Found Deceased NC - Mariah Woods, 3, Onslow County, 27 Nov 2017 #8 *Arrest*

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Perhaps the two incidents were related and everyone only talked about the belt part because they wanted to hide the other part.

Could be in the documents it states the first run in with social services was a discipline issue - then second incident was the SA issue both involving same child.
Could be in the documents it states the first run in with social services was a discipline issue - then second incident was the SA issue both involving same child.
So does the order of the reported incidents preclude them from being one big incident do you think?
If it is correct it would make more sense to me why CPS returned the children - from the documents it states they were removed until meds and requirements were met - so if those two items were done and the alleged SA did not involve anyone living in the home it would make sense why CPS returned the children to her care. Not saying it was a good decision just stating it makes more sense to me why they were returned.
Note for self: Curious about PSI law specific to N.C. since law can vary. Where as our state includes all information, N.C. can breaks theirs into separate reports PSI's, Pre-sentence commitment for study or Pre-sentence diagnostic, or Sentencing plan. What I was most curious about was whether the info was confidential or public in N.C.. It is confidential.

"Availability of presentence reports. Presentence reports and sentencing plans are
not public records, and they may only be made available to the defendant and his or
her lawyer, the prosecutor, and the court. On the defendant’s motion the court may, in
its discretion, order that a report or plan be expunged from the record. G.S. 15A-1333.
If a sentencing plan is completed before conviction, the information obtained in the
course of preparing it may not be used by the State for any purpose at trial. G.S. 7A-
773.1(d)." More Info for Sentencing.pdf
So does the order of the reported incidents preclude them from being one big incident do you think?

I interpret it to be two different incidents they way he has worded it -but it is really hard to tell because he only released his responses we don't see her side of the statements.
Yes, there is an older son of AW. He lived mostly with his mother.

You're right there is.....the son from his first marriage. My reference was to the older child, living in the home with KW & AW. I've seen him discussed here as possibly a half brother as well as victim of SA.

My problem with all this is we are victimizing all the innocents in this case by what we post and refer to. They will read this one day. They will suffer additional hurt. I, for one, think sleuthing is just that....sleuthing to find answers, sleuthing to examine evidence, etc. It ends for me when innocent victims are discussed and information thrown out there that has no business being out there in the first place.
So let me get this straight. The biological father who has not seen his children in a year and a half because he works Friday nights and the mother would not allow his then new live in girlfriend to pick the children up, but never picked them up on Saturday, tells a media outlet that he has been cleared by investigators in (the death of Mariah, any prior abuse or neglect, sinking the titanic) by (law enforcement, social services or the good humor man) make it fact? So help me understand this because I may be a little senile and confused. If I tell a reporter that I climbed Mt Everest does that make it fact?

I am not trying to discredit the father or get him elected Pope. I am genuinely concerned with what we are accepting as “fact” or “proof”. When did we put down innocent until proven guilty and pick up pitchforks and torches based on our feelings about how we feel about somone or how they look or grieve. At this point in time the only allegations I have seen regarding sexual assault was the word of the father who had been absent for a year and a half. The only allegations of a belt incident were from the father. The only word of the mother blocking visitation is from the father. When did he who talks the most get elevated to being the truth teller? What standard are we using now, prepondence of evidence, probable cause, resonable doubt? We are better than this. We don’t dispense justice based on feelings and poorly informed opinions. This is a country where we are innocent until proven guilty

I saw something happen here the last 24 hours or so that shocked me. Someone asked a question and several people who live, work and play in my beautiful home state attempted to answer the question with the true and accurate knowledge they have from living here. Yes some posters were so convinced of what they either wanted to believe or thought without enough information, that they continued to challenge the information.

We who live here understand the unique traditions and information relative to our state just as I would expect posters from other states and countries to about theirs. I would never be so bold as to challenge someone else about their knowledge of their homes. Yet we are all here because we want justice for the beautiful child Mariah. I understand the rage one feels at the premature death of a child. We cant be so blinded by that rage that we lessen our standards for fact and proof.

We can not be so consumed by that rage that we take it out on those who disagree with us. If we work together instead of taking sides based on intuition or feelings we will accomplish far more. We can respectfully disagree and still work together to reach a common goal.


Thank you for this. It really disturbs me, the amount of judgement going on here without facts, just feelings. I'm particularly disturbed by the willingness to out right believe a child about alleged sexual abuse. I've seen several ;posts along the lines of "if we can't believe a child who alleges sexual abuse then who can we believe?" Just because they are a child doesn't automatically make them truthful. A child is just as capable of telling a lie to get back at someone as any adult, a child is fully capable of falsely accusing someone for whatever. I've seen this one too many times, a person's life is tatters because a child lied about sexual abuse and the adults in their zeal to believe "a child" bought the entire story, only to be proven wrong. How many fathers are sitting in prison because their child (with the help of mom) accused dad of molestation and the police/jury sided with the child because "a child wouldn't lie." Want a larger example? The Day Care Sex Abuse hysteria of the 80's and 90's. Have we forgotten that the adults believed such nonsense as "we flew in a plane to an island where the man in the mask touched me and made me so sex things."

I'm sorry, I know it's a touchy subject for a lot of you but if we should be scrutinizing anyone who makes claims of sexual abuse, it's a child. Children are not the pure and innocent creatures we want to think they are.
Tell her to carry gloves, if she doesn't already. It takes only about the size of a grain of salt, of the new varieties of the stuff, to kill you, and you don't want to get it on you. It's considered a "designer drug". Narcan may not even help. I talked to an E.R. nurse, who deals with it every shift, and with some of this stuff, it keeps releasing, so if they don't keep getting repeated Narcan (or Naloxone), until they get to the E.R., then it may not work, depending on dosage, how fast they were found and transported, etc... Even if it works, of those who survive, quite a few have to go on to assisted living, due to brain damage.

Sigh. Sometimes when I read about all these dangerous drugs spreading like wildfire across the country I feel like all of us are living in the series Walking Dead. Loved ones of people who turn into zombies who's only thought is for their next fix, not caring who they hurt. People killing, stealing, cheating, lying, sacrificing even their own children for these drugs. The opioid epidemic is becoming an us against them society here in the USA with those of us not yet infected with the drug hiding in our homes behind ever more security. Becoming less appalled which each new atrocity done in the name of opioids. Where will it all end?

Poor Mariah. My heart bleeds for the children trapped in this nightmare of opioids.
Wow.This thread is about Mariah and I don't think a certain person should use it to imply sexually abused children are liars.
I'm trying to catch up. Is it known for sure that KW and Mariah stayed behind while EK took the boys to Raleigh? Are there any reports that KW and Mariah went to her mother's for the holiday? Is it possible that Mariah was already gravely injured and KW stayed with Mariah, unwilling to seek medical help because of the CPS history?
I don't think that he never picked them up on Saturdays because he couldn't get them on Fridays. This is my understanding:

Before she completely blocked him from getting his kids on his weekends, she began by causing issues about his girlfriend not being allowed to get them on Friday for him.

So he would pick them up on Saturdays, but even though he was supposed to get them until later on Sunday, she was also cutting that short by insisting they attend Sunday morning church with her parents, even though they went to the same church.

This is how it began, coming up with reasons to cut the visits short. Eventually she began withholding the children from him at all.

According to him he tried to fight it and consulted attorneys, but couldn't afford to hire one because of the amount of money they needed upfront.

While we only have his word at the moment, I don't really have a reason to doubt this part of the scenario, which is one that plays out daily across the country with others. It all fits with how I've seen these things happen before.

While I'm not putting him up for father of the year, I also have no cause to believe he's lying about this.

With regard to him being cleared, I understand we only have his word for it. But again, I just don't see a single thing that would point to his involvement in her death - none whatsoever.

I believe the original poster who pointed out that he has been cleared was perhaps reminding people that he is considered a victim here, not just because he's not been named a POI, but also because there is zero evidence of any guilt on his part for her death.

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From the leaked 2016 documents, in his own writing, he says that Kristy won't let Heather pick the kids up on Fridays and he works. (Why does he need the kids at his home if he isn't there to actually see them?) As a mother, there is no chance in _____ that I would allow the new girlfriend of my ex to come into my home and get my children. I wouldn't know her from a hole in the ground. Even so, the court order MAY have stated HE was to pick the children up, and Kristy enforced this?!

He then says that means he would have to pick them up on Saturdays (like it would be a huge chore), and then the way I understood it, he only gets the kids until Sunday morning, making it not worth his time for only one day and night.

I did NOT see him say that anyone forced him to give up the kids at this time, I read it to be a part of the custody order, otherwise, he would have had no requirements to relinquish the children prior to his visitation being over. Which means the visitation order clearly stated that the children had to be with grandma for church, OR it meant he willingly relinquished that time to grandma despite "attending the same church" as per the leaked CPS doc. Whichever the case, he did not have the children after breakfast on Sunday mornings, whether the courts choice or his own.

NONE of this is reason to not see your children, for over a year and a half. Especially if you have a visitation/court order which it sounds like they had. He could have, and should have showed up every week at his scheduled time and attempted to see the kids. If he had done so and she refused to allow them to go, he then should have called the police. I realize that often times the police will not do things, I also know in other cases the Sheriff will come out (as many areas the Sheriff is the only officer who is allowed to enforce a custody document). At which point, the Sheriff, would have had Kristy hand the children over for the time in which he was allotted, if she didn't the Sheriff (again in many areas, not sure on in NC), could have held her and forcibly removed the children. No Sheriff or officer wants to do this. But had he called LE every single week saying "she won't give me my kids" he likely would have had a case for parental abduction or something similar, so long as their was a visitation/custody order in place.

He MAY have been told to go to court and to stop bothering LE. But, again, as a parent, there is no way i wouldn't have fought with everything I had to get my visitation. I would have took out a loan, set up fundraisers, asked friends, tried any and all types of legal aid, and so on. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Unfortunately, from the documents AW leaked, there are pages missing as when you read their are a few that cut off at the end and don't pick up anywhere else. None of the pages say anything negative about him, only Kristy. They don't paint the full picture of what the court said, nor do they even represent a final judgement, as these were response reports to the courts before a hearing of some sort. In the doc you see him say "agree, agree, agree, disagree -reason" and that means that the court was gathering what our courts in my area refer to as an "Agreed Statement of Facts". It is a document compiled based on accusations, known facts and so on, that all party's have to respond to, and then file with the courts. The courts can then go over the true and false and make a determination. So, basically, what we have seen (or I have seen) are the beginnings or middle of a family court case, not the end, and the end result is the result that mattered.

IMO the fact that AW only released the parts that didn't include him as the bad guy, speaks volumes.

Speaking to whether or not he has been cleared, it simply doesn't seem relevant to me, as he didn't live there and to our knowledge, wasn't at that home that night. However, IMO there is a reason why the MSM reported that the up to date leaked documents contained a picture of Heather scratched out. There is a reason that same child said they hated their dad. AND more importantly, there is a reason why CPS did NOT automatically put the kids into his care instead of someone elses.

He can scream from the highest rooftop about how great of a dad he is, but to see is to believe, and I personally haven't seen anything to convince me he was a father to Mariah or the other children, at all, in the past year or more.

ALL Just my opinion and since I am NOT local there may be mistakes on how things work in that state and county.

Wow.This thread is about Mariah and I don't think a certain person should use it to imply sexually abused children are liars.

That was never implied. No one ever implied "sexually abused children are liars".

It is a fact in the example given though. Which tells us that it has happened, therefore it CAN happen.

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Thank you for this. It really disturbs me, the amount of judgement going on here without facts, just feelings. I'm particularly disturbed by the willingness to out right believe a child about alleged sexual abuse. I've seen several ;posts along the lines of "if we can't believe a child who alleges sexual abuse then who can we believe?" Just because they are a child doesn't automatically make them truthful. A child is just as capable of telling a lie to get back at someone as any adult, a child is fully capable of falsely accusing someone for whatever. I've seen this one too many times, a person's life is tatters because a child lied about sexual abuse and the adults in their zeal to believe "a child" bought the entire story, only to be proven wrong. How many fathers are sitting in prison because their child (with the help of mom) accused dad of molestation and the police/jury sided with the child because "a child wouldn't lie." Want a larger example? The Day Care Sex Abuse hysteria of the 80's and 90's. Have we forgotten that the adults believed such nonsense as "we flew in a plane to an island where the man in the mask touched me and made me so sex things."

I'm sorry, I know it's a touchy subject for a lot of you but if we should be scrutinizing anyone who makes claims of sexual abuse, it's a child. Children are not the pure and innocent creatures we want to think they are.

I can assure you that there are many millions of children who were sexually assaulted by fathers, step fathers and mother's boyfriends that have never been brought to justice, than there are men sitting in jail from false allegations.
OT, I give up! Constantly being redirected to a free walmant card or page is only shown have way! Has been this way on all of Mariah’s threads,,

Is this happening while your browsing the WS forum? It sounds like you likely have some adware/malware on your computer. Run an anti malware/anti-virus on your system. Also, clear your cookies.
Thank you for this. It really disturbs me, the amount of judgement going on here without facts, just feelings. I'm particularly disturbed by the willingness to out right believe a child about alleged sexual abuse. I've seen several ;posts along the lines of "if we can't believe a child who alleges sexual abuse then who can we believe?" Just because they are a child doesn't automatically make them truthful. A child is just as capable of telling a lie to get back at someone as any adult, a child is fully capable of falsely accusing someone for whatever. I've seen this one too many times, a person's life is tatters because a child lied about sexual abuse and the adults in their zeal to believe "a child" bought the entire story, only to be proven wrong. How many fathers are sitting in prison because their child (with the help of mom) accused dad of molestation and the police/jury sided with the child because "a child wouldn't lie." Want a larger example? The Day Care Sex Abuse hysteria of the 80's and 90's. Have we forgotten that the adults believed such nonsense as "we flew in a plane to an island where the man in the mask touched me and made me so sex things."

I'm sorry, I know it's a touchy subject for a lot of you but if we should be scrutinizing anyone who makes claims of sexual abuse, it's a child. Children are not the pure and innocent creatures we want to think they are.

Re: The day care abuse hysteria. One of the biggest cases happened at Little Rascals Daycare in Edenton NC. Those who are not familiar with these cases need to go back and read up on the incidences. Innocence Lost. Thank You for the reminder!

Mine was too, but wasn't clear. I'm sure AW did have an alibi, I just don't think he was on LE's radar to be checked out. I think they knew something was hinky when they arrived on the scene (possibly the 911 call came into play). AW should've been the first person called to notify him of Mariah's disappearance, for several reasons, but he wasn't (not by KW, not by LE). IIRC, his statement about being cleared was in response to a question posed by the reporter. He said they (AW & HC) also offered to take lie detector tests, too.

I think that LE/FBI knew, almost from the git-go, as did a lot of us, that this was a recovery, and not a kidnapping, nor that she walked away. The mom and bf, tried, I think, to stage the scene but failed miserably. Going through the paces with mom, pretending it was anything else, was just part of the normal process.
That was never implied. No one ever implied "sexually abused children are liars".

It is a fact in the example given though. Which tells us that it has happened, therefore it CAN happen.

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Thank you, Pamelado.
I think that LE/FBI knew, almost from the git-go, as did a lot of us, that this was a recovery, and not a kidnapping, nor that she walked away. The mom and bf, tried, I think, to stage the scene but failed miserably. Going through the paces with mom, pretending it was anything else, was just part of the normal process.

I strongly agree with this.
That was never implied. No one ever implied "sexually abused children are liars".

It is a fact in the example given though. Which tells us that it has happened, therefore it CAN happen.

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And I can provide more cases of molesters who were never charged with their crimes.
Wow.This thread is about Mariah and I don't think a certain person should use it to imply sexually abused children are liars.

I didn't see a post that accused the child of lying. I read it as we shouldn't take the statements as gospel truth simply because a child made them. These are horrific accusations and they need to be investigated. Personally, I believe the accusations of sexual assault are probably, sadly true. I'm not sure the specifics are all true or correct but I do believe there was some form of SA going on in that house.

I think we need to err on the side of caution, i.e.believe the child, whenever any child makes accusations of SA. That's what LE, DSS, CPS are for. In this case, it appears they may have dropped the ball but we've only seen one side of the paperwork thus far. I don't know where the truth lies in this case but Mariah and her brothers deserved so much better.

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