GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #5

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Not sure what you mean by "police records." Legal documents like search warrants, affidavits, filed court motions, and that kind of thing are made available and the media (esp. WRAL) publishes those as soon as they become available.

Police notes and work product are not available and are not part of the court record, nor is the work product of either the state or defense.

Testimony is captured by a court reporter verbatim and a trial transcript can be obtained (you have to purchase it from the court reporter). And some trials are televised or streamed online (again WRAL does this a lot).

Trial exhibits become part of the court record. Basically anything that is part of the court record can be looked at. Even the autopsy photos can be seen, but you have to make an appointment with the M.E. office separately to view them.

Thanks. work product is what I was thinking of. like what evidence they had when and how they eliminate evidence - anyway, that's why I like to watch the shows that go back and explain what evidence finally was obtained to make an arrest - trouble is sometimes it takes years for cases to get solved. I admire the peeps who attack those cold cases and think the National DNA entry system has helped. At least I hope it has.
Thanks. work product is what I was thinking of. like what evidence they had when and how they eliminate evidence - anyway, that's why I like to watch the shows that go back and explain what evidence finally was obtained to make an arrest - trouble is sometimes it takes years for cases to get solved. I admire the peeps who attack those cold cases and think the National DNA entry system has helped. At least I hope it has.

In some cases evidence records are made available to the public. Usually though it seems to be in cases that involve police shootings. Would love to see the evidence records for this case after it is closed.
Thanks Cazzie. I think since my posts were responded to (?) I am unable to delete them. However I will leave them there and apologize if I am in the wrong. It isn't like I dug up any information that isn't already publicly available through several media sources and public records. However if I am wrong, I apologize to all for the posts.

I think it's relevent information because it may give us insight as to why it's a complicated marriage and why they'd be separated and why Kelli may have been acting less than committed if he remained committed to his 'stuff'. Makes complete sense to me now - even though I don't know if it's true and am not stating it as a fact. If I were a betting girl, I'd put my money down.
In some cases evidence records are made available to the public. Usually though it seems to be in cases that involve police shootings. Would love to see the evidence records for this case after it is closed.

or now would be oh so great.
Thanks Cazzie. I think since my posts were responded to (?) I am unable to delete them. However I will leave them there and apologize if I am in the wrong. It isn't like I dug up any information that isn't already publicly available through several media sources and public records. However if I am wrong, I apologize to all for the posts.
If you report a post and a Mod deletes it, they can "clean up" the quoted posts in others' posts. Just FYI for future reference. :)
Am I correct about SC bond being set at $500? Is he already out?
I wish we could get the exact verbage of the first text...If she really texted, "A man is bringing me home" that sounds way off to me....

Kind of like Nick calling her a soldier and not calling her Kelli....IMHO
I agree. That text is odd. But so is NH story about dropping her off at entrance to apartments, rather than at her front door. So, it may simply sound odd because NH sent it and he is an odd duck and probably perp trying to cover his wrong doings....
Mike --not in the army
Matt --not in the army
Olivia's Husband (Kelli's sister's husband)--is enlisted in the service
Mike --not in the army
Matt --not in the army
Olivia's Husband (Kelli's sister's husband)--is enlisted in the service

I will add on to that (from various reports I have read)...

Mike: not in the army and self employed
Matt: not in the army and works in stainless steel which he did with his father before he passed away from kidney cancer than spread to the brain
Olivia's husband: active duty army: stationed at Fort Stewart
I wish we could get the exact verbage of the first text...If she really texted, "A man is bringing me home" that sounds way off to me....

Kind of like Nick calling her a soldier and not calling her Kelli....IMHO

Yeah, I picture it being more a response, like
Them: You've been drinking? How are you getting home?
Her: A man is bringing me home.
Them: Send me a text when you get home then, so I know you made it ok.
Her: Made it home safely.

IMO, "man" is a weird word to use. I would think guy would fit better.

I think that it would be really easy for the last text to be by the perp and not KB. They take her phone so she can't call for help, scroll through text messages and see that convo, and respond to buy some time/cast doubt on what happened.
Talking head on JVM (didn't catch his name) believes the two arrested men, NH and SC, are both under suspicion for something having to do with Kelli's case - he said that, not me. But I happen to think that too. LE is looking to both of them for possible answers.

Notice from the pictures of them taking evidence from the back of the SUV parked in front of the bar.... Just saying!
Looked at some public pictures on one of the bar owners fb. Is that Mike giving her a tattoo? Maybe Mike and Kelli were the ones who were playing pool when they met Nick? Maybe she just thought the bar was a comfortable and safe place to go?
Has any description been released on the rapist from March, in the neighborhood near froggy bottoms?
Yeah, I picture it being more a response, like
Them: You've been drinking? How are you getting home?
Her: A man is bringing me home.
Them: Send me a text when you get home then, so I know you made it ok.
Her: Made it home safely.

IMO, "man" is a weird word to use. I would think guy would fit better.

I think that it would be really easy for the last text to be by the perp and not KB. They take her phone so she can't call for help, scroll through text messages and see that convo, and respond to buy some time/cast doubt on what happened.

Exactly. I would not call Nick a MAN if he was taking me home. I would call someone that was much older than me a MAN. Someone that is closer to my age, I would either say his name in the text or something like, "This guy Nick is taking me home." It just doesn't sound like a normal text that would come from her.
Not too sure when it started. But around 2002-04 time frame (I was about 22-24 years old and my Father won a case and he had to pay back child support until what he owed was paid off. IMO- I believe that no matter what it will catch back up with them one way or another!!

Im not sure if Im posting this the right way. Im new here. And I also wanted to say that all of yall on here are great!!! I have been none stop (almost, lol, babies) for days on this website.

Hoping Kelli is returned. Prayers for her family and friends.
The truth of the matter is that no witnesses have said that they actually saw Nick and Kelli get into his car and drive away. So far all I have heard is that they walked out of the bar together. Who knows, maybe her drink was drugged at the end of the night and she became loopy and realized a MAN was taking her home and she was confused and sent off the text. Then she passed out and someone else sent the second text.
Time to catch up again!

VOH, would you describe Nick as being shy? Does he take long to warm up to someone? Untrusting? Describe him please? TIA

Yeah I would say he is shy at first. Untrusting, IDK. He seemed like a regular guy. A bit redneckish, in the unrefined way and well you all heard his accent. He bs'd with people once he got to know them then. But it does appear that he bs'd and that was all.
He never mentioned he was in prison ever. In fact, he ddescribed life as successful. He said he was in the Airforce actually.

It seems to me though that the Froggy crowd is more the 35-50 age group and beyond - so how and why does he fit in with them? Maybe he's affiliated somehow with one of the older folks and began going there due to an established relationship he had. It's puzzling how he could hide his background though considering he's from the area. Most 21 yo would hang with a below 30 crowd which kind of makes me wonder why Kelli at 23 was attracted to that place too. I know we've been over the proximity of the bar to her place, pool table, karaoke and all that, but still. She does seem sort of out of place there. :twocents:

Froggy's crowd is hit or miss and eclectic. There are people 21 - 75 that are regulars. Who is there really depends on what night.

When are we going to become a pro-active nation when it comes to fighting crime? Everything is dealt with after the fact - women are stalked and living in total fear and there's nothing they can do. A restraining order - huh! Once they're dead - the guy goes to prison anyway - it's such a tragedy. The rights of crazy criminals take precedence over the rights of law abiding people. I'd shoot the blankity blank and then I'd end up in jail. What is wrong with us - we're the people - why can't we do anything about this? They should cut out some of the perks that prisoners get while in jail to fund the GPS system. Prison should be prison. Our soldiers suffer more with living conditions when in combat zones than these mind bent criminals do.

It all starts in the school system - but that's another debate for another time...

Don't know how accurate this is, but....

Bordeaux’s husband of two years, Mike, is also in the Army

Mike is not in the army.

From that same article - this is also new confirmation of additional evidence they're investigating:
"Police also are looking at surveillance video from cameras near Froggy Bottoms."

Near being the bank, the Kangaroo mart, and in the shopping plaza just north.

If Pointdexter wasn't there that night, why did he tell police that Nick was back within 10 minutes? Is he trying to cover for Nick for some reason? I wonder if they pinged Pointdexters phone to see where he was later in the night?? Just saying...Since it looks like the ties with Nick have been longer than a couple months.

Pointdexter was out of the state.

Now that it has been clarified that the cell phone was not found. AT&T said it was a fluke in their system why the phone kept ringing. That is all there is to it.

I know that no one commented on this because we aren't suppose to sleuth members of the victims family, but I found this the other day and was VERY surprised.

What if the member of the family could be a POI?

Regarding the cell phone. Please correct if incorrect

2. Brother and unidentified military official mention 2 last texts sent to KB male friend Justin. "Getting a ride home with a man", followed by " Got home safely".

I do not believe the "Getting a ride home with a man" was an exact quote of the text. Also, please know that there are components of Kelli's text messaging history from that night that have not been released to the media. Do not read too much this as verbatim.

Mike --not in the army
Matt --not in the army
Olivia's Husband (Kelli's sister's husband)--is enlisted in the service

That is Olivia's husband you have been seeing with the family. He is in the army. I believe he just got back from a deployment too.

Looked at some public pictures on one of the bar owners fb. Is that Mike giving her a tattoo? Maybe Mike and Kelli were the ones who were playing pool when they met Nick?

Not Mike in the pictures. Was not Mike playing pool with Kelli.
Yep he is staying there, but time will tell if something comes out about them being seperated, or possibly seeing other people.

Well I do admit I think she was seeing other people but he wouldnt be the first spouse that was the last to know it.

Thank you for clearing that up VOH. Now I can scratch him off my list! We have missed you:)
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