Found Deceased NC - Mariah Woods, 3, Onslow County, 27 Nov 2017 #9 *Arrest*

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IMO releasing of those documents did nothing but cause more trauma to the children, those records are sealed for a reason and that should of been respected and handled in court. Those records are out there now forever so not fair to those children.

I agree. He should never have released them. However, although I've felt my child was in danger with their other parent, I've never lost a child, (I've come very close on more than one occasion), so I cannot feel what he is feeling. He has to be feeling rage, combined with mourning (I think that I would be.). I'm mad as Hell about this and can't hardly stand to look at that pair's pictures. I honestly think Dad's done well, holding it together, and feel he released the documents b/c he felt he finally had an outlet, to be heard. Somebody was listening to him. I think Nancy Grace should be ashamed, and the newspaper should not have printed those. They both have a responsibility in this too. I don't mean this in a bad light, but, their father is, in my opinion, not an educated man. That does not mean that I think he is unintelligent, however, he may not have known the full ramifications of doing what he did, but do I think that Nancy Grace would? Yes, I do. Same, ultimately, for the paper. Ethics. Did anyone ever explain the full impact that this could have? To, Dad? Playing Devil's Advocate. I doubt it, and I doubt he knew. He may have thought, This will show the world that I have proof. Someone will be held accountable.
There are steps and protocol that happens in every case. Social workers are only human and make mistakes. Most relative placements become permanent if the court approves the plan presented by social services during the first initial dependency hearing. I doubt they had all the info from the family because each adult who is living in the home has to go under a background check and give references before a placement is considered final. That is how my state operates. Many things to do and it can be overwhelming and heartbreaking at the same time.

I know. I know a few families who foster kids. One was not the greatest. When CPS took a grandchild, of her own, they came to their home before the placement, and grandparents were denied. It was terrible. I'd been there as a witness, to an animal abuse call, before this, kind of by accident. I have a strange life. It was horrible. Hoarding inside. :facepalm: :notgood::sick: They denied the grandparents, placed the grandchild with another local foster home, until they cleaned it all up. They did, and they gave the child to them and they no longer foster. Sweet child. My grandchild's half sibling.
CPS and the court are acting in the best interest of the children, not the parents. I doubt the court is happy the father provided confidential documents about his children to the news media.

Not saying it was a good plan for him to release the CPS docs, but I would think the confidential status of CPS reports ends as soon as the report is given to the parent. At that point the parent is Free to do as they wish.

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Not saying it was a good plan for him to release the CPS docs, but I would think the confidential status of CPS reports ends as soon as the report is given to the parent. At that point the parent is Free to do as they wish.

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I think it remains confidential at least as long as the court proceeding is open. There was a hearing yesterday and msm hasn't reported on it.
treating him as a victim does not mean blindly accepting every word he says as absolute fact either.


I don’t think there is a law per se but from someone who has been a foster parent, adoptive parent and Guardian ad Litem volunteer, I can say that at every turn the parties are informed that no photographic reproduction of the likeness of a child in the custody of the Department of Social services shall be distributed without the express written consent of the department and absolutely no information about the custody process while the department has custody shall be publicly disseminated without the express written consent of the department. All information regarding the minor child whose custody is with the Department of Social services shall at all times remain confidential unless the department has issued written consent to the contrary.

Those ”rules” and conditions were practically burned into our brains. I had to seek written consent for newspaper articles regarding the child’s accomplishments or awards and some social workers went so far as to insist we obtained consent to allow the child to be included in school yearbooks.

Obviously, once an adoption is completed the department no long has custody and the choice becomes the parents.

No disrespect intended, but, you've been in the receiving end, of getting a child, out of the "system", that was not your own child. I'm not being snarky, at all, but I'd venture to guess, that you are educated, and you have never lost one of your children to CPS, and were going nuts over just the fact that you've lost your child.

I've seen that. I've felt that heartache. Up close and personal. Not my own child, but very close. When they took that child, I literally, had a heart attack. The world stopped, all around us. I don't think Dad was in proper control of his faculties. I give him a pass. He not only had them taken away, she was dead.
Many seem more upset with the dad than the mom which I don't understand.The guy is not john boy Walton and for sure has his faults but it seems like he tried to do the right things.It's very hard to deal with custody issues when he couldn't afford a lawyer.

I agree. If KW did have a personal friendship with the CPS social worker (as the 2016 CPS documents released by AW seem to indicate) prior to their professional client/case manager relationship unfortunately AW did not stand a chance. If that was indeed the case, the investigation was biased and unfair IMO. Maybe AW was trying to bring the issue to light.
No disrespect intended, but, you've been in the receiving end, of getting a child, out of the "system", that was not your own child. I'm not being snarky, at all, but I'd venture to guess, that you are educated, and you have never lost one of your children to CPS, and were going nuts over just the fact that you've lost your child.

I've seen that. I've felt that heartache. Up close and personal. Not my own child, but very close. When they took that child, I literally, had a heart attack. The world stopped, all around us. I don't think Dad was in proper control of his faculties. I give him a pass. He not only had them taken away, she was dead.

The confidential information the dad released can be very emotionally harmful for his sons which is why it is kept confidential and why the msm considers it unethical to report. Nancy Grace took advantage and sensationalized it to the hilt with "bombshell" being blasted every other shrill word. I'm still not seeing where CPS screwed up.
I agree. If KW did have a personal friendship with the CPS social worker (as the 2016 CPS documents released by AW seem to indicate) prior to their professional client/case manager relationship unfortunately AW did not stand a chance. If that was indeed the case, the investigation was biased and unfair IMO. Maybe AW was trying to bring the issue to light.

Jingoes. What kind of CPS worker would have a personal relationship with that obviously dysfunctional family?
Very interesting that they are now asking for the public's help in assumably trying to fit together a possible alternate timeline of Mariah and her family's whereabouts and status prior to the night of the 26th...

Tortoise I know you and I were thinking along the same lines about what might've happened over Thanksgiving break til Mariah was reported missing.

Right now I'm just going to think out loud again because this case has left me with little else to think about anyway.

I'm still thinking there might've been something that happened traumatically to Mariah prior to EK and the boys leaving town for Thanksgiving break (IF KW and MW did not go with them). I think there was either a very traumatic injury, and/or various visible injuries on little Mariah and that's why Mom stayed home with her, to watch over her and/or to hide her injuries. Nobody we know of has come forward to say they saw them or were with them over the break. Not sure what day or time EK and the boys left, but perhaps it was after school and they didn't even see Mariah with her injuries prior to their departure. Perhaps only EK and KM somehow played it off where they had to leave without the boys thinking much about not seeing Mariah for themselves.

Over the break, if indeed this was the case, I wonder if KW talked to or saw ANYONE. If she was hiding an injured child she may not have answered phone calls or the door if anybody stopped by. It's suspicious that she wouldn't have spent at least part of the holiday with her own local family if nothing were amiss IMO.

When EK and the boys reportedly arrived home Sunday around midnight, the boys might've gone straight to bed, and either assumed or were told that Mariah was already sleeping. I sure hope the boys were kept in the dark as much as possible about anything that might've gone down. :(

I assume it wasn't long before EK went back for the dressers, perhaps they passed the house on their way home and he decided he'd drop the boys off, check in on Mariah's status and KM first then go back for them (I know some laughed at my theory that they "simply needed dressers" but I've heard since then (possibly a rumor) that Kristy in fact had been looking to get a couple dressers. Although I lean toward Mariah not being severely injured yet if dressers were still a priority that night.

Loaded the dressers up, brought them home, stuck them in the shed. If they'd injured her badly prior to the trip maybe they knew was just a matter of time til she succumbed (horrible thought, I'm sorry). It's also possible that something happened that was the straw that broke the camel's back and he completely lost it with her, whether it be a potty training accident, or just being in his way and not in bed like she should've been. Maybe that's when the final trauma occurred. (But even if Mariah wasn't seriously injured prior to their Thanksgiving trip, I still think if Mom and Mariah stayed home there's a good chance that it was to hide obvious injuries from prior abuse (perhaps a black eye and swollen lips, a broken bone or unexplainable pronounced or widespread bruising. I have heard abusers often "strike" in places others aren't as likely to notice, such as their torso, back, legs, buttocks...wherever is normally covered in clothing. But knowing EK and MW I don't think they took much "care" or forethought into their abuse of that beautiful little girl.

Either way, I bet there was a lot of arguing and hysteria and fighting in the course of deciding what actions to take, which resulted in ultimately dumping Mariah's body and getting rid of evidence. There's just no telling what the boys might've heard, but I'm certain they heard enough at least after the fact to get the jist of what was happening. I agree that the neighbor who saw someone carrying something out of the house at 3 am was most likely EW with Mariah, whether she was in a suitcase or blanket or whatever he had her in. Being the homes are so close together I would think whatever he was carrying was not likely to be simply a limp child...but he's so dumb you never know. Also, I would've thought it would've been reported by now if the neighbor had said that it looked like he was carrying one of the younger kids who was asleep. I think it was reported he was carrying something smallish, but no reference to a toddler or sleeping child was made that we know of.

All this is JMO. I'm not convinced it went down like this, after all, we don't know for sure where KW and MW were during the holiday break. But if home, I would suspect something similar to this may have happened.

I doubt either KW or EK got a wink of sleep that night. They had to get their stories straight...

I concur. I think you and Tortoise have the gist of it. I'd still not discount mom, though. Was it substantiated that the boys heard mom tell EK to dispose of the body?
I can have compassion for the bio dad that he lost a child, but still feel like releasing records he wasn't thinking about the best interest of the children, not take everything he states as fact, wonder why he just released the portion of the documents he did and not Kristys allegations as well, and not feel like the best place for the children at this time are in his care.

Maybe he was comfortable releasing his own prior statements because CPS's preliminary findings solidified his original concerns but he feared there could be legal ramifications if he were to release KW's. JMO
I agree. If KW did have a personal friendship with the CPS social worker (as the 2016 CPS documents released by AW seem to indicate) prior to their professional client/case manager relationship unfortunately AW did not stand a chance. If that was indeed the case, the investigation was biased and unfair IMO. Maybe AW was trying to bring the issue to light.

If there was a personal relationship between the CPS worker and KW a year ago, absolutely there needs to be an investigation. And, you are right, AW did not stand a chance and most importantly, neither did his three children. I say, "if" because I totally missed the reference to the social worker in those court documents. His handwriting was difficult to read.
I think it would be good if the dad could share custody with out of family foster parents. Like a safe haven for them where they could go if they needed refuge.
Jingoes. What kind of CPS worker would have a personal relationship with that obviously dysfunctional family?

Just gonna say it...CPS and other state agencies are not known for hiring the best available since the best are scooped up by other places. I'm not saying there are not good social workers, I'm sure there are many but by and large state agencies tend to pick from the bottom of the barrel since no one else will have them.
I think it would be good if the dad could share custody with out of family foster parents. Like a safe have for them where they could go if they needed refuge.

The problem he has now is that the sons hate him and the girlfriend. So I think he'll get supervised visitation with them for the time being. Reunification needs to be slowly. Those little guys are going through a lot of emotional trauma right now.
Just gonna say it...CPS and other state agencies are not known for hiring the best available since the best are scooped up by other places. I'm not saying there are not good social workers, I'm sure there are many but by and large state agencies tend to pick from the bottom of the barrel since no one else will have them.

Blame for that rests squarely with the leadership. Audits of these agencies should be mandatory. Prisons are audited by their peers in other states. Files are examined with a fine tooth comb. Too many of these state agencies are totally ineffective and there is never accountability until a child dies.
IMHO CPS failed and shouldn't have returned the children back to the household where the abuser was still presently living. I wonder if HE had to jump through any more hoops? Seems like reunification with the mother is usually the goal...and she probably told them everything she wanted to hear. If I was working for CPS, I'd want to hear that THE THREAT was no longer there before I placed them back in her custody. She may have even said she was going to leave him and blah blah blah...and I wonder if CPS did any post placement visits to see if the environment was safe. I don't believe it ever was.

This is what I want to know. They'd only been at the Inez Trailer Park for four months. Did they move there to get out of checks? Get into a different county? I've wondered about that. It would have been around end of August then, I'd guess.
I feel sorry for the families involved and am happy to see so much community concern and involvement," said Artis, who had moved into the neighbor four months ago around the same timeWoods and her family settled in the Inez Mobile Home Park.
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