NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #10

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I also wonder if SM gave Zahra drugs.
Did Zahra's lung cancer start spreading?
Did it hit into her brain?
Parents never took her to a doctor.
Zahra was crying in pain so SM dosed her up so
SM wouldn't have to BOTHER with Zahra???
Could Zahra have had a bad abcess on her nub from bad
fitting leg?

Here's what's bugging me...besides the obvious of course...the cell phone pic taken by someone that supposedly showed Zahra with a black eye, which was supposedly explained away as from chemo. She also is wearing a bandana. Weren't her chemo treatments completed in Aus? I think in 2007 and I believe the pic was from 2008? I can't find it in all these threads. Also, who exactly took it?
So, did anyone ever figure out who was the primary driver of the Tahoe???

Not that I know of wondergirl but I could have missed it.

As an aside I wish that we could have also seen the photos that were taken on that search warrant. JMHO
Investigators Back Searching Home Where Zahra Went Missing

Channel 9’s Dave Faherty was able to speak with him.

Faherty learned that Baker is at the home because he gave police consent to search the home and the property around the home again on Friday.

Faherty said two K-9 units were seen at the home searching behind the house in wood piles.

The dog teams also separately entered the home to search for any clues in the case. Faherty learned that these are two new K-9 units that have not been used in the investigation up to this point.

Faherty was able to confirm with one of the handlers that the dogs did not hit on anything outside the house but when asked if they hit on anything inside the house the handler said “I can’t answer that question. You are going to have to talk to police.”
HLN just reporting about LE searching the home and taking the bed.
same stuff we already know, NG video again
Mr. Coffey drives a BMW. Apparently that's why genius EB thought he'd have $1,000,000 for ransom. Because you know, everyone who drives a BMW has $1Mil laying around. :)

I'm curious about the Impala, too.

Hickory Daily Record article says this about AB's visit to the house today:

"He got into a white Chevy Impala, in which he arrived at the house with an unidentified person."

Could be a different Impala, but I believe search warrant mentioned a white impala.
Was Zahra here legally???
Just wondering about a child brought in with a father if the marriage is not valid here.
Could that be kidnapping also?
I have no idea about citizenship.
My grandma is the only one that I ever knew that took tests to be a citizen and she was an adult.

We would have to know what type of Visa Adam has, or if indeed he is still a Australian citizen and did not change his citizenship status to US. (His marriage date possibly would not have any influence on that because he could have begun the process prior to marriage...etc).

ETA: There are Visa's that allow a minor child to travel with parent. This is a very complicated questions PF sorry I can't be of more help.
Oh NOW he'll move back to Australia?!?! Where was this attitude while your daughter was being tortured for months, possibly years, and then killed, huh, Mr. AB?

Oh I am FUMING. I cannot BELIEVE he said that.

shows PROOF of a flight risk to me!!!!
Arrest this guy already on abuse!!!!
He is gonna run as soon as he gets money!!!!!
Checking parents' police records should be a routine part of initial DSS investigations. And when the check turns up a bunch of pending criminal charges and outstanding arrest warrants, the criteria for removing the child -- at least temporarily, to a location where the child can relax, get enough sleep and food, and have a chance to feel safe opening up to social workers -- should be much, MUCH lower.

No, we certainly don't want DSS workers empowered to snatch children out of homes based only on their gut feelings which may be driven by their personal biases. But there was plenty of concrete evidence of serious trouble here. In addition to the pending charges and arrest warrants, there's not a snowball's chance in hell that EB could have passed a drug test.

Just to play devils advocate here, the charges were for bad checks and claims made by the Brittany the subject of great creditability issues.

They had not been found guilty of any of these charges.

It would have worked in this case to use alleged charges to remove a child, but it is pretty sweeping power to have children pulled from a home because someone is accused of a crime and someone follows it up with a call to CPS.

In the microscope focus of this case it seems like a good idea, but I think when you step back from it and look at it from a wide angle it is not a standard you want set.
Darlin_gal, do you think that they didn't take that one into custody like the others? Perhaps there weren't any alerts on it? What do you think? TIA

Not sure what to think. I am wondering 1.) Why it wasn't mentioned anyplace else in the nine pages and 2.) Why wasn't it mentioned in the probable cause statement for the warrant?

It's just bugging the heck out of me.

Unless they got a separate probable cause warrant for it and it's sealed for some reason? But that wouldn't make sense why it's listed on the evidence sheet with the other two. Unless it was listed by accident and belonged to someone else?

I don't know.
Looks like a twin sized mattress here being removed. Just posted for future reference.


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Just to play devils advocate here, the charges were for bad checks and claims made by the Brittany the subject of great creditability issues.

They had not been found guilty of any of these charges.

It would have worked in this case to use alleged charges to remove a child, but it is pretty sweeping power to have children pulled from a home because someone is accused of a crime and someone follows it up with a call to CPS.

In the microscope focus of this case it seems like a good idea, but I think when you step back from it and look at it from a wide angle it is not a standard you want set.

I agree. they are arrests and allegations right now.

The article from earlier today said they could find no convictions in NC for Elisa.
shows PROOF of a flight risk to me!!!!
Arrest this guy already on abuse!!!!
He is gonna run as soon as he gets money!!!!!

He has no passport.
He has no money.
He has the focus of the police and FBI.
He has a warrant to arrest him looming in the shadows at any moment.
He is not going anywhere.

If they arrest him he stops talking just like SM and the slim hope of finding her becomes even smaller.
I also wonder if SM gave Zahra drugs.
Did Zahra's lung cancer start spreading?
Did it hit into her brain?
Parents never took her to a doctor.
Zahra was crying in pain so SM dosed her up so
SM wouldn't have to BOTHER with Zahra???
Could Zahra have had a bad abcess on her nub from bad
fitting leg?

I'm thinking along these lines too...

and the stomach flu could actually be from taking powerful pain medication on an empty stomach, if she was not eating...
Given the SM was possibly dealing in pills and such, and giving her 5 minutes to eat, I could believe this...
I wonder if vomit was found on or near the bed too...
Hickory Daily Record article says this about AB's visit to the house today:

"He got into a white Chevy Impala, in which he arrived at the house with an unidentified person."

Could be a different Impala, but I believe search warrant mentioned a white impala.

Of course I do not know if this is the case or not but many state workers and LE around here drive impalas.
Hickory Daily Record article says this about AB's visit to the house today:

"He got into a white Chevy Impala, in which he arrived at the house with an unidentified person."

Could be a different Impala, but I believe search warrant mentioned a white impala.

Nice find. Some of our police drive white unmarked Impalas though.
Was Zahra here legally???
Just wondering about a child brought in with a father if the marriage is not valid here.
Could that be kidnapping also?
I have no idea about citizenship.
My grandma is the only one that I ever knew that took tests to be a citizen and she was an adult.

why would the marriage not be valid? Did I miss something this morning?
Oh NOW he'll move back to Australia?!?! Where was this attitude while your daughter was being tortured for months, possibly years, and then killed, huh, Mr. AB?

Oh I am FUMING. I cannot BELIEVE he said that.

And did you notice how he said "if the girl wants to go". THE GIRL? How disconnected can one be? What, he can't say "my daughter" -- is that because he wants to distance himself away from her emotionally?

It just really irks me when parents refer to their children as "the kid", or "boy/girl". Children have names, and missing ones (especially) deserve a little more respect.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Investigators Back Searching Home Where Zahra Went Missing

Channel 9’s Dave Faherty was able to speak with him.

Faherty learned that Baker is at the home because he gave police consent to search the home and the property around the home again on Friday.

Faherty said two K-9 units were seen at the home searching behind the house in wood piles.

The dog teams also separately entered the home to search for any clues in the case. Faherty learned that these are two new K-9 units that have not been used in the investigation up to this point.

Faherty was able to confirm with one of the handlers that the dogs did not hit on anything outside the house but when asked if they hit on anything inside the house the handler said “I can’t answer that question. You are going to have to talk to police.”

Sounds as if LE has concerns about the validity of the hits made by the dogs during the car, mulch etc. visit.

Is anyone alse struck by how the dogs seem to have hit pretty much everywhere? two vhicles, mulch/fire area, job site - two chippers etc.

I wonder if they are retracing their steps using different dogs and handlers and having the dogs do the searches blind - as in seperately, so there can be no mistaking the meaning if two dogs hit on same things inside the home at two separate run throughs. KWIM?

I hope I am mistaken but this reads to me as if LE now has doubts about the veracity of the original dog "hits"
Checking parents' police records should be a routine part of initial DSS investigations. And when the check turns up a bunch of pending criminal charges and outstanding arrest warrants, the criteria for removing the child -- at least temporarily, to a location where the child can relax, get enough sleep and food, and have a chance to feel safe opening up to social workers -- should be much, MUCH lower.

No, we certainly don't want DSS workers empowered to snatch children out of homes based only on their gut feelings which may be driven by their personal biases. But there was plenty of concrete evidence of serious trouble here. In addition to the pending charges and arrest warrants, there's not a snowball's chance in hell that EB could have passed a drug test.

BBM Does DSS have the right to go up to joe blow and say heres a cup we want a drug test without a court order?
Sorry if this is a stupid question but I honestly dont know the answer.

Heck I just figured out what BBM means without going to the abriviation page.
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