GUILTY NC - Spc. Megan Touma, 23, pregnant, murdered, Fayetteville, 13 June 2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The author of the letter, if he's the real thing, states that he's killed before. Makes you wonder about the other pregnant women killed in North Carolina. Jenna Nielson, Janet Abaroa and another one who's name escape me.
The author of the letter, if he's the read thing, states that he's killed before. Makes you wonder about the other pregnant women killed in North Carolina. Jenna Nielson, Janet Abaroa and another one who's name escape me.

One in colorado the airforce nurse. noni, I beleive!
One in colorado the airforce nurse. noni, I beleive!

There have been several across the country over the past decade or so. a cluster of them in So Cal. Do you remember anymore on the case in Colorado?
I wonder if the message written in the lipstick was tested to see if it had Ms Touma's DNA? Was it her lipstick, or was it someone elses? I think of the possibility that maybe the baby's father was a married man, and his wife found out. If they find out who the
baby's father is, and he is married, then I think the DNA
from the lipstick is important. Maybe there were 2 people in the room when she was killed. It seems unusal to me that a man would carry around a tube of lipstick. If this sign drawn on the mirror is not from Ms Touma's lipstick, then whose is it?
opme, you're thinking exactly what I'm thinking. A married officer as well.
I think you guys are on the right track. What person wouldn't come forward to scream about their child being murdered? He should be all over the media trying to get answers. I would say he is a superior and risks losing bigtime, too.
Did anyone else notice that the year in the date of the letter has the year of 2008 written in the symbols for the those numbers.. ? Something about the letter bothers me .. along of the lines of its not a legitmate copycat or from a Zodiac killer admirer. more like its to throw off investigators..but I do find the reference to the Zodiac killer interesting. I do hope that this it not as it would appear at face value since I have family living in that area..

Look at your keyboard. :) With the Caps Lock on, the numbers 008 in 2008 would be typed as ))*.

I definitely think this is personally motivated and the letter is a crude attempt to divert investigators from the truth.
Even BTK used his own signature. Thrill killers or sexually motivated killers haven't been known to copy Zodiac, they want the glory for their own killings and make up their own signatures or symbols, something unique and important to them.

The strangest part about this death is that she had just rented the room. If she was dead as long as they say, she could have been killed on June 12 or 13. I doubt it was a crime of opportunity. Someone she knew was laying in wait for her. Ex husband, fiance', other person known to her. The only other possibility I can come up with is a hotel manager, due to the fact that her room wasn't cleaned for 4 days and no one followed up on why there was the decomp. smell coming from her room. Also, I still think the A/C may have been turned off if the smell was that bad in 3-4 days. A/C units in hotels are usually very cold.

Many things were done to the physical space she occupied. Bed moved, mirror written on, body placed in bathtub, nightstand and lamp disturbed.
I've tried to move a hotel bed to plug something into the outlet which is invariably behind the bed, and in hotels I've been in, they are extremely heavy and very difficult to budge.

One thing I wonder about- Both BTK and Zodiac, who were both sexually motivated thrill killers took something away from at least some of their victims. BTK many more than what is attributed to Zodiac. IF this was a copycat attempt, I would expect some personal item or items of hers to be missing.
Good thinking about the father.

Why is the letter dated June 17th when it couldn't have been written until June 21st?

Done on a typewriter? Whoa...not many of those relics around anymore.
Good thinking about the father.

Why is the letter dated June 17th when it couldn't have been written until June 21st?

Done on a typewriter? Whoa...not many of those relics around anymore.

I was thinking the same thing. Am I confused? How could he have watched the investigators if the body hadn't been found yet??

Good thinking about the father.

Why is the letter dated June 17th when it couldn't have been written until June 21st?

Done on a typewriter? Whoa...not many of those relics around anymore.

The killer is telling us the day of the murder...June 17th. I guess LE needs to be interviewing hotel guests, delivery people and any others in the general area on that day. Or, the killer is setting up a wild goose chase.
The killer is telling us the day of the murder...June 17th. I guess LE needs to be interviewing hotel guests, delivery people and any others in the general area on that day. Or, the killer is setting up a wild goose chase.

That makes sense. I don't know why I thought a psycho killer would date a letter on the day he wrote it like the rest of us.

I think I read she checked in on June 12th. Was she ever seen after that date? If not, SJana is correct...her death could have been as early as the 12th which would better explain the extreme decomp.
The time is written in military time. Is it possible that someone on base could have access to a typewriter for filling out duplicate forms or something? Was the note written on a typewriter for sure? I've read all of the articles, but can't recall if it one said it was for certain done by typewriter and not computer.
I am puzzled somewhat though.......have the police been psychologically messing with this person since they received his letter? I think he wrote it because they weren't coming out immediately and saying it was foul play. Again if he is legitimate he wants all to know it indeed was murder by his hands.

He doesn't seem happy with LE and probably because they won't call this a homicide and give out any shocking details to the press. IMO, there was something unusual and shocking about Megans death that LE hasn't released.
The time is written in military time. Is it possible that someone on base could have access to a typewriter for filling out duplicate forms or something? Was the note written on a typewriter for sure? I've read all of the articles, but can't recall if it one said it was for certain done by typewriter and not computer.

Very good suggestion about the typewriter for filling out duplicate forms. The typewriter mentioned was in the article posted earlier by Luckyme.

Here is a map of where the crime took place and if you scroll up a bit you will see Fort Bragg.,0.018239&z=15&iwloc=addr&output=embed
I think I read she checked in on June 12th. Was she ever seen after that date? If not, SJana is correct...her death could have been as early as the 12th which would better explain the extreme decomp.

From the Fayetteville Observer newspaper article about the letter are the following statements about her known activity:

Touma, 23, an Army dental specialist, arrived in Fayetteville on June 12 after reassignment from the U.S. Army Dental Clinic in Bamberg, Germany, according to a news release issued by Fort Bragg.
She checked in on her day of arrival but opted to stay at the motel near Cross Creek Mall.
Touma failed to show up for formation with the 19th Replacement Company on June 16.

So, she theoretically could have been killed as early as the 12th, did not show up for her assignment on the 16th and was discovered on the 21st. The hotel seems to claim that her room was last cleaned on the 16th, or that this is when the " Do Not Disturb" sign was put on the door. I fail to see how a disinterested party would know this info. The " advanced state of decomposition" makes quite a bit more sense with a 7 to 8 day period of death in a climate-controlled hotel room.

A few years ago when schools in my city were getting rid of their typewriters, it was suggested each school keep one or two "just in case" the need arose...and it has.

This person may have felt safer using a typewriter...but a specific typewriter CAN be matched to a typed document.

The father's silence speaks volumes!

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