NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #23

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Watched this and I saw something I missed before, watch at about 1:22 the mom rolls her eyes at the judge when he mispronounces Shaniya's name.


This may be a small thing, but it shows what lengths the Media will go to to sensationalize, even the smallest things, that can have an impact. I watched the court appearance live, and never saw her roll her eyes at this juncture. She did roll her eyes, when told of being charged with felony child abuse, not when Shaniya's name was mispronounced. Here is the first court appearance Live, and she squints, when the judge mispronounces the name, she does not roll her eyes.
I thought it was Utah, which is why an attorney in FL makes no sense.

That doesn't tell us where they are based, where their executive offices are. If it's FL, Mike Freed is general counsel for several companies.

I have no reason to believe this is true, but not knowing the practices, name or location of the company base, it's hard to say, either way.

It wouldn't surprise me if BL hired him. Either to make sure he gets maximum cash flow off Shaniya's image or to make himself appear more media savvy, or whatever other reason. But I'm not ready to condemn him for something until I know if he had any choice in the matter and the motivation behind it.
I am not making a judgment on BL hiring a lawyer, simply frustrated by the growing trend of entertainment attorneys being involved in hig profile murders. It feels to me as if an entire cottage industry just sort of sprung up around representing families of murder victims on every talk show and news program, etc. I get that it may be a necessary evil, but I nonetheless am left feeling a need to shower.
Never mind some evil person who sees his/her childrens demise as some sort of cash cow. If it hasn't happened yet, it's just a matter of time before some child is killed so mom and dad can do the whole talk show circuit, raking in donations and licensing fees. I don't think anything good and decent can come of this.
Why hire a lawyer from FL. He does not even practice in NC. What the heck is going on? BIG RED FLAG. These are the most selfless people I have ever seen.
In the attorneys bio, it says "entertainment",,so I gues the next step is the books, and movies......
So if a parent of a murdered child were doing interviews, and NOT getting paid licensing fees for photos would they need a lawyer?

Someone needs to pass a law to make it illegal to make money off of photos of deceased children. This is getting crazy.

IMO, when the shows call the individuals to appear on the shows, they mention bring photos etc., to show on air and we will pay X-amount of dollars under the "fair and reasonable licensing contract".

Other individuals in "high" profile cases that appeared on the morning shows without a lawyer received $$ for a picture of a "snake". Others appearing on all the other morning shows with and without an attorney received $$ under the "licensing" fees contract.

This may be a small thing, but it shows what lengths the Media will go to to sensationalize, even the smallest things, that can have an impact. I watched the court appearance live, and never saw her roll her eyes at this juncture. She did roll her eyes, when told of being charged with felony child abuse, not when Shaniya's name was mispronounced. Here is the first court appearance Live, and she squints, when the judge mispronounces the name, she does not roll her eyes.

You're right, she narrows them at the mispronouncement, but doesn't roll them until she hears the child abuse charge. It is a splice. On the recap of the hearing that was shown on NBC this morning, they spliced it. Good catch.

This may be a small thing, but it shows what lengths the Media will go to to sensationalize, even the smallest things, that can have an impact. I watched the court appearance live, and never saw her roll her eyes at this juncture. She did roll her eyes, when told of being charged with felony child abuse, not when Shaniya's name was mispronounced. Here is the first court appearance Live, and she squints, when the judge mispronounces the name, she does not roll her eyes.

I noticed she took a deep breath in, like a "big sigh" when she was being charged for human trafficking.
That doesn't tell us where they are based, where their executive offices are. If it's FL, Mike Freed is general counsel for several companies.

I have no reason to believe this is true, but not knowing the practices, name or location of the company base, it's hard to say, either way.

It wouldn't surprise me if BL hired him. Either to make sure he gets maximum cash flow off Shaniya's image or to make himself appear more media savvy, or whatever other reason. But I'm not ready to condemn him for something until I know if he had any choice in the matter and the motivation behind it.

Since he is already the lawyer for Somer's mom *and that seems to becoming a lucrative venture from what I see...I think he may have "reached out" to BL

I find the fact that he is from Jax and already handling another media heavy and now fundraising heavy case pretty disturbing

oh there could be other explantions..."company hired him....old family friend..he was his former child support attorney even tho that is not one his many services....aliens told BL to hire him....a big purple pony came riding along with his business card and gave it to BL"...but frankly none of those "explanations" are logical (or simple)

I go with the simplest explanation...this lawyer has a new moneymaker repping the parents of murder victims

selling pictures/videos to media....setting up fundraisers...a "foundation"...
book deal...speaking deals

his new niche

maybe with the economy corporate law isn't paying him too he found this
Never mind some evil person who sees his/her childrens demise as some sort of cash cow. If it hasn't happened yet, it's just a matter of time before some child is killed so mom and dad can do the whole talk show circuit, raking in donations and licensing fees. I don't think anything good and decent can come of this.

I agree. I expected Brad would have an attorney and he should; but an attorney from NC who knows NC law to assist the family in issues that may arise. Again, this doesn't feel like it's about Shaniya.
Logical Minds - See your point, and I'm not trying to argue. But to me, the simplest explanation is that he was hired by the employer. It's a difference of viewpoint, and from my POV, waiting before we hang him for it is the wise choice.

It's not going to stop people from dissecting it, and that isn't my intention, but there are things that are missed when people go at something from only one direction.
Looks like this thread is turning back into the blame BL thread. I understand looking at him and questioning him. But come on. Some of these rumors don't make a difference as to the case.
I'd love to see this much blame and venom being put towards the criminals in this case.

Anyone remember these two?

-snipped pics for space-
Those two have been the consistent recipients of blame, venom, and sleuthing to the best of all our abilities.

The reason the father is also being scrutinized for his part is twofold, IMO:

1. To set an example of what should be seen as an unacceptable risk for any parent to subject their children to.

2. We've seen how people tend to circle the wagons around parents like him and treat them as martyrs and celebrities. This sends a very bad message to those who take the same risks with their children.​

JMO :twocents:
People of AB's financial and social status here in IL have several state and federally funded daycare options. I am not familiar with NC and what is available there but I am willing to bet something similar is available there. The look at your income and then tell you what nominal portion of the daycare fee you are responsible for and then state/federal govt. picks up the rest of the tab.

Well they do. But NC is in a bad budget crisis and this funding is from DHHS and they have been cut. So there is a long waiting list for these services. I am not sure if she received public assitance or not since she had a 7 year old but she most definately did not have any assitance with Shaniya.
Well they do. But NC is in a bad budget crisis and this funding is from DHHS and they have been cut. So there is a long waiting list for these services. I am not sure if she received public assitance or not since she had a 7 year old but she most definately did not have any assitance with Shaniya.

How do we know that?
Well, we will have to wait and see where this attorney pops up again since they are in New York. Perhaps GMA, or the Early Show, maybe a trip to California.

It's obvious though that this attorney "missed the boat" when BL appeared on Oprah. This is what leads me to believe this attorney only just "caught the cruise ship."
So if a parent of a murdered child were doing interviews, and NOT getting paid licensing fees for photos would they need a lawyer?

Someone needs to pass a law to make it illegal to make money off of photos of deceased children. This is getting crazy.

My take on this is, when a crime is showcased by the media, and followed closely by the general public, many parties will make money of that. Everybody wants a slice of the money pie. Victims of the crime included. The money will be practically dropped in their lab for some exclusive pictures. Not many people will refuse or turn down such easy money . Some recipients might even use those monies on selfless causes later on. It will just business as usual.
We need a Presser! Come on! There is a mountain of evidence and information that's been established! How can we Sleuthers do our job without some of the facts and evidence!

For starters, let's have more charges brought on! Maybe we need to call upon Chuckles!
Well they do. But NC is in a bad budget crisis and this funding is from DHHS and they have been cut. So there is a long waiting list for these services. I am not sure if she received public assitance or not since she had a 7 year old but she most definately did not have any assitance with Shaniya.

IMO - The Fayetteville Housing Authority provided an apartment for AD for at least two years. A reasonable assumption would be that her application included two children to qualify.
Well they do. But NC is in a bad budget crisis and this funding is from DHHS and they have been cut. So there is a long waiting list for these services. I am not sure if she received public assitance or not since she had a 7 year old but she most definately did not have any assitance with Shaniya.

IMO, I also don't feel that AD was on any public assistance regarding Shaniya during the time frame of Oct 9 to Nov 10. It takes time to process this paperwork. Also, Brad would have to be notified because AD would have to admit who Shaniya's father is etc.

At some point Brad's financial status would come forward. IF anything, court ordered child support would have been enforced by DCFS especially since BL had Shaniya all those years.
Well they do. But NC is in a bad budget crisis and this funding is from DHHS and they have been cut. So there is a long waiting list for these services. I am not sure if she received public assitance or not since she had a 7 year old but she most definately did not have any assitance with Shaniya.

Thank you for that info, I am not familiar with NC so I appreciate answers from those who are more in the know than myself.

Respectfully BBM - Is this documented fact or opinion? Either is fine, but before I go posting later in the thread regarding AB receiving financial assistance for Shaniya and basing my posts on the above I want to make sure? TIA
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