NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #18

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@Smart Blonde

If Mario was typical of the kind of lowlife men the mother hangs out with then it kinda makes you wonder about Shaniya's Dad, I think. I mean, WHY did he have unprotected sex with Shaniya's mom, presumably knowing she was a drug addict, promiscuous, dysfunctional etc. I certainly have questions about him....
I think you are so brave to allow us to know what you went through. I am so sad, that no one cared enough to get you out of there,'I don't want to believe that this awful crime happens all the time. I make a promise that if I see any child that I feel needs CPD I will do all that I can to get help.
I believe the 911 call was made because of BD (AD's sister). I have no idea how much she knew about the prostitution part (*if* this has been going on, surely she had to know?). But perhaps she woke up that morning and started asking where Shaniya was. That's when AD's "act" started and she was forced to make the 911 call. Perhaps AD was able to sneak a call in to MAM while supposedly "searching" for Shaniya (as a show for BD).

Shaniya's case has hit me very hard. When I was a child, my own mother used to invite grown men to rape me. It started when I was about two and a half, according to records/family member's memory. My earliest memories (from around age four) are of being raped and ridiculed by grown men.

My mother was given money by the men she let rape me. I don't think that was her sole reason for doing it though. I strongly believe she had been sexually abused in her own childhood and she had this disgusting attitude where she wanted her own daughters to go through the same thing she did. She seemed to 'get off' on my being violated. She didn't get off in a sexual sense, I mean it just seemed to please her somehow to see me defiled.

Also, one extremely unpleasant factor nobody's really touched on. It is physically very difficult for a grown man to rape a child of four, five etc. A child of that age is very small and to rape a child of that size has to be a very, very, very violent act. When this was happening to me, I would wound up getting beaten when the man was unable to proceed with the rape easily. I feared this may have happened to Shaniya - the perp became frustrated because of how hard it is to rape such a tiny child and he got violent with her and killed her.

I strongly suspect that the mother in Shaniya's case didn't want Shaniya to die. Not because she loved her but rather because she wanted to continue prostituting her out for cash. My own mother also did not want me to die, because I was a source of cash for her. She would have been very annoyed if one of the perps had actually killed me - but of course it so easily could have happened.

It warms my heart how caring so many people have been in demanding to know what happened to Shaniya and in remembering her. I urge those same people to please have room in their hearts for those of us who were brutalised and raped as babies and children but who DIDN'T die. In my case, I didn't die in the physical sense but spiritually I died from that first childhood rape. Because I am now a woman and no longer an adorable innocent little child, nobody really cares.

I don't have any words for you, none seem right, please just know that you are in my prayers and not alone.
Curioserandcurioser... we do care. What happened to you was horrific and tragic. Thank you for sharing and, welcome to Websleuths.

ETA: I have never had anything happen to me as horrid as the things that happened to you. Yet I was victimized in lesser ways. As a grown woman myself, I can tell you that years of therapy and a wonderful terrific husband do not erase these types of scars. So I can only imagine the ways you are still suffering. Thanks again for sharing - hopefully b/c of Shaniya more people are aware of these heinous acts and will stand up and protect children from these monsters.
Myrna Allen, Timothy Allen's wife said that during a recent visit Shaniya made to their home, Allen noticed scars on Shaniya's arms. Allen stated that pointed to the scars and Shaniya responded, "cigarette."

Allen states she said to the child, "From where," and Shaniya replied, "My momma's friends."

"I said, 'they were burning you with butts,' and Shaniya said 'sometimes'," Myrna Allen said.

In a presser earlier this week, the question was posed to Brad about those "scars". He explained that Shaniya had a skin condition called "excema" and had been under treatment for it. If that is true, there should be documentation of that. Seems to me if Myrna was fortunate to have found out that it was from cigarettes, she should have picked up the phone and called the authorities. Ya think?
I'm having a helluva time time finding a link for the latest presser.

Does anyone have one handy? For some reason I keep only getting the older ones.
I'm also wondering what makes a woman do this (prostitute out her little baby girl). I am wondering what made Antoinette Davis do this (if she really did) and what made my mother do it. If it's all about money, there are so many other ways to get illicit money - the woman could become a prostitute herself, she could deal drugs, she could steal, get involved in armed robbery, she could commit fraud. So what makes her take the path of turning her baby into a prostitute? I think it has to do with something deeper than money. You surely have to have a screw loose to do such a thing. And like I said in my earlier post, in my situation, my mother appears to have been sexually abused/exploited herself as a child.

It would be very interesting to find out more information about Antoinette's background.

And this Mario creature... he had a criminal history but not for anything to do with pedophilia or sexual assault. Why did he suddenly decide to rape a baby? WTF. Or had her perhaps been raping kids for a long time but never been caught?

There are just so many unanswered questions and I can't stop worrying about it.

We can't even say "at least she didn't suffer" about Shaniya's death, can we? She suffered terribly.

I'm so sorry you ever had to experience such violence and are very brave for sharing this with us. I'm at a loss for words! :blowkiss:

Hopefully LE are going after each and every animal who made an appointment for sex with beautiful Shaniya. - imo they are all animals and should spend the rest of their life in a cage! :furious:
wow, first post. don't know how that happened! :)

I'm just going to post about Shaniya's Aunt, as I find that to be an interesting relationship, but again, perhaps not what has been portrayed.

The loving Aunt only talks as if how losing Shaniya is a deep personal loss to her, as if Shaniya was very prominent in her life, yet she never really mentions her own three children and how they've been affected by the loss of Shaniya.

I wonder how old her children are, and if they are quite a bit older, so that when Aunt did take care of Shaniya, Shaniya was like an only child.

Or, if her children were the cousins Shaniya fought with, and taking care of Shaniya was addiitional stress on her own family. If she is a single mom with 3 young kids, how difficult was it for her to add one more? If Shaniya was being taken care of for quite some time by B's girlfriend Ty, how unexpected was it that suddenly the Aunt was taking care of Shaniya?

There's something about the way this Aunt is so careful in the wording her relationship with Shaniya. I sort of expect her to say "Shaniya was like a daughter to me". Yet, this Aunt won't go there. Shaniya was not like a daughter to her. She specifically says their relationship was like nothing else. They had a deep bond. (Why? Were they bonded by neglect? Neglect is a theme in the family?)

That family confuzzles me. I'm sure they did not want this to happen, and I'm sure they never expected it to happen. I'm just not sure anyone was paying attention - perhaps they all had other priorities.

The first thing you'd think about - with a child Shaniya's age - ishow important that first year of school is - making new friends, making it a good experience, consistent and special. If you really care that Shaniya brings home stars every day, then you're going to make sure that even if she moves in with her loser bio-mom, she is still bringing home stars every day. I don't get from the Aunt that there was that level of caring or responsibility. If there was, she'd have followed up with the bio-mom after two days...

The Aunt, I feel for her. But I don't think she was the primary caregiver for Shaniya. I think she was the put-upon back-up plan. I think that is the nature of their "bond like no other".

Now, it's just painful and ridiculous to watch them pretend that they were diligent with Shaniya's care. Horsehockey.

Not a single bit of this analysis helps get Shaniya back. I just had to get the Aunt thing off my chest. I pray for them all, and I know they are sufferring. I don't want to add to it. I just am trying, for my own peace of mind, to understand how this child came to be abandoned in he77.

And ... it's all JMHO.
So just what more do you think the aunt could have done? Her hands were tied. She was forced to compromise, settle for a relationship with her niece that included boundaries set by her brother, who looks like one stubborn SOB to me. Otherwise, she ran the risk of alienating him and never seeing Shaniyah again. And, you know what, I think that is precisely what happened.

For the record, I've been in her shoes. Once with a sibling's children and once with an acquaintance who took a walk on the wild side while raising a daughter. She'd pawn off the poor darling on anyone who'd take her. I happened to be one who would, and I fell in love with the child when she was barely 3. My husband and I tried to convince the mom to give us custody. We had all the means to provide a good, loving home, including a son who adored the little girl. Nothing doing. Mom wouldn't budge. The more we asked, the more she withdrew from us. Ultimately, I had to resign to the circumstances and accept that being a part-time influence was much better than not being allowed to see her at all. I could still provide some degree of protection and guardianship. Many a day I dropped her off at "home" and drove off in tears, uncertain what I was delivering her to. (The mom had no police record, but I knew she abused drugs and was indiscrimately promiscuous. Like babysitters, just about man would do.) Long story short, the child is a young married woman now and a loving, conscientious mother to her own two children. But, man oh man, the sleepless nights I spent worrying about her. My gut tells me Aunt Carey's had quite a few sleepless nights, herself.
Did Carey cover for Brad or is that what she was told...two days to visit her mother and then Carey was going back to pick her up. She received a phone call from dear old mom saying that Carey was never going to see Shaniya again. Carey felt her hands were tied as far as going and taking Shaniya because Brad didn't have custody and Carey no power at all. Brad says Shaniya was going to LIVE with her mother but I think he forgot to tell Carey!

In Carey's last press conference, she admitted she hadn't seen Shaniya in four weeks which fits with October 11th. I believe Carey was left to deal with the school withdrawal as she probably handled enrolling Shaniya. I feel AD has been given too much credit as this sharp mastermind; withdrawing her from school, threatening Carey, etc. Shoot..I'd bet if we asked AD what school Shaniya was attending, she wouldn't have a clue.

I agree that Carey probably hoped Brad would come to his senses at some point. There must be tremendous tension between she and Brad as reality of this horror sets in.

When I look back at what happened with my late husband, stepdaughter, and the stepdaughter's mentally ill mother, I see the mistakes I made in dealing with the situation. While Carey and Brad are brother/sister, not husband/ex-wife, there is still a certain dynamic that I believe goes on in these situtations. It was always made clear to me that, although I was responsible for caring for my stepdaughter when she lived with us, I was NOT her mother, and had very little input in the big decisions about her life. At a certain point I had to distance myself from what was going on, for my own sanity and because the mother was threatened and intimidated by me and the fact that I knew that she was not an adequate mother. At one point, she refused to talk to me about anything regarding her daughter. In order to keep my marriage to my husband intact, I backed off and did not call the authorities when I should have (the few times the mother actually admitted to physically hitting my stepdaughter.) He made it very clear that he did not want outside interference and would have been very, very angry at me.

There is a lot we don't know about the situation here, but I do know that the people outside of the relationship of such parents often do feel powerless to do much because the laws in this country give birth parents most if not all of the power.
curioserandcurioser - my heart aches for you. I cried so hard when I read what you've been through. I don't even usually cry about any of the cases I'm sleuthing - but your words - especially your last words, about not being an adorable child anymore, tore me up. I wish I could go back to the time when you were small and hold you tight and rescue you. I'm so glad you made it out of that situation alive. I don't think I will ever forget what you've told us. Thank you so much for sharing your story so that we may know the reality of the evil that exists out there.

I hate to ask - but do you know any of the men who did that to you? Are they all still out there somewhere - free men? I'm scared to hear the answer.
Why can't i shake the feeling that there was another perp involved? this case has left my soul shaking. can anyone answer some questions for me? If any of these points have been discussed I apologize (I can barely wrap my mind around this case)

1. Did MAM check into this hotel himself?

2. The area that this litle angel's body was found is surrounded by extremely wealthy people with gated communities and country clubs. (I used to work for a private car service and Sanford was a popular drop for some very wealthy men in NC).

3. Her face in the security vid tells me that she doesn't know what's going on...would she have looked that way if she had already been abused earlier?

This happening near Ft Bragg sets my hinky meter off enough. (details would take up pages...just google army bases and pedophiles, it's everywhere)

Do you all think they have all of the suspects in custody? Does anyone think I have lost my mind???
Shaniya's case has hit me very hard. When I was a child, my own mother used to invite grown men to rape me. It started when I was about two and a half, according to records/family member's memory. My earliest memories (from around age four) are of being raped and ridiculed by grown men.

My mother was given money by the men she let rape me. I don't think that was her sole reason for doing it though. I strongly believe she had been sexually abused in her own childhood and she had this disgusting attitude where she wanted her own daughters to go through the same thing she did. She seemed to 'get off' on my being violated. She didn't get off in a sexual sense, I mean it just seemed to please her somehow to see me defiled.

Also, one extremely unpleasant factor nobody's really touched on. It is physically very difficult for a grown man to rape a child of four, five etc. A child of that age is very small and to rape a child of that size has to be a very, very, very violent act. When this was happening to me, I would wound up getting beaten when the man was unable to proceed with the rape easily. I feared this may have happened to Shaniya - the perp became frustrated because of how hard it is to rape such a tiny child and he got violent with her and killed her.

I strongly suspect that the mother in Shaniya's case didn't want Shaniya to die. Not because she loved her but rather because she wanted to continue prostituting her out for cash. My own mother also did not want me to die, because I was a source of cash for her. She would have been very annoyed if one of the perps had actually killed me - but of course it so easily could have happened.

It warms my heart how caring so many people have been in demanding to know what happened to Shaniya and in remembering her. I urge those same people to please have room in their hearts for those of us who were brutalised and raped as babies and children but who DIDN'T die. In my case, I didn't die in the physical sense but spiritually I died from that first childhood rape. Because I am now a woman and no longer an adorable innocent little child, nobody really cares.
curioserandcurioser While I sit there in tears reading your story, I realize that does not help you in anyway at all.
There has to be some organization that gives continuous support to rape victims. (I used to do counseling years ago) My heart does go out to you and if you live in NY I would work with you for free. I am sure if you do tell your story you will find people who do care. There really is only one difference between you and Shaniya. she was the age you were when you were abused, but she did not survive....You are now at the age where you can diligently look for support and more healing and I think you will find it.
But all the people here as they wake up and read your story will care deeply.

And may you always have the strength and courage to find your way and to find good people to care for you :beats:
If the relationship between Davis and BL was a "one night stand" how in the world would they be in touch to the point that he knew she was pregnant and she knew it was his?

Why isn't he on the birth certificate and since it has been reported that he isn't on the b.c. how did he get her in the first place?

Why the two side of B.L. I have seen him look so angry and scarey (when he had his arm around his son's neck on air and the other side when he appears to be such a soft hearted kind man.

Why did he blow off so many offers by people who already knew her and cared about her and instead go with a person who has a history. You don't have to give someone a second chance who has already proven to be undeserving.
Baby Shaniya never had a chanse after her momster got her hands on her.
Father should of never even gave momster a day with Shaniya unsupervised!!
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