GUILTY NC - Spc. Megan Touma, 23, pregnant, murdered, Fayetteville, 13 June 2008

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DNA Solves
I have just begun following this story. She was found in the bathtub, right? and reports said she was,"decomposing." Which likley means she had been dead for at least a couple of days. I know there were no obvious signs of trauma but remember Kathleen Savio? She was found dead in the bathtub as well. It's interesting. I'm following that case also.
This young woman was sais to be acstatic about the upcoming birth of her baby. I feel like unfortunately this may be anothe rone of those, I don't wnat to be a daddy cases. These are so very sad too. Like Laci's mom said in the trial...Divorce her..don't murder her.

However this turns out, it's extremely tragic for Megan and her unborn baby. These cases break my heart. There are SO many in NC alone.. including one which touches me especially, the Jennifer ( Jenna) Nielson case. It's never gotten much attention at all.
While Jenna's murder has elements of a stranger as the perp, none of the others do, including this one. I think we will know more shortly. Once the newpaper and TV station revealed the letter, the police had to step up their processes so the killer doesn't elude them.

6:45 PM today
"ABC News: Person of Interest in Pregnant Soldier Death
A soldier has been named a person of interest in the death of pregnant soldier Spc. Megan Touma, a military spokesman said today, the same day a newpaper released an anonymous letter in which the writer claimed responsibility for the young woman's killing. Military spokesman Lt. Col. John Clearwater told The Associated Press the Ft. Bragg soldier is training at a special operations school, and he has not been charged with any crime.... snip... "

I wonder what special operations school? Anyway, the search I did showed a home address for the possible person a very short distance away from the hotel. I won't link it until someone is named.
the fay~observer stated this ~snipped~
The soldier is a student at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, said Lt. Col. John Clearwater, a spokesman for the school. Service members from across the military learn special operations tactics at the school.
Clearwater said the soldier has not been charged and would not disclose the soldier’s name.

here are some links to that school in general and specifically the engineer school:

it is a special op course for engineering SGTs (above link, that is)
anyone who does the Q course and nearly two years of courses and mind~screwing to become special forces could certainly write a crackpot letter like the one sent to the fay~ob in my opinion only.....
the fay~observer stated this ~snipped~
The soldier is a student at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, said Lt. Col. John Clearwater, a spokesman for the school. Service members from across the military learn special operations tactics at the school.
Clearwater said the soldier has not been charged and would not disclose the soldier’s name.

here are some links to that school in general and specifically the engineer school:

it is a special op course for engineering SGTs (above link, that is)
Those are a couple of strange websites. The first denies all association with 'the U.S.Army or any government agency', and has as its motto 'de opresso libre' -to oppress liberty? My latin is kind of rusty. They say they are based at Fort Bragg, NC.

The second has a nuclear bomb exploding as its graphic. :eek:

Thanks for answering my questions.
I have just begun following this story. She was found in the bathtub, right? and reports said she was,"decomposing." Which likely means she had been dead for at least a couple of days. I know there were no obvious signs of trauma but remember Kathleen Savio? She was found dead in the bathtub as well. It's interesting. I'm following that case also.
This young woman was sais to be acstatic about the upcoming birth of her baby. I feel like unfortunately this may be another rone of those, I don't want to be a daddy cases. These are so very sad too. Like Laci's mom said in the trial...Divorce her..don't murder her.

But this one left behind much more evidence than just a woman in a bathtub. From the SW 2 sections of drywall were taken in by police because it appeared to have blood like stains on it.

Then if the symbol was made in lipstick on the mirror which was also taken in the SW then I don't understand why after all this time they aren't coming out and stating they think the death was due to foul play.

And no telling what else was found in the room.

That is the strange thing about this case imo.

imoo is the special forces school and it is at fort bragg. the second link has a bomb exploding because it is the engineer page...that is one of the things they do.....explode ordinance they confiscate from enemies, defuse landmines and IEDs, etc. Engineers have some of the most dangerous jobs in the army. As for the denial of association with us army and the government...that must be taken out of context. This school is part of the military.
Truth elusive in Pineland
Special Warfare Center and School
Saturday, November 9, 2002 12:00AM EST
[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
Robin Sage incident

By DENNIS ROGERS, Staff Writer

Officials use sympathetic words such as "tragedy" and "misunderstanding" when discussing the killing of Army 1st Lt. Tallas Tomeny near Robbins last February.

They're right. But it is also obvious that, after two investigations into Tomeny's death -- one state, one federal -- there remain more troubling questions than reassuring answers.

The story gets no easier to understand no matter how often it is told. Two Fort Bragg soldiers, Lt. Tomeny and Sgt. Stephen Phelps, were taking part in a 19-day Special Forces training exercise called Robin Sage. The exercise requires students to organize civilian volunteers, which often include cooperative law enforcement officers, to fight against the government of a mock nation called "Pineland."

The war game turned deadly on Feb. 23 when Moore County deputy Randall Butler stopped a pickup driven by civilian volunteer Charles Leiber. Both the newly released Army report, and one completed by the State Bureau of Investigation within 48 hours of the event, agree that Butler was not part of the exercise when he killed Tomeny and wounded Phelps.

What is less clear is what caused the traffic stop to turn deadly. The SBI said that Deputy Butler did not know Tomeny, Phelps and Leiber were taking part in Robin Sage and that he felt his life was in immediate danger from heavily armed men when he opened fire.

The Army admits that much of the problem was caused by its failure to notify all law enforcement that troops would be conducting training maneuvers.

But once the situation developed, the facts become murky. Leiber and Phelps told Army investigators that Butler shot the two soldiers without sufficient provocation. The Army report draws no conclusions and, officially, supports the SBI finding that the event was an accident.

The problem is, the two versions of what happened that bloody afternoon are so diametrically opposed that it is clear somebody, intentionally or not, is not telling the whole truth. Perhaps, because of time and trauma, no one really knows the truth anymore. Perhaps, as in the classic Japanese film "Rashomon," the participants are telling a version of the truth that will make them look good.

It is important for continuing good relations between the civilian and military communities, as well the future of Robin Sage, that the truth -- good or bad -- be told and nagging suspicions and rumors put to rest. Downplaying military-civilian conflict is good, but if mistrust is allowed to take hold among cops or Special Forces, there could be more such tragic misunderstandings.

Or, as some suspect, do the Army and civilian law enforcement already know the truth of what happened, and are they keeping quiet to keep the peace?

Paul Campbell served with Special Forces from 1953 to 1970 before spending 23 years in civilian law enforcement. He is also active in the retired Special Forces community. While he stresses that his is a personal opinion, it is one worth considering.

"Special Forces needs Robin Sage, and it needs rapport with local people to make it work," he said. "When you consider how important the training is, what's a little cover-up?"

The News & Observer

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anyone who does the Q course and nearly two years of courses and mind~screwing to become special forces could certainly write a crackpot letter like the one sent to the fay~ob in my opinion only.....

I also wonder if info on the Zodiac killer wasn't part of the training. To show how perverse an enemy could be or how stealthy?
ocean, I do not think that is the case. In one of the links above LE stated they are investigating it as a homicide...and declared it a suspicious death. They cannot rule it anything else until the autopsy comes back.
anyone who does the Q course and nearly two years of courses and mind~screwing to become special forces could certainly write a crackpot letter like the one sent to the fay~ob in my opinion only.....

My brother trained for specials forces (one of only two chosen out of 200) at Ft. Bragg and he is a regular guy. Don't they do mental evaluations before beginning training?
truly....the website is not official. It is a disclaimer. The school is part of the army and the us government
also, the 'official' pda document on the school is not available to the general public. It is on ako (same site I linked/explained earlier)
sewingdeb, yes they do mental evals. My statement was tongue in cheek... The stress of the school though...could make the strongest crack. My husband said ranger school was like pure torture...
truly....the website is not official. It is a disclaimer. The school is part of the army and the us government
OK. So where is the Official Website? That ought to be available to American citizens.
The school has a website, truly.... it is the one you are looking at. Because it is NOT secure it is not "official". The official pda documents for students, army personnel, and the like and every other kind of anything for the military is at army knowledge online... which is You will not be able to get on there unless you are affiliated with the military. It is for security purposes. I hope that makes sense. I posted the links to the site that you CAN see so you could read about the school that the poi is attending as per the fay~observer article. It explains what kind of school the poi is attending and gives a little background.

again, sorry if that was confusing you. The school is real. Special forces is real. The POI in this case is attending the school.
But this one left behind much more evidence than just a woman in a bathtub. From the SW 2 sections of drywall were taken in by police because it appeared to have blood like stains on it.

Then if the symbol was made in lipstick on the mirror which was also taken in the SW then I don't understand why after all this time they aren't coming out and stating they think the death was due to foul play.

And no telling what else was found in the room.

That is the strange thing about this case imo.

Yes, I read that just awhile ago about the search warrants, the drywall sections being removed for possible blood evidence...and the mysterious cross drawn with lipstick on a mirror in the hotel room. Could this be someone trying his best to set the LE up for failure? Leading down the wrong path type thing. It could very well be. I am sure LE already has hints that this could be evidence of framing. Usually when a pregnant woman is found dead and the death is suspicious, it is a very personal crime. Not some random killing.
Oh, I'm not confused...I've read George Washington, George Orwell and George Carlin.:D

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