NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #11

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Map showing what is where in relation to history and the disappearance of Zahra - it would seem to me that SM would know the area of Sawmills and Granite Falls very well as that is the area where she has lived most of her life:


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Here is a short video about high frequency hearing loss - the person has difficulty understanding what is being said...

"Mr. Coffey, you like being in control who is in control now we have your daughter and your pot smoking red head son is next unless you do what is asked 1,000,000 unmarked will be in touch soon [sic]," read handwriting on the note, according to the warrant.

"No cops" was also written twice on the note.

Pot smoking red head son.

Why mention the pot, why mention the red hair? Sounds like she had a grudge against Mr Coffey.
According to Caldwell County school officials, Zahra attended Hudson Elementary School at the end of her 3rd grade year, in 2009.

She began 4th grade in August 2009 at Granite Falls Elementary School and stayed there until March 9, 2010. At that point, she was pulled from Granite Falls and placed back at Hudson Elementary School. Authorities believe Hudson Elementary is the last school that Zahra attended.

A source told NewsChannel 36 that the staff at Hudson did see signs of trouble in Zahra’s life and even visited her home

As far as I can find-there are no school records before March 2009 at Hudson Ele. School.

Family moved around alot, what to avoid social services, hmmm. Love to be able to see what was documented by social services.
According to Caldwell County school officials, Zahra attended Hudson Elementary School at the end of her 3rd grade year, in 2009.

She began 4th grade in August 2009 at Granite Falls Elementary School and stayed there until March 9, 2010. At that point, she was pulled from Granite Falls and placed back at Hudson Elementary School. Authorities believe Hudson Elementary is the last school that Zahra attended.

A source told NewsChannel 36 that the staff at Hudson did see signs of trouble in Zahra’s life and even visited her home

As far as I can find-there are no school records before March 2009 at Hudson Ele. School.
Thank you. If you see Zahra was attending school from Aug 09 until Mar 09. They lived in the "attic" apt from July 09 to Nov 09 and yet this woman is adamant that she never saw Zahra. So how was it that Zahra was attending public school - going in and out of the apt to go to and from school and this woman never saw her?

When I said attendance record - I meant that absentee report. How often was Zahar going to school - was it fairly regular or very sporadic? Especially during this "attic" apt time?

It all just doesn't add up at all. We keep getting conflicting stories.
This attic story is really bothering the crap out of me....

I feel that this couple is out for their 15 minutes of fame... Shame on them...

How did he get up in that attic...??? I couldn't see because there are too many banners on the show..!! I think Jane hit it on the head... How did she get up there..??? and under her circumstances..??
Did Zahra decide to expand her living quarters by cutting a hole in the fire wall that connects to the managers apartment..?? ((sarcasism))
Like I said before... Until my DH took a job as maintance at an apartment building, and a thief fell through someone else's ceiling, I would have never known about this new technique that thieves are doing...
I wish Jane would have asked them how many times they have ENTERED the apartment while the family was living there...!!
If Zahra was living up there, surely there would be some sign of that.... Kids are clumbsy..they drop food, and spill drinks.. any evidence of that...!!!!!!! NO, just scuff marks and a board and a ripped out firewall.... hmmmmmm...............

Sorry to rant...but I think these people are trying to make a buck.... Apartment owners are aware of this new technique of thieves... and geeze..this just happens to fit someone in jail right now... pleeeze...

Giving myself a time out...;)
Pot smoking red head son.

Why mention the pot, why mention the red hair? Sounds like she had a grudge against Mr Coffey.

Prolly made her husband work late which cut into her drug posse time. :angel:
Pot smoking red head son.

Why mention the pot, why mention the red hair? Sounds like she had a grudge against Mr Coffey.

I think EB was embellishing to make it more believable. Kinda like KC Anthony did with her lies. In a way this ransom note is similar to KC's Zanny the Nanny. EB was trying to set up a phantom kidnapper-but she messed up and things didn't play out like she wanted them to. IMO
Yes, IKWYM. This case can shock you into silence, you know?

Hard to believe we tread on the same planet as people who are capable of committing a crime such as this. It makes me sick to my stomach, almost literally.

Sad..... some of these cases are so bad I have to turn away from them, they break my heart. Give me bad dreams, and weigh heavy on me.

And, Welcome! what took you so long? We have been waiting for you to join!

What took me so long? You guys are so good, everytime I have some input, the next person says my thoughts :crazy:

And with every case, I wish I could have adopted some of these kids. And today, i worked up enough courage to report a neighbor. And we can all thank Zahra for me doing that. And like I know a lot of us feel, I wish I could just take those kids and love them as my own..... Why can't people understand that no matter how poor, sad, whatever your own life is, children can brighten it????? Look into a childs eyes, and your own worries can disapear.

Im not sure I believe she was living in the attic... It is possible, but I really think they were hiding things up there.... And it wasn't her.... Drugs? probably

I just hope I wake up tomorrow and know she is found. She deserves peace and justice.
Map showing what is where in relation to history and the disappearance of Zahra - it would seem to me that SM would know the area of Sawmills and Granite Falls very well as that is the area where she has lived most of her life:

That map is awesome for those of us not in the US, thank you.
I dunno... I could believe that they landlords kicked them out for violence.
You know... I post a helluva lot less since the "thanks" button came along. Cause, several people will have my thoughts and I just thank them... pledging my allegiance. I also thank people for links and pics and opposing views that make me go HMMMM. Okay, I abuse the "thanks" button. LOL
husband said sheet rock was lying flat-is that where husb-manager saw t footprints?

I wonder how big the footprints were?

Also at camp our parkmodel trailer has a loft (carpeted and mattresses)
and for 10 years all the grandchildren love to sleep, play etc up there.
At the highest point probably 4 feet x 10' wide by 20' long

I wouldn't put it past those idiots to make her stay in that awful space.
Was it a 1 bedroom apt????? That would say allot!!
I'm coming out of lurking for poor Zahra. This case makes me so sad and makes me want to hug my kids even tighter!

Anyway, the dad said he didn't get home from work until 11:30? Who does landscaping that late? I mean, I can see until at the latest 9pm, but 11:30pm? How can you landscape in the dark?

I don't believe that the dad knows about where Zarha is, but he has to know that his "wife" is guilty. I think that she put the ransom note in the SUV and lit the fire, called the fire department hoping that they would find the note and ask to check on Zahra and she would have been missing. What I do wonder though is who found the note in the car? Was is the firemen? Did EB point it out? Anyone know?

Dad looks a little dense, like a "slow" normal almost. When a reporter asks him if he thinks his wife could be responsible, he casually kind of shrugs.


Where was the dad and what was he doing that when was gone late at night supposedly landscaping, and didn't the step"mother" wonder WTH he was?
Or was she so busy torturing that poor little girl that she didn't really care?

I know its not my place to judge but I want to SHAKE those relatives that had Zarah on the weekends (that KNEW she was being abused and report that she cried and fought and hid when it was time for them to take her home) They claim they reported it but don;t know if anything was done. WHAT? DON'T KNOW?????WHY THE HE77 DIDN'T THEY DEMAND SOMETHING BE DONE TO HELP THIS LITTLE GIRL? It just infuriates me that some people knew all was not right and didn't save this kid before something tragic happened to her. Maybe they should pass a law to make it mandatory to report for suspected child abuse. Would that make a difference, or would it just flood the system and make it harder to keep up with and/or investigate the true cases of child abuse? It makes my head spin.

I am going up to see 4 of my 5 grandkids tomorrow, I know I will hug them ALL a little tighter.
OMG, one of my best friends is from Cleveland!!! You are a long long way from me but I would gladly pick you up!!!!!

I am in NW Tn.

That is wild you know about Cleveland, TN. Not many people do.

Sadly one of THE things Cleveland is known for is one of the first child abuse cases (the torture/murder of Melisha Gibson by her step-father and mother) to bring child abuse to light.

I was only 8 at the time, but remember it like it was yesterday. They tortured her, made her drink tobasco sauce, etc. It was horrible.

However, about a year before that, they lived in the apt. behind me & it was a summer night so we had our bedroom window open, which faced hers, and I remember not being able to sleep because I kept hearing a little girl crying.

My mother told me not to worry, she was just probably crying not wanting to go to sleep.

We were wrong. The next morning, police were there and the parents were arrested for "burning her with cigarettes".

Melisha was then placed into foster care while they served an 11 month 29 day sentence in jail. As soon as they got out, she was given back to them.

Within only several months, they killed her.

Like I said, it seems like yesterday. I guess that is why I get so caught up in these cases.

Sorry I went O/T there. Even though it was horrible and tragic, I think some good did come out of it. But, apparently not enough.

Just when you think you have heard the worst, something else comes along.
Did he say "child's" footprints? Because you could tell if they were a childs.

No mention of footprint size. JC gave height of attic. Can't picture EB crawling around the attic to retrieve her stash before she moved. No need to remove the door.

The manager and owner obviously knew the condition of the rental prior to their move-in. During the walk-through, it was noted that the closet door had been removed. Better to leave her stash in the attic behind the closet door (entrance to the attic). IMO, she slept in the attic.
I don't know how I missed seeing this interview but I did. Whoever posted it thank you, I'm sorry I would quote you but can't find your original post.

The part where AB can't remember what day Zahra went missing and he stumbles around and figures out the day then gives a little laugh ----OMG. Now that is disturbing, no wonder the police don't think he's sincere.
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