NC vs. Raven Abaroa ~ the Trial 3

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It almost seems as if Janet was purposely leaving clues for someone to find. :-(

Hmmm, glee, maybe she was -- just in case. I can see it, considering the place she seemed to be at the time. Trapped, no hope, and the future -- unless she changed it herself -- was not going to change. Oh, I thank God I have never been in that position.

It had to be hard for her to even get up in the morning -- but she did it for the One Good & Perfect Thing she had in her life, and to get out of that house on Ferrand Drive...


HLN says Jodi Arias will take the stand to speak in the Penalty Phase of the Jodi Arias trial. Now I'm getting sick. Move over, trix...
I believe all those papers were already entered into evidence and discussed before, two of the papers were the papers that were found on the floor in the living room etc.

I think all that she is sending around was stuff that was previously admitted into evidence and not any of the new stuff. I am truly not sure what the heck is going on.

I admit to being completely confused by everything.

I believe 100% Raven killed Janet and that will never change, my faith that Justice will be served is definitely not at 100%, but it does seem that this Prosecution team is doing what they can with what they got, but they I truly hope there is more.
Looks like it is totally up to the jury to decide if they see anything exculpatory or damning in the reams of paper they are reviewing. Without a state witness or any explanation, there must not be anything incriminating.

JTF..why do you think they admitted it into evidence? put your heart and soul into Michelle's case. I and others will never forget that!!
Mani looks very intent on watching the jurors as they walk around the table reviewing evidence, no hint of giggling with the defendant at this time.
JTF..why do you think they admitted it into evidence? put your heart and soul into Michelle's case. I and others will never forget that!!

I was thinking it was the new discovery from the file drawer?
Maybe they are allowing the jury to personally review all exhibits from their case?
I was thinking it was the new discovery from the file drawer?
Maybe they are allowing the jury to personally review all exhibits from their case?

So the cell phone, pda and hard drive I noticed, also there was a knife found in the Durango as well as a pair of shoes, the pawn shop ticket, a cell phone, the keys etc. too, so maybe it's part of the new and part of the old they wanted the jurors to see.

Lunch break.
Hoping another wit will tell us the results of the computer and PC examination.
The state did not REST, did it???????????

No, they did not. This witness was just up there to show his link in the chain of evidence. A lot of time, etc., is used up in this effort, but it has got to be done.

There should be some type of specialist who looked at it and who will present findings.

Hmmm. "Damaging" to whom. No kidding...:sheesh:

So now we wait -- Lunch till 2:30EDT:waiting:

Not really...just news reports.
Raping and murdering a 5 year old child deserves cruel and unusual punishment.

Totally agree with you, I wondered because you always have such a super understanding of everything, so I like to follow along with your thoughts.
Wonder if Tyndall puts on a defense?
If not, they have the final closing argument to the jury.

Looking at the state's fairly weak case, that is what I would do.
No, they did not. This witness was just up there to show his link in the chain of evidence. A lot of time, etc., is used up in this effort, but it has got to be done.

There should be some type of specialist who looked at it and who will present findings.

Hmmm. "Damaging" to whom. No kidding...:sheesh:

So now we wait -- Lunch till 2:30DST:waiting:


I agree, borndem, so much time just viewing the evidence during trial, without much explanation as to *what* this evidence signifies, or what context it is in. Seems like a waste of time IMO. I don't recall seeing this process in other trials from other states?? Seems like N.C. has some strange evidence procedures, no? Why can't the jury take the evidence into the jury room to deliberate? I recall other cases where jurors have said 'they did this or that, or listened to this or that' repeatedly to form their conclusions. Not so in N.C. it would appear. :banghead:
Wonder if Tyndall puts on a defense?
If not, they have the final closing argument to the jury.

Looking at the state's fairly weak case, that is what I would do.

And that in and of inself is frightening. :please: I'd be shaking in my boots were I one of those poor witnesses who'd given testimony against R.A.
Raven can't/won't look at the jury........

Well, well, well -- that may be the first honest thing he's done since this whole thing began. And prolly the last. Grrrrrrrrr.

No backbone, Raven? Can't look at 'em, huh? You spineless %(%&*& -- all you had the nerve to do was verbally and emotionally torture the woman you said you wanted to be with in eternty, and then you killed her. You didn't want her, but you didn't want anybody else to have her. Meet your other doppelganger. Her name is Jodi. :stormingmad:
Boy am I ever late getting to the party today. Appears I missed a mess, probably a good thing since I seem to get so upset with the slightest issues regarding the prosecution in all of these trials. This pros. team appears to present evidence and then not explain what it is nor how it even fits the case much too often. So they never produced any damaging testimony regarding the discovered evidence of last Thursday? I hope the damaging testimony isn't going to damage to the state's case.
I hope, too, that everyone is well and today will be a good start to a nice week for all. I may take a short nap during the lunch recess so I can be bushy-tailed for the afternoon session.

"After one last witness late Monday morning, jurors began reviewing dozens of pieces of evidence, including shoes, a cellphone and a knife that Raven Abaroa told detectives they overlooked and that he found years later in a box of belongings."

Reminds me of the ever elusive peterson blow poke. :blushing: Don't you just love *helpful* perps. :floorlaugh: SODDI, and here's the weapon *you* missed. Perhaps it was yet another BHS (bushy-haired stranger), creeping around the RDU area off-ing wives. :banghead:
I'm trying to remember, IIRC isn't it N.C. where they can't take evidence into the jury room? Was it the Jason Young trial where we questioned that?

Yep, glee, right here in NC -- the evidence is laid out in the courtroom, & the jury gets to look at it for as long as they need, and then they go deliberate after whatever other things must be done. I don't know why the law was written that way -- I'd like to know why. Guns or drugs or needles or cash or something potentially dangerous, sure, but I just don't get it.
I spent only a few minutes googling Jason Young last night, and got the basics. Was this trial in NC too? It has SO many comparisons.

Trix, the jury doesn't even know about th e-mails, right? That was discussed before they came in.
I want to know WHAT EXACTLY they found on this computer and PD. And the jury NEEDS to know. Please tell me they aren't done. Why didn't the state enter this evidence as each wit was on the stand, rather than giving them a bundle when it's all done?
Uggggg - this is frustrating, and must be horrible for Janet's family.

JJ -- here's a link to the whole trial testimony, in reverse chronological order. If you've go a few spare days, have a ball. I am citing the 2nd trial because it had a verdict, unlike the first one!
Oh no, back to reviewing evidence. < banging head against the wall > The one day I have time to tune in, and it's all this.

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