NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #20

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A search of court records turned up no previous criminal charges against [momster] Davis, but she lived at a home on Wall Street in July that police raided. Officers found "narcotics manufacturing materials" in the house, but no one was charged, according to an incident report.

I'm not sure if you mean by this that she did not manufacture drugs. I can't say one way or another but the raid did produce evidence. Why she wasn't charged we don't know. Could be a simple failure to follow procedures to ensure her civil rights.

In the real world, there are many more UNCHARGED users, sellers, and manufacturers of drugs than sit in jail. Whether or not someone has a record is immaterial in my eyes and does not stand as proof one way or another. Same with child molestors and armed robbers.
I'm going to say good night now :seeya: My thoughts will be with Shaniya especially thinking of her funeral tomorrow.
I was just wondering if Shaniya's school kindergarten teacher ever noticed anything.

Does anyone know when school started in that area?

Here in TN, it usually starts mid-August. That would have been a whole two months she would have gone before being withdrawn. Teachers are usually pretty observant.

I must be way behind in reading posts as I don't understand your question. I thought while she was still with her Dad and A. Carey, which would have been while she was in school that she was well cared for? What would the teacher have noticed?
I'm not sure if you mean by this that she did not manufacture drugs. I can't say one way or another but the raid did produce evidence. Why she wasn't charged we don't know. Could be a simple failure to follow procedures to ensure her civil rights.

In the real world, there are many more UNCHARGED users, sellers, and manufacturers of drugs than sit in jail. Whether or not someone has a record is immaterial in my eyes and does not stand as proof one way or another. Same with child molestors and armed robbers.

I am not saying that. It is a quote from the referenced link.
Yeah i think i will call it quits also.. i was up till after 2am so i am tired tonite. prayers for all
I agree with you. We do not know what Mr. Lockhart was aware of before this horrendous murder. When asked by Oprah "It has been reported as you know, that Antoinette may have sold Shaniya into sex slavery to pay off a drug debt. Brad, what do you know about this?" Brad Lockhart replied "I don't know anything about that, just what I have been told"

I just wish people would listen to the facts before jumping to a conclusion and running with it.

This is the Youtube and this can be heard at 35 seconds.

I don't believe that the father knew what the mother had planned for Shaniya before he left her there to live. If he had known that when he made the plans for her to live with her mother I don't think he would have ever given her to her mother.

I think the point is..until the last day he has denied that she was into drugs and now he has finally admitted that she was into drugs and she sold Shaniya to that killer creep because she owed a drug debt. I would agree that LE no doubt proved to him that that is what this was all about. If he had bothered to check the mother and her friends out before handing his baby girl over...he would have known exactly what the mother was doing...drugs...and the type of people she was mixed up with.

I would love to know the amount of money she owed Mario....just how much did she sell Shaniya for....$100...$300....? Just how much was her beautiful little girl worth in her mother's eyes?
Hi all, this story has brought me back to WS after a few years hiatus. Long story short, after my father committed suicide i went downhill. i got addicted to prescription morphine and crack cocaine. i met a dealer and we became an item. for 3 years i lived a life i never even new existed. i came from a well to do family and only had ever drank and smoked pot when i was younger. i saw so much in those 3 years. i even became the dealer when my boyfriend went to jail for 2 months. Often we would front drugs for a higher payment to cover the interest. when addicts are 'jonesin' for a fix they sell everything, i mean i've seen people sell all the appliances from there rental units to get there fix :eek: we never dealt with people with kids, but it doesn't surprise me in the least that someone would do what happened to poor little Shaniya. so yes, credit is given to addicts. i would also like to point out that there are 2 types of addicts. there are addicts and then there are 'functioning addicts'. i was the latter. nobody new the life i lived, not even my own mother who i was in contact with all the time. walking down the street no one would ever guess the hell i was living. my boyfriend and i have been clean 2 years now and we will never go back to that lifestyle. we are a rarity, it is hard to break free, but i'm so happy again to be 'normal'. thats my story in short. oh, also, we lived in bad areas during those times, but i always kept a nice and clean place for us, again that's part of the 'functioning' addict. hope that insight is useful. it's nice to be back on ws like i was before my hiccup in life :dance:

Congratulations on your sobriety! You should be very proud of yourself. It's no easy task to get clean. I'm glad to hear a nice ending for once.
If he's telling the truth, he's dumber than a box of rocks for not sensing that AD's home was a BAD place to leave his "precious daughter". She's precious to him but he would drop her off to stay at that crummy place? Ugh. Something is missing here.

Little Shaniya wasn't just going for a visit for a day or two like Aunt Carey thought. This father was GIVING her back to the mother for good. I guess it just wasn't important enough to him to check the mother out along with her sister and friends living there. I think he believed what he wanted to believe about the mother and how changed she was. If he had checked things out and found out the truth about the mother he might not have left Shaniya if you don't ask then you don't know and you don't have to carry any guilt. Of course I don't think that he thought it would end like it did though. If he had known the truth and then this happened he would have a load of guilt to carry.
Someone wanted a side-by-side.
It turned out much more poignant than I expected.

Shaniya's last 11 weeks of life.


To clarify the dates: The first-day school pic I guessed was 8/25, and 11 weeks later, she was murdered.
The more I dig into the backgrounds of these people - and I'm talking about digging much deeper than hearsay or media reports - the more I'm convinced of something. Shaniya had alot of "rough" people in her life. Within the circle of family/friends around her, you'll find folks with criminal histories, drugs, guns, dangerous lifestyles, domestic violence -- and not just the Davis/McNeil clan. Based on this info, I'm not so sure that some of these people would think twice about the drugs or the signs of physical abuse or folks with shady/criminal backgrounds over at AD's. Not too far from the lifestyle many of them were leading themselves or events they had witnessed in their lives. To them, I think it just didn't seem "that bad"... until it was too late. :cry:

Yea, what you're describing is what I called a mentality or culture of neglect.

I was just wondering if Shaniya's school kindergarten teacher ever noticed anything.

Does anyone know when school started in that area?

Here in TN, it usually starts mid-August. That would have been a whole two months she would have gone before being withdrawn. Teachers are usually pretty observant.

School here didn't start til Sept. 9 but I checked CCS website and she would have begun the last week of Aug. So she'd attended just over a mo (five weeks) when she was pulled out. Her withdrawal from school coincided w going to AD's I'm sure the teacher was concerned when she was abruptly pulled out of school, but AD did that probably to ensure no one could see or talk to Shaniya and AD couldn't be reported. At five years, Shaniya probably couldn't be mandated to attend. :(

Given only what Aunt admitted they knew--re just AD's neglect alone (if we are choosing to believe the big fat one they knew nothing of her drugs or her lifestyle)--they should never have permitted Shaniya to go stay there in the first place. BL wasn't under any court order to deliver Shaniya to this filthy felon and drug den. #ell if I'd had a court order I would've violated it and risked jail before leaving her there. Just sayin.

Aside from the fact that, legally, she had no standing, she stated she'd only packed clothes for 2 days. I think (I could be wrong) it was not the first time Shaniya had a brief visit with AD. It appears she had a clue that Shaniya would be staying beyond that time.

I agree 100% I'd go to jail before I left my child in that kind of environment. I believe CLD is suffering now.
Aside from the fact that, legally, she had no standing, she stated she'd only packed clothes for 2 days. I think (I could be wrong) it was not the first time Shaniya had a brief visit with AD. It appears she had a clue that Shaniya would be staying beyond that time.

I agree 100% I'd go to jail before I left my child in that kind of environment. I believe CLD is suffering now.

Brad and Carey must have been used to dropping her off in this kind of environment. If you look at the house on Wall Street, from the outside not much different. And I'm sure the same inside. After AD was evicted from Wall St, she lived in motels until her sister was in the trailer (per Leona Davis/aunt of AD). Unless there were long gaps in between conversations with AD and Brad, he must have known this.
Question asked while I read..the clothes in the car.could be MAM daughter.
I hope LE has had all children in this home and others involved checked for sexual abuse.
I can't imagine SD being the only child to go through this if her mother was so easy to sell her...she may see her children as money makers...sic
I find BL behavior..hugging the son and the sons reaction...very disturbing...I hope I am wrong but I saw fear...I felt his son reaction to the arm around the throat as very controlling. I hope no sexual abuse is present in SD's other siblings life.
Much more than meets the eye..scary that it took her death for these other little ones to have a chance..
I am so hurt by the loss of yet another beautiful little child that anyone of us would have raised in a heart beat.
Someone wanted a side-by-side.
It turned out much more poignant than I expected.

Shaniya's last 11 weeks of life.


To clarify the dates: The first-day school pic I guessed was 8/25, and 11 weeks later, she was murdered.

I saw your post and threw up. Now, I am balling my eyes out.

Look at her face at the elevator! Dear God in Heaven!
I haven't been able to read here the past couple of days, and don't have time right now to read back. Does someone happen to have a link to the Oprah interview that Brad did? I'd appreciate it, thanks.
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