NC vs. Raven Abaroa ~ the Trial 2

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This poor girl was so nervous. Look how many lives Raven touched and tainted.

Truly they both seemed so upset. He knew she was pregnant and he ran his mouth; looks like LE was patient and they gave him plenty of time to talk with a LOT of women and enough rope that he hung himself with it. He is his own worst enemy. I agree that photo is disturbing but so is his change in appearance. He looks nothing like he used to. He absolutely terrified the prev witness, she was in TEARS. What she described was forced sex, there was no way "out" for her, she had no choice but to cave in get it over with and get back to her dorm. She was terrified of him; you could tell. She tried to leave DNA in the vehicle by running her hands through her hair repeatedly....and that proves to me just how upset she truly was during and after....what she described as just short of rape not consensual sex. Her testimony really did just come short of rape.
I'm not familiar with the details of Jason young's case. Was it he that went to an "In and Out Burger" and came home to find his dead wife - or is Raven referring to another murder? Or is he making the whole darn thing up?
It sure sounded like a reference to the Michelle Young Murder. Am not sure, but mentioned RunAway Bride case taking all the media! *wow* I forgot about her.
Michelle's case...he claimed to be at the hotel but was caught in the stairwell...coming and going on cctv. He drove many miles to kill her and the back again. His case does remind me of the Young case in many ways.
I prefer the male defense's questioning. The female always sounds catty and snarky for some reason. Not sure what he's getting to on this cross, though, except that Raven said he was a good father which she already said on direct.
Their entire defense seems to be that peeps didn't state every detail in their statements years ago. I'm sure the defense had a chance to interview these wits recently in terms of discovery.
This girl sounds as if she's LDS. She is aware of the garment regulations.
I'm surprised the def. is allowing her to ramble on - it's damaging to their case. Oh boy - here comes the internet. He'll probably ask about WS again.
Without sounding like I'm trying to boss you around.... I'm really not that way.... but can we keep the conversations on the new thread so we don't have to keep going back and forth.

I asked a mod to close this thread, but bless their hearts, I'm sure they are busy and will get to it as soon as they can. Until then can we keep the conversation going on the Week 3 thread, please.

(You can tell me to go get stuffed, if you want to. LOL! I'm definitely NOT the boss here. LOL! )
I'm always surprised when witnesses wear such casual attire in the court room. Guess I'm just old fashioned about the respect of the court.
Oh boy - this must be Vanessa. Def doesn't even want her to testify AT ALL!!
OH!! You mean THIS is the old thread??? I thought you were talking about the last one. Do you have a link?
OH!! You mean THIS is the old thread??? I thought you were talking about the last one. Do you have a link?
[ame=""]NC vs. Raven Abaroa ~ the Trial 3 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Prev witness testified just short to being raped by him. IOW she testified that she felt she had no other choice; didn't want to have sex with him and had no way "out" was "back into a corner". Cried terribly on the stand, and I really felt badly for her. Clearly she was terrified of him. Def tried to prove she changed her testimony in the last five yrs adding the word aggressive to her testimony. Not just a sexual encounter...etc.

Def now bringing up again this new witness has had conversations online with the defendant. Def team seems to have issues with online info.

What really got me is seems defense tried muddying up the timeline. She was 17 when she met Raven, but she was ALSO 17 when this incident took place, whether or not she was in college at the time, she still was only 17 and at the time, technically a MINOR!!
I prefer the male defense's questioning. The female always sounds catty and snarky for some reason. Not sure what he's getting to on this cross, though, except that Raven said he was a good father which she already said on direct.

I agree!
I think it's Shiloh the sister and Derrek the brother. I haven't seen Karen the Mom, step-father Jim Bolton or the step-sister Summer Bolton lately.

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