NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, missing from her home 11/10/09 #5

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Human trafficking refers to the trade of ‘flesh and blood’ i.e. human beings. Basically it includes both legal and illegal migration of human beings, but nowadays it is used in very narrow sense which includes migration of human beings only for the illegal purposes. Often, people with no milk of human kindness in them are involved in such type of acts and not only they are just involved in human trafficking, they hit the bottom by forcing them to enter the world of slavery, prostitution and forced labor etc.
more at link
Well - If Coe is really innocent - and cares about Shaniya at all - maybe he will be able to help - especially since more is now known about what happened.

He said he did not know McNiell though - so if it was all set up through him - he may not be able to help.

I don't believe a word Coe has uttered. If he was away from the house that particular night it was because he wanted to have an alibi because he knew what was going to happen. This JMO, but a very strong opinion.
Okay, I'm just gonna say it....kill her, just kill the bit@h now! Don't even waste the tax payers money on a trial, just put a bullet in her brain and send her straight to hell. :furious:

I can think of a lot more fitting ways to rid the world of this .
I was thinking. Maybe the reason why we have not seen video of Shaniya leaving the hotel with McNeil was because she didn't. Maybe they have her on video leaving with someone else but they did not want to broadcast that yet because they did not want that person to pass her off and loose track of her.

Did the hotel rooms have patio/balconies/windows overlooking a courtyard/parking area? Could they have passed Shaniya to someone else that way?
I wonder what the penalty is in NC for human trafficking? I'm afraid to google it because I fear it will tremendously piss me off.
Please Lord, I come before you again. This time to ask you to spare Shaniya from the pain and torture that she is likely to be facing, to guide the various agencies that are searching for her. May Shaniya be protected as Daniel was, for she is surely among the lions now. Please bring her home, so that she can be treasured and loved and kept in safety. Give her father and those that love her the strength to cope under this terrible revelation. Take this heartwrenching occurrence and turn it into a force for change, a positive force for Shaniya and others, as only you can do.

beautiful..Amen and Amen
Oh my gosh! I want to make it stop! I want to SAVE HER and I can do nothing!

Oh yes, I can pray! :praying:

Kimster,we all need to band together and bombard Heaven with our prayers.How anyone especially a mother could do this to a child is beyond evil.:furious::furious::furious:
Did the hotel rooms have patio/balconies/windows overlooking a courtyard/parking area? Could they have passed Shaniya to someone else that way?

Well, we know McNeill used the elevator to go where ever he went to most likely rape the little girl, or maybe the scum who bought her checked to make sure that she was a virgin first. Who knows with this type of pure scum. The little girl could have been drugged an put into a suitcase and just rolled out the front door. Easy as pie and no one would be the wiser. No one would have seen someone leave with a little girl.
Shaniya's father, Bradley Lockhart, told The Associated Press he raised his daughter for several years but last month decided to let her stay with her mother. He said Davis struggled financially over the years, but she recently obtained a job and her own place, so Lockhart decided to give her a chance to raise their daughter.
"I should've never let her go over there," he said Saturday night.
Lockhart said police have not told him whether they are any closer to finding his daughter.
"I just want her to come back safe my friend," he said. "I love her very much and I hope she is OK."
He described his relationship with Davis as a "one-night stand" and said he and Davis never argued about him raising Shaniya.
"Shaniya is a precious young lady and she is special," Lockhart said.

"I just want her to come back safe my friend," he said. "I love her very much and I hope she is OK."
He described his relationship with Davis as a "one-night stand" and said he and Davis never argued about him raising Shaniya.
"Shaniya is a precious young lady and she is special," Lockhart said.

What is that?He turns his child over to a woman he had a one night stand with and says,"I hope she's ok."?Well,she's never going to be okay and she's not a young lady,she's a little child. What is wrong with these people?
Did you find where they say there is another in Florida as well? I read that somewhere and can't remember where.

I remember reading that about Jacksonville when I was reading about Somer. But, I have no clue, I think it was linked in the thread.
I wonder what the penalty is in NC for human trafficking? I'm afraid to google it because I fear it will tremendously piss me off.

Unfortunately, children are treated as disposable commodities these days and penalities are a joke. Death is the only penalty I can accept for something so evil.
Remember a number of months ago,this man from Florida went to another state,NC or VA,I believe.He was going by bus and was bringing back some teen girls,he got caught.He was taking them back to Florida.I can't remember all of that story,it was in one of those FLorida papers online.So,not all this human trafficking is big time money players,lower end pervs using buses and such.
Oh, Dear God, please don't let this be true. Just got home and read the last 5 or 6 pages to catch up. Have a throbbing headache now.
OMG! No words,just no words can really express what this "female" deserves. I just pray they find that sweet child alive. Death penalty is justified for her even if by some miracle Shaniya is brought home alive.

Dear God,that poor father must be so tormented right now. He naively tried to do what he thought was a good thing for her,let her live with her "mother",who would have thought "mommy" (GAG) would do something unspeakable like this to the child.

I'll stop right now before I say what I really think of her and what she deserves to be done to her. I don't want to be banned for foul language!

Shaniya,I pray you're found alive soon and in peace in Gods arms if not.:~~~(
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