


Her boyfriend didn't want kids, her mom refused to babysit anymore and she was replaced as the princess of the family. She searched methods to murder her daughter and that's what she did.

The jury was exhausted and desperate to end their sequestration which was punitive and lasted weeks and would've lasted many more weeks if they found her guilty of even one of the felonies they could've found her guilty of. So they ended the case.

On to Mariah's case, does anyone know what happened at the custody hearing? I feel it could be over.

Didn't Mariah suffer from Turners syndrome? It was in the MSM interview with her grandmother. I believe it runs in families. But any rate the ones who have it do not grow like children without it, resulting in small stature.

I'm not finding anything where the grandmother said that. Can you find a link for it?
I read a post way earlier up that i so agree with. I think KW will face charges. I think her big mistake was not informing the bio Dad nor telling the police to inform him. That is very telling to me.

I agree. If Mom really had no idea where her girl was, or who took her, her first thoughts would have been her ex, and wondering if he took her.Not even mentioning him is very suspicious.
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