NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #11

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I can not believe anybody would molest Shaniya in that little filthy trailer with a bunch of witnesses.

I'm a social worker. Believe it. People who are severly addicted to drugs and alcohol will do terrible things....and some people will do terrible things even if they don't have any addictions. Sadly, another child is suffering right now because it happens more often than we would like to think.
I think Coe didnt have a clue that this would have happened to Shaniya. I think he witnessed drug use, and septic issues and day to day stuff that is the norm in that trailer, but I dont think he had a thing to do with this particular event. Maybe its because the mom tried to frame him, maybe its because I saw him in court and when he spoke on camera after his release, and I got a feeling, I dont know, but I give him a pass on having anything to do with the murder of Shaniya for now. He was the fall guy IMO. Dummy just got out of jail and got wrapped up with the mother of the year. AD is pretty in the face, this guy (not cute!!) just got out of the slamma. She spun a web
I bet COE is talking now big time to save his butt from being arrested for this info!!!

Did anyone know a COE was arrested for little Emma's death?
She is the little girl with a thread that died with STD and skull fractured.

Passion ...That's a different Coe.
meth is mainly "white people" here.
coke/crack IMO, is a Fayetville/sleepy hollow deal
Just my Humble Opinion..
Also, I dont think he will be seeing the light of day again either.

White people as users or manufacturing? When I read he has a history of manufacturing, I immediatly thought of the meth labs. Don't nesessarily mean he was a user...just a pusher-man. Being that you are from those parts, you would hear more about this thing....
I get really pissed off when I think back to LE initially saying they had no reason to believe MAM would harm Shaniya since his rap sheet did not include any crimes against children. Do they honestly believe that every SO out there is a RSO? No, I don't believe they do believe that. So why think she was in no danger?!? There are more sex offenders out there than there are *registered* sex offenders: they just haven't been caught.

Which brings me to another issue: as hard as it is for someone who has been assaulted to do so, I think it's important to report it to LE, so that the perp *might* be found guilty and perhaps others will then be aware. Maybe MAM *has* molested/assaulted children (or women) before but no one ever reported it. I just wish the $#!TTY system didn't make it so damn hard for women/females (or males) who report sexual assault and abuse. And I wish society didn't place such a stigma on being a victim of sexual crime. Okay - so now my post has evolved from more victims needing to speak up, to the judicial system/society not needing to victimize the victim again when reporting incidents. OTHERWISE THERE WILL BE MORE SHANIYA'S... :twocents:

(Check out this article for what happens in the good ol' US of A when someone *is* brave enough to go to LE: Don't Bother)

(Then again MAM may not be the perp - someone else may be, and the person may or may not be an RSO. Yet.)
We are all stunned beyond belief. There have been so many heartbreaking cases this year but for me, this one has stabbed deep into my heart. I think one of the reasons is the surveillance video. It was as if she was so close we could touch her and we now know that we were all witness to the beginning of the end. I have difficulty wrapping my mind around this.
Sorry if this has already been posted ~

"A little more than a week before Shaniya Davis vanished, her mother told Carey Lockhart, the aunt who helped raise the 5-year-old, that she'd never see Shaniya again.

Those words echoed in Lockhart's head Monday, hours before searchers pulled a body police think was Shaniya's from a thicket of kudzu along the border of Lee and Harnett counties.

“If I'd only known … ,” Lockhart said Monday, her voice trailing off into sobs. She had helped rear the girl since infancy."
This is my opinion... and it is not good..because it's about evil.

I think that was a diaper she was holding. I think this had been happening from the time she got there.
I suspect she'd lost control of her bowels from fear, rape and sodomy. She could have been being given an enema before a sex act so her bowels would be empty.
Probably the reason she didn't have pants on was because she'd ruined them all or it was easier to transport her without them.
I bet they took her clothes away. :furious:

She was probably told her Dad and Aunt didn't want her anymore or were dead or were going to be killed if she did not do this. That little girl has been in hell. She was a nice little girl raised with manners and love. Probably not an ounce of oppositional behavior in her. A child who would do what she was told and trusted adults. There is NO doubt in my mind Her biological mom had planned this and she alone is responsible for allowing this to happen! McNeil was the accomplice and who knows what else. Someone killed her or she bled to death!:furious:

Maybe just maybe Little Shaniya's death will not have been in vain!
Maybe this will put a national spotlight on children sold into sexual servitude. It could be my neighbor.

Call your local news stations and the national ones ask for more information to be featured in the news and keep requesting.The news needs to be telling us these code words.

For example I just called my local station and told them about the 60 yr old man the Fayetteville LE were looking for and why didn't they know anything about it!:banghead:
O/T: I just changed my avatar again, just so no one gets confused.

I was trying for more peaceful, I'll be sticking with this one, more than likely.
Sorry for the O/T.

I'm also sorry for the O/T, but nmk, I have been looking at your avatar for several minutes trying to figure out what it is.... I'm so glad you posted the above - I just have to ask; is it a little critter sleeping? TIA
I'll give my theory, though I don't really want to.

She was never put on the couch. MAM took her to the hotel to meet his client at 6:11. At 6:45 he found out she was deceased and called the momster. Momster called in that she was missing to cover everyone's xxxxx (oops - butts).

I'm also betting the client never paid his fee.

Very possible except I bet he did collect.
White people as users or manufacturing? When I read he has a history of manufacturing, I immdiatly thought of the meth labs. Don't nesessarily mean he was a user...just a pusher-man. Being that you are from those parts, you would hear more about this thing....
I have been accused in this thread of being a hypocrite, and I have been accused of being judgemental. I hated that. I know sometimes I type before I "over"think LOL
I want to tread lightly.
Coke in Fayetville in this instance. Probably rock cocaine. There, I typed it, wheew.
Sorry if this has already been posted ~

"A little more than a week before Shaniya Davis vanished, her mother told Carey Lockhart, the aunt who helped raise the 5-year-old, that she'd never see Shaniya again.

Those words echoed in Lockhart's head Monday, hours before searchers pulled a body police think was Shaniya's from a thicket of kudzu along the border of Lee and Harnett counties.

“If I'd only known … ,” Lockhart said Monday, her voice trailing off into sobs. She had helped rear the girl since infancy."

:shocked2: I'd have camped out at the police station after that called DSS, etc. This makes me think it was pure spite...Oh what happened..I bet they took her pretty clothes and who knows what..
One thing that really upsets me is the $ cuts to children services. Many social workers have been let go because the government has made $cuts. The social workers left have way too many cases. I see many cases I feel are in need of services closed in 30 days because the children have food, shelter and clothing. I have walked in houses of complete filth and the case was closed in 30 days. When someone has a home that is so filthy you can't find a place to sit, and the children are going to school dirty with their hair not combed.... that tells me it's only the tip of the iceberg. There is always a reason parents do not prioritize their children and home. Heaven help us! is the video that shows just how horrible that trailer looks
it is from the early days of this sad case, when they found the blanket in the
neighbors garbage can

pictures of her dad's house show a lovely brick house in a nice neighborhood
they had a vigil there..also an interview with a neighbor

quite a contrast

I personally put nothing past that momster....where are the pretty clothes that they surely packed for Shaynia??? Did she sell them all??

Interesting info from the early news reports to remember :
"Chance said the family has a history with the Department of Social Services.

"There have been major DSS issues with this family – who has custody, switching back and forth," Chance said."

link for the above quote is here >>>

I read opinions from "locals" regarding the area where the momster lived...they all said it is about the worst area there....a known dive of druggies and crime

the contrast between the dad's home and the trailer is stunning
you can see from her pictures and happy little face that this precious little girl was loved did it all go so wrong?? How did she end up with this worthless excuse of an egg donor??

I also am curious about her dealings with the social workers....wouldn't the felon (hiv positive) Coe living there be a red flag?? Antoinette herself was not even living there legally...her sister's name was on the lease


My heart just aches for that precious little girl. She was taken from the only home she knew, where she was cherished and adored. Dressed in beautiful clothes, hair fixed, taught love and manners. Then left with people who treated her worse than trash.

I can't knock the dad... I can sit here and readily say that I would've done things very differently, but obviously there are many details and circumstances I'm not privy to. I think in the dad's heart, he was trying to do something good. Trying to give his little girl the chance to get to know her "mother". He never expected the woman who gave birth to his child to be such a sorry . Who would??

The low life piece of trash egg donor (may she ROT IN HELL), was probably resentful of beautiful little Shaniya. Jealous. Stole everything she had. Including her life. That baby most likely was blessed with everything she (b itch from hell) never had. Pretty clothes, a lovely home, education, happiness, a daddy's love, and a bright future. Why she wouldn't want those things for her own flesh and blood I just don't understand, and don't care to.

I hope to God she's not pregnant. If she is, I pray a wonderful loving family will get that baby, same goes for Shaniya's 7 year old brother. These babies did not ask to be born into this hell!!

needs to be thrown in with the general population and let nature take it's course. Let those mothers who would die to be able to be with their own babies get ahold of her. Her ovaries need to be ripped from her body and shoved down her filthy throat. imo

Here's what I don't get (Not bashing, merely questioning.)
We have heard people on the fathers side talk about her teachers, so she was in school. So her father allows her to go to the home of the creature that gave birth to her, on a weekend...but then she asks to keep her longer...what happened to school?
Was the creature that gave birth to her supposed to be taking her to school? Was she? Did he call her in for that time?
This puzzles me, and I don't consider posing questions to be bashing or disrespect.

I too am totally confused on the whole school thing. :confused:
I'm a social worker. Believe it. People who are severly addicted to drugs and alcohol will do terrible things....and some people will do terrible things even if they don't have any addictions. Sadly, another child is suffering right now because it happens more often than we would like to think.

I meant molesting by a stranger who is paying money. Not a family/household member.
I think Coe didnt have a clue that this would have happened to Shaniya. I think he witnessed drug use, and septic issues and day to day stuff that is the norm in that trailer, but I dont think he had a thing to do with this particular event. Maybe its because the mom tried to frame him, maybe its because I saw him in court and when he spoke on camera after his release, and I got a feeling, I dont know, but I give him a pass on having anything to do with the murder of Shaniya for now. He was the fall guy IMO. Dummy just got out of jail and got wrapped up with the mother of the year. AD is pretty in the face, this guy (not cute!!) just got out of the slamma. She spun a web

I sort of agree. I have a weird feeling about Coe. I think it is because of the neighbor testimony stating that he was angry and all about finding Shaniya. He was pacing back and forth.
"A little more than a week before Shaniya Davis vanished, her mother told Carey Lockhart, the aunt who helped raise the 5-year-old, that she'd never see Shaniya again.

I believe a good prosceutor could justify premeditation with this.
I sort of agree. I have a weird feeling about Coe. I think it is because of the neighbor testimony stating that he was angry and all about finding Shaniya. He was pacing back and forth.

I think that's when he realized he was being set up. And he was!
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