GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #10

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Nope, you get the same BAH whether you have 1 or 15 kids:) The only time it goes up for a single soldier is when s/he gets married or if not married, has a child that lives with them full time. If you live on post, you may qualify for a larger house for having more children, but that also depends on the age of the children. And yes, there are a few guys and gals out there that do get married just to get more BAH, but most have the good sense not to do that. In Kelli's case, it looks like she was married before joining the military, so Mike would have always been her dependant. Hate that word, but that is what a spouse is considered in Army terms...And according to Mike, they had a good marriage. But at the end of the day, even if they didn't, even if they were getting separated, according to the army, they are still married, which means if they had a joint account, he is entitled to that, and if it turns out that Kelli was killed, he is entitled to her life insurance, which more than likely is in his name. All soldiers are required to have SGLI.
Your post is fine; I don't see any attitude lol
As far as the puzzle pieces, I may be way off but the biggest problem I
personally see, is it doesn't fit his mo. I've heard it said here, he
is an RSO and the last to see Kellie. How can you connect being an RSO to something happening to Kelli? What would his motive be? As I had said before 9 years have gone by and it was a child.
Also, I believe he had made a friend in Kelli; why would he go and do
something to her. After being in prison how many good friends can he have. He also came forward and told what he knew and to me sounded sincere. I may be repeating myself but these are a few of
the pieces that are a plus to me for NH>
I don't know if this is answering your questions or not regarding what I call 'puzzle' pieces.
To me, if pieces to a puzzle don't all fit then the puzzle is useless.

I probably confused you with this lol but I can't seem to find different
words to explain it. These pieces start a puzzle for me leaning away from
I might be all wrong in all my posts and if I am and it turns out to be
NH so be it. I don't have a problem saying I was wrong.
But today I feel NH has become a pawn in this case. And the real
perp is out walking the streets and for he/she I need a whole other post!

I agree. And i agree i could be wrong too. If i am i am willing to cop to it if this ever gets solved. As far as NH i wonder if he truly is one of the very very few who have stayed on the right path. The fact that he doesn't drink tells me he is staying in control and wanting too. The puzzle is skewed. All i have to go on is the few LE words. I truly hope they know so much more and are working this case. Kelli needs to come home. Then somebody needs to pay.
I'm not going to bat for NH as I've never said that I'm sure he's not guilty.

But, in this case, to answer why he used the word 'grieving', could it be he's the logical one?

Just an opinion here, but I don't believe NH to be the most charismatic or linguistically-blessed individual.
Exactly i said the same thing he could also have a second phone!

Why would he need a second phone? That would be tracked as well.

However, in regard to those who say the phone usage should be similar to previous weekends, we should take into consideration the number of applications that will automatically reply to texts, automatically send texts, automatically dial numbers and launch data usage applications. 9,#629

Here Soulmagent ponders as to why isn't it possible that 'J' and MB were in Fayetteville in Kelli's apartment at the same time when J visited.
The answer is because MB is on record saying that he doesn't know J, has never met him and was surprised to find out he lived a few miles down the road from him in Florida.

To me it sounds as if MB doesn't want anybody to think he knew Kelli may have moved on to a new guy (or was revisiting an old one).
It may be true that MB didn't know J but found out that J visited Kelli in Fayetteville immediately after MB left Fayetteville
(was it really April 3?)*. In other words, J could be any man.

Usually, if you've had a long term boyfriend in your past, your husband knows about him. It's not farfetched that MB never met J though imo. They all lived nearby each other for a time but that doesn't mean Mike crossed paths with J.

It sounds as if JB knows both J and MB though. He might be the guy who has the lowdown on what was really going on in Kelli's private life.
That makes sense.

*The dates don't allow enough time to make everyone's timeline fit. Kelli visited 'home' meaning Florida in March (no specific dates given).
Rumor has it that J visited Fayetteville April 1 but MB says he didn't go to Florida until April 3. JB said Kelli asked MB to move out in March which remains hearsay of course. Patrons say Kelli was becoming a regular and had visited FB maybe four times or even five times already.
She'd have to have gone in there three/four more times in less than two weeks then. Alone?

Someone's dates are off. In an early account, NH said that the week before Kelli was in with her male friend playing pool and said she wanted to come back on Friday for karaoke. He said that her friend mentioned he was leaving the next day (I think a Monday). If J visited two weeks before then, according to the date MB gave, he'd still be at the apartment when J was there. :waitasec: MB claims he never met J.
Nope, you get the same BAH whether you have 1 or 15 kids:) The only time it goes up for a single soldier is when s/he gets married or if not married, has a child that lives with them full time. If you live on post, you may qualify for a larger house for having more children, but that also depends on the age of the children. And yes, there are a few guys and gals out there that do get married just to get more BAH, but most have the good sense not to do that. In Kelli's case, it looks like she was married before joining the military, so Mike would have always been her dependant. Hate that word, but that is what a spouse is considered in Army terms...And according to Mike, they had a good marriage. But at the end of the day, even if they didn't, even if they were getting separated, according to the army, they are still married, which means if they had a joint account, he is entitled to that, and if it turns out that Kelli was killed, he is entitled to her life insurance, which more than likely is in his name. All soldiers are required to have SGLI.

Did you see my post? I looked it up and see you're right about the number of children issue in regard to housing allowance. That said, MB is not entitled to a housing allowance, so I don't know how the Army is handling finances related to Kelli since this situation is so unique and she is no longer working for the Army. Also, if MB is a suspect according to LE, I'm not sure how they'd proceed considering Kelli or her body have not been found. Maybe MB will have to wait seven years to collect the benefits? I'm really not sure and I doubt the answer is in my handbook.
Why would he need a second phone? That would be tracked as well.

However, in regard to those who say the phone usage should be similar to previous weekends, we should take into consideration the number of applications that will automatically reply to texts, automatically send texts, automatically dial numbers and launch data usage applications.

Oh my gosh. And they say technology is helping LE when it comes to solving crimes. I guess they'll need a whole team of people to take apart and measure data, create graphs and such. Overall though wouldn't patterns stay somewhat consistent?
LOL thats what i think happend.

She could not let hubby see her with NH.

Im sure he wouldnt be happy with what she was wearing!

and NO phone calls to her all weekend cause he knew she wouldnt ans!


Perhaps they didn't talk every day.
Oh my gosh. And they say technology is helping LE when it comes to solving crimes. I guess they'll need a whole team of people to take apart and measure data, create graphs and such. Overall though wouldn't patterns stay somewhat consistent?

I guess it depends on the person. I mean some days I used my phone so much I have to charge it three times a day! Other days I hardly use it, if it all! And then there are days it dies on me and I'm too lazy or just don't care enough to charge it for hours... or even a whole day once.
I have been informed that MB is in Cali or will be heading there shortly to be with his Mom and the Army is apparently still paying Kelli, through MB.
Just an opinion here, but I don't believe NH to be the most charismatic or linguistically-blessed individual.

Do you find him intelligent? *If, he was a RSO acting on impulse, I find it hard to believe LE didn't find evidence of a sexual assault or even blood or tears in NH's car. jmo Was he wearing the same clothes when he returned to the bar?
Do you find him intelligent? *If, he was a RSO acting on impulse, I find it hard to believe LE didn't find evidence of a sexual assault or even blood or tears in NH's car. jmo Was he wearing the same clothes when he returned to the bar?

No I don't think he was that intelligent. But I do think he had serious self-esteem issues (aside from the criminal activity from when he was younger) because of his apparent need to inflate who he was, what his accomplishments were, and the desire to be liked and accepted by people. I say this because he told so many lies about who he was and his past accomplishments. When I watched the web interview and Olivia told how Justin described Nick, I felt it was very accurate. He said he used to be an MMA fighter. I actually laughed. One of the things Nick had told me was he was a black belt in some martial art. However, one night we were all playing on the punching machine trying to get the highest score. I was trying to explain to them the torque punches (this is well known within the martial arts) and why they are more effective than a hook swing. He had never heard of it. In fact his next swing earned him an 11 (most guys get about 600 or higher). That was his nick name for a long time following. I even told Kelli to call him 11 that night.

I can tell you this regarding NH - the next day when I saw him, he had no visible bruises, scratches or marks on his face, neck, arms, or hands. They were all exposed. I'd think Kelli would have been smart enough to go for the face, but then again... who knows. I am a fence sitter myself. I just want justice brought and closure for Kelli's family.
From VOH: I say this because he told so many lies about who he was and his past accomplishments.
So what you're saying is Nick lies stretches the truth to a fair thee well? Upstanding citizen, honest, and logical Nick? Well then. I guess 'ole MB isn't the only one who can be pointed at for spinning some yarn. Now we have confirmation of one person's lies from a direct witness, and there's still (only) speculation about who else around KB has lied.
I dont think driving 9 hrs is all that far fetched.
it can be done in less time at that time of night!

Im not saying he did it but it is possible!
Nothing was even said of where he was Sat and sunday not to mention Friday night.

We dont know sheet but it is possible for him to have harmed her!

The big red flag for me was him not calling her all weekend!

Great point Eileen, I recently drove from NM to NC (outside of Fayetteville) and then drove another almost 5 hours to another state and back. Also with two kids all our stuff and older then MB. It was forever but I managed. I agree with you completely on it not being too far fetched. And a BIG reason Im still on the fence.
And a big red flag for me as well. My Hubby and I don't go any amount of time without talking to each other. No matter how far apart we we are.

No I don't think he was that intelligent. But I do think he had serious self-esteem issues (aside from the criminal activity from when he was younger) because of his apparent need to inflate who he was, what his accomplishments were, and the desire to be liked and accepted by people. I say this because he told so many lies about who he was and his past accomplishments. When I watched the web interview and Olivia told how Justin described Nick, I felt it was very accurate. He said he used to be an MMA fighter. I actually laughed. One of the things Nick had told me was he was a black belt in some martial art. However, one night we were all playing on the punching machine trying to get the highest score. I was trying to explain to them the torque punches (this is well known within the martial arts) and why they are more effective than a hook swing. He had never heard of it. In fact his next swing earned him an 11 (most guys get about 600 or higher). That was his nick name for a long time following. I even told Kelli to call him 11 that night.

I can tell you this regarding NH - the next day when I saw him, he had no visible bruises, scratches or marks on his face, neck, arms, or hands. They were all exposed. I'd think Kelli would have been smart enough to go for the face, but then again... who knows. I am a fence sitter myself. I just want justice brought and closure for Kelli's family.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say this is very unfair. Intelligence
or lack thereof has nothing to do with this crime as others will point
out. His lack of skills tells me he didn't come from a great background and
worked with what was given him. And that is sad.
He made a mistake long ago. Maybe he's sorry maybe he's not, doesn't
matter. At least HE came forward to tell about the night in question.
More than someone else did at all. Someone who has no backbone,
lacks integrity, rides on someone's coat tails and thus I give he/she
0 points.

His lies were told to try and show people he was good at things. He
has issues and should not be looked down upon for them.

I have no knowledge of torque punches either. Might be a lot of people that don't. I don't believe it's a big deal or will help bring Kelli back who's
gone by the hands of another.
This upsets me and has nothing to do with her missing.

If I've come across rude, I apologize. It just opened up my own can
of worms throught out my life. Difference was I never lied about myself.
Maybe it's different with men and egos. IDK 9,#967

"And whatever happened to her happened between 12:46AM and 1:24AM, Locklear says, noting the last time her cell phone was activated on April 14 between I-295 and Methodist University, and not far from the soldier's apt. complex and the tavern . . ."

midnight ~ 12:46 a.m. ~ 1:24 a.m.
46 minute window from midnight to 12:46
and then a 38 minute window from 12:46 to 1:24.

I-295 is slightly north of FB while Methodist U is south of FB and apartment
6326 Ramsey Street is FB while 5400 Ramsey Street is Methodist University

What is Det. Locklear hoping someone saw around midnight along Ramsey Street?

If NH dropped Kelli off at 1:20, her phone was used four minutes later at 1:24, or was that the last time it pinged?
Not sure I follow. NH would not know what type of car to look for nor would he know which were their assigned spots. If Kelli said something to NH about a car parked in her/their spots, surely he would have mentioned it to LE and to the public during his many on camera interviews. Also, an unknown car in someones parking spot at an apartment complex would not usually be cause for alarm, in fact, it is likely a common occurrence at apartment complexes. IMO

I meant that Kelli didn't have to see a person, it could have been a parked car that belonged to them. NH didn't see anybody around and would not have recognized the car
reedus23 posted 9,#1132

It wouldn't matter if you paid closer attention to who was in Florida where and when.

I'm almost done going through all the posts and for some reason the most seemingly innocuous information cannot be revealed to the public.
I find the secretive nature of any and all details to be off-putting and part of the reason MB continues to be scrutinized.

Also details surrounding Kelli's previous visits to FB are mentioned but no details are ever given - like did she come in on Wednesday night or what?

The whole secretiveness thing is really getting to me.
Even LE - you'd think they could be more specific when asking if anybody saw anything along Ramsey Street around midnight.

This is really bringing me down that Kelli just disappeared like she did and no one can figure out who is responsible.

The times given out by Locklear, again without stating the specific reason they are important, caused me to lean in NH's direction. But then,
VOH (who is bugging me too :slap:), claims that NH had no bodily injuries when s/he saw him on Saturday. From what people say about Kelli, she'd put up a fight. Did Mike have any wounds when Olivia saw him on Monday?

One of my theories is that Kelli collapsed in the bar from alcohol poisoning or something and they put NH in charge of hiding her body. Her body may be the one that was found behind the vacant building as that's the same direction her phone last pinged at 1:24 a.m. on April 14.

Another thought is that a group of bikers may have pulled into Froggy's around midnight and ganged up on Kelli 45 minutes later. Det. Locklear may want to know if anybody witnessed them riding into FB.
Your post is fine; I don't see any attitude lol
As far as the puzzle pieces, I may be way off but the biggest problem I
personally see, is it doesn't fit his mo. I've heard it said here, he
is an RSO and the last to see Kellie. How can you connect being an RSO to something happening to Kelli? What would his motive be? As I had said before 9 years have gone by and it was a child.
Also, I believe he had made a friend in Kelli; why would he go and do
something to her. After being in prison how many good friends can he have. He also came forward and told what he knew and to me sounded sincere. I may be repeating myself but these are a few of
the pieces that are a plus to me for NH>
I don't know if this is answering your questions or not regarding what I call 'puzzle' pieces.
To me, if pieces to a puzzle don't all fit then the puzzle is useless.

I probably confused you with this lol but I can't seem to find different
words to explain it. These pieces start a puzzle for me leaning away from
I might be all wrong in all my posts and if I am and it turns out to be
NH so be it. I don't have a problem saying I was wrong.
But today I feel NH has become a pawn in this case. And the real
perp is out walking the streets and for he/she I need a whole other post!

Well I keep finding myself flipping sides of the fence every time I come back. Thanks though for the thoughts.

I can see the point about different types of victims but to answer your question, and I am certainly no expert, but I just see most RSO's first as a predator and that's going to be a red flag. It is certainly relevant, not determinative, but relevant in considering the possibilities. It's an even brighter red flag when that predator was the last known person to be with Kelli. It doesn't mean he absolutely did it, but yeah, I think those are 2 puzzle pieces that fit into NH having done it.

Having said that, the different ages of his victim and Kelli would be a mitigating fact in my eyes, and would be puzzle pieces that don't fit perfectly but maybe it just means the puzzle piece has to be rotated around. The length of time doesn't mitigate my suspicions as much as the age. No one knew of Brandon Lavergne for 12 years or so from the time he assaulted one woman to the time he allegedly killed Mickey Shunick.

I would also agree there was some sort of relationship between the 2 that would allow Kelli to feel comfortable having NH drive her around. I don't know how deep or true the relationship was, but yes, there was a relationship of some sort. But to answer the question as to why he would do this to Kelli, well, he is a sick predator who preys on victims. Like it or not, that is who he is. Again, that's not saying he did it, but giving an answer as to why he'd might have done it.

Again, just trying to talk things out, some playing devil's advocate and some just hoping/wishing for answers either way. Thanks again for the points.
Regarding his sincerity in interviews, I will give you that one. Not saying I agree or not, just that I think you are entitled to that point without argument because it's your perceptions.
No I don't think he was that intelligent. But I do think he had serious self-esteem issues (aside from the criminal activity from when he was younger) because of his apparent need to inflate who he was, what his accomplishments were, and the desire to be liked and accepted by people. I say this because he told so many lies about who he was and his past accomplishments. When I watched the web interview and Olivia told how Justin described Nick, I felt it was very accurate. He said he used to be an MMA fighter. I actually laughed. One of the things Nick had told me was he was a black belt in some martial art. However, one night we were all playing on the punching machine trying to get the highest score. I was trying to explain to them the torque punches (this is well known within the martial arts) and why they are more effective than a hook swing. He had never heard of it. In fact his next swing earned him an 11 (most guys get about 600 or higher). That was his nick name for a long time following. I even told Kelli to call him 11 that night.

I can tell you this regarding NH - the next day when I saw him, he had no visible bruises, scratches or marks on his face, neck, arms, or hands. They were all exposed. I'd think Kelli would have been smart enough to go for the face, but then again... who knows. I am a fence sitter myself. I just want justice brought and closure for Kelli's family.

VOH, I just had chills go down my back. A tipster in the Mickey Shunick case was the brother in law of Brandon Lavergne's fiance (He is charged with Mickey and another ladies murder). In any case, the tipster had posted on line a description of his interactions with the alleged murderer and it was almost word for word what you just wrote in the first paragraph. I think he said Brandon wasn't very intelligent, but had self-esteem issues because he would just make up stories to pump himself up that everyone knew were BS. That it was almost like he was trying too hard to fit in or be liked by the fiance's family, to the point it was annoying. Of course that doesn't mean anything more than I got the chills, but I thought I would pass along how shockingly similar your description was to this other post.

Having said that, the second paragraph was completely different. It is believed Mickey tore him to shreds to the point of needing some sort of surgery. Just hoping and praying for justice in this case as well.
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