NC vs. Raven Abaroa ~ the Trial 3

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P>S> My *advertiser censored* sag exactly like hers, but I don't show them, OR dress like that in my son's murder trial. wow
Well, I've never been to a murder trial for my son, but you guys know what I mean.
Hahaha - the female attorney has to coach the mom on her own son's life.
"Was it less than a year? Then did they move to...." BUT - they kept in touch ALL THE TIME!!
"Do you know the steps they took after they got back together?"
She looks like she wants the attorney to give her a hint.
"Dump him, he's not good enough for you" says Karyn. Too bad Janet didn't listen.
How did they get to your house - they drove.
Would it help to refresh your recollection to see the bank statement?

Does she need help with her memory, or did she just answer the question with no "refreshment"?? That's kind of a stretch to get bank records in.
It's a stretch indeed just to get those records in. I think the bank records are hilarious. Are they trying to show that Raven had income coming in at the time? Of course he had income coming in still, he still had the stolen goods and was still selling them on Ebay, but his regular job was over.

We all heard that Raven's boss from Tech Skills stated that Raven was going to be jobless at the end of the month. She testified that Karen called just to say that Raven wasn't going to be in because his wife committed suicide. Karen doesn't even remember what day it was, but the boss testified it was early am on the 27th. Then Karen seemed to have this imaginary conversation with the woman about Raven bringing in a few more customers and Raven's boss said oh that will put him OVER the quota. Really Karen, really? She saw the testimony didn't she, and she still lied.

So many times during her testimony she said Janet and Raven did something. Janet couldn't stand Karen. She would never ask Karen to lie about anything. Her big fear was that Raven and Karen would get Kaiden. She knew this woman was fake and that Raven had this love/hate relationship with her. She was domineering "not in my household" and she was controlling and Janet could only handle one of those types in her life.

I am willing to bet that DT didn't want her on the stand, but they probably had no choice, because Karen don't let anyone tell her what to do. Karen is one of those people that doesn't have any qualms about getting up on a stand, putting her hand on a bible and lying. She does what she needs to do to get to the end result, so much like her son.

People get on the stand and lie, we seen in with Jennifer Walker, we saw it many times, Jason Young, Cindy Anthony and rarely in cases like this do you see anything come of it. Rarely will someone go after a wit for perjury, but it's still satisfying to me to be able to witness it first hand and know the truth.

I think Karyn Abaroa Bolton was dressed rather conservatively compared to how she normally dresses and I'm sure she made her family proud to see that.
I'm so reminded of Cassidy Young when I think of Kaiden. The Youngs kept her from the Fishers...Mom Linda & sister much the same way. The Fishers filed for custody and were granted it. Has anyone in Janet's family tried? Or will they, especially when this trial is over and slayer Abaroa sits in the big house.

It was a transition thing where Cassidy slowly transitioned back into their, weeks, month, etc. AS Fiona, one of Michelle's close friends, said "Somewhere in a compartment in Cassidy's little mind, all of this is filed away....when it surfaces is anyone's guess. It was/is thought by many that Cassidy witnessed her mommy's murder. Thank God she is being raised now by Meredith! I hope with all my heart one of Janet's siblings could/would get Kaiden!
Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock...........your times almost up Slayer Abaroa!

It's off to the big house you go....for ever and ever.

Bye Raven.........
I feel I must come forward on WS now as the trial is ongoing - I was married to Karyn for 6 months in 1992 when Raven was 11 - I am posting the entire letter I wrote to the Durham PD when I first learned (2008)of janet's death on WS. I would swear under oath that everything in my letter is true. I am once again amazed how casual (testimony) Karyn is in mentioning Raven's cheating, etc. This is completely in character for her as (IMHO) one of the most dysfunctional mothers I have ever known and I have known many -here is the letter dated JUne 4, 2008:

To: Det. Shawn Pate June 4, 2008
Durham, NC police department, Homicide division
Re: Janet Abaroa homicide case, April 2005

To Whom It May Concern:

I have recently become aware of the tragic homicide in April of 2005 of Janet Marie Abaroa and that her husband was Raven Abaroa. Given the facts that the case is still under investigation and that I was once married to Raven’s mother, Karen Abaroa, while Raven was about 11 years old, I want to offer some Abaroa family background information regarding that time frame. I lived with Karen and her four children, Jacob, Raven, Derek and Shiloh for most of the year 1992, being married about the last 6 months. I was the primary financial support during that time, even helping Karen get off of the LDS church welfare system before we were married. Two of my own children also lived with us for various periods during that time.

Because of the violent nature of Janet’s death, I believe my observations of some of the behaviors of Karen and her children, including Raven specifically, as regards to how they expressed and dealt with feelings of anger could possibly be pertinent to the ongoing investigation. I want to also categorically state that I believe anyone accused or even merely suspected of any crime whatsoever should always be presumed absolutely innocent until legally proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

My first general observation was that, in my whole life, I have never known a set of children who exhibited such a variety of negative behaviors. I also have never known a set of children who received so little discipline and consequences from their mother for said behaviors. My main generality was that Karen and all her children, when angry at anyone, anywhere for any reason were at the very least, vocally loud and abusive and at the worst, physically abusive. I witnessed dozens of incidents between the Abaroa children when they were yelling extremely loudly and hitting each other. I also had personal knowledge of them fighting physically with my son who was about 15 at that time but small in stature for his age. If he was ever asked to make a statement of fact regarding the physical abuse of the Abaroa children he has assured me recently he could. I also had personal knowledge of at least one incident of Raven’s older brother Jacob angrily striking his mother Karen. However, Karen would not give him any significant consequences nor would she let me impose any ( I was the legal stepfather at the time). Only when I reported it to his father, Sherman Peters, was Jacob reprimanded and disciplined.

Of further significance was the fact that, on several occasions (at least 4) when Karen and I were arguing, she herself struck me physically in a violent, screaming manner (I never retaliated). These arguments were inevitably about my request for her to instill some system of discipline on her children for their bad behavior. I was not only concerned about how they expressed their anger but also the incredible number of times they (the boys primarily) misbehaved or were literally disruptive in their respective schools. It seems exaggerated, but I state categorically that it was an almost daily occurrence that one or other of the schools officials called or otherwise notified Karen that either Jacob, Raven or Derek had been fighting, talking disrespectfully to their teacher or had been noisily disruptive in their classroom. I also personally witnessed their many disruptive behaviors during our church meetings.

Also of relevance I believe was the documentable fact that the boys had all stolen money and property from Karen’s parents so many times that her parents put locks on every interior room and cabinet door in their house and absolutely would not let any of her children be alone in their house unless the parents themselves were home.
All the children, including Raven, seemed to me to be either bi-polar or had some sort of psychological syndrome for which I had no explanation or personal understanding. To my observation during the year I lived with Karen and her children , they all seemed to have two distinct personalities. They could behave in an intelligent, creative and genuinely humorous and charming manner, and then momentarily exhibit the aforementioned violent expressions of anger, both verbally and physically. It got the point with me that I became increasingly concerned about my own physical safety if I tried to control them and I began locking my bedroom door at night. Towards the end of our relationship, Jacob and Raven both stole money from me, and tellingly, Karen only got them to admit it and then simply returned the money to me. When I asked her what consequences she was going to impose on them she simply told me I got my money back and it was over.

It also became increasingly apparent to me that Karen was completely obsessed with keeping her children living with her and that she would inevitably discourage any discussion or movement towards any of them living with their father Sherman, whom they all seemed to like and respect at that time and who was the only person I knew in their life who would discipline them and whom they would respond to. I believe this unhealthy (in my view) obsession was at the root of her unwillingness to impose any real consequences for their increasingly negative behaviors.

My relationship with Raven specifically was a diochotomy. When he and I occasionally conversed one on one, he often spoke intelligently in a calm manner. I also remembered that he did relatively well in school. In relation to his older Jacob, Raven seemed significantly more mature and serious about studying and getting good grades. In this context, it initially surprised me how negative and violent on occasion he could be with very little apparent incitement. Unfortunately as time went on I discovered to my dismay that this polarized behavior was the norm for Karen and her children.

I can summarize my involvement with Karen and the Abaroa children as one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I entered into the relationship with totally altruistic goals , thinking I could provide a role model and help her develop her children along with my own. How wrong I was. While my own five children have grown up to be college graduates (three with honors, one at the top of his class) and all having accomplished careers, I was not prepared to deal with the incredibly dysfunctional personalities Karen was developing in her children and the general dysfunction of the entire Abaroa family, the specifics of which could fill a book. Suffice it to say that even though they were official Mormon church members in name, they were completely atypical of any other LDS family I have ever know before or since.

I will categorically state that I do not know who murdered Janet Abaroa. However, I can also state this tragic incident is within the parameters of potential possibilities I feared and foresaw based on my year of closely interacting with the Karen Abaroa family .

This letter is only intended for the use of the Durham,NC police department and the Christiansen family members of Janet Abaroa……………..

Michael James Whisler
MikeyJ3, thanks for posting that! I appreciate your unique perspective.
OMG, she's coming across as a total smart a$$. How do you act that way when your own son is on trial for murder? Dear Lord above, no wonder Raven is so messed up.

And she is raising Kaiden, right?! mmmpppfffff.
Mikeyj3 - thank you so much for sending that letter to Durham PD. I'm certain it helped in getting Raven arrested, and in building a case against him.

Thanks for sharing it with us, too! I'm so sorry for everything you endured at Karyn's hand (and the hand of her children)! I don't know who I blame more for this murder - Raven (who, IMO, committed it) or Karyn for raising him to commit it!
So this means that Raven never legally changed his name and poor Janet wasn't even legally married, her last name was a farce. I feel so badly for her and her family.

What about his marriage to Vanessa Pond? Were they legally married? Or would this make all their conversations fair game? Hmmmm.
I hope the jury understood that items were shipped to her house, the ones she's talking about as 'Christmas gifts' he got from his trunk. Yes, she was receiving stolen property. Good gravy, his own mother?


Well yeah, geevee, but this was for her son, Raven, doncha know? For Raven. :banghead:
Is it just me or did Karen's letter to Raven come off as almost...well not sure of the correct wording, saying he's god like but almost not the way a Mother would talk to or think of her son. It had undertones do you say sexuality to it, without saying sexuality.

My son listened to that testimony and said that it was disgusting!

With a bit of creepy mixed in... <shiver>

Thank you for sharing this information, and for your integrity. Based on all the facts gathered regarding Raven, Karyn and the "Abaroa" family as a whole, you were admirable in your attempts to help them, but most wise in your decision to get out. The details you provide show great insight as to how Karyn raised her children, and why they have turned out the way they have.

Again, thank you for sharing this with the Durham PD, and with us here at WS.

Take care,

I feel I must come forward on WS now as the trial is ngoing - I was married to Karyn for 6 months in 1992 when Raven was 11 - I am posting the entire letter I wrote to the Durham PD when I first learned (2008)of janet's death on WS. I would swear under oath that everything in my letter is true. I am once again amazed how casual (testimony) Karyn is in mentioning Raven's cheating, etc. This is completely in character for her as (IMHO) one of the most dysfunctional mothers I have ever known and I have known many -here is the letter dated JUne 4, 2008:

To: Det. Shawn Pate June 4, 2008
Durham, NC police department, Homicide division
Re: Janet Abaroa homicide case, April 2005

To Whom It May Concern:

I have recently become aware of the tragic homicide in April of 2005 of Janet Marie Abaroa and that her husband was Raven Abaroa. Given the facts that the case is still under investigation and that I was once married to Raven’s mother, Karen Abaroa, while Raven was about 11 years old, I want to offer some Abaroa family background information regarding that time frame. I lived with Karen and her four children, Jacob, Raven, Derek and Shiloh for most of the year 1992, being married about the last 6 months. I was the primary financial support during that time, even helping Karen get off of the LDS church welfare system before we were married. Two of my own children also lived with us for various periods during that time.

Because of the violent nature of Janet’s death, I believe my observations of some of the behaviors of Karen and her children, including Raven specifically, as regards to how they expressed and dealt with feelings of anger could possibly be pertinent to the ongoing investigation. I want to also categorically state that I believe anyone accused or even merely suspected of any crime whatsoever should always be presumed absolutely innocent until legally proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

My first general observation was that, in my whole life, I have never known a set of children who exhibited such a variety of negative behaviors. I also have never known a set of children who received so little discipline and consequences from their mother for said behaviors. My main generality was that Karen and all her children, when angry at anyone, anywhere for any reason were at the very least, vocally loud and abusive and at the worst, physically abusive. I witnessed dozens of incidents between the Abaroa children when they were yelling extremely loudly and hitting each other. I also had personal knowledge of them fighting physically with my son who was about 15 at that time but small in stature for his age. If he was ever asked to make a statement of fact regarding the physical abuse of the Abaroa children he has assured me recently he could. I also had personal knowledge of at least one incident of Raven’s older brother Jacob angrily striking his mother Karen. However, Karen would not give him any significant consequences nor would she let me impose any ( I was the legal stepfather at the time). Only when I reported it to his father, Sherman Peters, was Jacob reprimanded and disciplined.

Of further significance was the fact that, on several occasions (at least 4) when Karen and I were arguing, she herself struck me physically in a violent, screaming manner (I never retaliated). These arguments were inevitably about my request for her to instill some system of discipline on her children for their bad behavior. I was not only concerned about how they expressed their anger but also the incredible number of times they (the boys primarily) misbehaved or were literally disruptive in their respective schools. It seems exaggerated, but I state categorically that it was an almost daily occurrence that one or other of the schools officials called or otherwise notified Karen that either Jacob, Raven or Derek had been fighting, talking disrespectfully to their teacher or had been noisily disruptive in their classroom. I also personally witnessed their many disruptive behaviors during our church meetings.

Also of relevance I believe was the documentable fact that the boys had all stolen money and property from Karen’s parents so many times that her parents put locks on every interior room and cabinet door in their house and absolutely would not let any of her children be alone in their house unless the parents themselves were home.
All the children, including Raven, seemed to me to be either bi-polar or had some sort of psychological syndrome for which I had no explanation or personal understanding. To my observation during the year I lived with Karen and her children , they all seemed to have two distinct personalities. They could behave in an intelligent, creative and genuinely humorous and charming manner, and then momentarily exhibit the aforementioned violent expressions of anger, both verbally and physically. It got the point with me that I became increasingly concerned about my own physical safety if I tried to control them and I began locking my bedroom door at night. Towards the end of our relationship, Jacob and Raven both stole money from me, and tellingly, Karen only got them to admit it and then simply returned the money to me. When I asked her what consequences she was going to impose on them she simply told me I got my money back and it was over.

It also became increasingly apparent to me that Karen was completely obsessed with keeping her children living with her and that she would inevitably discourage any discussion or movement towards any of them living with their father Sherman, whom they all seemed to like and respect at that time and who was the only person I knew in their life who would discipline them and whom they would respond to. I believe this unhealthy (in my view) obsession was at the root of her unwillingness to impose any real consequences for their increasingly negative behaviors.

My relationship with Raven specifically was a diochotomy. When he and I occasionally conversed one on one, he often spoke intelligently in a calm manner. I also remembered that he did relatively well in school. In relation to his older Jacob, Raven seemed significantly more mature and serious about studying and getting good grades. In this context, it initially surprised me how negative and violent on occasion he could be with very little apparent incitement. Unfortunately as time went on I discovered to my dismay that this polarized behavior was the norm for Karen and her children.

I can summarize my involvement with Karen and the Abaroa children as one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I entered into the relationship with totally altruistic goals , thinking I could provide a role model and help her develop her children along with my own. How wrong I was. While my own five children have grown up to be college graduates (three with honors, one at the top of his class) and all having accomplished careers, I was not prepared to deal with the incredibly dysfunctional personalities Karen was developing in her children and the general dysfunction of the entire Abaroa family, the specifics of which could fill a book. Suffice it to say that even though they were official Mormon church members in name, they were completely atypical of any other LDS family I have ever know before or since.

I will categorically state that I do not know who murdered Janet Abaroa. However, I can also state this tragic incident is within the parameters of potential possibilities I feared and foresaw based on my year of closely interacting with the Karen Abaroa family .

This letter is only intended for the use of the Durham,NC police department and the Christiansen family members of Janet Abaroa……………..

Michael James Whisler
I feel I must come forward on WS now as the trial is ongoing - I was married to Karyn for 6 months in 1992 when Raven was 11

~~snipped by me

Michael James Whisler

I am completely gobsmacked. Mikeyj3, I can't tell you how much your posting that very personal part of your life here impresses me. We have struggled so hard over the years to bring to light that Raven may come across as personable and charming and a shining testimony to the LDS way of life when he wants to but that underneath all of that there is another side of him that is most assuredly dangerous and violent. There has been tons of speculation about how a child grows up to be that way all over WS, in every case here almost. Thank you for a glimpse into Raven's childhood and confirming what most of us already suspected. I think it took real courage to post this. I can only imagine the wrath of Karyn when she hears about this posting.

May you find Love, Laughter & Sunshine in your life.


Please let us pray that the PT in this case can tie all this picture of him together in their closing arguments and show the jury what a danger Raven is to society. I've grown a lot over the years and my initial fury and passion has turned to a simple hope that Raven is found guilty, which imo he is, and that he's locked away for the rest of his life. Janet should be here, raising her children, without the fear of Raven and his tortured mind, body and soul.


"Godlike".... no Karyn, your son is not capable of that. He's a sick and ruined man. He's a serial abuser of women, you KNOW more about that than we do.... YOU know that you know.... and WE know that you know. It's none of my business how you choose to live your life, Karyn, may you find peace and comfort somewhere. If your son Raven is set free to walk the streets again in his life, anyone, especially women that come within his reach are going to be in danger. Serious danger, because he's already killed once, abused several, and preyed on so many. I am sorry for you, I bet this is very very hard to take in, but you need to think about the victimS in all of this. Not just Janet and baby Christiansen, but Kaiden, all of the Christiansens, all of the other women who have been hurt, the other children out there somewhere that share his DNA (wherever they are today) and yes, even the rest of your own family.


I hope the jury understood that items were shipped to her house, the ones she's talking about as 'Christmas gifts' he got from his trunk. Yes, she was receiving stolen property. Good gravy, his own mother?
..... and, per testimony yesterday, right after getting to Utah for Xmas, he made a deposit in his credit union bank account. Did momma give them some Xmas money? Or did he quietly sell some of that inventory he had stashed there? One has to wonder.
It's a stretch indeed just to get those records in. I think the bank records are hilarious. Are they trying to show that Raven had income coming in at the time? Of course he had income coming in still, he still had the stolen goods and was still selling them on Ebay, but his regular job was over.

We all heard that Raven's boss from Tech Skills stated that Raven was going to be jobless at the end of the month. She testified that Karen called just to say that Raven wasn't going to be in because his wife committed suicide. Karen doesn't even remember what day it was, but the boss testified it was early am on the 27th. Then Karen seemed to have this imaginary conversation with the woman about Raven bringing in a few more customers and Raven's boss said oh that will put him OVER the quota. Really Karen, really? She saw the testimony didn't she, and she still lied.

So many times during her testimony she said Janet and Raven did something. Janet couldn't stand Karen. She would never ask Karen to lie about anything. Her big fear was that Raven and Karen would get Kaiden. She knew this woman was fake and that Raven had this love/hate relationship with her. She was domineering "not in my household" and she was controlling and Janet could only handle one of those types in her life.

I am willing to bet that DT didn't want her on the stand, but they probably had no choice, because Karen don't let anyone tell her what to do. Karen is one of those people that doesn't have any qualms about getting up on a stand, putting her hand on a bible and lying. She does what she needs to do to get to the end result, so much like her son.

People get on the stand and lie, we seen in with Jennifer Walker, we saw it many times, Jason Young, Cindy Anthony and rarely in cases like this do you see anything come of it. Rarely will someone go after a wit for perjury, but it's still satisfying to me to be able to witness it first hand and know the truth.

I think Karyn Abaroa Bolton was dressed rather conservatively compared to how she normally dresses and I'm sure she made her family proud to see that.

When Charlene asked her point blank if she helped Raven steal from Eurosports her come back made me shiver....

Karyn....."You wanna say that again?" Sounded like a direct threat!
This picture just says it all. Karyn shooting death rays at what looks to be Raven and/or DT. Jim trying to say something to her. Derek and Shiloh look like they know it's over and Summer looks like she cannot believe she is lumped in with these people.

If this situation wasn't so sad and tragic, the picture would almost be comical. Like a family of no-good bandits in the Old Wild West that had terrorized settlers and broken the law for years. The Abaroa-Bolton Bandits just got caught by a no bull-***** sheriff. And the no-good bandits know the gig is up.


Moxie, I am so happy that you brought this moment up and posted the scree grab. I watched the last few seconds of that video over about a dozen times last night. Jim wasn't about to say something, imo, his glances at KarYn were timid and submissive. He looked to me like he could feel the rage coming off of her. Also, check out the smirk on Foxley's face sitting behind them.... KarYn gave Charlene a FU look on the way to her seat and Foxley seemed to thoroughly enjoy it. (Just my take on the video)

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