NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, missing from her home 11/10/09 #5

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Kikki only one cup of coffee LOL I'm going to get my first.. keep up the good work guys ..maybe later this afternoon you all will have Shainya back home with DAD safe!
My post above, is in response to what Coe said,,,Did he mean that little Shanyia slept with them when he was over there? A 2 bedroom trailer is very small..With 2 adults and 3 children it seems to me someone had to sleep on the sofa....If not, then the kids slept with the women and we know they both had boyfriends.....How could he be so close to a little girl he only knew for a few weeks?
Saw McNeill's gf's name back on the other thread - does anybody remember what her name is?
But why would mom say SHE put Shanyia on the couch if sis did it.

McNeills demeanor in the court room to me shows he knows he is busted but I just don't see any urgency there or "oh Carp" reaction, no deer in the headlight look...I do not feel like he hurt this child but he put her somewhere or handed her off to someone according to the plan.

I think if he felt she was in danger and him being the last one to see her he would be flappin sooner rather then later. We don't know for sure if he has not been talking and I would think his lawyer is all over this as it is more benifical for his client to be talking sooner rather then later, time is of the essence here.

Sorry thinkin out loud here...hope I am making sense because this case does not...maybe I'm losing
Darn I hope MM had a cell phone and LE are tracking his movements. I would like to know what his girlfriend April has to say, I am sure LE has questions for her also.
Another thought along the lines that Shaniya never slept in livingroom. Is Coe insinuating mom had another "visitor" that night so Shaniya was forced to sleep on couch, something she didn't do when go stayed.
If they were that close (which I doubt after three weeks), then why does he refer to her as 'the little girl'.

I don't read much into that. It could be that he was responding to a question that used that phrasing. People tend to echo back your language in response to a question. So, if they had said "Did you see Miss Davis?" he might respond "I never saw Miss Davis" even though he would not refer to her that way in normal conversation.
Does anyone know how many bedrooms are in that MH? There could be a thousand reasons for Coe to say what he did..Shanyia was "never" in the living room..And it sends chills down my spine thinking of each one of those reasons......I can still smell the racid odor of the inside of the 1 bedroom trailer my mother AND i LIVED IN...One night after a drinking frenzy with one of her "male friends" they ended up in the only bed in the place,,,and unfortunately for me ,,,I was already there asleep..I was 7 or 8 years old, at the time and I remember the fear and the trauma of him keeping my face into the pillow as they did the dirty...I thought I was going to die...This is just one of many of my memories of living with my mother.....I can imagine the horror and pain of children having to live like this, and I went back there in my memories when I read what Coe said,,The child never slept in the living room........This is a horror story, no matter what really happened,,,,,,I pray they find the child safe,,,,,,,But until family members step up to the plate and do what is right by all children we will continue to be saddened by events as this......My own father never really cared enough to take me out of the situation,,,,,,I feel very lucky to have survived some of the bad things,,,,but if you guys only knew what goes on in these so-called homes you would throw up......This happened back in the late fifties,,,,but has been with me and always will. Dear Lord,,I pray,,please let this child be found safe,,,Amen.

There really is no emoticon for this... just so sorry... :hug: no child should endure this, praying w you this am for Shaniya :prayer:

I think we are all dreaming and the only reason MM is not spilling the beans is because he knows he will face death if he talks. Think about it checking into hotel for one hour, getting a lawyer right away, not tell LE where she is. Had there been anyone else waiting for him at that hotel LE would have been all over it by now.
I don't understand the mothers actions in all this, but I think MM's reactions speak volumes.

We don't know what all the mother is saying it really could be that she is so upset and don't know who took Shaniya that she is confused and not thinking clearly, she hasn't been arrested of anything at this point.
I am sure LE will be giving her a LDT if they haven't already.
Facts from LE and witnesses.

Coe paced back and forth and looked angry and more upset the girl was missing than the mother did.

Coe states he was not at Shaniya's residence when she went missing.

Coe does not know who Mcneill is.

Hotel clerk saw her photo and reported seeing her at the hotel.

Police reported Shaniya and Mcneill checked in a hotel in Sanford (40 minutes from Shaniya's home) at 6:10am Tuesday morning.

Police reported they checked out before they got there. Police reports about missing man came out on Thursday.

Mcneill's lawyer claims Mcneill turned himself in.

Father of Shaniya states that he was giving Antoinette a chance at being a mother. She has a job and was doing good for the past 6 months.

My opinion :

Coe had a natural appearance of worry when the child went missing. It is very natural for a person to pace up and down anxious, wanting nothing more then to go look for her. If they hadn't taken him into custody he may have been able to ask the right people and get her found as he sort of knew who the mom was hanging around.

I do believe Coe was not at the residence when she went missing. But he may easily have more faith in the mom's innocence then there really is.

Let's take the drama out of this case and think of it as a real life event for a second.

Coe is a boyfriend of a woman, Antoinette. She may have been going to go to work the next day. There may have not been any drugs in the home.

Dependent on Coe's words he seems very kid oriented and responsible. He may have also been more responsible than Antoinette and in his opinion she was a little negligent but did not commit a crime.

IF Mcneill turned himself in willingly, he doesn't have a lot of wrong-doing to hide. He has charges already. I cannot see why he would willingly turn himself in if he was guilty of a horrendous crime.

I bet Mcneill called his lawyer when he realized he was on the news. The lawyer asks what happened, and advises him to turn himself in, promising him he can get him out of the mess.
I think we are all dreaming and the only reason MM is not spelling the beans is because he knows he will face death if he talks. Think about it checking into hotel for one hour, getting a lawyer right away, not tell LE where she is. Had there been anyone else waiting for him at that hotel LE would have been all over it by now.
I don't understand the mothers actions in all this, but I think MM's reactions speak volumes.

We don't know what all the mother is saying it really could be that she is so upset and don't know who took Shaniya that she is confused and not thinking clearly, she hasn't been arrested of anything at this point.
I am sure LE will be giving her a LDT if they haven't already.

(bbm) Well (in just trying to keep a more positive train of thought here) we don't really know LE isn't all over this... :prayer:

Leaving to take my little girl to her soccer game, then swimming. Shaniya ought to be doing these things. :( How I wish she could have a normal life. (And for immediate purposes, I'll settle for just life). I know, call me hopelessly naive, but I'm still holding out hope that there might yet be a miraculous ending to this frightening story. BBL :prayer:

Mysticrose..........good post.

MM's lawyer would be telling him it is in his best interest to tell LE where Shaniya is. Unless Shaniya is not with us anymore. I bet LE is even asking the lawyer to talk to his client about her location.
The longer this goes the more I think she's not alive.
I would be of the opinion that LE saw McNeill leaving with Shaniya as well out of the hotel. If what they saw in the video gave them any inclination that he abused her in that hotel or hurt her they would have massive searches going on and we would be hearing about it. They would be asking for the publics help urgently this is not happening.
It is possible he checked into that hotel expecting to stay longer and recieved a call or saw everything unfolding on the news and split.
(bbm) Well (in just trying to keep a more positive train of thought here) we don't really know LE isn't all over this... :prayer:

Leaving to take my little girl to her soccer game, then swimming. Shaniya ought to be doing these things. :( How I wish she could have a normal life. (And for immediate purposes, I'll settle for just life). I hope by the time we return there might be a miraculous ending to this frightening story. BBL :prayer:


Hehe, just pointing out that little girl can be used, even by a caring parent. Hope you don't mind me picking on ya :angel:

"Hotel officials say the two checked in Tuesday morning at 6:11 a.m., which was 40 minutes before Davis' mother reported the girl missing."

According to hotel, they did check in at that time, not visit.

""We found him there, we brought him in, we questioned him continuously through the night. He was arrested, charged with kidnapping for Shaniya Davis," Theresa Chance, of the Fayetteville Police Department, said.""

Where is there? According to his lawyer, he turned himself in. Even if that is not the case, the statement above makes it sound as if they found him at the hotel, which according to reports, he was only there an hour, gone when LE arrived.
Hehe, just pointing out that little girl can be used, even by a caring parent. Hope you don't mind me picking on ya :angel:

Not at all :) I wasn't making an issue of it but would suggest that whoever was isn't taking issue w little girl so much as "THAT" little girl, IOW "My" indicates a possessive FWIW :twocents: Also my daughter's name and identity have never been made public nor do I wish her to be... so I would naturally not refer to her by name so don't think it indicates estrangement or distancing in this instance.... Coe may well be trying to distance himself tho understandably from Shaniya in this case tho. HTH! Ok now I really do have to fly! JMO

I know there is video showing McNeill entering the hotel with Shaniya but does anyone know if there is video of him actually leaving with her as well?
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