NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #17

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If you have any information regarding this abduction, call the Hickory Police Department immediately at (828) 328-5551, (828) 328-5551 or call 911 or *HP.

[ame=]Zahra Baker timeline and media links only[/ame]

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Regarding social networks
Regarding facebook,twitter, and myspace you can link but do not cut and paste. But the goal is to really only link to those that are directly linked to a case.
IOW, we don't want to post to someone's mother, brother, employer, milkman , or postal carrier just because they know the main player. It just gets too invasive and half the time we are not even sure it is the right person. When a post starts out, I found 5 people with this name do you you think any of these are [insert person here]? that is not a good thing.
It will often be up to mod discretion as to who can and cannot be linked, but the general rule of thumb is if they are named in the media specifically as having some role or are being questioned or have information then you are probably safe to link. No screen caps and no cutting and pasting. If a social media is set to private and you get in the back way and post what you see, that is not a good thing!Private means private.
Just imagine if is you if you cannot decide and you shoulod be able to figure out if it is ok.
You are free to discuss what you may come upon,but if it is just a lot of gossip and rumor it won't fly. People open facebook accounts and post whatever they want and to carry that as some sort of inside info is careless. but, sometimes there is really valuable information that may even come into evidence as in the Caylee Anthony case.So, if you know for a fact it is the right person and they are named outright in the msm as someone linked to the case it should be fine. IF IT IS A MINOR DON"T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!!
If something was posted as public and then removed you might be able to post it, it is up to the mod of the forum and it depends on who, what, when and where.
The mods are listed at the bottom right of the forum under the index, they can generally help. If not, they will ask admin for guidance and we will all decide what is best.
Generally we try not to invade everyone's privacy and if the linked information has no bearing on anything, then leave it out.
We moderate here. Some people love it and some people hate it. Up to you to stay or go, choice is yours. Complaining about our rules doesn't help. if you have a suggestion or think of a better way, bring it on! We are far from perfect and welcome your input as long as it is civil and basically polite.
"I don't know if they set a fire in the yard to distract us to go out and then they snuck in the door, or, I don't know"

wow, this sounds off, yeah, they set a fire that would bring LE and distract everyone while thedey snuck inside and sprited Z away. Likely scenerio.
"My daughter is, I think, coming into puberty and she's hitting that broody stage. We only see her, she only comes up, when she wants something."

she only comes UP when she wants something? Wonder if that means her room is in the basement or is this a figure of speech?


my comments in green
Can someone help me with who is who in this family, is there a link to a family tree? I am going to put a chart together mapping all the relationships (if I can work it out) and post, but need good info first!
I think I'm gonna step away and watch a feel-good Swedish flick or something before turning in. Night everyone. :grouphug:

May tomorrow be the day sweet little Zahra comes home. :rose:
Can someone help me with who is who in this family, is there a link to a family tree? I am going to put a chart together mapping all the relationships (if I can work it out) and post, but need good info first!

Sure can. :)
I think I'm gonna step away and watch a feel-good Swedish flick or something before turning in. Night everyone. :grouphug:

May tomorrow be the day sweet little Zahra comes home. :rose:
I also am going to say goodnight and again pray that LE finds Zahra. :prayer: :rose:
Can someone help me with who is who in this family, is there a link to a family tree? I am going to put a chart together mapping all the relationships (if I can work it out) and post, but need good info first!

See now that's a good idea, ty for offering to take that on. I want to be that sort of member when I grow up, lol. Unfortunately, while I admire the folks who put that sort of thing together for all of us so that we don't have to, I don't think I'm there yet ;)
Ok I SWEAR I read somewhere that the bio mom was heading to the US but I cannot, with the sheer number of news articles out there, find it. I saw it either around lunch or before lunch through a "north carolina news" search on google. I can't find anything from that long ago because the number of newer articles have bumped them all back.

Did anyone else see this? I remember thinking "I should save this". lol

Well I guess we will find out in the next few days or so.
I don't think you are mistaken, I thought I saw that too very early on within the first three days of investigation if I remember.
I have not heard if LE has asked AB to take a lie detector test yet. Has anyone read about it - anywhere?
See now that's a good idea, ty for offering to take that on. I want to be that sort of member when I grow up, lol. Unfortunately, while I admire the folks who put that sort of thing together for all of us so that we don't have to, I don't think I'm there yet ;)

I must agree with this. So many times someone has posted still pics of videos and transcribes things for those of us with dial up and keeping timelines up to date. I for one appriciate this more than I can put in words.THANKS
Doesn't that put the timeline at the last witness to see Zahra (furniture store lady) on 25 SEP?

I'm not positive but I think so. What about the people that saw AB & EB (but no Zahra) in the mobile home park as well..
On the 911 call, I wondered when Adam mentioned that Zahra was entering puberty, if he was setting something up to explain blood on her mattress. I pray that's not why they took the mattress.
Thank you breathe, I was thinking it but wasn't sure about sharing because I wasn't sure I was ready for that conversation yet.

ETA Still feeling a bit foolish about the way we all sort of jumped on the wood chipper thing because of the dog hits and we ran and ran and ran with it in very clinical yet somehow gory detail (me included).

We fooled around with that nonsense to the exclusion of pursuing other ideas. I am being a bit more cautious about my whatifs.

But yes, it could be a shabby attempt at explaining blood. I would have thought that LE would have searched her room right away when reported missing - to see if there were any clues, diaries, evidence of intruder, etc. Surely if there were a mess that was cleaned up to the point of not being noticable to LE, then I wouldn't have thought AB would have the forethought of the bed-seizure in the later search warrant to lay the groundwork for this lie in the initial 911 call. Everything else AB and EB has done or is reported to have done does not point to alot of inteligence between the two of them. That is not to say I think AB is "challenged" mentally or autistic, just not the brightest bulb IYKWIM - MOO
Full transcript of the 911 call to state Zahra was missing, plus full audio here. Probably old news, but since in a new thread, worth reposting.

Playing around here. Means nothing but I found it interesting.

When I took out all the personal identifiers, and both my daughter is missing statments and a couple of statments about Zahra in particular (leg, etc) here is what we get:

snipped not completely by me from anyoldtime's link:

ADAM BAKER: The police were out here last night. They found a ransom note for my bosses daughter… um… I got up a little while ago… and it appears they took my daughter instead of my bosses daughter.(snip)Ummm. We checked in there last night about 2:30 and she was there... and all this happened last night around 5 I don't know if they set a fire in the yard to distract us to go out and then they snuck in the door... or.. I don't know.(snip)OK. Last night...we woke up.. my dog woke me up and I had a fire in the back yard and somebody had poured gas in my company vehicle I drive to work. They left a ransom note on my company vehicle to my boss saying they had his daughter and his son was next.And his daughter is fine. His daughter came with him last night when I called him. And uh, It appears they may have taken my daughter instead of his daughter. (snip) No.. like I said we, uh, had all that drama last night and we... me and my wife went back to bed. And my daughter is I think's coming into puberty.. cause she is hitting that brooding stage (laughter) so we only see her when she comes out when she wants something. And that's about it.(snip)Like I said it was it was all addressed to him and it was all taken out on him and.. I guess.. they thought he lived in this house...(snip) Um... I have just spoken to him and he umm told me to do... and he's going to be here shortly....(snip)Umm.. we had an officer out here last night and he ran through who he thought it may have been like an ex-employee or something..

Okay let's look at how much information that AB gives that is directly about Zahra his missing child:

Snipped from same source as above:

Ah.. yeah my daughter is missing.
My daughter is missing.
She is 10. She's handicapped.. she has a prosthetic leg… so that
We checked in there last night about 2:30 and she was there
And my daughter is I think's coming into puberty.. cause she is hitting that brooding stage (laughter) so we only see her when she comes out when she wants something. And that's about it.
Yes, she has a prosthetic leg that they apparently have taken with them

In all fairness he makes other references to Zahra in explanations of other details and those are clipped in the first section.

There we have it. I also noted and bolded something I did not notice until I had seperated his dialogue. WE. He said "we checked in there last night"

Slip of the last time he actually did see Zahra? JMHO.

Makes me very tired, feel very old, and very sad for Zahra. JMHO.
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