GUILTY NC - Spc. Megan Touma, 23, pregnant, murdered, Fayetteville, 13 June 2008

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DNA Solves
I agree with you. The killers plan was to point the murder in the direction of a serial killer vs. a known associate. In order to do this he had to have the crime look as extraordinary as possible including the zodiac type note. He may have killed her immediately and used the bathtub to inflict post mortem damage that would add to the gruesome finding and deflect attention from him. As most would not expect a loved one to damage another in such a fashion.

I imagine the delay in news is the military autopsy taking awhile. I believe they have the person responsible in their scope.

AFIP (Armed Forces Institute of Pathology) is a top-notch institution; I went to some courses there. Their autopsy will be thorough, and thus slow waiting for tox chromatography etc.

It is a very grey area whether or not independent military subcontractors are either civilians or servicepeople.

truly, there really is not a grey area here. My DH was in charge of all the defense contract workers at Victory base last year...and they are held to army standards in work, ethics, and everything else in between. Also, if a crime against a soldier is committed off post the military can decide to do a concurrent investigation. Who the perp is does not matter...because they are not guilty until they meet the MAN in court...just like civies.

A dead soldier with ties to another soldier enrolled in SF school is a case that undoubtably, CID picked up right away.

As for numerous cases of soldiers being killed by civie contractors....could you elaborate because I have not heard of this.....
AFIP (Armed Forces Institute of Pathology) is a top-notch institution; I went to some courses there. Their autopsy will be thorough, and thus slow waiting for tox chromatography etc.


I agree. The wheels of the military turn slowly...but they turn. And they will eventually roll over this perp...whomever he may be....:furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious:
Not sure if this has been mentioned but I find it interesting that the killer's letter is dated June 17 saying he watched the police as they investigated. However her body wasn't found for another 4 days so how could he have watched? Of course he could have just added that later since apparently the letter wasn't postmarked until June 24.
I think he was just aping the Zodiac letter where Zodiac bragged about watching the cops search the Presidio after his murder of cab driver Paul Stine.

He's either a fan of Graysmith's book 'Zodiac' or has spent time on Tom Voight's
He's just trying to throw LE away from his personal association with this woman by making it look like he's a Zodiac type serial killer who targeted her at random as part of a chain of murders.
I hope he doesnt randomly kill someone else to fortify his charade.
they dig far enough into her personal life theyll find this idiot.
i am sorry to hear that.... their mission is based on hatred & judgement of others... & the venues they choose to "protest" have very vague connections to their my Bible, I have never read a passage that supports their their organization

hopefully the motorcycle riders will be present to sheild the mourners from the "church"
I was hoping we would have a suspect in custody by now. So sad.
Ah Fred and the Church of Hate. Oh how I hate those people. It must be nice to be able to conveniently manipulate words and meanings to fit your own sick agenda whenever you please. I cannot believe that as many funerals they have picketed some big ol Marine hasn't beat the living crap out of them. I sure wish they would.
FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. - Authorities say a second autopsy of a pregnant Fort Bragg soldier found dead in a local motel confirms her death was a homicide.
The U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command said Friday that 23-year-old Army Spc. Megan Touma of Cold Spring, Ky., was a homicide victim. The cause of her death hasn't been released. The autopsy was conducted by the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.
We will wait to find out if the first female who is now dead was having treatment at this military hosiptal which is the same place that the second female who is now missing and was working there.

Did they see each other as doctor/patient in pre-care treatment for the 7 month pregnant women
:saythat:"Man has two supreme loyalties - to country and to family...So long as their families are safe, they will defend their country, believing that by their sacrifice they are safeguarding their families also. But even the bonds of patriotism, discipline, and comradeship are loosened when the family itself is threatened.
- General William T. Sherman

I think I found something to help explain how indirect care of family members (my heading an family readiness group of six hundred soldiers' family members...and that is just my example but trust is the same throughout all branches of service) serves this country. General Sherman said it best. I apologize in advance to all on this thread for such a horrid violation of OT conversation. No more on the matter from my camp.

:clap::clap: You go girl- great quote :clap::clap:
No arrest in the case yet? Im starting to think its going to be a cold case.:confused:
Any more news? its becoming cold! Its about time for an arrest! jmo:confused:
New here, but have been lurking for a while....

Anyway, I was a soldier for 13 years. I was in PSYOP for about 6 years, which is the training the the boyfriend was going through. Although the training is at the JFK Spec Warfare Center and School, it has nothing to do with Special Forces. It is it's own entity, and is not a special forces MOS (military occupation specialty).

Robin Sage is a Special Forces activity, and again, has nothing to do with PSYOP. Sometimes some soldiers were detailed out to provide security or role playing parts in Robin Sage, but it has nothing to do with PSYOP training. Or at least it didn't when I was there.

Because this boyfriend of Megan Touma is an Engineer has no bearing on PSYOP training, and has no connection to the SF Engineer course, which has been posted on here. Many times, soldiers change jobs (reclassify) as a reenlistment incentive. PSYOP has had traditionally high promotion rates over the years, and bonuses for reclass people and reenlistees. This makes it very attractive for soldiers in other specialties to want to do it. It is a relatively small career field, and most of the active duty soldiers are trained and stationed at Ft. Bragg. That means fewer moves over a career, which does get tiring. (There are many reserve PSYOP units all over the country, however).

The field of PSYOP has alot to do with winning the hearts and minds of the enemy without firing a shot in combat, and in peacetime. It really doesn't make someone a Zodiac copycat. When I went through the course, and worked the job, I found it to be alot like advertising. We would do "campaigns" to change peoples minds about things (not in the US, as that is illegal), such as telling farmers that growing carrots is much more profitable than growing coca, telling kids that they should be drug free, etc. This is all done to further US interests in foreign nations. It is done is direct cooperation with foreign governments.
There is no explosives training, other than the usual markmanship training that the military provides. There really is no sneaky pete type stuff going on with it either. The name, Psychological Operations, kind of implies that though.

I am really hoping they find the killer of this young girl. It saddens me that this could happen to anyone, let alone a soldier in the US Army. I just wanted to post this stuff about PSYOP to clear up any confusion there might be about this boyfriend's or POI's (if it is not the boyfriend) chosen career field.
Thanks, Laintn, for explaining PSYOP.
I have been watching daily for any more news on Megan. I cannot believe that there has not been an arrest yet.
I will continue to watch, and will NEVER forget Megan Touma! She and her family deserve justice.
Thanks, Laintn, for explaining PSYOP.
I have been watching daily for any more news on Megan. I cannot believe that there has not been an arrest yet.
I will continue to watch, and will NEVER forget Megan Touma! She and her family deserve justice.

Frankly, I am surprised too that there has been nothing about an arrest. I know an additional autopsy was to be done and I am sure that there are tons of forensics to navigate through it does feel like it is taking longer than it should.
Thanks for that laintn... my hubby is in the Army his MOS is 19D so ask me something about Scouts and I could tell ya..anything else and I have no clue lol. Your post clarified alot though. To be able to change peoples minds is actually pretty powerful when you think about it. Anyway I hope they find Meagans killer and soon.

New here, but have been lurking for a while....

Anyway, I was a soldier for 13 years. I was in PSYOP for about 6 years, which is the training the the boyfriend was going through. Although the training is at the JFK Spec Warfare Center and School, it has nothing to do with Special Forces. It is it's own entity, and is not a special forces MOS (military occupation specialty).

Robin Sage is a Special Forces activity, and again, has nothing to do with PSYOP. Sometimes some soldiers were detailed out to provide security or role playing parts in Robin Sage, but it has nothing to do with PSYOP training. Or at least it didn't when I was there.

Because this boyfriend of Megan Touma is an Engineer has no bearing on PSYOP training, and has no connection to the SF Engineer course, which has been posted on here. Many times, soldiers change jobs (reclassify) as a reenlistment incentive. PSYOP has had traditionally high promotion rates over the years, and bonuses for reclass people and reenlistees. This makes it very attractive for soldiers in other specialties to want to do it. It is a relatively small career field, and most of the active duty soldiers are trained and stationed at Ft. Bragg. That means fewer moves over a career, which does get tiring. (There are many reserve PSYOP units all over the country, however).

The field of PSYOP has alot to do with winning the hearts and minds of the enemy without firing a shot in combat, and in peacetime. It really doesn't make someone a Zodiac copycat. When I went through the course, and worked the job, I found it to be alot like advertising. We would do "campaigns" to change peoples minds about things (not in the US, as that is illegal), such as telling farmers that growing carrots is much more profitable than growing coca, telling kids that they should be drug free, etc. This is all done to further US interests in foreign nations. It is done is direct cooperation with foreign governments.
There is no explosives training, other than the usual markmanship training that the military provides. There really is no sneaky pete type stuff going on with it either. The name, Psychological Operations, kind of implies that though.

I am really hoping they find the killer of this young girl. It saddens me that this could happen to anyone, let alone a soldier in the US Army. I just wanted to post this stuff about PSYOP to clear up any confusion there might be about this boyfriend's or POI's (if it is not the boyfriend) chosen career field.

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